T R A I N I N G Strategic Procurement An intermediate level management training workshop for procurement professionals 2015 28th & 29th Jan Melbourne Feb Wellington NZDF INCO option th th 19 & 20 Mar Sydney 22nd & 23rd Apr Adelaide 14th & 15th May Brisbane 11th & 12th Jun Auckland 30th & 31st July 20th & 21st Aug 17th & 18th Sept 28th & 29th Oct 12th & 13th Nov 2nd & 3rd Dec Melbourne Sydney Darwin Canberra Melbourne Perth ck Che the out bird y Earl ount s di c By the end of this TWO-DAY course, participants will: • Understand the context & complexity within which modern strategic procurement has to deliver and meet stakeholder needs • Have a thorough grasp of the essentials and the process of a strategic approach to procurement • Be able to commence both a spend analysis & risk analysis, as a start to a more strategic approach to procurement • Have the confidence to be able to manage suppliers through a more strategic procurement process • Be able to utilise a wide variety of strategic procurement tools and techniques • Understand the true role of procurement for your organisation, and how to take a more strategic approach that is right for you What previous attendees said about the workshop Jonathan Dutton FCIPS Director JD Consultancy “It was informative. It was good hearing that some strategies recommended to use day-to-day, I’m already doing.....and how to implement those I haven’t yet considered. The case studies on day two were great - made you think “outside the box”. T. 07 5644 0505 E. [email protected] W. www.procurementandsupply.com Procurement and Supply Strategic Procurement 1 Overview This workshop is designed to give participants a thorough vision of what STRATEGIC procurement looks like today in leading organisations, through the lens of many best practices harvested from all around the world, and some of the worst practices as well. Ultimately, it compares a genuinely strategic approach to a developed but still transactional procurement effort. It is perfect for procurement managers looking to get more strategic in their perspective on our profession, for experienced category managers, bright young things looking to learn quickly about procurement as well as seasoned procurement professionals getting ready for their next step. The two-day event covers all the key theories, models and ideas behind best practice strategic procurement – in eight sections covering the entire end to end procurement life cycle. Every section is elaborated with a wealth of illustrative examples, relevant case studies and real-world practical and often hard-won advice to illuminate the thought-leadership garnered from around the world. Who is this course for? • Procurement professionals including: procurement managers, supply chain managers, business unit managers, sourcing managers, category managers, vendor managers, contract managers and procurement analysts • Finance professionals eager to reduce their cost of doing business including: CFOs, finance executives, financial controllers, P2P managers, business analysts, auditors and internal business consultants • Business leaders keen to manage their supply side better including: CEOs, general managers, managing directors, directors, EGMs, SBU managers, shared services managers, corporate services managers, office managers and subsidiary MDs • Business development teams keen to understand procurement better including: business development managers and executives, account managers and directors and sales managers Jonathan Dutton Videos This is a practical workshop about how to implement a more strategic approach to procurement immediately, at your desk, the day after the workshop ends. In many ways, this programme is what they didn’t teach you about procurement at business school … it is the product of a lifetime spent studying procurement at the sharp end. The programme is also geared to introduce HOW procurement efforts can directly support the marketing strategy of your organisation, and benefit your end customer. This programme has run successfully over ten times since it was first developed in 2013 and engaged delegates both developing and experienced from organisations such as; Parmalat, BP, Foxtel, Novartis, TNT, Holden, DMO, VIC Government and many others. They all took back learnings that can be easily adopted back in the workplace and applied to your organisation. Full workshop outline on page 4 Some of our Previous Attendees Asciano Baptist Community Services-NSW & ACT BlueScope Steel Bureau Veritas Australia Canterbury District Health Board CEA Technologies Department of Education & Early Childhood Development Department of Immigration & Citizenship Department of the Premier and Cabinet Department of Defence ACT EMC Corporation Ernst & Young Foxtel Monash University MRC Global Nexans Olex NMM Professional Services Pty Ltd Novartis Parmalat PwC Ramsay Health Care ResMed Rheem Australia Rio Tinto SITA Snack Brands Sydney Catchment Authority TAL The Bethanie