How to Apply for BC Medical Services Plan (MSP) COST:

How to Apply for BC Medical Services Plan (MSP)
This is not a legal document and information may change without notice.
Always refer to for the most updated information.
Immediately after arriving in British Columbia
Free (you will be charged monthly premiums once coverage begins)
About 4 weeks; coverage begins after a waiting period (the balance of the month of arrival
plus two months)
By paper; send to: MSP, PO Box 9678 Stn Prov Govt, Victoria BC, V8W 9P7
Application for Enrolment:
General Supporting Documents (additional documents may be required)
 International students: Copy of valid study OR work permit (e.g. post-graduation or spouse/partner work permit)
 Canadian citizens: Copy of proof of citizenship (e.g. Canadian passport or citizenship certificate)
To ensure your application arrives, consider using a secure mailing method (such as Canada Post Xpresspost)
You will receive a new BC Services Card (formally known as “BC CareCard”). Carry your card with you.
Permanent residents and Canadian citizens may use their BC Services card as photo ID and their driver’s license.
However, temporary BC residents (such as international students and workers) will typically be issued non-photo
BC Services Cards. You can still apply for a separate BC driver’s license and/or BC photo ID if you wish by a
separate application process.
After You Get It
MSP will send you an invoice in the mail; you need to start making payments after receiving the invoice.
Remember to tell MSP if you change your address, change your name, leave BC permanently, or need to
add/remove dependents to or from your coverage (e.g. you get married, divorced, have a common-law partner,
or have children). See the “Account Change” form:
Remember to keep your MSP valid by renewing your MSP coverage each time you extend your temporary
residency in Canada (for example, when you extend your study permit or get a post-graduation work permit.)
International House • 1783 West Mall • Phone: 604.822.5021 • Updated July 17, 2013 • Page 1 of 2
Frequently Asked Questions
Section 1.
If you live in residence, enter the address in this format:
mailbox number - street number street name
Enter your mailing address ONLY if it is
different from your residential address above
Section 2.
Check ‘Other’ and attach a copy of your
study permit to your application
If you are physically present in BC at least 6 months
in a calendar year, answer ‘YES’ to this question
You may check ‘YES’ if you plan
to stay in BC after graduation
Summer Travel Tips
Don’t know how to deal with MSP while traveling internationally during the summer break? You have two options:
1. Put a hold on your MSP account temporarily while you are traveling
Call MSP at 604-683-7151 and ask to talk to an Enrolment Specialist to temporarily hold your account
without paying the premium for the summer. Tell MSP your departure and return date. During the
temporary hold you will not be covered and you will not be charged.
After coming back, you must call to reactivate your MSP account.
2. Use the travel insurance included in your AMS/GSS Health and Dental Plan by paying the premium for
MSP while you are traveling
Although MSP provides only limited coverage when you when you travel internationally, your AMS/GSS
Health and Dental Plan does provide coverage. To use the travel insurance, you must have basic
insurance such as MSP or an equivalent.
However, the AMS/GSS Health and Dental Plan does not cover travel to your home country. See
If you paid MED/DENT fee (you can see on your SSC financial summary) last September or January, you
have AMS/GSS Health and Dental Plan, which is valid until August 31.
For more information, talk to the staff in the AMS/GSS Health and Dental Plan office located in the lower
level of the Student Union Building, or visit the following websites &
International House • 1783 West Mall • Phone: 604.822.5021 • Updated July 17, 2013 • Page 2 of 2