Flowers in Church during July are from Maureen Ashkuri In Memory of Sam Ashkuri and from Mary Butterworth In Memory of Eddie & Mary McLaughlin. THE CATHOLIC FAITH - WHAT IS IT? Would you like to find out more? If so, we are looking to begin a programme (RCIA), around the autumn time, investigating the Catholic Faith. This is open to both non-Catholics who may wish to become Catholic (through being received into the Catholic Church next Easter) and to those who are already Catholic who wish to discover the deeper meanings of our Faith. If you are interested, please contact Fr Paul. CAN YOU HELP?? LIFT REQUESTED... to and from Saturday 6pm Mass. Can you give a lift to a parishioner from Gordon Roughley Court, Hilltop Close, Rayleigh? Please let Fr. Paul know. MASS TEXT FIRST READING: Acts 3: 1-10 RESPONSORIAL PSALM: 33 RESPONSE: From all my terrors the Lord set me free. 1. I will bless the Lord at all times, his praise always on my lips; in the Lord my soul shall make its boast. The humble shall hear and be glad. (R.) 2. Glorify the Lord with me. Together let us praise his name. I sought the Lord and he answered me; from all my terrors he set me free. (R.) 3. Look towards him and be radiant; let your faces not be abashed. This poor man called; the Lord heard him and rescued him from all his distress. (R.) 4. The angel of the Lord is encamped around those who revere him, to rescue them. Taste and see that the Lord is good. He is happy who seeks refuge in him. (R.) SECOND READING: Galations 1: 11-20 GOSPEL ACCLAMATION Alleluia, alleluia! You are Peter and on this rock I will build my Church. And the gates of the underworld can never hold out against it. Alleluia! GOSPEL: Matthew 16: 13-19 NEXT SUNDAY’S READINGS: FOURTEENTH SUNDAY OF THE YEAR Ezekiel 2: 2-5 2 Corinthians 12. 7-10 Mark 6: 1-6 OUR LADY OF RANSOM PARISH NEWSLETTER “I’m a brilliant footballer” said the little boy to himself as he threw the ball up and went to kick it. He missed, caught the ball and tried again saying the same thing. Again he miss-kicked, caught the ball, and tried again. Each time he either mis-kicked or missed the ball and caught it. The last go, the same thing, caught the ball, looked up at God and said “wow! what a brilliant goalie you want me to be!” Sometimes God calls forth something different than we expect of ourselves. It may take a certain fairly radical event in our lives to help us to realise this truth. This is so true of our two heroes today. For Peter, it was his confession of the Christ along with God’s mercy; for Paul it was his Damascus experience and knowing the Lord’s power in his life. Both men make honest statements on how we come to God. Not by being holy, not by being nice, pious or right, but, against all the odds, by doing it wrong. Except Jesus and Mary, all Bible heroes are testaments of that truth – and so many of our church saints too. All come to God by getting it wrong. Where is there a commandment saying “thou shalt be right?” I wonder if Peter or Paul (and many others) would have been made Saints according to today’s criteria of holiness. Holiness is about God’s faithfulness to us, grace, and his call, not about our responses to him, since our initial responses, like the child above, may well be wrong or poorly chosen. Like Peter and Paul, true holiness is an appreciation that God loves us because God is good, merciful and patient, not because we are. Once we get that, we stop neurotically trying ourselves. We all mess-up; but instead of relying on God’s goodness and mercy in a effort to do better, we can try to be totally self-reliant. This then so easily leads to denial, pretence and disguise. Very bad for the soul. God does not love us if we are good, God loves us so we can be good. Peter and Paul radically get this, know that all their sillinesses are totally forgiven, live out that truth and become great. Now, what about us? God Bless you. Fr. Paul STS. PETER AND PAUL 27th / 28th June 2015 Year B Eucharistic Prayer 2 Divine Office Week 1 PARISH PRIEST Father Paul Fox 50 London Hill Rayleigh, Essex SS6 7HP 01268 742229 email: [email protected] Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confessions) Saturday 5pm - 5.30pm or by confidential appointments Baptisms by Appointment Sunday Mass