COMING IN MAY… - Our Lady of the Cedars

Sundays 8:30 a.m. and 11:00 am.
Weekdays 8:00 a.m., Saturday 8:30 a.m.
I pray the Holy Rosary daily at 7:30 a.m.
Please join me when you can. +
Every Saturday - 2:00 - 4:00 pm or by app’t.
Sunday - before Mass and ending 10 minutes before
Mass begins.
Luk 24 : 36 - 48
Rom 10 : 1 - 13
Sunday, May 10
- 8:30 am Tom Jesser Jr
Sunday, May 10
- 11:00 am Monique Binkley
Sunday, May 17
- 8:30 am Danny Abou-Elias
Sunday, May 17
- 11:00 am Paul Nemer
Counting Our Blessings
Sunday, May 3, 2015 $3,042.00
Sunday, May 17, 2015
Sunday, May 17, 2015
Sunday, June 7, 2015
June 5, 9:00am – 3:00pm
Next Second Collection
May 17, 2015
Catholic Communications
Great News Everyone! On May 16th, Ohio is having
an MYO/MYA State Reunion at the Basilica Shrine in
North Jackson from 11:00 AM to 6:00 PM!
We will meet and at the church at 9:30am to depart for
the Shrine. Contact Sub-Deacon Alex for further
Mother’s Day, Sunday, May 10
Rosary before Mass
Father will present a gift at Mass
Men’s Club will serve coffee and
Refreshments after Mass.
Feast of Our Lady of Fatima –
Wednesday, May 13 also the vigil for the Feast of
Ascension Thursday. Vigil Mass at 5:30 pm, outdoor
Rosary at 6:15, cover dish supper on the
Cedar’s Hall Patio at 7:00 pm.
Welcome all parishioner, friends and neighbors.
Holy Day
Feast of the Ascension of Our Lord into Heaven –
Thursday, May 14, 8:00 am.
Pentecost Sunday – May 24.
Back – to – Back
-Property Committee–
Monday, May 11, 5:30 pm.
-Parish Advisory Board–
Monday, May 11, 6:30 pm.
-Hall Advisory Board–
Monday, May 18, 5:30 pm.
-Food Fair Planning–
Monday, May 18, 7:00 pm.
-I want to say thank you very, very much to all our
beautiful children who received their First Holy
Communion last Sunday. I especially want to say a
great thank you to the good parents, to all their family
members, all guests who were able to attend this
special occasion with us. I am most grateful to their
teacher Maria Stewart for all the good work with the
instructions and all the preparations for this very
special day.
What a beautiful Liturgy we were blessed with
especially to have one of our youth read the Epistle in
Arabic, one student led the chant to the Hymn to Our
Blessed Mother in Arabic, to do readings which they
did so well, and their loving gesture of presenting
flowers to their Teacher in appreciation for all she did
for them. May our children continue to do these and
many more meaningful things again and again. I pray
our parents will keep up with their duties of bringing
their children to religion classes and to Mass all the
time. May all of our Children grow up to become great
My special thanks to all the parents for their generous
work of decorating the Church last Sunday and for the
lovely reception after Liturgy. Everything you did was
done with much love and in the best spirit. I am
convinced that our Lord was pleased. I am sure Our
Lord smiled on our Parish Community.
-I want to say bravo to all the good members of the
Ladies Guild for all they did to make the Lebanese
Buffet such a great success. I want to acknowledge the
many cooking hours they worked to get everything
ready. I thank everyone who helped with the serving
and all the cleanup. I also want to say thank you to all
the patrons from near and far of this annual event.
What a beautiful event enjoyed by all.
To Wilkes-Barre, Pa for a 40 day Mass. A
family member died on Easter Sunday and was buried
during the Easter Week and I was unable to be present.
I will go to be with the family for this 40 Day Liturgy.
Dates away are- May 26, 27 & 28. I will have Moring
Liturgies on Monday and Tuesday. No Liturgies on
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. I will have the
Morning Mass as usual on Saturday at 8:30 am and
Confessions from 2:00 – 4:00 pm as usual.
To Utah. I will depart on Sunday afternoon
June 7 and return on Thursday, June 18. Msgr. Peter
Karam will celebrate the Divine Liturgies in my place
on Sunday, June 14. I will finally get to see the
southern part of the State and enjoy places like Zion
State Park and the Grand Canyon. This will be my
actual first vacation away since my assignment began
here 3 years ago. I will resume the daily Morning
Masses on Friday, June 19. All Mass Intentions given
from June 8 to June 14 will be honored during these
days of vacation. I never miss celebrating my daily
To Cleveland, Ohio for the Annual Priest
Meeting and NAM convention. I will celebrate the
regular morning Liturgy on Monday, June 29 at 8:00
am then travel to the Priest Meeting. No Morning
Masses on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday, I will
have the regular Morning Masses on Friday, July 3 and
Saturday, July 4. All Mass intentions will be
remembered at my Masses with all our Bishops and
Priests during these days of meetings in Cleveland.
