CAN YOU HELP YOUR PARISH? IF YOU ARE IN 8TH GRADE OR OLDER—WE NEED YOU! MASSES FOR THE WEEK Monday, 5/4/15—Easter Weekday 7:00 AM Mary O’Sullivan 9:00 AM Richard Karol Tuesday, 5/5/15—Easter Weekday 7:00 AM Marye Kobbe 9:00 AM JoAnn Graziano 1:30 PM Rosary, Holy Hour of Eucharistic Adoration & Benediction (In Honor of All Mothers, Grandmothers & Godmothers) Wednesday, 5/6/15—Easter Weekday 7:00 AM Susan Fescina 9:00 AM Multiple Intentions Mass: Living & Deceased Members of the Reilly Family; Desiree Gerardi Thursday, 5/7/15—Easter Weekday 7:00 AM Helen Olivas 9:00 AM Angela Glass Friday, 5/8/15—Easter Weekday 7:00 AM Anna Yaremus 9:00 AM Joanne Icholnyk Saturday, 5/9/15—Easter Weekday 9:00 AM Joseph A. Fugallo, Jr. Sunday, 5/10/15—Sixth Sunday of Easter—Mother’s Day 5:00 PM Sat. Intentions 8:00 AM Sun. For 9:30 AM Mother’s 11:00 AM Day 12:30 PM “ “ “ We would love you to consider becoming a Lector at Mass. We are in great need of more Lectors. Do not be concerned about this role; you will be trained. Training will not take more than 2 hours. This is such a beautiful way to serve your parish. Proclaiming the Word is a special and important gift that you can give to your fellow parishioners. Would you please, prayerfully consider joining this wonderful ministry? Your commitment would be only one Mass a month. If you need more information about this ministry, please do not hesitate to email or call Ann Marie Cangelosi 599-6414, Ext. 140 or email her at [email protected]. Thank you so much. BANNS OF MARRIAGE FIRST TIME: Stephanie Macaluso and Matthew Khattab, both from OLP. HOLY NAME SOCIETY Next Sunday, May 10th is Holy Name Sunday. We will meet for corporate Communion at the 8AM Mass and a short meeting will follow in the Parish House. All are welcome. 2015 MASS BOOK FOR JULY THROUGH DECEMBER IS OPENED The Mass Book for the last six months of 2015 (July—December) opened last Monday, April 27th. Mass Request forms will be available at the doors of the church. Please drop them off at the rectory with your payment. LEAVING A LEGACY OF FAITH When you next up-date your estate plans, please consider continuing your lifelong stewardship by leaving a bequest to Our Lady of Peace Parish. For more information, or to receive a copy of an informational brochure please call (516) 379-5210, Ext. 229. MOTHER’S DAY MASS CARDS Mother’s Day Cards are available at the doors of the church. This is a wonderful way of remembering our Mothers, living and deceased at all of our Masses on Mother’s Day, May 10th. 2 419 Grant Us Your Salvation! IN THE CHARITY OF YOUR PRAYERS, PLEASE PRAY FOR THE ILL, ESPECIALLY: Sydell Bogin, Doug Griffith, Jennifer Abraham, PARISH SOCIAL MINISTRY Carl Baxter, Andrew Moore, Matthew Wargas, Don Dantona, Josephine Sorbara, Pat Butler, Richard Bowman, Sue O’Brien, Georgette Dillingham., Madeline & Joseph Giordano, Donald Conway, Jr, Veronica Heinz, Mary DePinto, Claire Kane, Bridget Vogt, Rosalie Filauri, Philomena Picone, Margaret Casina, Marie DiBlasi, Nikki Robertson, Eileen Meyers, Kevin O’Brien, Kevin Ledwith, Matt McCormack, Camille Cromeyn, Mr. & Mrs. William Maxwell, Bill Myers, Phyllis Volante Sfess-man, Serfina Minerva, Rachel Hanson, Connie Starr. (List will remain approximately four weeks. After that time, you may call to renew your request for prayers). AND FOR ALL THE DECEASED, ESPECIALLY: Matthew J. Sparacino; Desiree Gerardi THE BREAD The Bread this week has been donated in thanksgiving for prayers answered. THE WINE The Wine this week has been donated in thanksgiving for prayers answered. THE ROSE FOR LIFE The Rose For Life this week has been donated in thanksgiving for prayers answered. SANCTUARY CANDLE The Sanctuary Lamp this week has been memorialized in thanksgiving for prayers answered. AROUND OUR PARISH..