health letter What’s your weight personality?

Compliments of:
VOL. 33, NO. 9
“ A n o u n c e o f p r e v e n t i o n i s w o r t h a p o u n d o f c u r e .”
What’s your weight
By 2030, 42% of the U.S. population
will be obese... unless we make
changes before then.
There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to addressing U.S. consumers’ ever-expanding
waistlines. According to a HealthFocus® International study on weight
management, people differ in:
• The amount of weight they need to lose,
• Their motivations for losing weight, and
• How emotionally difficult it is for
them to lose weight.
Weight-control efforts may benefit
from an individualized approach
based on weight personality. The
first step is identifying which category you fit into. The HealthFocus
study uncovered five weight types.
13617 09.13
You don’t have to know how to
pronounce quinoa to enjoy it
The “vegetable caviar” is high in fiber and
is a complete protein. Discover how to
easily add quinoa to any meal. Pg. 2
It’s time to ‘HIIT’ it
Want to get more out of exercise in less
time? Try High Intensity Interval Training
(HIIT). Pg. 3
5 reasons to call 911
Deciding whether a situation is a true
medical emergency can be tricky. Pg. 4
Put a gag order on gossip and
How to stop negative communication in
its tracks. Pg. 5
• Active Maintainers — somewhat overweight, in
control of their eating, and fairly consistent
about maintaining their weight.
• Emotional Seekers — extremely unsatisfied with
their bodies, and emotion plays a large role in their
weight loss.
• Practical Reducers — very unsatisfied with
how they look, but are motivated to make
• Health Driven — usually have a high body mass index
(BMI) and many health issues that drive them to find solutions.
• Nonchalants — indifferent about weight. They often feel they’re at the right
weight already, or just need to lose a few pounds but don’t focus on their weight.
Source: HealthFocus® International
For more on weight loss/control and weight type,
go to
Budgeting when you’re busy
(or just don’t want to do it)
Tips to make this sound financial practice
as painless as possible. Pg. 6
Controlling cholesterol
Find out how to keep it in check. Pg. 7
Cut back on kids’ sweet treats
Learn how to easily limit the amount of
added sugars children consume daily. Pg. 8
Dogged determination helps
man shed 145 pounds.
See page 7 for details.
You don’t have to know
how to pronounce
quinoa to enjoy it
Quinoa (pronounced “keen-wah”)
is a healthful alternative to grains
such as rice or couscous.
Fresh, frozen, or
canned? When it comes
to fruits and veggies,
it doesn’t matter
Nutritionally speaking, all forms
of fruits and vegetables count.
• Most frozen and canned foods
are processed within hours of being
harvested, so flavor and nutrition
are preserved.
• Studies show recipes made
with canned foods had comparable
nutritional values to those made
with fresh or frozen ingredients.
Quinoa is high in fiber and is a complete protein,
which means it has all nine amino acids that your
body can’t make. Quinoa is also cholesterol free. It
comes in white, red, or black varieties, and has a
nutty flavor. It can be eaten warm or cold.
• Canned foods are “cooked”
before packaging, so they are
• Frozen foods usually require
little preparation. Washing and
slicing are already done.
Quinoa, which is also spelled quinua, dates
back 5,000 years to the ancient South American
Andes Mountain civilizations. Quinua means
“mother grain” in the Inca language.
• Note: Be sure to check the
sodium levels on canned vegetables,
particularly if you have high blood
pressure.You may want to select
low-sodium varieties.
Although a grain, quinoa is often called “vegetable
caviar” because it’s related to green vegetables such
as spinach and chard.
Source: Fruits and Veggies More Matters
To cook quinoa: Mix one part grain to two parts
liquid (water or broth work well). Bring to a boil,
reduce heat, and simmer until liquid is absorbed
and quinoa is tender.
Source: American Nutrition Association
with Quinoa
• 1 cup quinoa
ee, low-sodium
• 2 cups fat-fr
chicken broth
virgin olive oil
• 2 Tbsp. extraic, chopped
• 2 cloves garl
• 1 small onion,
inless chicken
• 2 boneless, sk strips
breasts, cut in
• 2 tom
umbled feta
• 4 oz. fatcheese
• 8 fresh basil
ic vinegar
• 1 Tbsp. bals
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Think (and act) like a kid
It’s time to ‘HIIT’ it
Want to get more out of exercise in less time? Consider High
Intensity Interval Training (HIIT).* It can increase strength and
performance with the added bonus of a higher calorie burn.
• HIIT involves varying the effort you put into whatever you’re
doing — walking, running, biking, or swimming.
• During a HIIT session, you exercise “all out” for 60 to 90
seconds, rest for 30 to 60 seconds, and then repeat.
• A key principle: always keeping your body guessing.
When your body gets used to an activity, improvements slow.
