8 THE PACE June 2015 Dear Friends, Tomorrow (May 28) marks two years since the passing of my father. Cindy’s father died 15 months later. Suddenly I find myself at the top of the Green/ Chaffee family food chain. Aside from three uncles in their 90’s, I find myself dangerously close to being the “old man” in my family’s little branch of life. How did that happen and what have I learned through all of these life changes? For one, there are no perfect fathers. We are all flawed men who make mistakes, both large and small. But God is greater than our most grievous mistakes. Sometimes the most poignant learning experiences for a son or daughter is to watch their fathers own up to their mistakes. I continue to learn that there is a God-given place and expectations for fathers in family life. These expectations will vary from family to family. Every family is different. But fathers do a great disservice to society in general, and to their family in particular when they assume that they are not needed. The father’s place in family life, just like the mother’s is one to embrace and honor. I believe that one of the greatest responsibilities of a father is to love the mother of his children. Girls and boys can learn firsthand about sacrificial love, the kind of love God has for us, when husbands treat their wives with selfless devotion, grace and love. I pray that God would bless the fathers, grandfathers and even great grandfathers who make up the life of Paxton Church. Lord, love them in their infirmities, their insecurities and their confusions. During the upcoming Father’s Day season, just as we did during Mother’s Day, we affirm the importance of being a family in the name of Jesus Christ. See you in church! John Green 2 7 CHRISTIAN EDUCATION Submitted by Jo Jacoby Krislund Korner It’s that time again...if your children and youth are thinking about their plans for the summer; please give some consideration to going to Camp Krislund. Brochures and information about this year’s programs can be found on Krislund’s website, www.krislund.org. See Jo Jacoby for details. Welcome to the Outback Rock VBS! Mark your calendars...Vacation Bible School is coming on July 31, August 1st and 2nd. “OUTBACK ROCK” where kids venture into solid faith, will be held on Friday evening 6-8:30, Saturday 9-1 and a Sunday celebration during our church service. Please see Jo Jacoby for registration forms or pick one up in the Gathering room. The cost is $8.00 for children ages 3 years—5th grade. CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS FOR ELEMENTARY AGE CHILDREN You would share responsibilities with another teacher. The church school year runs from September—May with several breaks in between. Lessons are planned and easy to follow. You must love children’s smiles and laughter. Someone is reading this and thinking this is for me. Please call the church office or see Jo Jacoby ([email protected]) All Aboard The Freedom Train! Join fellow Americans to see an exhibit of the Freedom Trains; those that traveled across the USA and those that helped to carry people to Freedom. Come and be reacquainted with the documents which are the record of the founding, progress and preservation of the United States of America. 6 3 On Sunday, May 17, the Deacon’s held a luncheon in honor of the following 50 year and new members of Paxton Church. 54 60 52 53 50 63 51 50 62 55 52 52 50 58 54 74 53 58 57 53 55 65 52 65 75 53 56 58 58 55 67 67 57 67 69 68 57 57 50 59 John W. Appleby, III Lorna Baer Ann Biery Robert Bissett Steve Brindle Gwendolyn Casey Cynthia Cavanaugh Karen Cirillo Ann Coleman James Crouse Bonnie Dando John Dando Jerry Davies Martha Diffenderfer David Downey Jacob Downey JoAnn Dzink-Fox Ethel Feinour Phyllis Finger Janet Flack Barbara Foreman David Foreman Jeanne Fortino Virginia Gault Ethel Gelsinger Marcia Gobrecht Charlotte Hanes Jean Herrold Richard Hillman Carol Himmelright Mildred Hitz Jon Hoffsommer Arden Hoopes Donald Hoopes Katharine Janes William Janes Hendrik Jongsma Riet Jongsma Jay Kealey John Killian 71 Sally Killian 