… — HOLY HOUR OF EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Every Tuesday from 1:30 to 2:30PM in the Church. Please join us at 1:30 as we pray the Rosary. There will be Benediction on the 1st Tuesday of each month. — MIRACULOUS MEDAL NOVENA - Please stay and pray with us every Saturday morning after the 9AM Mass in the Church. —TWICE BLESSED THRIFT SHOPPE - Open on Tuesdays and Fridays from 9:30AM to 2:30PM all year long. Please leave only gently-used clothing and other items. —CYO - for any information regarding CYO please visit our website at —OLP SPIRIT SPACE—MEDITATION/READING GROUP- Every Thursday from 7:30PM-9:30PM in the Parish House. —YOUTH GROUP (7th-12th graders)—join our wonderful Youth Group which meets the 1st and 3rd Fridays of every month at the Parish House, 20 Neiman Ave., from 7PM to 9PM. Our email is: [email protected]. READINGS FOR NEXT WEEKEND MAY 10, 2015 Acts 10:25-26, 34-35, 44-48; 1 Jn 4:7-10; Jn 15:9-17 Reflection: Adults: Where can we bring Christ’s message of love this week? To whom might we show His love, even in difficult circumstances? Children: What will you do this week to show others the love of Jesus? Jesus was always kind to all. Will you try to follow the way of Jesus? 3 419 PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR ARMED FORCES, ESPECIALLY: Chaplain Col. Mark Rowan, U.S.A.F.; Chaplain Maj. James Krische, U.S. Army; Chaplain Lt. Cmdr. Robert Coyle, U.S.N.; Sgt. Kevin Kearney, Special Forces, U.S. Army; Cpl. Manuel Callejas-Rodas, U.S.M.C.; Lt. Col. Alvah E. Ingersoll, U.S.M.C.; Ltjg. Michael Harmon, U.S.N.; Safaridin Khan, U.S.A.R.; Maj. Eric M. Carrano, U.S.A.F.; Pvt. Kristopher Lewis, U.S. Army; Pfc. Kristian Kleffmann, U.S. Army; PV2 Joseph C. Lisciandri, M.P.; Pvt. lst Cl. Joseph DeFilippe, U.S.A.F.; Sgt. Christian Orellana, U.S. Army; lst Lt. Clayton Z. Cohn, U.S. Army; Sgt. Robert J. Lant, U.S. Army; Pfc. Dan McEnerney, U.S. Army; Rick Soethout, U.S. Army; Paul Barrett, Special Forces U.S.M.C.; Cpt. Matthew Conn, U.S. Army; Maj. John Sottnik, U.S. Army; Cpt. Lee Zeldin, U.S. Army.; Sgt. Brian James Dolan, U.S. Army; Capt. Michael A. DeVita, U.S.A.F.; Lt. Cmdr. Christopher Delamere, U.S.C.G.; Staff Sgt. Albert Santini, III, U.S.M.C.; Pvt. lst Cl .Michael Deras, U.S. Army; Pfc. Matthew Duggan, U.S.M.C., U.S. Navy; Petty Officer Christopher Nusselt, U.S. Army; Private 1st Class Gregory Nusselt; Maj. Colleen Fitzpatrick, U.S.A.F.; L.Cpl. Ryan Carriddi, USMC; Alan Murphy, U.S.M.C.; Lt. Stephen Szalai, U.S.N.; Pv2 Alejandro Arroyave, U.S. Army; Michael Stapleton, U.S.M.C.; Mark Callei, U.S. Navy; Lt. Steven Fusswinkel, U. S. Navy; Captain Maureen Dooley, U.S.M.C.; Lt. Col. A. J. Griffin, U.S.A.F.; Spc. Christopher Nevin, U.S. Army; Pvt. Frank J. Pascale, U.S.M.C.; Cpt. Ryan Harmon, U.S. Army; Sgt. William T. Heritage, U.S. Army; CWS3 Pablo Cheveres, U.S. Army;1st Lt. Steven R. Liguori, Jr., U.S. Army; L. Cpl. Brendan Hennessy, U.S.M.C.; Maj. Gregory John Mueller, USMC; Cpt. Justin Gill, U.S. Army Aviation; Cpt. Brian Peterson, U.S.A.F.; R.C.T Kenneth Alexander Arrigale, U.S.M.C.; L.Cpl. Christopher Aubin, U.S.M.C. IMPORTANT: Please be kind enough to contact Lynn at the Rectory if you would like your loved ones removed from or added to our Prayer List . “Blessed are the merciful; Mercy shall be theirs!” You can help the Sisters of Mercy in living out the Works of Mercy ~ Enlightening our young; Taking children off the streets; Caring for the developmentally impaired and the emotionally disturbed; Helping children and families in distress; Empowering new immigrants; Helping the elderly and infirm sisters who provided these services for so many years. Chances: $10 each or 3 for $25. The drawing will take place on May 19th at the RESPECT LIFE COMMITTEE… ABORTION ALTERNATIVES —If you ever need help, take advantage of thee free services also found in the yellow pages under Abortion Alternatives, they offer: Free pregnancy tests Financial aid Free housing (not available at all services) Free baby clothes, goods, etc. Call these friendly and confidential services anytime: 1 (800) 550-4900 Birthright 1 (800) 395-4357 Care Net 1 (800) 662-2678 Several Sources Foundation 1 (800) 238-4269 Bethany Christian Services Or go to Evening of Mercy Winners need not be present. Chances may be picked up in the Office of Parish Social Ministry or at Our Lady of Peace School. We thank you for your love and support! —For women who have had an abortion—call Project Rachael at 1 (800) 456-HOPE or This is a confidential healing ministry. 