Olympia Art League Lakefair Juried Show July 11 – July 25, 2015 Location: Governor Hotel 621 Capitol Way S Olympia, WA 360-352-7700 Show Schedule Postmark Deadline for Entries 6/1 - Mon Acceptance Notifications Mailed [allow 3 days for arrival] 6/22 - Mon Deliver Accepted Art (Noon-6 PM) [Show venue address is above] 7/9 - Thur Show Opens (Daily hours 10 AM-6 PM), Reception (6-8PM), Awards (6:30 PM) 7/11 - Sat Show Closes (11:30 AM), Retrieve* Your Art (Noon-6 PM) 7/25 - Sat First Prize $500 - Second Prize $300 - Third Prize $200 *Un-retrieved art will be donated to charity unless ADVANCE arrangements are made. Entry Guidelines Entrants must be a resident of Western Washington and at least 18 years old. Three entries per artist are allowed, but ONLY 2 can be chosen for show. Fee: $30 ($25 for OAL members [and students with ID]). 2-D framed art: size limits between 10” and 42” in either dimension. Sorry, no 3-D work accepted this year, including hanging clay art. 2-D art must be sturdily framed and wired for hanging. (No saw-tooth hangers, scratched or damaged frames, or “clip” frames allowed.) If improperly framed, work will not be accepted. Artwork must be original and solely the work of the applicant and created within the past 24 months at time of entry. (Instructor-assisted art is not eligible.) Artists are responsible for hand-delivery and retrieval of their art at scheduled dates and times. Art must remain on display until the show ends. No price changes or work substitutions can be made after registration. Artwork labels will give interested buyers your name and phone number for contact. Images of your work may be submitted on a CD** clearly labeled with your full name, phone, and email. Images MUST be in jpeg (.jpg) format. We prefer <600 pixels on longest side and 72 dpi resolution, but OAL will make your work conform to specifications if you don’t know how to do that. Your art should be turned right side up and cropped so only the artwork shows. When saving your photo files name them as follows: Last Name, First Name, TITLE, medium, size. Example: Monet, Claude / WATER LILIES / oil / 12” X 20” (unmatted dimension). You may e-mail your photos to Ruth Roberts: [email protected] instead of mailing a CD. Show Juror: Kathie Bliss http://www.kathiebliss.com p. 1 Show Chairs - Trisha Gooch 360-280-3155 or Teresa Marie Staal 360-866-1512 Olympia Art League Lakefair Juried Show July 11 – July 25, 2015 Entry Checklist (for your use) Complete OAL Lakefair Juried Show Entry Form (below), legibly please. Enclose CD with no more than 3 images (see complete instructions previous page). Or e-mail photos to Ruth Roberts. Enclose $30 check made out to OAL ($25 for OAL members or students--with an enclosed copy of current school ID). No later than June 1, 2015, mail entry form with check. (CDs will not be returned) (students also enclose copy of current school ID). Mail to: Olympia Art League PO Box 404 Olympia, WA 98507-0404 (cut here) OAL Lakefair Juried Show Entry Form (Must be included w/check & CD when mailed) Artist Acknowledgement – Limitations: Artwork not meeting exhibit guidelines may be removed from show. Every effort to protect artwork from damage or theft will be taken. By entering this show, the artist agrees to hold the Olympia Art League (OAL) and Governor Hotel (GH) harmless should theft or damage occur. OAL and GH assume no liability for breaches of copyright by the entrants. I have read the accompanying Prospectus and accept and agree to abide by all its terms. Artist’s signature: _____________________________________________ Date: ________________ (Artist must sign & date before work is accepted in show) Entry Title Medium Framed Size Price #1 #2 #3 Please Print Contact Information: Artist Name: _________________________________________Phone: _______________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________________ City: _______________________ Zip: __________ Email: _________________________________ p. 2 Olympia Art League Lakefair Juried Show July 11 – July 25, 2015 Please note: CDs will not be returned Each artist may submit up to 3 pieces, but only 2 can be accepted into show (cut here) Claim Ticket – Save for Retrieval Day, Noon-6 PM Friday, 7/25/2015 Governor Hotel, 621 Capitol Way S Olympia, WA; 360.352.7700 Claim Ticket – Save for Retrieval Day, Noon-6 PM Friday, 7/25/2015 Governor Hotel, 621 Capitol Way S Olympia, WA; 360.352.7700 Claim Ticket #1 Claim Ticket #2 Artist______________________________ Artist______________________________ Title_______________________________ Title_______________________________ (cut here) After acceptance of work, fill out the tag(s) below and attach to back of artwork before delivery to the art venue. (cut here) Deliver art 12-6 PM Thurs 7/9/2015 Governor Hotel, 621 Capitol Way S Olympia, WA; 360.352.7700 Tag #1 Deliver art 12-6 PM Thurs 7/9/2015 Governor Hotel, 621 Capitol Way S Olympia, WA; 360.352.7700 Tag #2 Artist______________________________ Artist______________________________ Title_______________________________ Title_______________________________ Medium____________________________ Medium____________________________ Price______________________________ Price______________________________ Phone_____________________________ Phone_____________________________ Email______________________________ Email______________________________ p. 3
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