Illustration of Disposal Format

Illustration for disposal of petitions under RPRS
Sl No
Nature of application
Demand for IAY house/Yarn/Hand Tube
etc.(individual demand)
1. Forward the application to the officer of the concern Deptt. with direction to check
whether the applicant is eligible for the benefit as per guidelines.
2. If yes,take necessary action for sanction, provided fund/target is available.
3. If fund/target is not available,examine whether his case may be consided in near
4. Collect the action taken report from the officer of the concerned Deptt.
Incomplete IAY house/Hand Tube
well/Sanitary Latrine/……..etc.
1. To depute one officer to conduct an enquiry within 7 days.
2.To take necessary action for completion of the scheme on the basis of the findings of
the enquiry.
3.If it is a case of corruption or irregularity take action like filing of FIR/ Initiate DP/issue
suspension order/recommend to the higher authority for action.
Demand for community assets like
Road, Bridge, Culvert, Classrooms,
Anganwadi Centres, Sub centre etc.
1.Forward the application to the Officer of concerned Deptt. to examine the demand.If
the demand is genuine, take follow up action for providing the infrastructure from
MGNREGA under permissible works at Anchalik Panchayat/ Zilla Parishad level for which
approval of Gram Sabha is not mandatory
2. Many works should be taken under the schemes of concerned Deptt.
1. Road/ Culvert/………….. has been sanctioned under MGNREGA & work will
start within ……………..(month)
2. ………….work has been sanctioned under ………..scheme of ………..Deptt. &
work will start ……………….(month)
3.Work of
............can not be taken up due to .............(fund/target) Constraint.
4. Work will be considered when fund/target will be available
within..................month/next year.
Allegation/ Corruption/ Bribery/
1. Depute an officer preferably may start to conduct an enquiry within 7 days.
2. Take action as per findings of the enquiry report like filing of FIR/ Issue suspension
Order/ Drawal up of Departmental proceedings / Recommend suspension and
departmental proceedings
1. XYZ has been suspended and departmental proceeding has been drawn up
2. FIR has been lodged against XYZ
3. Recommended suspension and drawal of departmental proceedings against
XYZ to ……………………
Absenteeism of
Teachers/Doctors/ANM/AW Worker &
helper/Other Officer & Staff of Govt.
1.Enquiry conducted and pay cut order against XYZ has been given for
1. Depute an officer to conduct an enquiry within 7 days.
unauthorised absence
2.Departmental action like pay cut order under FR/SR should be taken on the basis of the
2.Departmental proceedings have been drawn against XYZ
findings of the enquiry.
3. Weekly/monthly inspection is being carried out by the Departmental
3. Regular inspection must be ensured through Departmental Officers.
Officer to prevent unauthorized absenteeism.
Process to be followed for disposal
Message to be posted in MIS after disposal
1. IAY house/Yarn/Hand Tube well/Sanitary Latrine/Bicycle/Pension/Rikshaw
etc. sanctioned in your name.( You may contact..................(Officer
/Designation for further detail)
2.Your case cannot be considered due to ………………… reason to be specified like your name is not in BPL list etc.)
3.Your case will be considered when fund is available /in the year……..
1.An enquiry was conducted and found that the scheme is incomplete
2.Step has been taken to complete it within………………(period)
3.FIR/Suspension/DP etc taken against …..(name & designation of the officer).
Illustration for disposal of petitions under RPRS
Sl No
Nature of application
Shortage of
workers/Medicines ect.
Process to be followed for disposal
1. Authority concerned should be requested for posting of the Teachers/Doctors etc. if
the post is sanctioned.
2. If it is not possible to post Doctors/Teachers,steps to depute Doctors from nearby
hospitals in some fixed days/rationalisation of teachers from nearby schools/attachment
of Doctors,Teachers may be taken
Message to be posted in MIS after disposal
1.Dr………………is deputed to attend on…….days as there is no sanctioned post
of Doctors/no doctor is posted.
2………….is posted as teacher/ANM/Angwanwadi worker
3.………… attached from………..
1.Conduct an enquiry through departmental officer to ascertain the eligibility of the
1.Ration card no………….issued in your name on……..
Petitioner .
2.Ration card cannot be issued to you for the following reasons
Demand for ration card
2.Ration card may be issued to the petitioner if found eligible after observing necessary
formalities. Departmental Officer may facilitate the person to submit application & other
required documents.
1.Revolving fund of Rs…………….released on……….
2.Community investment fund released on……..
Non receipt of Revolving
1. BPM/CRP/PD/BDO be directed to guide the person.
3.Bank loan of Rs………released on…….
fund/Community investmentfund/Bank 2.Steps for release of revolving fund/community investment fund/bank loan may be
4. Your application cannot be considered for the following reasons…..
loans by SHGs
provided as per Guideline.
Irregular implementation/scheme is not
as per plan and estimate/guidelines
(common to all schemes like
Finance/13th Finance/PMGSY etc.)
1.Your scholarships has been sanctioned.
2.Your petition for RSBY/MGBY has been taken up by …….…Deptt. & benefit
1.Direct the officer concerned to examine the eligibility of the person, availibility of target
Claim for
will be provided to you as per scheme.
& fund.
schloarship/RSGY/MGBY/YARN /Bicycle
3.Your application can not be considered for the following reasons..
2.Provid scholarship/benefit under RSBY/MGBY/ YARN /Bicycle, etc. if eligible and fund &
/ etc.
target is available.
1.Conduct an enquiry through a responsible officer within 7days.
2.Take action as per enquiry report like filing of FIR,Issue of suspension
order,recommendation of suspension and departmental proceedings to competent
authority within 15 days
1.( Officer's name & designation) has been suspended.
2. DP initiated against (Officer's name & designation).
3.Suspension and DP recommended against (Officer's name & designation).
4.FIR lodged against shri…………. (Officer's name & designation)