JOURNÉE COMPTE-GOUTTES Durant la compte-gouttes Journée Journée compte-gouttes, is the daynous we vous inviteinvitons you to action save pour water.économiser l’eau. àtake poser des to gestes CONCOURS CONTEST MA VILLE, C’EST LA PLUS BLEUE! Démontrez le respect de Show how que important saving l’eau tient à cœur our en water vous is to you by entering participant notre concours provincial! with the provincial àcontest! The municipality highest percentage of its citizens entered in the La ville ayant la plus grande proportion de citoyens contestau will be awarded the titleleof Bluest city!bleue! Your inscrits concours remportera titre de ville municipality’s size does not matter. What counts is La de votre n’importe pourthetaille percentage of ville its citizens whopas, enterc’est the le contest! centage de citoyens inscrits qui fait la différence! 3, 2, 1… To your keyboards! 3, 2, 1 à vos claviers! Encourage family andetneighbours enterque the Parlez-en àyour votre famille vos voisinsto pour contest and increase your municipality’s chances of votre ville remporte le concours! Visitez notre site winning! Visit vous our website Internet pour inscrire!to enter! did you know -vous Saviez 10,000 200,000 litres litres d’eau of water par overannée 1-year period whereas a leaking maygaspiller waste up to et une toilette quitoilet fuit peut jusqu’à Les Québécois parmi plus grands Quebeckers aresont among theles highest consommateurs d’eau au monde avec consumers of drinking water on the une moyenne d’environ planet, with an résidentielle average domestic consumption of about litres d’eau par 364 364 # ecoleau La pluie peut à elle seule combler les besoins de votre pelouse, puisque celle-ci ne requiert qu’environ Rainwater alone is cm per enough for your cmlawn, d’eau week. which only needs par about semaine. 2,5 2,5 Theboyau Un outputd’arrosage of a garden peut hose débiter can reach MAJOR PARTNER: GRAND PARTENAIRE : PARTNER: : PARTENAIRE Total length of Longueur totale Quebec’s distribution des réseaux de systems au distribution Québec = one MontrealShanghai round trip = un aller-retour Montréal-Shanghai USINE WASTEWATER D’ÉPURATION TREATMENT DES EAUX PLANT USÉES The St. Lawrenceest Le Saint-Laurent millionde 5,85.8 millions is a source of la source d’approviQuebeckerssont get Québécois drinking water sionnement en eau their drinkingpar water alimentés for almost half de potable de près from a surface une source en of la Quebec’s moitié des water source eau de surface population. Québécois. (rivers, lakes). (rivières, lacs). ETAET N U O T P U O O R G D IS TIFMOE ÀALA 1,51 $$ pour to treat andet 1,51 traiter 3 distribute 1m water distribuer 1 mof3 d’eau Utiliserthe Using la toilette toilet ascomme a garbage une is poubelle harmfulest to non the seulement dommageable l’environnement, mais environment and also waterpour treatment infrastructures. aussi pour les de traitement According toinstallations a study conducted in d’eau. 2011, 72% of Canadians use their of using Une étudesometimes de 2011 révèle quetoilets 72 % instead des Canadiens garbageparfois cans1à. la jettent toilette déchets qu’ils Help waterdes treatment plantspourraient do their 1 mettre à la poubelle work! Dental floss, sanitary babyleswipes and . La soiepads, dentaire, serviettes makeup removal wipes, ordémaquillantes cotton swabs doetnot break up hygiéniques, les lingettes pour bébé, in thecure-oreilles water the same toilet paper it was et les ne seway décomposent pasdoes dans(as l’eau à la designed topapier do). They can block sewer system manière du de toilette, qui up estthe conçu à cet effet. and require expensive operations. Ils peuvent obstruer cleanup le réseau nécessitant alors de coûteuses interventions nettoyage. Another important thingde is to watch what you throw out in your kitchen or bathroom sink, or àbathtub. Il est aussi important de faire attention ce qu’on Even jette your or dishwasher canune cause a back-upetthat’s dans washer un évier, un lavabo, baignoire une expensive to fix. un lave-vaisselle ou une machine à douche. Même laver causer un refoulement coûteux. Neverpeut flush or toxic cleaning products medication down toiletdébarrassez or drain. pas Several chemicals and De plus,the ne vous de médicaments ou medications are not filtered by water end up produits nocifs dans la toilette ouplants l’évier.and Plusieurs being released intoetthe environment. This pas can filtrés have produits chimiques médicaments ne sont harmful consequences on the and flora. par les usines d’épuration etfauna pourraient se retrouver dans la nature affecter la faune et la flore. 