• HIIT sessions usually last less than 20 minutes,
not including warm-ups and cool downs.
• For greatest benefit, pick activities — such as
running, bicycling, or swimming — that safely use the
largest muscle groups.
• HIIT increases the calories you burn during your
exercise session and afterward because HIIT increases
the time it takes your body to recover from
each exercise session.
• HIIT workouts shouldn’t be done on
consecutive days. If you don’t rest your muscles,
you can increase your chances of injury.
*If you have a medical condition, you may want to
check with your physician before you begin a HIIT program.
How to not be a nervous Ned
or Nelly at your next sports
Instead of calling physical activity
exercise or working out, give it a better name: play time. Don’t stop there.
Grab the kiddos and make play time
healthy family time.
• Croquet
• A treasure hunt
• A nature walk through a park
• Hopscotch, tag, jump rope,
or hide and seek
• Walk the family dog (If you
don’t have a dog, walk a
neighbor’s dog.)
• A hula hoop contest
• Frisbee®
• Wash the car
• Rake leaves
• Fly a kite on a windy day
• Take a trip to a zoo
• Play catch
• Turn on tunes and have a
dance party
• Play charades
Sitting in front of the computer
doesn’t mean you have to be
sedentary. Squeeze your glutes and
abs at the same time. Give it a try
for a count of 10. Repeat.
To keep sports performance
anxiety under control:
• Be prepared. Last-minute practicing or
training can never replace proper training and
readiness. Being prepared also means having
the right equipment, clothing, and accessories.
• Get good sleep, especially the night before
the event.
• Eat right. Try to avoid fried foods, which
may upset your stomach. Instead, opt for
whole-grain bread and peanut butter.
• Be on time or early to warm up and get
familiar with the area. Give yourself plenty
of time for a pre-event bathroom break.
• Keep your heart from
racing before the race starts
with conscious, controlled breathing. Relax your muscles. Let your
mind drift to a happy place.
• Burn nervous energy. If you
feel anxious, move your body.
Warm up with active stretching or
walking, but nothing too strenuous.
• Compete often to get used to
the competitive atmosphere.
Avoid the jet lag
crash and burn
Traveling across time zones
can lead to jet lag, when your
body’s internal “clock” is out
of sync with the local time.
The problem can be a mild
nuisance or significantly
affect how you function.
You may have jet lag if, after traveling across time zones, you:
You shouldn’t kid
around about kidney
More than 20 million Americans
may have kidney disease, and
many more are at risk and may
not realize it.
The good news: If a problem is
detected early enough, it can usually
be treated.
• Feel sleepy during the day • Wake up frequently when sleeping
• Are unable to fall asleep at night (after eastward flight)
• Wake up early in the morning (after westward flight)
• Are less alert and productive during the day
• Are less able to concentrate
• Suffer stomach and gut issues, and have a loss
of appetite
Anyone can develop kidney disease
at any age. Risk factors for developing kidney disease include:
• Diabetes
• High blood pressure
• Heart and blood vessel disease
• A family history of kidney failure
To prevent jet lag
Early kidney disease has no symptoms. Testing is the only way to know
if your waste-filtering organs are having troubles. The sooner you are
aware you have kidney disease, the
sooner you can get treatment to help
delay or prevent kidney failure.
Treating kidney disease may also
prevent heart disease.
• Select a flight that lands in the late afternoon/early
evening local time.
• A few days before traveling, shift your sleep and
wake-up time to match the time of where you’re going.
• Change the time on your watch to the destination
time when you board the plane.
• Avoid alcohol; drink water.
• Try not to eat a heavy meal when you arrive at
your destination.
• Sleep with earplugs and an eye mask to reduce
noise and light.
• Get sun. Sunlight can help the body to get back
in sleep sync.
Ask your health-care provider at your
next office visit whether you should
have your kidneys tested for disease.
Source: National Kidney Disease Education Program
Source: FusionSleep,
Tired of sitting in a chair all day?
Swap out the chair for an exercise
ball. It can help with balance and
tightening your abdominal muscles.
5 reasons to call 911
Deciding whether a situation — either involving yourself or someone else — is a medical emergency can be tricky.
If you aren’t sure how severe the condition is, always contact emergency medical professionals by calling 911.
Here are questions to consider:
1. Is the victim’s condition life or limb threatening?
2. Could the condition worsen and become life
or limb threatening on the way to the hospital?
3. Could moving the victim cause more injury?
4. Does the victim need the skills or equipment
of paramedics/emergency medical technicians?
5. Would distance or traffic conditions delay
getting the victim to the hospital?
Put a gag order on
gossip and rumors
A parent’s cheat sheet to
calming kids
To help kids learn to ramp down:
If your children bounce off the walls,
are too loud, frequently fidget,
or have trouble playing well with
others, your little ones may have
hyperactivity issues.
