SPOTLIGHT ON CENERENTOLA CELEBRATE CENERENTOLA Friends' Forum – at the St James! Friends' Night Backstage tour & Meet the cast Your opportunity to be enchanted! Gain insight into this scintillating production, while being charmed by its music. With canapés and refreshments provided, this is your chance to socialise and build excitement for the first opera of 2015. WHEN Rejoice in “Goodness triumphant” at the Friends’ Night soirée! Learn production secrets on the tour, then celebrate the season’s success with cast & crew in the Green Room. WHEN Wednesday 29 April, 2015 Tuesday 12 May, 2015 TIME 5:30 to 7:30 pm TIME Directly following the 6:00pm performance MEET St James Theatre foyer from 5:15 pm MEET Friends' Desk, St James Theatre foyer TICKETS Friends ($30)/Guests ($35)/30 & under ($20) TICKETS Friends ($35)/Guests ($40)/30 & under ($20) BOOKINGS Julie Bird 0800 696 737 BOOKINGS ENQUIRIES Rosalie Thurston (04) 479-7623 ENQUIRIES Rosalie Thurston (04) 479-7623 or Elaine Moffat (04) 577-3720 or Elaine Moffat (04) 577-3720 or Judith Day (04) 473-4736 or Judith Day (04) 473-4736 WELLINGTON FRIENDS OF THE OPERA invite you to attend the BOOKING FORM events for La cenerentola. Please RSVP by Friday 17 April, 2015. Name..................................................................................................................... MAIL New Zealand Opera, PO Box 6478, Wellesley Street, Address.................................................................................................................. Auckland 1141. Attn: NZO Office .............................................................................................................................. 0800 NZOPERA (696 737) .............................................................................................................................. (04) 499 8353 Phone (daytime).................................................................................................... PHONE FAX [email protected] DISCOVER MORE * Forum @ $30 ......... @ $35 ......... @ $20 ......... * Friends Night @ $35 ......... @ $40 ......... @ $20 ......... Julie Bird 0800 696 737 I enclose a cheque for $................................made payable to New Zealand Opera Limited. Post to Wellington Friends of the Opera, c/o P.O. Box 6478, Wellesley Street, Auckland 1141. Attn: NZO Box Office. OR Please charge my credit card: VISA MASTERCARD AMEX Card Number..................................................................................... Card Name........................................................................................ Signature........................................................................................... Expiry Date...................................Amount $..................................... OR Internet banking, Account 03-0252-0530542-08 Please indicate the event/s you wish to attend (29 April / 12 May) Your name: eg. AJ Bloggs..................................................................
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