Group TNT Australia Pty Ltd Yancoal Australia Limited Video 1: Jonathan Dutton FCIPS provides a brief insight in to what we really mean by strategic procurement, and to some of the challenges that this subject faces today Video 1 Video 2: Jonathan Dutton FCIPS challenges delegates to demonstrate the relevance of procurement. Video 2 T. 07 5644 0505 E. [email protected] W. www.procurementandsupply.com Procurement and Supply Strategic Procurement 2 Jonathan Dutton FCIPS | Director JD Consultancy Jonathan Dutton is a freelance management consultant specialising in procurement, marketing, sales and business development. Until February 2013, he was Managing Director of CIPS Australasia for over eight years and was responsible for all aspects of CIPS activities as the global peak body for professional procurement & supply management in this region including running personally the largest procurement public training operation in the southern hemisphere. Previously, in the UK, he was commercial director of the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) and Marketing Director of CHUBB and before that for five years the Group Marketing Director of Regus plc – the world’s leading provider of serviced offices. During the 90s Jonathan spent two years in Sydney with QANTAS as a sales & marketing consultant and 10 years with British Airways in London, primarily in professional procurement as a Purchasing Manager for IT, and latterly in sales & marketing as head of corporate sales in the UK. Throughout his career, he has had a hands-on training role, and is an accomplished trainer, presenter and public speaker, who has featured at over 250 conferences, in over 100 videos, and on LIVE TV including the BBC and Sky News. Jonathan has also interviewed personally on stage, one prime minister, numerous cabinet ministers, several top CEOs and CFOs and one billionaire. He is a graduate in Economics, a qualified professional buyer as a full member of the Chartered Institute of Purchasing & Supply (MCIPS) since 1986. In 2008 he was elected a fellow of CIPS. He is also a fellow of CIM (FCIM) and the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA) as well as a fellow of the Australian Institute of Management (FAIM). He is also a qualified Graduate member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. Jonathan is a Non-Executive Director of several firms including eValua and ACCSR - the leading consultants for CSR in supply chain, where he brings his deep knowledge of procurement and expertise in marketing to bear. Jonathan is based in Melbourne and works regularly throughout the Asia Pacific region, and can be reached easily through LINKED IN or his website www.jdconsultancy.com.au What previous attendees said about the workshop Sydney Nov 2014 “The course was absolutely fantastic and Jonathan was a breath of fresh air especially his knowledge personal experiences he shared with us. I took away so much from the course I would recommended it to anyone in my field.” Arvind Mistry | Purchasing Co-ordinator | Genea New Zealand Nov 2014 “It was like a holiday and great to be with like-minded people talking the same language! Engaging, enjoyable and informative with real-life, current examples. In my 30+ years as a procurement professional I’ve attended many courses and workshops. This one ranks up there with the best! JD’s style challenged as well as informed and created genuine participation and debate from the course members.” Phil Partridge | Procurement Manager | Electrix “Excellent contents which definitely opens the required awareness in procurement. Practical and authentic examples were used and this makes it so much more interesting. Got to know the wider prospect of procurement and doing things which are right and beneficial to the business. Procurement is not all about cost saving, managing Risk at volatile times is generally more important. It was very valuable and gave me a more in depth knowledge of procurement and to see myself not only as a manager but also a leader. Thanks for providing this opportunity.” Ayaaz Khan JP. | Credit & Procurement Manager Schenker NZ Ltd T. 07 5644 0505 E. [email protected] W. www.procurementandsupply.com Procurement and Supply Strategic Procurement 3 Workshop Outline 5. 1.The business context for procurement until 2020 • • • • • • • • • 2. • • • • • Managing volatility and our ever-lengthening and fragile supply chains The growing complexity of supply side networks: the new procurement JOB DESCRIPTION The decade-by-decade trends of professional procurement since the 1960s The professional agenda facing ALL procurement managers until 2020 The capability of good strategic procurement – CASE STUDY The role of modern procurement & supply management The FIVE rights and the EIGHT goals of modern professional procurement Goal alignment – balancing procurement outputs with the corporate need Goal alignment in procurement – CASE STUDY Procurement’s role in delivering Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Transparent procurement – and the stakeholder needs for stronger governance 3. Opportunity analysis • • • • • • WHERE to start – supply base analysis from your P2P bought-ledger listing? WHO are your top 20 suppliers, and do you have preferential deals in place? WHAT is the Kraljic matrix: WHY is it the foundation of all strategic procurement thinking? CASE STUDY on strategic supply line of raw materials WHEN do you complete your RISK analysis, and monitor it? HOW can you manage DEMAND in the first place to reduce cost before you start? 