Avenues 3

Scope and Sequence
R e a di n g
Cha p t e r 1 :
•Use context clues
•Recognize cognates
•Identify imagery
•Read for main ideas and details
•Read: an essay, two articles, and a
book excerpt
Cha p t e r 2 :
•Learn how to summarize
•Identify main ideas: recognize thesis
statements and topic sentences
•Read for details
•Read three essays
Writ ing
L ist ening/ Watching
•Write paragraphs
•Use imagery
•Take notes
•Write questions
•Write an essay
•Write topic sentences
•Listen for main ideas and details
•Listen to an audio about bear attacks
•Watch a video about surviving a plane
•Write about stereotypes
•Write summaries
•Write an essay
•Write to compare
•Watch a video about how Canadians
•Watch a television show or movie
about survival
see Americans
•Listen for main ideas and details
•Listen to a panel debate about gay
•Watch a movie about intolerance
Cha p t e r 3 :
•Learn to think critically: determine the •Write paragraphs
purpose of a text and recognize bias •Write an essay
•Identify main ideas and recognize
•Write a summary
•Write an introduction
•Recognize tone
•Read: an essay and two book
Cha p t e r 4 :
Crime and
•Learn to make inferences
•Identify main ideas and understand
•Read: an article, a selection from a
website, and an essay
•Listen to an audio about neuroscience
and the law
•Watch a video about people with
superior memories
•Listen for details
•Watch a movie about memory and
•Prepare an outline
•Write a summary
•Write a short story
•Write as a team
•Write an essay
•Watch a video about false confessions
•Listen to a clip about civilian crime
•Listen for details
•Watch a television show or movie
about crime and/or punishment
Cha p t e r 5 :
•Recognize irony
•Use critical thinking
•Learn to skim and scan
•Read for details
•Recognize point of view
•Read: a blog, a book excerpt, two
•Write a paragraph
•Write an essay
•Compare and contrast in an essay
•Write a conclusion
•Watch a video about hackers
•Listen to a discussion about online
•Listen for details
•Watch a film about technology or
online articles and a research paper
excerpt, and a research paper excerpt
Cha p t e r 6 :
Viral Culture
•Use critical thinking
•Understand literary genres and
analyze fiction
•Read for main ideas and details
•Read: two online articles, a book
•Write arguments
•Compare and contrast
•Write questions
•Write essays
•Watch a video about geotagging
•Listen for details
•Watch a film that presents a dystopian
•Write paragraphs
•Use quotations
•Write an essay
•Watch a video about the power of
vision of the world
excerpt, and a research paper excerpt
Cha p t e r 7 :
•Consider the context
•Use critical thinking
•Read for main ideas and details
•Read: an online article and two
excerpts from novels
Cha p t e r 8 :
The Good
•Identify figurative devices
•Analyze lyrics
•Read: song lyrics, an essay, and
an excerpt from a book
•Read for main ideas and details
social roles
•Listen for details
•Watch a movie or documentary about
politics or political idealism
•Use similes, metaphors, and
•Watch a video about the promotion of
•Do freewriting and write lyrics
•Practise academic writing
•Write essays
•Listen to an audio about voluntourism
•Listen for main ideas and details
•Watch a classic movie about moral
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S p e a ki n g /
Pro n u n ci ati o n
•Talk about risky situations
•Discuss ways to survive a plane
•Make an oral presentation
Vo cabulary
•Learn about vivid vocabulary that •Form questions using the
appeals to the senses
•Identify cognates and false
•Define words from context
present, past, and future tenses
•Identity subject-verb agreement
R evising and Editing
•Revise for a main idea
•Edit for subject-verb agreement
and word choice
•Talk about: stereotypes; regional •Define words from context
and national conflicts
•Correct slang terms
•Discuss ways to solve problems •Use say and tell
•Learn to use a variety of verbs
•Make an oral presentation
•Use the present perfect
•Use the simple and progressive
•Talk about life lessons
•Make an oral presentation
•Discuss brain games
•Define words
•Distinguish between memory,
•Use subject and object pronouns •Revise for an introduction
•Ask and answer questions
•Edit for spelling, pronoun, and
•Discuss possible criminal
•Do a crossword puzzle
•Define phrases from context
•Define verbs and act them out
•Recognize the passive voice
•Learn about using one of the …
•Ask and answer questions
•Revise for transitional words and
•Discuss the ethics of hacking
•Make an oral presentation
•Prepare an argument
•Define words from context;
•Learn about the past form of
recognize parts of speech
•Define idioms and expressions
•Ask and answer questions
•Identify idioms and expressions
•Revise for a conclusion
•Edit for mixed errors
•Talk about: words that describe
•Invent new words
•Define verbs and act them out
•Define verbs from context clues
•Distinguish between Canadian,
•Learn about the comparative and •Revise for sentence variety
superlative forms
•Edit for repetitive words
•Use subordinators
•Make an oral presentation
•Create a rant
your generation; peep culture
•Make an oral presentation
•Revise for adequate support
•Edit for verb tense
forms of present and past verbs
•Ask and answer questions
remind, and souvenir
modal errors
•Edit for mixed errors
American, and British spelling
and language
•Develop arguments and debate
•Explain your opinions
•Make an oral presentation
•Define expressions
•Define vivid verbs
•Learn to quote from a source
•Use past forms of should
•Revise for point of view
•Edit for punctuation
•Give and explain your opinion
•Describe your experiences
•Make an oral presentation
•Create a video
•Compare two readings
•Differentiate between literary
•Learn about forming embedded
and academic English
•Define expressions
•Learn about literary versus
academic English
•Revise for a thesis statement
•Edit for mixed errors
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Table of Contents
C HAPTER 1 Survivors................................................................. 1
START UP: Survival Strategies.................................................................. 2
READING 1.1: “International Thrill-Seekers”.............................................. 4
SPEAKING: My Risky Adventures............................................................... 7
LISTENING: Bear Attacks......................................................................... 8
READING 1.2: “Redefining Who Lives”...................................................... 8
WATCHING: Surviving a Plane Crash.......................................................... 11
READING 1.3: “Memories of 9/11”.......................................................... 12
SPEAKING: Survival Challenge.................................................................. 14
READING 1.4: “The Rules of Survival”...................................................... 15
TAKE ACTION!......................................................................................... 18
REVISING AND EDITING........................................................................... 19
C HAPTER 2 Tolerance................................................................ 21
START UP: National Identity...................................................................... 22
READING 2.1: “Riff-Raff”.......................................................................... 23
WATCHING: How Canadians See Americans............................................... 26
READING 2.2: “Small Differences, Large Conflicts”.................................... 27
