Stallholder Expression of Interest We love new stalls! Thank you for your interest in the Old Bus Depot Markets and we hope you will soon be a part of our vibrant community. The spirit of our Market promotes locally produced handcrafted products – we are always looking for high quality, unique and inspired handcrafted products with top notch packaging and displays. The current 2015 stall fee for a 3 x 3m casual space is $90 from January – October. Christmas rates apply for November and December. Additional fees apply to double stalls, corner and powered sites. Show us your best - let’s see your creativity and tell us how you will be a great inclusion to ‘’Canberra’s Sunday Best”! Please note any fields marked as required are compulsory for your application to be processed. Stallholder details Stallholder name (required): __________________________________________________________________________ Business name (required): ____________________________________________________________________________ Business partner if applicable: ________________________________________________________________________ Mailing address (required): ___________________________________________________________________________ Phone (BH) (required): _______________________________________________________________________________ Phone (AH) (required): ______________________________________________________________________________ Mobile (required): __________________________________________________________________________________ Email (required): ___________________________________________________________________________________ Website: __________________________________________________________________________________________ Stall/Business Social Media Links. e.g. Facebook, Twitter or a blog: __________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Provide any relevant information regarding Stallholder Details: Page 1 of 5 Correct as at 19/04/2015 Stallholder Expression of Interest Product category Please tick your stall type (required): □ □ Handcrafted products (must be Australian made) □ Antiques/Collectables/Vintage stall (high quality collections only please) (4th Sunday of the month only) □ □ □ Take-home food/drink (no vacancies available for eat-in food or coffee stalls) Multicultural stall (must be handcrafted in country of origin and reflect national culture) (1st Sunday of the month only) Fresh fruits/vegetables Other – i.e. community-based stalls Provide any relevant information regarding your stall type: For handcrafted stalls only, tick which category best describes your product: □ Jewellery □ Homewares □ Outdoor/Garden/Plants □ Wool/fibre/textiles □ Fashion (women/men/accessories) □ Kids (clothing/toys/décor/accessories ) □ Artwork/photography/sculpture □ Furniture/woodcraft □ Skincare □ Cards/papercraft □ Other: ______________________________________________________________ Provide any relevant information regarding your handcrafted stall: Page 2 of 5 Correct as at 19/04/2015 Stallholder Expression of Interest Is this product (required): □ Wholly handcrafted □ Partially handcrafted by yourself □ Handcrafted by another person □ NA - fresh fruits/vegetables □ Antiques/Collectables/Vintage stall - collections only NA - high quality antiques/collectables/vintage stall (4th Sunday of the month only) Please provide details of the product/s: Product details Provide a brief description of your stall. You must include photographs (less than2MB on a CD please), promotional material or website link to illustrate: List your product range and a brief description of items you wish to showcase (required): Page 3 of 5 Correct as at 19/04/2015 Stallholder Expression of Interest List any other markets, festivals or events you have participated in (include photographs if appropriate): Please detail any other information which strengthens your application: How frequently would you see yourself participating at the Old Bus Depot Markets should you be successful with your application? How did you hear about Old Bus Depot Markets: Page 4 of 5 Correct as at 19/04/2015 Stallholder Expression of Interest Please include sample images of your products or promotional material (e.g. brochure) when you submit your application (required). Declaration □ I declare all above information is true and correct. □ I understand that acceptance of this application is at the discretion of Old Bus Depot Markets management. □ I will provide OBDM with a copy of my public liability certificate or will purchase one-day cover from OBDM for $10. Name: _______________________________________ Date: _________________________________ Once you have completed this form please fax it to (02) 6295 6603 or (02) 6295 7979 or post it to PO Box 4183, Kingston ACT 2604. If you have any difficulties with this process, please call us - we will be happy to help you. Once we have received your expression, we will let you know within 7-10 days whether you have been successful. The Old Bus Depot Markets team Page 5 of 5 Correct as at 19/04/2015
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