A MESSAGE FROM THE PASTOR... MASSES FOR THE WEEK Our Fellow Parishioners, May the Light of the Risen Christ dispel the darkness of your minds and hearts. May the Redeemer bless you and your loved ones as we celebrate Easter morn. And may your life proclaim the presence of the Living One among us. Happy Easter, Father Rick, Bishop Brennan & Father Casmir Monday, 4/6/15—Monday within the Octave of Easter 7:00 AM Patricia Hughes 9:00 AM John Lucardi Tuesday, 4/7/15—Tuesday within the Octave of Easter 7:00 AM Linda Fusina 9:00 AM Vittorio Lorenzo 1:30 PM Rosary, Holy Hour of Eucharistic Adoration & Benediction ( In Honor of All First Responders, Police, Fire, Etc.) Wednesday, 4/8/15—Wednesday within the Octave of Easter 7:00 AM For Peace in the World 9:00 AM Multiple Intentions Mass: For the Intentions of Bishop Brennan; Fr. Rick, Fr. Casmir, Deacons Tom & Kevin and Sisters Mary, Grace & Barbara Thursday, 4/9/15—Thursday within the Octave of Easter 7:00 AM Angela Glass 9:00 AM George Cuff Friday, 4/10/15—Friday in the Octave Easter 7:00 AM For the Lonely and the Homeless 9:00 AM Geraldine Griffin Saturday, 4/11/15—Saturday in the Octave of Easter 9:00 AM Joseph A. Fugallo, Jr. Sunday, 4/12/15—Second Sunday of Easter—Divine Mercy Sunday 5:00 PM Sat. Multiple Intentions Mass: Nancy Tripodi; Kenneth Minikel; Dr. Joseph Minasi & Marc Minasi; Glen McDonald; Ellen Kraemer Simonetti 8:00 AM Sun. PEOPLE OF THE PARISH 9:30 AM George Patrick Hickey 11:00 AM Flippo Piro 12:30 PM John & Margaret Crowley ALLELUIA! HE IS RISEN! On behalf of the entire staff here at Our Lady of Peace, we wish you and your families a Happy and Blessed Easter. THANK YOU EVERYONE! At this time, we would like to thank EVERYONE who helped make our parish liturgies, during Holy Week and Easter, prayerful and welcoming. The spirit of Our Lady of Peace Parish continues to be a sign of generosity, hospitality and blessings! We are especially grateful to: —Julia Sergi, our Music Director, our Adult Choir, Contemporary Choir, and all of our Leaders of Song; —all of our coordinators of Liturgical Ministries and all those who served as Altar Servers, Ushers, Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, and our Sacristans; —the members of the Arts and Environment Committee; —the members of the Liturgy Board and the coordinators of the Holy Week and Easter Liturgies; —the members of our Administrative Staff and the Parish Maintenance Staff, —and EVERYONE who, in any way, helped us celebrate this Blessed and Holy Season. —–Fr. Rick and the Pastoral Staff BANNS OF MARRIAGE FIRST TIME: Erica Pryor, OLP / John Parisi, Notre Dame, New Hyde Park, NY. MARRIED 50 YEARS OR MORE… This spring, couples that have been married fifty years or more will be honored at liturgies on Sunday, April 19th at the Church of St. Lawrence the Martyr in Sayville and on Sunday, April 26th at the Church of Maria Regina in Seaford. Both liturgies will begin at 2:30PM. Couples may register for ONE liturgy. Registration forms and complete instructions can be obtained at Our Lady of Peace Rectory. Registration must be received by the Office of Worship a few weeks before the liturgies, therefore please complete the form and return it to our Rectory by April 7th for the April 26th liturgy. There will be additional celebrations in the fall for those who may find that more convenient. If you have any questions you may call (516) 678-5800, Ext. 207. 