4. Market Analysis • • • • • • • Professional procurement skills + market knowledge = sourcing excellence Porter’s FIVE forces of competitive markets Market profiling Dealing with distorted & oligopolistic markets Scarce supply from a monopoly supplier - CASE STUDY Strategic sourcing – without Google and balancing Global/Local sources Supplier development – and repairing the market • • 6. • • • • • • • • 7. • • • • • • • • • 8. • • • • • • • Category Management Category management ... what is it and how does it differ from strategic sourcing? The end-to-end process DIRECT & INDIRECT procurement – how they differ and why they matter MRO CASE STUDY The TOP 14 INDIRECT categories ... and the short cuts to managing them E-tender for professional services CASE STUDY Market management OVERVIEW Supplier appraisal techniques beyond due diligence Supplier appraisal - CASE STUDY Getting the SPECIFICATION and KPIS right Pricing components and market determination RFP/RFI/RFX plus tendering & e-procurement Negotiation – the process, the techniques and closing the deal Contracting 101: from the EIGHT essentials of a valid contract Defining the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) ... with a TCO checklist Integrating procurement & supply chain management The A to Z of supply chain management within your business plan Inbound & outbound logistics SCM in practice - 3PL, 4PL and inter-modal distribution The professional agenda for SCM Working to customer needs – demanding a new flexibility UK supermarkets new DC strategy - CASE STUDY The fashion supply chain from three seasons to three weeks - CASE STUDY The chain of responsibility – a new liability for supply managers CSR, the new G4 global reporting guidelines and its effect on your supply chain Contract management Contract management – and the three-way match as the basis for P2P systems The disproportionate value that is good Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) How does the supplier rate us as a customer, and why does it matter? Sales team PoV - CASE STUDY Innovation and its role in the supplier relationship Measuring success - The balanced scorecard and the triple bottom line Value management – defining VALUE and VALUE FOR MONEY for your purchases T. 07 5644 0505 E. [email protected] W. www.procurementandsupply.com Procurement and Supply Strategic Procurement 4 Please Tick 2015 Please Tick 2015 28th & 29th Jan, Melbourne (Early bird cut off 17th December 2014) 30th & 31st July, Melbourne (Early bird cut off 19th June 2015 ) Feb, Wellington NZDF INCO option 20th & 21st Aug, Sydney (Early bird cut off 10th July 2015) 19th & 20th March, Sydney (Early bird cut off 6th February 2015) 17th & 18th Sep, Darwin (Early bird cut off 7th August 2015) 22nd & 23rd April, Adelaide (Early bird cut off 13th March 2015) 28th & 29th Oct, Canberra (Early bird cut off 18th September 2015) 14th & 15th May, Brisbane (Early bird cut off 2nd April 2015) 12th & 13th Nov, Melbourne (Early bird cut off 2nd October 2015) 11th & 12th June, Auckland (Early bird cut off 1st May 2015) 2nd & 3rd Dec, Perth (Early bird cut off 23rd October 2015) Strategic Procurement Registration & Fees Two-day workshop $1795 + GST* Early bird discount (register and pay 6 weeks in advance) $1395 + GST* *NZ courses are not subject to GST There are four ways to register. • • • • Online at www.procurementandsupply.com By telephone on 07 5644 0505 (Best option if you wish to book multiple attendees) Complete the form below and fax to 07 5644 0501 Complete the form below, scan and email to [email protected] Registration Form NAME [Mr/Mrs/Ms/Miss/Dr] JOB TITLE ORGANISATION ADDRESS SUBURB STATE POSTCODE PHONE MOBILE EMAIL If registering a large team contact the team at btTB and we will send you a bulk booking form to complete. Contact [email protected] or ph. 07 5644 0505 Payment Details I wish to pay by Credit Card: VISA AMEX DINERS MASTERCARD Card Number CCV NAME ON CARD SIGNATURE 3 or 4 DIGIT NUMBER ON THE BACK OF THE CARD EXPIRY DATE Registration forms will only be processed on receipt of payment. Tax receipts will be issued with confirmation. If you have any queries about your registration please call btTB on 07 5644 0505 or email: [email protected] T. 07 5644 0505 E. [email protected] W. www.procurementandsupply.com Procurement and Supply Strategic Procurement 5
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