Saturday 6pm Sunday 8am and 10am MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY 27th June 6pm SUNDAY 28th 8am 10am MONDAY 29th 9.30am 1pm TUESDAY 30th June 9.30am WEDNESDAY 1st July 9.30am THURSDAY 2nd 9.30am FRIDAY 3rd 9.30am SATURDAY 4th 9.30am 6pm SUNDAY 5th July 8am 10am John & Irene Barry RIP (Kathleen & Michael Barry) STS PETER & PAUL Pat Holohan RIP For all Parishioners Jack Ward RIP (Anniv) (Marie Smith) Requiem Mass - Doreen Cowdrey Doreen Cowdrey RIP Emma Louise Lucibello RIP Shirley & Dick McCamley Ints (Brenda and Terry Askem) St Thomas Pat Holohan RIP (M.H.) Eucharistic Service Roger & Stephanie Corder in thanksgiving for 40yrs of Marriage For all Parishioners Eddie & Mary McLaughlin RIP (Annivs) (Mary Butterworth) FIRST HOLY COMMUNION 2016 PARENTS OPEN MEETING... TUESDAY 7th JULY 7.15pm for 7.30pm in Our Lady of Ransom School for all parents whose children are at present in Year 2 or older. If you would like your son/daughter to make their First Holy Communion next year, it is very important that you attend this meeting to find out more details and to get an application form. All applications MUST be returned by Sunday July 12th. If for whatever reason you cannot be there, please let Fr Paul know. PARISH SECRETARY: CHRISTINA: TUES-THURS 9am-3pm. PLEASE NOTE: Items for this newsletter need to be in the Presbytery by 10am ON WEDNESDAYS. Our parish is part of The Brentwood Diocesan Trust, Registered Charity Number 234092. Brentwood Catholic Children’s Society CHARITY SHINDIG on Friday 10th July at The Campion School, Hornchurch. Tickets cost £22 per person which will include a light supper. Guests will be treated to a display of Irish Dancing followed by dancing to a traditional ceili band and caller and a traditional sing-along. Tickets for this adult-only event are limited and will be sold on a strictly ‘first come first served’ basis. For tickets and information, contact Julie Abbott – 01268 784544/ 07912277413 / [email protected] See Poster in Porch GRANDPARENTS’ PILGRIMAGES AYLESFORD PRIORY - Sat. 11th July Calling all Grandparents, Grandchildren and of course Mums and Dads. Join us from 11am - 4.30pm for a day of faith and fun. Plenty to do for all the family in wonderfully peaceful surroundings. Rosary procession and concelebrated Mass. For more details please contact Caroline on 01328 560333. See posters in porch. AN EVENING OF IONA MUSIC AND MORE... Award winning multi-instrumentalist Dave Bainbridge joins forces with Lord of The Dance vocalist Sally Minnear to bring a spellbinding evening of music at The Megacentre, Brook Road, Rayleigh on Sunday July 12th at 7pm (Doors 6.30pm). Tickets £10 advance, £12 on door 01268 779100. JJ Elizabeth Dunlop & Elizabeth Upsher, Pupils & guests Present A SUMMER CONCERT Saturday 18 July 2015 IN AID OF HAVENS HOSPICES Tickets £8, include a glass of wine & finger buffet. Arrive 7 - 7.30 p.m. In the Parish Hall, St Helen’s Church, St Helen’s Road, Westcliff, SS0 7JP Please ring Elizabeth 01702 347369 to book your seats. (Please do book in advance for catering purposes) LOURDES WITH ACROSS, 10TH - 19TH SEPT 2015 Southend ACROSS Group have a couple of spaces available for people who have disability/ illness who would benefit from a pilgrimage to Lourdes. We are able to assist people who are unable to travel by air. The cost is £755.00 per person. If you, or someone you know would like further information please contact Anita on 07889 416481 (evenings only) A VERY BRITISH CONCERT A concert celebrating British composers, followed by Pimms, held at St Gregory’s, The Broadway, Thorpe Bay, SS1 3HH on Sunday 13th September at 3.00pm. Tickets cost £8/£5 concessions from Hannah or Christine on 07774004699/ 07795086239. Proceeds will go towards HCPT and young helpers fares. It would be lovely to see you there! FOR THE JUNE JOKES - WIN FRUIT STARS!!! JJ What do you get if you cross a cat with a parrot? A carrott!! Why did the shark cross the great barrier reef? To get to the other tide!! Why did the shark spit out the clown? Because he tasted funny!! This week’s Terrible Jokes come from Lily-Anne Stobbs who wins Fruit Stars, Tangfastics, a Drumstick, Maltesers and a Lolly!! Come on boys & girls, TERRIBLE JOKES always needed & major prizes to be won!!! J