2 419 Grant Us Your Salvation! IN THE CHARITY OF YOUR PRAYERS, PLEASE PRAY FOR THE ILL, ESPECIALLY: Mary DePinto, Claire Kane, Bridget Vogt, PARISH SOCIAL MINISTRY Rosalie Filauri, Philomena Picone, Desiree Gerardi, Margaret Casina, Marie DiBlasi, Annmarie Stanton, Nikki Robertson, Eileen Meyers, , Ann O’Connor, Kevin O’Brien, Kevin Ledwith, Matt McCormack, Doug Griffith, Elaine Zarrilli, Helene M., Kim Flynn, Camille Cromeyn, Kenney Mazzone, Kathleen Fischer , John Colalillo, Jennifer Abraham, Carl Baxter, Sydell Bogin, Catherine Boisselle, Eamon Spollin, Andrew Moore, Doug Griffith. (List will remain approximately four weeks. After that time, you may call to renew your request for prayers). AND FOR ALLTHE SOULS IN PURGATORY THE BREAD The Bread this week has been donated in loving memory of Vincent, Geraldine & Gerard Malone and all deceased loved ones. THE WINE The Wine this week has been donated in loving memory of Florinda Torres. “Always in our hearts,” from your family. THE ROSE FOR LIFE The Rose For Life this week has been donated in loving memory of Marc Minasi on your Birthday from Mom, brothers & families. “The emptiness you left in our lives gets harder and harder to accept.” SANCTUARY CANDLE The Sanctuary Lamp this week has been memorialized in loving memory of Ralph & Theresa DePaola. “Happy Easter & Happy Anniversary,” your children, grandchildren & great grandchildren. AROUND OUR PARISH..… — HOLY HOUR OF EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Every Tuesday from 1:30 to 2:30PM in the Church. Please join us at 1:30 as we pray the Rosary. There will be Benediction on the 1st Tuesday of each month. — MIRACULOUS MEDAL NOVENA - Please stay and pray with us every Saturday morning after the 9AM Mass in the Church. —TWICE BLESSED THRIFT SHOPPE - Open on Tuesdays and Fridays from 9:30AM to 2:30PM all year long. Please leave only gently-used clothing and other items. —CYO - for any information regarding CYO please visit our website at OLPCYO.com. —OLP SPIRIT SPACE—MEDITATION/READING GROUP- Every Thursday from 7:30PM-9:30PM in the Parish House. —YOUTH GROUP (7th-12th graders)—join our wonderful Youth Group which meets the 1st and 3rd Fridays of every month at the Parish House, 20 Neiman Ave., from 7PM to 9PM. Our email is: [email protected]. READINGS FOR NEXT WEEKEND APRIL 12, 2015 Acts 4:32-35; 1 Jn 5:1-6; Jn 20:19-31 Reflections: Adults: When Thomas actually saw Jesus he said, “My Lord and my God!” Jesus said to him, “Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed.” In prayer this week let us echo, again and again, the words of Thomas, “My Lord and my God!” Children: Jesus loves you very much. Say to Jesus, “My Lord and my God, I love you.” 3 419 PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR ARMED FORCES, ESPECIALLY: Chaplain Col. Mark Rowan, U.S.A.F.; Chaplain Maj. James Krische, U.S. Army; Chaplain Lt. Cmdr. Robert Coyle, U.S.N.; Sgt. Kevin Kearney, Special Forces, U.S. Army; Cpl. Manuel Callejas-Rodas, U.S.M.C.; Lt. Col. Alvah E. Ingersoll, U.S.M.C.; Ltjg. Michael Harmon, U.S.N.; Safaridin Khan, U.S.A.R.; Maj. Eric M. Carrano, U.S.A.F.; Pvt. Kristopher Lewis, U.S. Army; Pfc. Kristian Kleffmann, U.S. Army; PV2 Joseph C. Lisciandri, M.P.; Pvt. lst Cl. Joseph DeFilippe, U.S.A.F.; Sgt. Christian Orellana, U.S. Army; lst Lt. Clayton Z. Cohn, U.S. Army; Sgt. Robert J. Lant, U.S. Army; Pfc. Dan McEnerney, U.S. Army; Rick Soethout, U.S. Army; Paul Barrett, Special Forces U.S.M.C.; Cpt. Matthew Conn, U.S. Army; Maj. John Sottnik, U.S. Army; Cpt. Lee Zeldin, U.S. Army.; Sgt. Brian James Dolan, U.S. Army; Capt. Michael A. DeVita, U.S.A.F.; Lt. Cmdr. Christopher Delamere, U.S.C.G.; Staff Sgt. Albert Santini, III, U.S.M.C.; Pvt. lst Cl .Michael Deras, U.S. Army; Pfc. Matthew