1 RBC and (2011). Canadian Water Attitudes Study. 46 p. 1 RBC et Unilever. (2011). Canadian Water attitudes study. 46 p. 6 642 631 mm 6,642,631 33 Volumeannual d’eau qui Average daily traverse l’usine flow of water passing d’épuration des eaux through a wastewater usées chaque jour treatment plant (moyenne quotidienne 10 times the annuelle) Olympic stadium 10 fois le Stade olympique Trucs Tips and et astuces tricks pour for conserving économiser water l’eauday-to-day au quotidien If is yellow, it’s ilinest a state of dormancy Siyour votrelawn gazon est jaune, en dormance afin so de it can preserve the water needed for its roots. préserver l’eau nécessaire à ses racines. IN COLLABORATION EN COLLABORATIONWITH: AVEC : AND ET VOTRE YOURMUNICIPALITÉ! MUNICIPALITY! PROGRAMME D’ÉCONOMIE D’EAU POTABLE personne par jour. litres of water day. C’est 75 % de plusper qu’un Ontarien et 45 % de plus que higher la moyenne canadienne. That is 75% than in Ontario and 45% more than the Canadian average. Joignez-vous à la conversation! Join the conversation! THECOUTS WAY! LES of water litres litres d’eau per année. year. par Volumeannual d’eau qui Average daily traverse l’usine d’eau flow of water passing potable chaque jour through water (moyenne quotidienne treatment centre 5annuelle) times the 5 foisstadium le Olympic Stade olympique 25,905,577 25 905 577 mm A faucet leaksd’eau a single of water Une seulethat goutte quidrop s’échappe chaque each andd’un everyrobinet secondreprésente will wasteprès about seconde de Partagez vos trucs favoris pour économiser Share your tips to save drinking water et récupérer l’eau avec notre communauté! with our community! GAGNEZ À TOUS … AND WIN ALL that… que Tri-Eau ORGANIZED ORGANISÉ PAR BY:: 33 USINE DRINKING D’EAU WATER POTABLE PLANT @ ecoleau 3 339 000 mm 3,339,000 L’ are not Toilets La toilette Save … for Économiser pas une poubelle cans less waste pour moins ! ! n’est garbage rejeter SAVE ÉCONOMISEZ e La 39Programme The édition du Programme d’économie d’économie d’eau potable d’eau potable (PEEP), 39seth edition, déroule runs du 4from maiMay au 7 4 to août August 2015, 7 partout this year,àthroughout travers le Quebec! Québec!Municipalities Municipalitésand et citoyens citizens alike se joindront will be working à nous with pour us réduire to reduce leur consommation their drinking water d’eauconsumption potable en posant through de petits small et and delarge grands actions. gestes. 1,000 litres water litres of d’eau per hour. hour à l’heure. C’est is That plus more quewater ce qu’il than n’en flushing faut pour a toilet tirer100 100times, fois la chasse remplir12 unten-minute spa, prendre 12 douches filling up ad’eau, spa, taking showers, running de 10 minutes, the dishwasher faire 50 cycles 50 times de lave-vaisselle or washing sixou loads 6 brassées of clothes. de lavage. ® ® Install un a WaterSense Install WaterSense Coupez l’eau temps deyou vous aérateur Placez Place un pichet d’eauof Installez uneapomme Favorisez une douche Tirez la chasse d’eau Turn off theletap while are Installez a pitcher Take a 5-minute Flush the toilet certified faucet au water certified water-efficient laver le visage, certifié réfrigérateur pour de douche à faible débit de 5 minutes lorsque washing yourvous face,brosser brushing de robinet in the refrigerator showerplutôt instead seulement only when aerator.. shower head. lesyour dents ou vous raser. WaterSense la garder froide. . qu’unofbain. nécessaire. teeth or shaving. to keep it cold. certifiée WaterSense a bath. necessary. ® ® SiIfvotre l’arrosage, your municipalité municipality permet authorizes lawn watering,Faites votre vaisselle dans in a sink Lavez votre auto avecyour un car Wash your dishes Bucket-wash assurez-vous le matin soirmorning au make sure tod’arroser water your plantsouinlethe orun évier rempli seau unusing boyau, filled withd’eau soapy water or plutôt qu’avec instead of a pied des plantes (un arrosage pleinsunlight, soleil 60% evening. If you water them inen direct savonneuse ousure dans unfill up the cela permethose d’économiser make you – it saves subit unewill évaporation 60 %).immediately.lave-vaisselle of the water evaporatede almost bienbefore plein. starting it. 300 litres d’eau. dishwasher 300 litres of water. Privilégiez le balai au than lieu du Use a broom rather a boyau d’arrosage garden hose topour cleannettoyer your votre entrée cela économisera driveway – this will save almost près delitres 200 litres d’eau. 200 of water. COMPTE-GOUTTES Journée compte-gouttes is the day we invite you to take action to save water. CONTEST Show how important saving water is to you by entering our provincial contest! The municipality with the highest percentage of its citizens entered in the contest will be awarded the title of Bluest city! Your municipality’s size does not matter. What counts is the percentage of its citizens who enter the contest! 