• Speak in a calming voice without
frustration or yelling. If you want your
children to be calm, remain calm
• Provide regular, structured physical
activity to help redirect unfocused
hyper energy.
• Find activities that allow children
to develop creativity and release
emotional energy.
• Massage temples or scalp, lightly
run your fingers through their hair,
or rub their shoulders.
• Encourage children to monitor
their breathing when overly stimulated.
Teach them to take deep breaths.
• Stick to routines. Make certain
children know what is expected of
them and the consequences for not
following expectations.
For more ideas on how to calm kids, go to
Source: Emily Kensington, PhD, LCSW,
Just like with the childhood game
of telephone, sharing “news” about
someone or something can lead to
the spread of misinformation and
negative feelings.
Here is one technique to stop
rumors and gossip.
The Block — Use this move when
you’re in a group of people and
someone begins to gossip about a
person who isn’t there.
As soon as you hear gossip, say,
“I want to step in for a minute. I’m
trying this new thing out. I don’t talk
about a person unless he or she is
here. Because ‘Amy’ isn’t here, I don’t
think it’s fair that we talk about her.
Thanks for helping me stick with
my rule.” You may come off as condescending if you don’t deliver it
correctly. Be humble and honest.
You’ve put the blame on yourself,
so everyone can walk away not
offended and the gossip is blocked.
An exception to this rule: It may be
OK to talk behind someone’s back,
if your conversation is designed to
be helpful to that person.
Source: Marina Sbrochi, relationship and dating expert
Setting e-boundaries
Q: What are warning signs that you’re spending too much
time using electronics?
A: Ask yourself,“What do I do first thing in the morning and last
thing at night? Do I check my smartphone, computer, or television?”
If you answered “yes,” that’s a good indication that you’re hooked
to your electronic device.
Q: How do you set boundaries?
A: Set daily time limits to spend on Twitter or Facebook, surfing
the Web, or watching TV. When you look back on your life five
years from now, do you want to remember the time you
spent tweeting?
Source: Hunter Phoenix, certified life coach, national speaker,
author of Perfect Lives and Other Fairy Tales,
Kids and credit cards
Most moms and dads want to help
their children learn to be money
smart. At some point, it becomes
time to teach kids about credit cards.
The lowdown on
life insurance
When children become teenagers,
consider debit cards. Debit cards
tied to bank accounts get teens
used to carrying cards and not
buying more than they can afford.
To determine whether you need life insurance, ask
yourself,“Would my death leave anyone in a financial bind?”
• If you don’t have dependents and have enough money
to cover your debts and the cost of dying, you may not
need life insurance.
When kids start driving, think
about gas cards, which allow kids
to make small purchases without
going on shopping sprees.
• If you have dependents and/or don’t have enough assets
to cover your debts and cost of dying, you should
consider a policy.
After high school graduation,
consider getting kids their first true
credit cards. Find ones with low
limits (say $500), low interest rates,
and low (or no) annual fees. Apply
for a new joint card. Just adding kids
to your existing credit cards (known
as “piggybacking”) doesn’t help
them build a credit history.
The rule of thumb:
Once you become a parent, any adult in your house
should carry life insurance until the youngest child
completes college.
Term vs. permanent life insurance
Term life insurance pays a certain amount if the
insured individual dies during a specified time.
The term may be one, five, 10, or 20 years or longer.
Term insurance policies are:
• The least expensive • Have no cash value
• Are usually renewable • Can sometimes be
converted to permanent life insurance
By the end of college (or 21 to 22
years old), consider cutting credit
ties with kids. Let kids know of the
plan ahead of time so they can
prepare to take over.
Permanent life insurance doesn’t expire.
It provides coverage for a lifetime, if premiums are
paid on time. Most policies offer a savings or investment
component with insurance coverage. Permanent life insurance policies:
• Build cash value • Can have loans taken against them
• Have premiums that don’t change
It’s never too late to go back to
school. Take classes to give your
career a boost, enhance your skill set,
and increase your earning potential.
Budgeting when you’re busy
(or just don’t want to do it)
• Use a technology-based budgeting tool. Many programs can
connect with your online bank records to easily gather historical
spending patterns that you can tweak to meet your financial goals.
Check with your bank, which may offer a program as part of its
online banking.
Before entering personal or bank information, research to make
sure the site, app, or program is secure.
• Automate as much as possible. You can usually set up a
recurring payment either through your bank’s Website or the
Websites of your creditors and service providers.You can also
set up automatic transfers into savings and retirement accounts.
September is National Cholesterol Awareness Month.
Controlling cholesterol
Your body needs cholesterol. It helps keep cells healthy. It also helps make
hormones, vitamin D, and some acids that break down fat. But…
You only need a little cholesterol.
Many people have too much.
The extra cholesterol travels
in your blood and builds
up inside your arteries
(the tubes that carry
blood through your
body). This buildup
is called plaque.
