Parish newsletter -

St Mary’s Catholic Church
Tovey Road Swindon SN2 1LQ
Tel: 01793 535089
Parish Priest: Fr Michael McAndrew - [email protected]
Parish Administrator:
Elias Fernandes - [email protected]
Safeguarding Rep: (CRB): Teresa Sugden - [email protected]
Parish records:
[email protected]
Deacon: Rev Shaun Murphy (retired)
Parish website:
Deanery website:
Diocesan website:
Sunday, January 25, 2015
6.00pm (Sat) 8.30am 10.30am
Entrance Antiphon:
O sing a new song to the Lord; sing to the Lord, all the earth.
In his presence are majesty and splendour,
strength and honour in his holy place.
Response to the Psalm:
Lord, make me know your ways.
Saturday: 9.30am – 10.00am
& 5.00pm - 5.30pm
Gospel Acclamation:
The kingdom of God is close at hand; believe the Good News.
Communion Antiphon:
Look toward the Lord and be radiant; let your faces not be abashed.
06.00pm (Sat) Mass – Nicola Allen (Anniversary) + Leah Vaz (Intentions)
Mass – Rosemary Gentilcore (Anniversary)
Mass – Paul Carter (Anniversary)
Mass – Paixao Virginia D’Souza (Anniversary)
Mass – Freda May Iles (RIP)
Mass – Mafalda De Sa (RIP)
Mass – Paddy Reape (Anniversary)
Mass – Stephen Sloan (Anniversary)
Mass – Jim Gannon (RIP)
06.00pm (Sat) Mass – Victor & Antonina Melynchuk (RIP)
Mass – Ron Austen (RIP)
Mass – John Joyce (Anniversary)
CHURCH CLEANING: Every Friday, after the morning Mass. Your help would be much appreciated.
PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS all those who are sick especially: Cathy Walker, Joshua Crabb, Eileen
Blackwell, Anna Tickner, Peadar Heffron, David Croston and Sheila Hughes, Peter, Alfie and Harry Crabb, John
O’Gorman, Christopher and Cath Brown, Julia Harrison, Lena Watson, Cheryl Dawson, Louise Stacey, Maria Walsh,
David Edwards, Irena Fliska, Joe Shannon, John Foley, Christine Beale, Mary Lynch, Eleanor Lynch, Molly Prendergast,
Mary Stewart, Marc Young, Antonio Bambino, Eileen Hughes, Carmel Hassett
RECENTLY DIED: Please remember in your prayers the repose of the soul of Hilda Durman. Her funeral service will be on
Friday 30th January at 10am at Kingsdown Crematorium.
CONFIRMATION: Bishop Declan will be coming to St Mary’s to celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation on 20th May
2015. Anyone who is in year 9 or above and would like to be Confirmed can pick up an application form from Fr Michael
after Mass.
FIRST COMMUNION The first meeting for parents and children who will be making their First Holy Communion will be next
Saturday 31st January at 10.30am in the Church.
BAPTISM: We welcome into the family of the Church Francesca Falvo and Ethan & Keira Patterson who are baptised here
this weekend.
PRAYER GROUP: Will meet next Sunday, February 1 starting at 3pm. The meeting will start with Praise and Worship and
lead to prayers for healing during the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament.
CHOIR PRACTICE: There will be choir practice on Thursday, January 29th here in the Church at 6.30pm. All are welcome.
CHURCH’S YEAR OF CONSECRATED LIFE: this year Pope Francis has asked the whole Church to celebrate with all
those who live the consecrated life in the Church. There will be a special celebration at the Cathedral with Bishop Declan on
Sunday 1st February 2015 at 6 p.m., to celebrate with the monks and nuns of our Diocese to which all are warmly invited.
CATECHISTS’ FORMATION COURSE: this could be for you! Running monthly throughout 2015 at St John's, Bath, the
series seeks to encourage and enthuse those engaged in handing on faith to others. You'd be more than welcome, all you
need to be is keen to know more, keen to understand, and keen to bring others into the life of our communities of faith and
hope. Starts 7.30pm, Wednesday 11 February. For more details, please see poster/flyer on the parish board, or contact the
Adult Education department on 0117 902 5595 / [email protected].
CELEBRATING MARRIAGE: Bishop Declan is inviting the people of our diocese to join him at the Celebration of the
Eucharist beginning at 12noon on Saturday 14th February 2015 as part of National Marriage week. If you are celebrating a
significant anniversary this year, please contact Richard Williams or Anne Marie Sparrow via Alexander House
([email protected] or Telephone 0117 902 5595).
CYMFed FLAME2: There are still places to join Bishop Declan & over 200 young people from the Clifton Diocese at
CYMFed Flame2 on Saturday 7th March in Wembley Arena. If you are in school year 9 or above visit and follow the links to the booking form or talk to your parish priest.
ENGLISH COURSE: This course is being offered through St Joseph’s College, for parents who do not speak English as
their first language (they need not have children at the school). Which will be starting on 30th January 2015 at 9.00am.
Please contact Catherina Whitmore at St Joseph’s Catholic College further details and to book a place
[email protected] or ring 01793 714230. See poster on the notice board at the back of the Church.
NEW BUSINESS: One of our parishioners has started his new business called Express International Cargo & Courier
which offers you lowest rates for shipments worldwide in countries like America, Europe, Africa & Asia with unbeatable
special prices to Goa, India. Call Errol D’Sa on 07511150938 or email:[email protected]
APF MISSIO (Red Boxes): Would anyone be prepared to volunteer as a Promoter for APF Missio? Help is needed in the
Rodbourne area. Promoters are asked to deliver magazines up to four times a year and, on occasion, collect Missio boxes
and donations from box holders. Please contact Marion Aldridge on 01793 875692.
JUNIOR PARISH CHOIR: will now meet on Wednesday 3.45 - 4.30pm here in the Church. Ages 7-14 all are welcome to
come and join for an afternoon of singing here in St Mary’s Church.
COUNSELLING CAN OFTEN HELP: Were Christmas and New Year times of real tension in your marriage? Could you do
with some help in dealing with your difficulties? Marriage Care offers relationship counselling from two locations in
Swindon, with highly experienced counsellors. Donate only what you can afford. Call 0800 389 3801 for an appointment.
VOLUNTEER MINIBUS DRIVER: St. Mary's and St. Catherine's are looking for volunteer minibus drivers for the school
minibuses. At the moment we need a driver for 3rd and 4th February to Warwick Castle. Drivers must have the correct
category on their driving licence and have a clean licence. Please contact Carole Green at St. Mary's if you are able to help
on these dates or at another time.(01793 523850)
OFFERTORY LAST WEEKEND: £625 (of which £97 was Gift aided) and £511 was given by standing order. The Comboni
Missionary Appeal came to £715. Many thanks for your generosity.
RETIRING COLLECTION: next Sunday will be towards Catholic Education Service.
Repent and believe the Good News. Christ calls us constantly to review our lives in the light of the Gospel. This is something we are to do
throughout our daily lives, and we can ask the Lord to show us his ways so that we can choose the right path. The world as we know it is
passing away, and it is important not to allow worldly cares to distract us from the Lord’s calling.