52 James Knight 68Robert Kohnlein 50 Deborah Krekstein 53 Edward Linhart 74 Julianne Lipman 55 Betty Ludwig 58 Barbara Mark 58 Linda Mentzer 55 Jeanette Miller 59 Joanne Miller 75 William Miller 61 Elizabeth Moore 53Penny Moore 50Barbara Myers 50 Ken Myers 60 Bernard Nardis 52 Dan Nardis 53 Wanda Newhouse 60 Fern Nickum 65 Marian Peifer 62 Betty Potter 63 Paul Remaly 63 Dorothy Remaly 54 LeeAnn Renshaw 57 Ruth Roadarmel Smith 60 Lois Rook 73 Yvonne Rosenberger 60 Jack Shaub 59 Kessey Smith 66 Natalie Smith 53 Jerry Swayze 54 Janet Walker 50 Ron Wix 69 Lois Wolfe 57 Bertha Wood 52 Joan Wynkoop New Members Kyle Baer Jarred Beck Ron & Brenda Brinkley Sara Fogelman Bryrony Foltz Marjorie Leaver Sue McLain Pam Robertson Sharon Sanderson Karen Schmidt 2015 CONFIRMATION CLASS Ryan Nguyen Tom Nichter, Jr. Olivia Ramsey Clayton Signore Mackenzie Skinner Class of 2015 Angel Barber will graduate on June 4th from East Pennsboro High School. She received a merit scholarship and athletic scholarship from St. Francis University, in Loreto, PA. She is enrolled in a 5 year Physicians' Assistant Program. Angel is the daughter of Dave and Happy Barber and the sister of Patrick. Elizabeth M. Kealey will be graduating from Bishop McDevitt High School in June. She will attend Seton Hill University in Greensburg, PA in the fall. Elizabeth is the daughter of Jay and Andrea Kealey. Anne Staudenmaier a graduate of Juniata College, recently graduated from University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, with a degree in Veterinary Science. She will study exotic animal medicine at Angell Animal Medical Center in Boston for one year. After that she will complete a three-year residency program in zoo or exotic medicine. Anne is the daughter of Craig & Merideth Staudenmaier. Leigh Myers Shannon, daughter of Mary and Gary Myers graduated with a 4.0 from Edinboro University on Saturday, May 9th. She received a Masters in Education specializing in reading. Leigh is a third grade teacher at the Thomas W. Holtzman Elementary School in Susquehanna Township. We honor our church school teachers and superintendents for their hard work and dedication. Teachers Superintendents Tambrey Strickland Susan DeRemer John Moyer Kaitlyn Steckbeck Jason Skrinak Lisa Pletz Happy Barber Merideth Staudenmaier Kitti Taylor Youth Helper Lelia Webb Simmons Substitutes Karen Herrold Erin Giambrone Jan Gough Sheli Signore 4 5 CIRCLE 2 will meet at the church on Tuesday, June 2 at 12:30 for a picnic. Jeanne Fortino will be our hostess and Elizabeth Moore will give the devotions. UNITY CIRCLE will be having their annual picnic on Tuesday, June 9, 2015. We will have the picnic in the Great Room at 12:00 Noon. Everyone is to bring a dish to share. As our program year ends, I would like to thank the members of the Coordinating Team for all the work they do throughout the year. Your efforts and expertise are gratefully appreciated. Although we don't meet in July and August, I know you are already busy setting up some of our fall projects. Carol Himmelright, Moderator HYMN SING SUNDAY, JUNE 14TH 8:00 AM, Sunday SUNDAY, JULY 12TH June 21st 9:30 AM July 19th In the sanctuary August 16th The following members of Paxton have recently entered the Church Triumphant: Jay Maxwell ~ May 21, 2015 Walter Smith ~ May 25, 2015 Congratulations to Michael and Lindsay DeRemer on the birth of their son, Kai Anders DeRemer on May 15, 2015. The Coordinating Team of the Presbyterian Women of Paxton (PW Board) is still in need of a recording secretary. The Board meets the 1st Tuesday of the month from September through June at 10:30 a.m. The duties of the secretary are to record, type and distribute the minutes of each meeting and to write an occasional thank you note or letter. PLEASE prayerfully consider filling this vital role. Bryrony Foltz received the Sacrament of Adult Baptism on Sunday, May 10, by Pastor Green. June Downtown Daily Bread Volunteers 11th Jack Reinhart Diane Jacobs Linette Burd 18th Janice Hutchison Niki Corl
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