The amount of cholesterol
in your blood depends on
many things. Some people’s bodies just make too much “bad” (LDL) cholesterol and
too little “good” (HDL) cholesterol. However, your habits make a difference, too.
• Get moving: Exercise can raise HDL and lower LDL.
• Eat fewer saturated fats (found in meat, butter, cheese, palm oil, and coconut
oil) and trans fats (found in any foods with “hydrogenated” or “partially
hydrogenated” vegetable oils).
• Use heart-healthy fats such as olive or canola oil.
• Eat just enough calories to reach or keep a healthy weight.
• Eat more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
• Don’t smoke
Source: National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
5. Type of foods to avoid before a sports competition
6. More than 20 million Americans may have this type of disease
7. People who are indifferent about their weight
10. To prevent jet lag, avoid this
12. Type of life insurance that doesn’t expire
13. Buildup of cholesterol in arteries is called
For the crossword puzzle answer key, go to
Workout —
Find out how well you know
the health topics covered in
this issue of the newsletter.
1. Often called “vegetable caviar”
2. Abbreviation for High Intensity
Interval Training
3. Abbreviation for “bad” cholesterol
4. Type of life insurance that pays a
certain amount if the insured individual
dies during a specified time
8. Avoid using these types of foods as
rewards for kids
9. First type of financial card to get teens
11. To help kids with hyperactivity, speak
in this type of voice
Source for
Tool Your
Cool Tools &
Box Resources
Go to to find:
• More information on weight types and how
to calm kids
• A food and activity diary
• A portion control tutorial
• A tool for reworking your budget
• An inspiring weight-loss success story
• Crossword Workout answer key
Scan the QuickResponse Code with
your smartphone.
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Dogged determination helps
man shed 145 pounds
Cobalt Blue spent the majority of his life on a weight
rollercoaster. He would lose a few pounds through
great effort and then gain it back (plus a few extra)
with seemingly no effort at all. Despite a somewhat
active lifestyle (hiking, rafting, ballroom dancing, etc.),
his weight kept creeping up.
In 2000, his doctor confirmed Cobalt’s suspicion that he
had a thyroid problem. Prescribed medication helped
him to lose weight and feel better, but he became
complacent. Even though he had fixed the medical
problem, he hadn’t really fixed his lifestyle problem.
Get the rest of the story at:
The information in this publication is meant to complement the advice
of your health-care providers, not to replace it. Before making any major
changes in your medications, diet, or exercise, talk to your doctor.
© 2013 by the Hope Heart Institute, Seattle, WA
Institute Founder: Lester R. Sauvage, MD
Material may not be used without permission. To view or make
comments on this publication, visit
For subscription information, or reprint permission, contact:
Hope Health, 350 E. Michigan Ave., Suite 225
Kalamazoo, MI 49007-3853
Phone: (269) 343-0770 • E-mail: [email protected]
Printed with soybean ink. Please recycle.
Medical Editor: William Mayer, MD, MPH
Managing Editor: Jennifer Cronin
Medical Advisory Board: Victor J. Barry, DDS • Renee Belfor, RD
• Patricia C. Buchsel, RN, MSN, FAAN • Kenneth Holtyn, MS
• Reed Humphrey, PhD • Gary B. Kushner, SPHR, CBP
• Patrick J.M. Murphy, PhD • Barbara O’Neill, CFP
• Lester R. Sauvage, MD • Wallace Wilkins, PhD
Weight control:
Cut back on kids’
sweet treats
Try to limit the amount of added
sugars children consume daily.
“If you want your child to turn
out well, spend twice as much
time with them and half as
much money.”
— Abigail Van Buren
“Life is like a coin.You can
spend it any way you wish, but
you only spend it once.”
• Serve smaller portions. You don’t
need to cut out sweet snacks and
desserts completely. A little can go a
long way. Use smaller bowls or plates
for desserts. Have kids split a candy bar
or cupcake.
— Lillian Dickson
“Chronic disease is a foodborne illness. We ate our way
into this mess, and we must
eat our way out.”
• Avoid using sweets as rewards.
Instead, let your children know you’re
proud of them with kind words, hugs,
or non-food items such as stickers.
— Mark Hyman
“Autumn is a second spring
when every leaf is a flower.”
• Make fruit the everyday dessert. Try
serving baked apples or a frozen 100% juice bar.
— Albert Camus
• Play sugar detective in the cereal aisle at the
store. Teach kids to find the amount of sugars in
cereals. Have the kids compare cereals they like and
select the one with the lowest amount of sugar.
“The simplest toy,
one which even the
youngest child can
operate, is called a
• Make good foods fun. Create a smiley face with fruit or
cut fruit into shapes using cookie cutters.
Source: United States Department of Agriculture, Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion
— Sam Levenson