Duggan, U.S.M.C., U.S. Navy; Petty Officer Christopher Nusselt, U.S. Army; Private 1st Class Gregory Nusselt; Maj. Colleen Fitzpatrick, U.S.A.F.; L.Cpl. Ryan Carriddi, USMC; Alan Murphy, U.S.M.C.; Lt. Stephen Szalai, U.S.N.; Pv2 Alejandro Arroyave, U.S. Army; Michael Stapleton, U.S.M.C.; Mark Callei, U.S. Navy; Lt. Steven Fusswinkel, U. S. Navy; Captain Maureen Dooley, U.S.M.C.; Lt. Col. A. J. Griffin, U.S.A.F.; Spc. Christopher Nevin, U.S. Army; Pvt. Frank J. Pascale, U.S.M.C.; Cpt. Ryan Harmon, U.S. Army; Sgt. William T. Heritage, U.S. Army; CWS3 Pablo Cheveres, U.S. Army;1st Lt. Steven R. Liguori, Jr., U.S. Army; L. Cpl. Brendan Hennessy, U.S.M.C.; Maj. Gregory John Mueller, USMC; Cpt. Justin Gill, U.S. Army Aviation; Cpt. Brian Peterson, U.S.A.F.; R.C.T Kenneth Alexander Arrigale, U.S.M.C.; L.Cpl. Christopher Aubin, U.S.M.C. IMPORTANT: Please be kind enough to contact Lynn at the Rectory if you would like your loved ones removed from or added to our Prayer List . “Blessed are the merciful; Mercy shall be theirs!” You can help the Sisters of Mercy in living out the Works of Mercy ~ Enlightening our young; Taking children off the streets; Caring for the developmentally impaired and the emotionally disturbed; Helping children and families in distress; Empowering new immigrants; Helping the elderly and infirm sisters who provided these services for so many years. Chances: $10 each or 3 for $25. The drawing will take place on May 19th at the RESPECT LIFE CORNER: THERE’S HEALING... PROJECT RACHEL— is a confidential healing ministry for the many people, both men and women, who have been touched by an abortion experience. The purpose of Project Rachel is postabortion reconciliation and healing for the “other victims” of abortion. The woman who has had an abortion, the person who at one time or another provided an abortion, the man who has forced a daughter or spouse to have an abortion, the potential grandparents, siblings and all who have been denied. All of these people need the help of the Church to deal with the grief, anger and sense of responsibility for a great loss. Call the RVC Diocesan Offices at 678-5800 and ask to speak to someone involved in Project Rachel. Evening of Mercy THERE’S A SAFE PLACE... Winners need not be present. Chances may be picked up in the Office of Parish Social Ministry or at Our Lady of Peace School. We thank you for your love and support! BABY SAFE HAVEN — A Secret Safe Place For Newborns Don’t abandon your newborn baby. You can protect your secret and get help. It is legal to give your unharmed baby to a responsible person at a Safe Haven (for example, a hospital Emergency Room) within the first 5 days after birth. Our mission is to rescue newborn babies from injury or death by providing CONFIDENTIAL emergency care and shelter. Total secrecy is guaranteed. Just call: 1-877-796-4673 (877-796-HOPE). 4 419 TIME, TALENT & TREASURE This Week’s Stewardship of Time and Talent In gratitude for God’s gifts of time and talent to use, we gratefully salute our Religious Education Catechists & Assistants. Stewardship Thought for the Week Alleluia! Christ is risen and is victorious over sin and death! We are good stewards of our faith if, like St. Paul, we share this good news whenever and wherever we can. Parish Sacrificial Giving1 Collection information for last weekend was not available at the time of this printing. It will appear in next week’s bulletin. Thank you for your generosity to your parish. 