
Meeting of the States Parties to the Convention
on the Prohibition of the Development,
Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological
(Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on Their
17 February 2015
English only
2014 Meeting
Geneva, 1-5 December 2014
Item 14 of the agenda
Adoption of the report of the meeting
Explanation of the position by the Russian Federation
Submitted by the Russian Federation
At its closing day on December 5, 2014, the Meeting of States Parties to the
Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention adopted its report by consensus, as contained in
document BWC/MSP/2014/CRP.4, as orally amended, to be issued as document
The nature of document BWC/MSP/2014/CRP.4, dated 5 December 2014, is mostly
procedural because substantive paragraphs 19 through 45, as indicated in its text, were
supposed to be inserted once negotiations arrived at a successful conclusion. However,
finding consensus proved to be difficult and this prompted the Chairman of the meeting,
Ambassador Urs Schmid of Switzerland, to propose adoption of the substantive text as
Chairman’s report under his own responsibility. It was so decided. Only with this
understanding the Russian delegation supported the adoption of the report of the meeting.
Therefore, it is surprising that a document BWC/MSP/2014/5, dated 15 December
2014, fails to take due account of the above mentioned sequence of events. Its substantive
paragraphs 19 through 59 should have been appended to the approved report of the meeting
(as contained in document BWC/MSP/2014/CRP.4, as orally amended) as Chairman’s
report prepared under his own responsibility. Instead, they form the body of the report as if
being approved by the meeting.
In light of this, the Russian Federation suggests that an appropriate corrigendum be
issued to document BWC/MSP/2014/5, dated 15 December 2014. At any rate, the Russian
Federation considers paragraphs 19 through 59 of the above document as having no
approved status, and, therefore, no commitments may arise from therein.
GE.15-02707 (E)