PART TIME ADMIN ASSISTANT (Fixed Term Contract) Our Lady of Ransom PreSchool is looking to recruit a part time Admin Assistant on a fixed term contract (Sept-2015 – July 2016) to work alongside the Admin Manager for 16-20 hours per week – Term Time Only. Detailed Job Descriptions available from Email - [email protected] / Telephone – 01268 780 797 A copy of your CV should be sent for the attention of Siobhan Havis. Closing date for applications – 4pm, Friday 3rd July 2015 Interviews – Tuesday 14th July ST BERNARD’S HIGH SCHOOL Open Evening for Year 5 Students (Prospective Year 7 in 2016) Wednesday 8 July 2015, 6pm - 9pm We shall be delighted to welcome to our Open Evening Year 5 girls, together with their parents / carers, who are interested in joining St Bernard’s High School’s Year 7 in September 2016 ST. THOMAS MORE HIGH SCHOOL OPEN EVENING, Thurs. 9th July, 6-9pm For families who have a son due to transfer to secondary school in September 2016. The headteachers’s talk will begin at 7.30pm. Prospective Sixth Form students for September 2016 are also welcome, although there will be an open evening for students currently in Yr 10 on Thursday 19th November 2015. JOB OPPORTUNITIES AT CAFOD Details at UK-Jobs/CPC PLEASE PRAY for all the sick members of our Parish; we pray especially for Edwin Forbes, Sheila Spraggen, Christine Sugrue, Andy Smyth, Daniela Paterson, Bernie Hannon, Malvine Li Vigni, John Cobley, Tineke Robertson, Bill Slattery, Vera Stone Davis, Tony Newman, Betty Lowe, Glenda Bunn, Peter McCamley, Dan Abel, Gulizar, Christina Coath, Lily de Cristofano, Baby Alexander William Olver, Valerie Quill, Pat Matcham, Connie Brilus, Josephine O’Connor, Jean Flight, Hannah Binyon, Pam Denton, Christopher Paterson, Ivor Buckley, Anne Reilly, Kathleen Darley, Ted Mahoney, Nikki Church, Rupert Lyon, Kathleen Kirkland, Eric Leech, Patrick Francis, Kate Cracknell, Margaret Heath & all our sick relatives and friends. Kindly pray for Dora Maishman, Susan Banister, Ellenor Launers, Wilfred Raynor, Clarice Moore, Mrs. Ann Dorricott, Arthur Jones, Lynn Mossop, Francis Rose, Mrs. May Bowring, Daisy Elphick, Michael Pointon, Frank Kaye & all others whose anniversaries occur about this time. VV PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS... Mrs Doreen Cowdrey who died on Monday 11th May. Her Requiem Mass will be held on Monday 29th June at 1pm, followed by cremation at Southend Crematorium. also Mr Ted Mahoney who died last weekend. His body will be received into the Church at 4pm on Thursday 16th July. His Requiem Mass will be held on Friday 17th July at 2.30pm followed by cremation at Southend Crematorium. We remember them and their families at this time. May they rest in peace. VV FIRST HOLY COMMUNION 2015 Well done to our 32 children who are here today for their Going Forth Mass. Many thanks to our Team of catechists who have helped them, and to their parents for their support during this year. Ruby Athol Mia Bartlett Roxie Bartlett Daniel Bayley Laoise Bullock Louie Copley Francesca Ellis Xavier Garms Caleb Lucibello-Goodman Laura McClenaghan-Carson Harry Mason Emily Paterson Stephanie Tomide-Johnson Finn Whyley Natalie Young Charlotte Bishop Michael Chester Samuel Colvill Joshua Corrigan Elliot Crowhurst Louis Dowman George Fryer Ellen Girling Erin Holborn Joseph McGhee Amelia Stiles Lily-Anne Stobbs Poppy Sylvester Holly Vaufrouard Isaac Wilson Emmie Witton Enzo Witton VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR S.V.P. STRAWBERRY TEA PARTY Sat. 4th July 2015 The S.V.P. urgently require volunteer drivers to provide lifts to young-at-heart parishioners to and from their homes on 4th July and also helpers in the hall. The party is being held from 2-4pm at the Pope John Paul II Hall. Please contact Jim Harforth on 01268 426 695 asap if you can help. Thankyou. NEW ALTAR SERVERS If you are in Year 3 or above - including those who have recently made their First Holy Communion - would you like to become an altar server? If you are interested please let Fr Paul know. Training will start after the summer holiday. David and Chris Boyle would like to thank all the parishioners who have sent us their good wishes and prayers for our move to Wiltshire. We have had 40 very happy years in Our Lady of Ransom