The Catholic Community Newsletter ~ St Mary’S, Marple Bridge and The Annunciation, New Mills Fr John Cairns St Mary Marple Bridge Marple Bridge Office The Presbytery, Hollins Lane, Marple Bridge, Stockport SK6 5BB Lectionary Sundays Year A Weekdays Year 2 Parish Priest In Emergency 07525 052584 Deacon Rev Kevin Gradwell Contacts Tel: 0161 427 2408 Email saintmarysmarplebridge Web www.stmarysmarplebridge. 2nd November 2014 ALL SAINTS SOLEMNITY Marple B. Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th Saturday 8th Sunday 9th 9.30am All Souls 10am St Charles Borromea Feria 10am Feria Feria 1pm Wedding Service 6.30pm Dedication of the Lateran Basilica REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY 9.30am 11.15am 12.45pm Welcomers Readers Gifts Welcomers Readers Children’s Lit. Welcomers Readers Gifts Children’s Lit. ALL SAINTS SOLEMNITY 9.30am 9.30am BAPTISM 1st/2nd Nov 6.30pm MB Gordon Lyon Steve Burgess Betty Reynold 9.30am NM Pat McGrath / Joe Hennigan Mary Robinson/ Jacqueline Patel 11.15am MB Safeguarding: Mrs Ursula Lundy xxxi Mrs Jo Barber (NM) Mr Peter Clarke (MB) (Contact via Presbytery or 07979 376933) New Mills 6.30pm 11.15am 9.30am The Annunciation New Mills k Peter Body RIP (MB) Higginbottom Family John Davison RIP Dec Mem Kendrick Family (MB) Samuel NG Man Kwong (welfare) Margaret Roche RIP Dec Mem de Ciccio Family Jimmy & Ellen Barlow RIP Mastin & Podmore Margaret Pickup RIP (DM) Mary, Stan, Mike McHale RIP Dec Mem Bridge / Darbyshire / Reynolds Fam Smith Family 8th /9th Nov Rosemary Yuill Teresa Clarke Cecilia Osborne Assunta Ashton / Bob Colligan Marnie Patel/ Maureen Bell Sheila Harvey Vincent Coupes Denise Ead Patrick Roche Sally Evans Joe Harvey Counters MB Tom Roche & Chris Derbyshire David Barron+Tony McHale Flowers Tea & Coffee Cleaners Cleaners NM MB NM MB NM Colin & Carol Hodnett No flowers Pat McGrath/ Marie Davies No Cleaning No Cleaning Jo Barber / Nick Reymolds No flowers Angie & Jim McGlynn Philomena Davison/ Margaret Phelan Brian & Rene Tierney FR JOHN WRITES...The Beatitudes are the focus of today’s Gospel reading. Jesus begins to teach the crowds and His disciples by saying, ‘Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.’ He continues with the well known formula, ‘Blessed are X for they shall Y.’ In each beatitude Jesus teaches the characteristic traits of one who belongs to the Kingdom of Heaven. He challenges the hearers of His words to live these principles in their lives by their actions. With the Beatitudes a promise of future reward has been given for those who are (become) examples of living this teaching, have sought in the here and now a right relationship with God and with others. NOVEMBER SPIRITUAL EVENING... Please note that our next monthly celebration will take place on Tuesday November 11th at 7.30pm in New Mills Church. The theme of the Service will be ‘the deceased’. There will be hymns and prayers and, since it is around the time of Remembrance Sunday, will have poppies and a Reflection on those who gave their lives for us in the wars. It would be great to have your presence on such an important time in peoples’ lives. A special Mass remembering the Deceased of our parish will also take place on Wednesday November 19th, 7.30pm at Marple Bridge. This will be an opportunity to pray and reflect on our own deceased loved ones and to offer up Mass for them. Everyone welcome to attend. PARISH PILGRIMAGE TO KNOCK...There will be a meeting on Thursday November 13th at 7.30 in the Old School, MB for all intending Pilgrims. I’m trying to finalise the different day trips, flights, buses, and the cost. NOVEMBER REMEMBRANCE BOOK... containing the list of all our deceased relatives and friends is now placed at the foot of each church’s altar. It will remain there throughout the month as we pray for all the dead, especially those who have no-one to pray for them. If you have a name you would like to add, please do so before or after any Mass during the week or weekend. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace. Amen PARISH CHRISTMAS FAIR... The Christmas Fair is fast approaching i.e. November 15th. Preparations are underway - leaflets were given out last week giving ideas of how you can help, which is of vital importance. Please leave your donated items at the back of either church or Pray for the Sick and Housebound Remember especially take them to the parish hall the evening before. Any outstanding raffle tickets – please return during the coming week. Thank you for your support. CEMETERY SUNDAY... Please note the times and dates of Cemetery Sunday this year. The Rosary and Blessing of the graves will take place on Sunday November 16th, 3pm at Marple Bridge and on Sunday November 23rd, 3pm at New Mills. TRAIDCRAFT SALES...will take place after each Mass at MB this weekend. Please feel free to pop into the Old School to purchase items or just have a cup of tea or coffee. CAFOD Christmas cards will be on sale. APF BOXES...Will the APF box holders for NM and MB please return the boxes to church for counting ASAP please. Thank you. VISITATION OF THE SICK AND HOUSEBOUND...As I have a Wedding on Friday, the visitation of the Sick and Housebound will take place on Thursday only of the coming week. RCIA MARPLE BRIDGE... I would like to meet up with those who enquired at MB about the RCIA programme. It would be great if we could meet this Thursday November 6th at 7.30pm in Church. I look forward to seeing you. OLD GREGORIANS...All former pupils of St Gregory’s RC High School, Ardwick Green, Manchester are invited to the Annual Mass for Deceased pupils and staff. Mass will take place at St Kentigern’s Church, Wilbraham Rd, Fallowfield, Manchester M14 7DW at 7.30pm on Friday November28th, followed by a gathering in St Kentigern’s Social Club. Further info from Terry O’Neil 0161 442 6839 THE GOVERNORS OF ST TERESA’S CATHOLIC VOLUNTARY ACADEMY, NOTTINGHAM... wish to recruit A) a School Business Manager with a strong financial and administrative background B) a school receptionist to work in their busy school office Contact the school for details on 0115 915 5762. Closing date for applications is November 17th 2014. THE TABLET MAGAZINE...On sale at the back of MB Church costing £2.95 per copy. Maybe you would like to purchase one to read. Mary Forbes, George Cairns, Eileen Middleton, Monica Norton, Eileen Grace, Margaret Mary Jackson, Katherine Cowan, Richard Greiner, Joan Hines, Ellen Miller, George Heeds, Joan Whitley, Beverley Burke, Fr. Hugh Doherty, Maureen Mitchell-Kirk, Bernadette Tonge, David Hill, Bill Martin, Marie Sidebottom, Aine Shaw, Mike Ellwood, Geraldine Knowles, Kate Beighton, Suzanne Mautschke, David Poole Dorothy Graham, Fr Marianus ,Anna Kalnis Rest in Peace Anniversaries COLLECTION.... Envelopes £540.80 Loose Plate £239.42 Total £780.22 Thank you John Davison, Peter Body, Atentyk, Jack Heaton, William Ratcliffe, Lynette Costello May their souls, and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
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