2015 CATHOLIC MINISTRIES APPEAL UPDATE OLP YOUTH GROUP NEWS!! WE MEET ON FRIDAYS! as of March 24, 2015 NEW PARISH GOAL: $83,l00 AMOUNT PLEDGED TO DATE: $49,355 AMOUNT PAID TO DATE: $26,849 NUMBER OF GIFTS: 174 All 7th through 12th Graders You didn’t join our Youth Group yet?? Come to the Parish House (20 Nieman Ave.) the first and third Fridays of every month from 7PM to 9PM. Bring a friend! For more information email us at [email protected] Thanking you always for your sacrifice to the Catholic Ministries Appeal which helps so many. THE HOLY NAME SOCIETY DON’T FORGET! The Holy Name Society will meet next Sunday, April 12th for corporate Communion at the 8AM Mass and our meeting will follow in the Parish House. As always, all are welcome. Please bring your Campbell Soup Labels, General Mills Box Tops for Education, and pennies to the Office of Parish Social Ministry or to the school. (These items may also be placed in the mailbox near the Parish Social Ministry entrance.) We are so very grateful for your support. FAITH ON TAP (21 +) JOB BANK AT OUR LADY OF PEACE PARISHIONERS HELPING PARISHIONERS For information, please call the Office of Parish Social Ministry at 599-7448. Faith on Tap is a forum engaging young adults in straight talk and honest answers to questions of faith. Next Faith on Tap will be on Monday, April 20th at 7:30PM at the Wantagh Inn, across from the Wantagh RR Station. Our talk will be “The Road Goes Ever On…” “Christian Symbolism in the Lord of the Rings” given by Anthony Gentile, a dynamic and passionate speaker who works closely with the Young Adult Ministry in the Diocese. He is a husband, father of five and serves on the Executive Board of the L.I. Catholic Men’s Conference. Anthony is passionate about ministering to young adults and furthering the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The talk beings at 7:30PM, but doors open at 7:00PM. Come early—have something to eat—meet new friends—catch up with old friends!. For more information contact Marianne Sheridan, Director for Young Adults at [email protected]. LEAVING A LEGACY OF FAITH When you next up-date your estate plans, please consider continuing your lifelong stewardship by leaving a bequest to Our Lady of Peace Parish. For more information, or to receive a copy of an informational brochure please call (516) 379-5210, Ext. 229. 5 419 CATHOLIC CHARITIES JOB OPENING ARE YOU OR SOMEONE YOU KNOW HAVING FAMILY OR INTERPERSONAL PROBLEMS DUE TO DRINKING ALCOHOL AND/OR USING DRUGS? —Direct Support Professionals—Residential Services We are seeking individuals who have a sincere desire to use their skills to help our developmentally disabled adults enhance their ability to lead self-determining lives and participate fully in the community. Full Time, Part time, Weekend & On-Call opportunities are available in Southwest Suffolk County. Essential functions include personal care, household maintenance, transporting/safeguarding residents on community outings, coaching for skills development and administering medications. Experienced and non-experienced applicants welcome. Training provided. HS Diploma/GED and a clean, currently valid NY Driver’s License are required to apply. To Apply: Please submit resume & cover letter via email or fax. Reference Code “DSP—Parish bulletin” in the subject line. Fax: (516) 733-7038 Email: [email protected] Catholic Charities—Diocese of Rockville an Equal Opportunity Employer. “Care With Dignity….Life With Hope” Catholic Charities/Talbot House, a Chemical Dependence Crisis Center, located in Bohemia provides withdrawal and stabilization services, on a voluntary basis, to males and females over the age of 18, who are seeking to stop and/or withdraw from alcohol and/or other