Divine Liturgy Schedule
May 10 through May 17
Special Intentions for All the Mothers of Our Parish
11:00 A Special Intention
St. Simon the Zealot, Apostle /
St. Antonius of Florence /
Mother's Day
8:00 The Intentions of the Men's Club by
Subdeacon Paul Boulos
St. Mammertus
8:00 Pauline Varga by Susie Varga
St. Epiphanius, Bishop of
Cyprus, Confessor /
Sts. Nereus and Achilleus and
St. Pancras, Martyrs
8:00 Special Intentions of Fr Bill
Our Lady of Fatima /
St. Adai, One of the 72
Disciples, Apostle
8:00 The Intentions of David & Andrea Reusch
by Subdeacon Paul Boulos
The Ascension of Our Lord /
St. Matthias, Apostle, Martyr
8:00 Sadie Comiono by Roy Comiono
Our Lady of the Harvest /
St. Isidore the Farmer
8:30 Paul-Louis Mazigi by Mireille Mazigi Sahlani
4:00 Harvey & Judy Kelly by
Paul & Karla Wilkinson & Family
St. John Nepomucene, Martyr,
Patron of Confessors
8:30 Violet Osborne by Joanne M Ganem
11:00 Nabih & Mouna Silfani by the Silfani Family
St. Serapion / St. Paschal
330-825-1900 * 330-644-4490 * 330-434-2221 * 330-253-4071
Email: [email protected]
800-712-4357 for other resources in your area
Troubled in Marriage? Visit
May 10, 2015
6th Sunday of the Resurrection
Mother’s Day
Why is the Faith important to me?
Sunday, May 10, 2015
Rick Maroon
Faith: Growing up, I learned that I had a role in
maintaining my relationship with Jesus. Through
prayer and reflection, reconciliation and communion, I
began to believe in the magnanimity of God and the
loving sacrifice of Jesus. I started to realize how truly
awesome life is because of God’s grace.
connection to God was special and different than all of
my other affiliations in life.
Hope: As I entered adulthood, I began to interact in the
world without my parents’ ability to filter out
unpleasant things. The trials of life were fast upon me.
It became clear to me that my relationship to God was
not only unique from all my other relationships in life,
but my relationship to God is the most important
relationship in my life, I realized, in fact, there is no
life without Him.
Love: Standing at midlife, I find that the gift of belief
that my parents have given me, has flourished. God’s
light shines so brightly in my Faith, my Family, my
Friends, and my Church, it blurs my vision and again,
as in my childhood, I can no longer distinguish a
difference between them. God’s love is ever present,
all around me.
First Communion Videos and Pictures
Andrea Wilkinson was on hand again this year to
capture our children's First Communion on video.
The cost of each video is $25.00 and will include
one photograph. For those who would like a
copy/copies of the video and a picture, contact
Andrea at 330-794-3749 or let her know how
many copies you would like when you see her at
church. These videos also make beautiful gifts for
grandparents and godparents.
Who is graduating this year? We wish to share your
joyful news with all our Parish Family. Please submit
your information to Father Bill as soon as possible.
Graduates name:
Graduating from what school or program:
What level are you completing?
What school or plans do you have for next year?
Fatayer and Kibbee for sale!
Mother’s Day is this Sunday. Don’t make her
cook! The Ladies Guild has meat and spinach
fatayer, and baked kibbee ready to go. The
fatayer is $15 a dozen. We have three trays of
kibbee; 24 pieces per tray, $40 per tray or $2
per piece. Please call Mary Beth Abraham at
330-666-0715 if you would like to purchase.
Thank you for your continued support.
June 5, 2015
Guess What Great Parish Event Is In August Every Year ?
Who would like to apply for a NAM Scholarship?
The deadline to apply is very soon –
May 25, 2015.
Talk to Father Bill or Subdeacon Alex for an
The next planning meeting is set for Monday, May 18, 7:00 pm
We did not complete our obligations to Bishop
Elias and to our Eparchy for 2015.
We still owe $1,675.00 for the Bishop’s
We owe 1,390.00 for the Maronite Voice, our
Eparchial Monthly News Letter
Online information at:
[email protected]
Application Deadline: MAY 25, 2015
Our total due $3,065.00.
Please do your best to make an offering of any
amount that is best for you.
If possible consider donating $25.00 toward the
Eparchial Appeal 2015.
#1. Please become a volunteer, including parishioners of all
ages. for the food preparation days and for the days of the
food fair. Please sign up. Please make and keep your
commitment. We need our youth and our adults to
participate this year.
#2. Please plan your summer vacation days around Friday,
August 7 & August 8.
Please help in promoting this great event.
Consider donating $15.00 toward the Maronite
With the help of everyone we will fulfill our
obligation. Thank you one and all.
Let us all work together to make this the best Food Fair ever.
Our Lady of the Cedars Maronite
Parish Pledge Drive / Round III
Many of our benefactors from Rounds I & II of our
Pledge Drive, which began in 2013, have already
completed their full 3yr commitment. The following
is a list of all our past and current benefactors,
including those who have already fulfilled their
We greatly appreciate and thank EVERYONE!
Vilma Abood
Chuck & Mary Beth Abraham
Christine Abraham
Nabil & Marlene Astrinos
Fr. Bill Bonczewski
Paul & Gena Boulos
Bill & Lisa Branzel & Family
Albert & Nellie Chaoui
Paul & Nila Ellis
Ralph Ezzie Memorial
George & Donna Ezzie
Rasheed Fagher
Deacon Bob & Barb Foster
Camille Ghorayeb
Chris & Sandy Hamad
Adiby Hamad
Margaret Hamad
Chris Hamad
Fares Jasser
Dr. Joseph & Hope Jasser
John & Erin Jesser
Tom & Yvonne Jesser
Florence Jesser
Walid Kawaji & Family
Harvey Kelly Memorial
Walid Lababidi
Ghassan & Marleine Lababidi
Lena Maroon Memorial
Deacon Tom & Bernice Maroon
Mr & Mrs Charles Maroon
John & Nancy Massoud
Fady & Theresa Nahra
Robert & Marion Nemer
Mona Nemer
Bahia Nemr
Dick Ondecker
Jim & Bev Peters
Francois & Christiane Risha
Ata Sabbagh
Beshara Sabbagh
Dr. & Mrs Robert Skiffey
Dr. & Mrs George Solomon
Patti Staeger
Nathan & Maria Stewart
Bechara Tabet
Paul & Karla Wilkinson
George Zogbi