ORDER FOR WORSHIP WE PREPARE FOR WORSHIP - (Silence and Prayer is appropriate) Prelude Announcements +Confession and Forgiveness page 94 WE SING PRAISES TO GOD Entrance Holy, Holy, Holy ELW # 413 Greeting & Kyrie page 203 Hymn of Praise Come Let Us Join page 204 Prayer of the Day WE HEAR THE WORD o First Lesson Isaiah 6:1-8 Psalm 29 See insert Special Music Through Forest and Field Ella Wolner Second Lesson Romans 8:12-17 + Gospel Acclamation page 205 Gospel John 3:1-17 o Children’s Sermon Sermon ‘By Night And By Right’ Pastor Don WE RESPOND WITH SONGS AND STATEMENTS Pulpit Hymn Father, Most Holy ELW # 415 Apostle’s Creed Sharing the Peace WE GIVE THANKS o Offering of Our Gifts and Tithes +Offertory Create in Me ELW # 188 Prayers of the Church The Lord’s Prayer page 208 WE LEAVE TO DO OUR WORK ON GOD’S BEHALF Benediction Sending Song Postlude Come, Thou Almighty King + Indicates to Stand, Stand if you would like to do so. o Indicates to Sit. ELW # 408 Welcome to worship at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church! Good morning, and welcome to worship at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church. What a blessing to take time away from life’s busyness to rest in God’s presence. Health For Members: Jim Wik, Bette Darrington, Lorraine Bebensee, and Jim Backer. Health For Others: Shana Alm, Co-worker of Jennifer Hauge, RC Peterson, brother of Doris and Gene Larson, Elaine Korsmo, sister of Kathy Strand, Kristi, niece of Cindy Sulflow, Diane Christenson, sister-in-law of Lois Christenson, Stacy Woodberry, niece of Ferman and Pastor Eunice Woodberry, Laurie Zenk, daughter-in-law of Jim & Sonja Zenk, Tyson Cleuver, cousin of Wendy Augeson, Dave Sommerfield, friend of Lois Christenson, Cynthia Bonnema, daughter of Margit Bonnema, Ella Frank, granddaughter of Gregg and Karen Kepner, Christopher Kepner, nephew of Gregg and Karen Kepner, Jody Renbarger mother of Cory and Amanda (Smith) Renbarger, Betty Busing friend of Jennifer Hauge, Donna Haugen, sister of Bev Moen, and Ethelyn Anderson, sister of Maxine Slettum. The altar flowers are given in honor of granddaughter Kyla Schuler’s graduation from high school from grandparents Tom and Leanna Albrecht. The radio broadcast is sponsored today by Altar Guild through memorial gifts. Blessed be our saints. Summer Office Hours begin Friday, May 29th, and continue until fall. The hours will be: Monday –Thursday, 7:30 am -4:30 pm. Fridays, 7:30am to noon. noon Chippewa County Food shelf: Cash donations are always welcome at the Chippewa County Food shelf. Only $1.00 can buy 9 cans of soup through Second Harvest Heartland. We are looking for partpart-time custodial help. help Duties include dusting, cleaning and occasional lock-up. This is an excellent opportunity for a retired person looking for a little extra income or for something to get you out of the house for a few hours a week! The Holy Trinity May 31, 2015 You can pick up an application in the office or call Pastor Don for more information. Video Help Needed We are in need of someone who could be trained to do videotaping of our Sunday worship service on a rotating basis. This can be a student, parent or anyone else interested. Please call the church office or speak with Pastor Don if you can help! Thank you for the all all the donations to our 135th Anniversary Fund. We continue to gather donations from those who chose a two or three year pledge. Your gifts keep our ministry strong. Please give as you are blessed. We have to have dollars for lights, sound and water. We can only do what we do with your gifts. You have been blessed, be a blessing….please. Helping with Worship today: Pastor: Don McKee Organist: Rita Knutson Lector: Angie Ashling Broadcast Assistants: Ferman Woodberry Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Montevideo, Minnesota 222 N 5th Street (320) 269-8824 Web Page: www.oslcmonte.com
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