drug use. The medical and clinical staff at Talbot House will assess the kind of care the person needs to begin his/her journey in recovery. For more information, please call (631) 589-4144. Talbot House staff is available 24/7. Each call is confidential. Talbot House is a NO FEE for service program. THE OFFICE OF FAITH FORMATION OF THE DIOCESE OF ROCKVILLE CENTRE IS OFFERING… —Disciple is Not a Dirty Word. This workshop is designed for all parents, grandparents, catechists and anyone who would like to learn skills to discipline children in a positive way. Come learn the principles of positive discipline through presentation, discussion and home activities. Please join us on Tuesday, April 21ar from 7PM-8:30PM at St. Sylvester’s Parish, 68 Ohio Ave. in Medford—Parish Center Lower Level (Patricia Desmond Hall). Cost: $10 —Myers Briggs Workshop—Knowledge and understanding of their personality type as assessed by the Myers Briggs can be a tool for personal growth, achieving balance, understanding self, helping people express their spirituality in ways that are comfortable and rewarding. Join us at Christ the King Parish, 2 Indian Head Rd., Commack on Saturday, April 18th and 25th from 9AM to 4PM. Cost: $75 per person (two-day workshop). Attendance is required for both days. Lunch will not be provided. Pre-registration is required. Call the Office of Faith Formation by April 9th, (516) 678-5800. THE LIFE CENTER OF LONG ISLAND DEER PARK, NEW YORK We are in desperate need of some items for our clients: -Clothes for girls and boys ( Sizes 0-6 and 18-24 months especially needed) -Toiletries (i.e., wipes, baby soaps, shampoos, diaper rash creams, powders, etc.) -Crib sheets, bottles, hooded towels, wash cloths -diaper bags -non-drop side cribs/bassinets/Pack n Plays; car seats (both infant and toddler) and strollers. Thank you for any help you can provide to help us support these women, especially those who are in crisis. Donations can be dropped off at our Deep Park location: 1767 Deer Park Ave., Deer Park, NY (across the street from Ss. Cyril & Methodius R.C. Church. For more information call us at (631) 243-2373. MARIAN HEALING MINISTRY Continuing the Marian Healing Ministry of Fr. Dennis Kelleher, CSsR there will be a Healing Mass at St. Anastasia’s Church, 45-14 245th St., Douglaston-Little Neck, NY 11362 on Tuesday, April 7, 2015. 7PM—Rosary, Mass & Healing Service. Celebrant: Fr. Augustine Fernando, assisted by Deacons Joseph Mercolino, John Dennehy and Michael Vicinanza. Music by Tony Owen. For more information contact St. Anastasia’s Church (718) 631-4454. COME JOIN US… For women who are 17 years old and older Please join us on April 17 to April 19th (beginning Friday at 7PM and ending with Sunday Vespers at 4PM) to explore what it means to be part of the Dominican Family, Sisters of St. Dominic, Amityville and find how “You will set the world on fire.” Please contact: Sr. Marenid Fabre, OP, Director of Vocations at (631) 842-6000, Ext. 352. We are located at 555 Albany Ave., Amityville, NY 11701. A $20 donation for the weekend is suggested. FAMILIES ANONYMOUS Families Anonymous (FA) is a twelve-step support program of recovery for relatives and friends concerned about the use of drugs, alcohol or related behavioral problems. We meet every Wednesday at 7:30PM in St. Raymond’s School Cafeteria, 263 Atlantic Ave., East Rockaway. For more information call Antoinette at 568-0040. Let us remember what Jesus told us... “Love one another as I have loved you.” John 15:12 6 419 7 419 8 419 9 419 10 419
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