Parish and Rayleigh will always hold a special place in our hearts. RAYLEIGH CHURCHES FREE FAMILY FUN DAY 18 July 2015, 11am - 4pm We are still in desperate need of volunteers for this years Family Fun Day. If you can spare an hour or two please complete the helpers forms in the porch. We have lots of free activities waiting for you. Face painting, crafts biscuit decorating or crafts, bouncy castles or BBQ serving. WE NEED YOU PLEASE Ruth Fitzgerald 01268 780895. (I will be away for 3 weeks so please contact Leigh Blower with your completed forms or send direct to Trevor Seddon 12 Belgrave Close R ay le i gh 01 26 8 7 8 32 00 / 07889225304) SATURDAY 27th JUNE SUNDAY 28th JUNE ANNUAL SECOND COLLECTION FOR ‘PETER’S PENCE’.. this money is collected around the world, and is used by the Pope in his work of caring for the entire Church. NEXT WEEKEND SATURDAY 4th JULY PRAISE & WORSHIP EVENING at SION Community, Sawyers Hall Lane, Brentwood, will take place on Sunday 28th June, 7.30pm to 9pm. Everyone welcome. MONDAY 29th JUNE CHRISTIAN MEDITATION GROUP GOING FORTH MASS AT 10am ALL Our First Holy Communion Children will join the whole Parish Family as together we ask God to guide them on their journey of faith. COFFEE MORNING after Mass is organised by Malvine Li Vigni raising funds for the Parish Project. All are invited. Look forward to seeing you. Next week: The Youth Group. AVAILABLE IN THE PORCH BIBLE ALIVE for July 2015, articles & meditations on the readings at Mass. £2.25. MY DAY BY DAY - The readings for each day during July 2015 - £1 LIVING FAITH Free copies of the very popular booklet which has a thought for every day for the next three months. Limited number available.. going, going.... LARGE SIZE NEWSLETTERS for those who find the standard type size difficult to read. meet Monday evenings at 7pm in the Presbytery. Anyone is most welcome to join us in this ancient form of contemplative prayer. Phone Chris 01702 207722, or visit TUESDAY 30th JUNE THE CHILDRENS ART CLUB 3.30 - 5.30pm in the Bethany Room. The Art Club is £1.50 per child (to cover costs) and they have lots of fun making and designing wonderful works of art. Please wear old clothes or bring an old shirt for paint protection. Tel. Malvine 01268 772268. THE LEGION OF MARY MEETING is held in the Presbytery on Tuesdays at 7pm. Our Lady Needs You. Can you spare Her the time? If you would like to find out more about our work please contact Tom Kennedy 01702 230578 or just come along to one of our meetings. You will be most welcome. WEDNESDAY 1st JULY MOTHERS’ PRAYERS We meet every WEDNESDAY morning, during term time, at 9am in the Convent Chapel to pray together for our children. This is followed by Tea/Coffee. All are welcome! Please come and join us. THURSDAY 2nd JULY MOTHER & TODDLER GROUP Thurs. 9:30 - 11:30am We warmly invite new parents/carers and their children to the group to meet new friends while your children play but kindly ask that you contact us in order that we can add you to our member list. Contact Juliet Johnson 07713626147 / Jo Lloyd 07970796497. WOULD YOU LIKE TO HELP? The ladies that currently run the parish toddler group will be stepping down in July and are therefore looking for a group of 3 or 4 willing volunteers to take over from September. The group runs on Thursdays during term time, between 9.30 and 11.30, at the Pope John Paul II Hall. If anyone is interested in keeping this long standing group running, please contact Jo Lloyd on 07970 796497 or Juliet Johnson on 07713 616147 for more information. THE ROSARY is said in Church on THURSDAYS after 9.30am Mass ‘EVER ANCIENT, EVER NEW’ Men aged 18-40 with a passion for God and the Church are invited to consider a vocation to the men’s branch of a new religious community - the Community of Our Lady of Walsingham. Join us on the weekend of 4th/5th July at Abbotswick House of Prayer, Brentwood, for a time of prayer, sharing and reflection. For further information call Jim on 01277 373848 or visit LOOKING AHEAD... OUR LADY OF RANSOM PRE-SCHOOL IS HOSTING A DISCO at Pope John Paul II Hall for the OLOR Primary School on Friday 10th July . Years 1-3: 5.45–7.15pm and Years 4-6: 7.30-9pm. Advance Tickets £4 or on the door £5.
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