3, 2, 1… To your keyboards! Encourage your family and neighbours to enter the contest and increase your municipality’s chances of winning! Visit our website to enter! Tri-Eau Share your tips to save drinking water with our community! @ ecoleau # ecoleau Join the conversation! ORGANIZED BY: … AND WIN ALL THE WAY! Average annual daily flow of water passing through water treatment centre 5 times the Olympic stadium DRINKING WATER PLANT that… 25,905,577 m Total length of Quebec’s distribution systems = one MontrealShanghai round trip A faucet that leaks a single drop of water each and every second will waste about 10,000 200,000 litres of water over 1-year period whereas a leaking toilet may waste up to litres of water per year. Quebeckers are among the highest consumers of drinking water on the planet, with an average domestic consumption of about 364 litres of water per day. That is 75% higher than in Ontario and 45% more than the Canadian average. Rainwater alone is enough for your lawn, which only needs about 2,5 cm per week. 1,51 $ to treat and distribute 1 m3 of water WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT The St. Lawrence is a source of drinking water for almost half of Quebec’s population. EAT N O P O R D E A TIM Using the toilet as a garbage is harmful to the environment and also water treatment infrastructures. According to a study conducted in 2011, 72% of Canadians sometimes use their toilets instead of using garbage cans1. Help water treatment plants do their work! Dental floss, sanitary pads, baby wipes and makeup removal wipes, or cotton swabs do not break up in the water the same way toilet paper does (as it was designed to do). They can block up the sewer system and require expensive cleanup operations. Another important thing is to watch what you throw out in your kitchen or bathroom sink, or bathtub. Even your washer or dishwasher can cause a back-up that’s expensive to fix. Never flush medication or toxic cleaning products down the toilet or drain. Several chemicals and medications are not filtered by water plants and end up being released into the environment. This can have harmful consequences on the fauna and flora. 1 RBC and Unilever. (2011). Canadian Water Attitudes Study. 46 p. 6,642,631 m 3 5.8 million Quebeckers get their drinking water from a surface water source (rivers, lakes). Average annual daily flow of water passing through a wastewater treatment plant 10 times the Olympic stadium Tips and tricks for conserving water day-to-day If your lawn is yellow, it’s in a state of dormancy so it can preserve the water needed for its roots. IN COLLABORATION WITH: The output of a garden hose can reach MAJOR PARTNER: AND YOUR MUNICIPALITY! PROGRAMME D’ÉCONOMIE D’EAU POTABLE 3 did you know MA VILLE, C’EST LA PLUS BLEUE! Toilets are not garbage cans 3,339,000 m JOURNÉE SAVE Save … for less waste! The Programme d’économie d’eau potable (PEEP), 39th edition, runs from May 4 to August 7 this year, throughout Quebec! Municipalities and citizens alike will be working with us to reduce their drinking water consumption through small and large actions. PARTNER: 1,000 litres of water per hour. That is more water than flushing a toilet 100 times, filling up a spa, taking 12 ten-minute showers, running the dishwasher 50 times or washing six loads of clothes. Turn off the tap while you are washing your face, brushing your teeth or shaving. ® Install a WaterSense certified faucet aerator. If your municipality authorizes lawn watering, make sure to water your plants in the morning or evening. If you water them in direct sunlight, 60% of the water will evaporate almost immediately. Place a pitcher of water in the refrigerator to keep it cold. ® Install a WaterSense certified water-efficient shower head. Wash your dishes in a sink filled with soapy water or make sure you fill up the dishwasher before starting it. Bucket-wash your car instead of using a hose – it saves 300 litres of water. Take a 5-minute shower instead of a bath. Flush the toilet only when necessary. Use a broom rather than a garden hose to clean your driveway – this will save almost 200 litres of water.
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