4 419 TIME, TALENT & TREASURE JOB BANK OUR LADY OF PEACE PARISHIONERS This Week’s Stewardship of Time and Talent In gratitude for God’s gifts of time and talent to use, we gratefully salute our Marriage Preparation Pre-Cana Teams. HELPING PARISHIONERS… Please note: Our Lady of Peace can not specifically endorse nor recommend anyone on this list. For further information, please call the Office of Parish Social Ministry at 599-7448. Stewardship Thought for the Week In today’s Gospel, Jesus says that God is glorified when a disciple, grafted in Christ, produces abundantly and bears much fruit. The disciple must then be a good steward of that abundance. Parish Sacrificial Giving1 Collection information from last weekend: $11,206.00 Collection from the same weekend last year: $13,490.00 —Seeking Companion/Housecleaning Position. Cooking. laundry, vacuuming, dusting, washing dishes, general housekeeping. Reliable, compassionate, personable care. Fluent in Spanish. If you need my services, please call Linda at (516) 285-6043. —Seeking Customer Service/office Position. Experienced Office Manager—scheduled appointments, handled customers’ queries, sales for services, payments, filed paperwork. Placed orders for office supplies as well as products sold. Kept daily logs and scanned year-end data, microfilming all data, checking for accuracy before storing in vault, monitored all office procedures. Computer savvy. If you have a job for someone who can multitask with excellent administrative organizational, and communication skills, please contact Robert (516) 444-9688. —Seeking Position in Finance. Interacted with clients to assess their financial goals and create a portfolio to meet their needs for investments, retirement, educational, and estate planning. Informed clients of risk assessment. Research mutual funds, life insurance annuities, managed all life insurance and annuity business for firm. Handled marketing and promotion for events. Possesses proficient communication and organizational skills; capable of working independently or as part of a team. If you have an opening for an adept financial expert, please phone Deborah (904) 662-0826. —Pet Sitting. Going away on vacation? Day outing? Starting a full time job? Need someone to care for your pet in the comfort of their own home? Experienced pet sitter—walking, feeding, litter pans, socializing, light cleaning, give meds. Dependable attentive, loving care. References. Please call Pat (516) 561-3011. Thank you for your generosity to your parish. 2015 CATHOLIC MINISTRIES APPEAL UPDATE as of April 21, 2015 NEW PARISH GOAL: $83,l00 AMOUNT PLEDGED TO DATE: $66,405 AMOUNT PAID TO DATE: $41,885 NUMBER OF GIFTS: 211 Thanking you always for your sacrifice to the Catholic Ministries Appeal which helps so many. RETROUVAILLE GOLF SAVE THE DATE OLP’S ANNUAL GOLF OUTING TUESDAY, JUNE 9TH, 2015—1PM LIDO GOLF CLUB Do you feel alone? Are you frustrated or angry with each other? Do you argue or have you just stopped talking to each other? Does talking about it only make it worse? Retrouvaille helps couples through difficult times in their marriages. This program has helped thousands of couples worldwide experiencing ALL TYPES of marital difficulties. For confidential information about the Retrouvaille program, or to register for the upcoming weekend that begins on Friday, May 29th, please call 1-800-470-2230 and you will be connected directly and confidentially to a couple from Long Island/Metro Retrouvaille who can help. Please call or go on our website to make a reservation! Weekends get filled up very quickly. CONGRATULATIONS SARA The administration and Faculty of Our Lady of Mercy Academy has informed us that one of our parishioners have exhibited academic excellence for the Third Quarter marking period. Sara Merkle Grade 12 (pronounced Retro-vi) Another Marriage-Saving Retrouvaille Weekend May 29th-31st, 2015 You Can Help Heal Your Marriage Second Honors Congratulations, Sara, the entire parish of Our Lady of Peace is so very proud of this wonderful accomplishment. “Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.” Mother Teresa 5 419 Would you like to spend some time studying the Theology of Grace, or examining the Gospel of Luke? Or