SPEAKING: An International Hotel............................................................. 30
LISTENING: Gay Heroes........................................................................... 30
READING 2.3: “How the World Has Changed”............................................ 31
TAKE ACTION!......................................................................................... 34
REVISING AND EDITING........................................................................... 35
C HAPTER 3 Mysterious
Minds............................................... 37
START UP: Brain Games........................................................................... 38
READING 3.1: “Why We Make Mistakes”................................................... 39
LISTENING: Neuroscience and the Law..................................................... 42
READING 3.2: “Amnesia Is the New Bliss”................................................ 44
SPEAKING: What I’ve Learned.................................................................. 47
WATCHING: Endless Memory.................................................................... 48
READING 3.3: “Cyclops”.......................................................................... 49
TAKE ACTION!......................................................................................... 53
REVISING AND EDITING........................................................................... 54
C HAPTER 4 Crime
and Punishment................................... 56
START UP: Crime Crossword..................................................................... 57
READING 4.1: “Why Are Canadians Afraid?”.............................................. 58
SPEAKING: Crime and Punishment........................................................... 62
READING 4.2: “The Causes of Wrongful Conviction”................................... 63
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WATCHING: Inside the Interrogation Room................................................. 66
READING 4.3: “My Prison Story”.............................................................. 67
LISTENING: Superhero Justice.................................................................. 71
WRITING: Superhero Story....................................................................... 71
TAKE ACTION!......................................................................................... 72
REVISING AND EDITING........................................................................... 73
C HAPTER 5 Cybercrime............................................................. 75
START UP: Black Hat Hacking................................................................... 76
READING 5.1: “The Problem with Anonymous”........................................... 77
WATCHING: Hackers’ World...................................................................... 80
READING 5.2: “Anonymous Strikes Back”................................................. 81
SPEAKING: Ethics of Hacking................................................................... 87
LISTENING: Dark Market.......................................................................... 88
READING 5.3: “A Romanian Town Is Cybercrime Central”........................... 88
TAKE ACTION!......................................................................................... 92
REVISING AND EDITING........................................................................... 93
C HAPTER 6 Viral
Culture.......................................................... 95
START UP: Preparing Arguments............................................................... 96
READING 6.1: “Peep Culture”................................................................... 96
SPEAKING: Definitions............................................................................. 99
READING 6.2: “Big Brother”..................................................................... 100
READING 6.3: “Viral Vigilantes”................................................................ 103
WATCHING: Geotagging............................................................................ 106
READING 6.4: “I Can Find Out So Much about You”................................... 107
SPEAKING: Reflections on Peep Culture.................................................... 109
TAKE ACTION!......................................................................................... 109
REVISING AND EDITING........................................................................... 110
C HAPTER 7 Social
Pressure.................................................... 112
START UP: Revolutionary Events in History................................................ 113
READING 7.1: “Bystander Apathy”............................................................ 114
SPEAKING: Debate.................................................................................. 118
READING 7.2: “My Visit to Montreal”........................................................ 118
WATCHING: The Power of Social Roles...................................................... 121
READING 7.3: “Snitch”............................................................................ 122
SPEAKING: The Faust and Cayo Cases...................................................... 126
TAKE ACTION!......................................................................................... 127
REVISING AND EDITING........................................................................... 129
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Good Life....................................................... 130
START UP: Trivia Quiz............................................................................... 131
READING 8.1: “what if no one’s watching”................................................ 133
WATCHING: Good News............................................................................ 135
READING 8.2: “We’re Not All Bad”............................................................ 136
SPEAKING: Kindness Week...................................................................... 138
LISTENING: Voluntourism......................................................................... 138
READING 8.3: “How to Be Good”.............................................................. 139
TAKE ACTION!......................................................................................... 146
REVISING AND EDITING........................................................................... 147
WRITING WORKSHOP 1: Writing an Academic Essay................................. 148
WRITING WORKSHOP 2: Enhancing Your Essay......................................... 158
WRITING WORKSHOP 3: Developing an Argument Essay........................... 165
WRITING WORKSHOP 4: Responding to a Story........................................ 169
How to Do Oral Presentations.............................................. 174
Pronunciation..................................................................... 175
Citing the Source................................................................ 177
Transitional Words and Expressions..................................... 178
INDEX.................................................................................................... 179
CREDITS................................................................................................ 181
PHOTOS................................................................................................. 182
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