perhaps you would like to learn more about Capital Vices, or Faith & Belief in the 21st Century or Celebrating Liturgy with Children? If you are interested in any of these topics, perhaps you would like to join with our faith community as we explore the answers. BEGINNING EXPERIENCE What if the worst thing you think could happen does and you are widowed, separated or divorced? What if life changes in the blink of an eye? How do you cope? How do you deal with the grief, loss and pain? What do you politely tell those well-meaning people in your life who want to help you cope and start over? It’s not easy. It’s never easy. The truth is that no one has to suffer alone. It can be good again.. Very good. Beginning Experience can help —just give us one weekend. You will meet people who have gone through the same things you are going through. They know how you feel because they have felt it and lived through it. They will share with you how they came to terms with their loss and how they’ve moved forward. Most importantly, they will listen. Please join us for a weekend that will help you to move forward. Upcoming weekend dates: September 1820th. For more information call: Mary (516) 413-6209; John (516) 822-0635; Jean (631) 903-0973 or Jim (718) 474-3779. Graduate level courses in Theology are open to those seeking a Master’s Degree, or those not looking to pursue a degree, but who have an undergraduate degree (or its equivalent). Workshops are open to anyone seeking to enrich their Faith. If you are interested, please visit our website or call for more information regarding our tuition and courses. Summer Semester runs May 18th -June 30th. Day and evening classes are available. Classes run out of the Seminary of the Immaculate Conception in Huntington or St. Joseph’s Seminary in Yonkers. For more information call: (631) 423-0483, Ext. 147. MAGNIFICAT A DAY OF PRAYER Magnificat, a Ministry to Catholic Women, cordially invites you to attend a dinner on Wednesday, May 20th at The Pompeii Restaurant in West Hempstead, from 6:30PM to 10:30PM. Our speaker for the evening is Sister Marie Therese, a CFR Sister of the Renewal, who will be sharing her amazing story of conversion and God’s call to a religious vocation. The cost is $40 per person. Reservations must be received by May 13th and mailed to: Judy Murphy, 42 Pinehurst St., Lido Beach, NY 11561. Please direct all inquiries to either Judy Murphy at (917) 453-5750 or Angela Rizzo at (516) 763-1739. Thank you! The Shrine of Our Lady of the Island 258 Eastport Manor Rd., Manorville, NY 11949 (631) 325-0661— The Shrine of Our Lady of the Island presents: A Day of Prayer In Honor of Our Lady of Fatima on Wednesday, May 13th, 2015. Retreat Schedule: 10:00AM Outdoor Rosary Walk 11:30AM Mass 12:30 PM Lunch Break 1:30 PM Conference 3:00 PM Holy Hour Attendance is free but donations are appreciated. OFFERINGS FROM THE CENACLE RETREAT CENTER RONKONKOMA, NY (631) 588-8366, Ext. 116 THIRD ANNUAL WOMEN’S CONFERENCE The Voice of Catholic Women The following are offerings for the months of May and June —Contemplative Singles —From Miserable to Marvelous! —The Value of Sin —A Day to Mother Me —Day for Wise Women —The Power of Intercessory Prayer —Centering Prayer Afternoon —“Music is the Language of the Spirit” —The Deep Mystery Within —From Tents to Temples: Your Home for the Risen Christ —Steps 10, 11, & 12 —Saying “Yes” to Transformation —T’ai Chi at the Maude Adams House —Summer Workshop—Thomas Merton Contact us for more information and to make your reservations. Reflecting on “The Joy of the Gospel” (Evangelii Gaudium), Pope Francis Elizabeth McCaul Gail F. Sullivan Saturday, May 30, 2015 Registration at 9:15 AM Seminary of the Immaculate Conception 440 West Neck Rd., Huntington, NY 11743 Offering $25.00 (lunch included) For more information visit our website 6 419 7 419 THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR GENEROSITY DURING THE BABY BOTTLE CAMPAIGN. PLEASE RETURN YOUR FILLED, HALF-FILLED OR EMPTY BABY BOTTLES TO THE RECTORY, BECAUSE EACH BOTTLE COSTS $1.00 AND WE HAVE 119 THAT WERE NOT RETURNED YET. THANKS AGAIN! 8 419 9 10 419
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