The Mustard Seed Prince of Peace Lutheran Church

The Mustard Seed
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church
6001 Colgate St Philadelphia PA
Sunday Worship: 10 AM
We are committed to being a radically loving and welcoming community of faith centered in the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Doing God's work with our hands.
All children of God are welcome here!
There is no such thing as a visitor or guest at Prince of Peace. If you are worshipping with us today, you are part of the
Body of Christ which the Holy Spirit has gathered to be the Church. All baptized Christians may receive Jesus' true body
and true blood which are connected to the bread and wine by the Word of God. If for any reason, you do not wish to
commune, you may still come forward for a blessing. Some children may not yet comprehend that this is a Holy
Sacrament and not just a snack; they may receive a blessing. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask one of our
ushers. The ushers sit in the last pew centered against the back wall of the sanctuary.
Prince of Peace Announcements April 19, 2015 3rd Sunday of Easter
Today’s Worship Servants - Worship Leader: Kay Hayward; Communion Assistants: Ruth Mecum & Ruth Martin;
Lector: Al Pfender; Greeter: Elsie Staub; Ushers: Bill Graham & Eloisa Morales; Alter Guild: Ray Seddon
Sunday School – Jean Graham, Rose DuPree & Kristen McKee
In Our Prayers: Tim Strecker, Marge & Jim Tobin, Tila Subedi, Tom Salber, Marion Joiner, Betty Miller,
Mary Himmelreich, Ruth McDonnell, Robert Ambach, Joyce Strausser, Helen Barrett, friends & family of Ed Solem &
Charles Joiner and the Children & Parents in our neighborhood.
Christian Disciples are people who know and
follow Jesus Christ. They are not perfect, but they
desire to grow closer to God. Five marks of
discipleship that we teach at Prince of Peace are:
Daily Prayer
Daily Bible Study
Weekly Worship
Generous Giving
Service at and beyond POP
Get Ready for Camp!
Bear Creek Camp is working hard to connect with
Philadelphia congregations, making it possible for
us to send campers off to camp again this year. We
are sending campers for Session #5, July 19-25.
You can sponsor a camper with a $50 donation
made out to Prince of Peace for "camp."
Thank You Women of POP
for another well-run Fisher's Pot Pie sale yesterday!
Special thanks to Joan Hummel for leading the pot
pie fundraiser.
The Good, the Bad, the Beautiful: CAT Survey Results
The leaders of Prince of Peace are discussing the results
of the survey we took in January & February. We are looking
to focus on 2 or 3 areas so our ministry bears the most fruit.
The Good: Our giving is in the 87th percentile.
Compared to other congregations, we are very generous!
The Challenge: We give 3.5% of our income to the
church. A tithe is 10%.
The Beautiful: God has given us everything: life,
forgiveness, grace, mercy, daily bread, etc.
The Good: We are in the 97th percentile of helping each
member understand that he or she is called to ministry.
The Challenge: We rated lower (60th percentile) on
giving people opportunities to engage in active ministry.
The Beautiful: God is working through us!
The Good: We rated high on "I work to connect my faith
to all the other aspects of my life" and "I experience the
presence of God in my life."
The Challenge: We rated low on "Although my faith is
important to me, I feel there are other things more pressing
in my life right now."
The Beautiful: "Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the
Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom." 2 Cor 3:17
Healthy congregations have high levels of satisfaction and
energy. Executive Committee members will present to
council the areas of ministry that they discern council should
focus on to increase our satisfaction and energy the most.
Make a Donation so We
Can Reach Our Goal!
Our goal is to raise $20,000 by December
31, 2015 to renovate & repair God's
House. The money will be used to renovate
the Sunday School Room, repair broken
bricks on the outside wall, and address
plumbing issues.
To raise $20,000 we will need many people
to be very generous with a combination of
one-time gifts and monthly pledges. You
can safely set-up automatic monthly
donations on-line at
Book Club
The next reading choice for the club
is Harper Lee’s Pulitzer Prize wining
To Kill a Mocking Bird.
Even if you have read this ground
breaking novel before, it is worth a
second go round. Contact Bill Graham
Northeast Conference Annual Meeting
All the congregations from the Northeast Philadelphia
Conference met at St. John's yesterday. Reformation, St.
Mark's, Zion, Tabor, and St. Paul's have joined the Northeast
Philadelphia Conference since the Northwest Olney
Conference disbanded. Helen Tobin presented on Welcome
Home sharing personal stories of refugees who have said
"this is what God calls us to do, to serve one another, just like
Prince of Peace taught us." Tom Salber thanked those who
helped families after the apartment fire near St. David's on
Academy Rd. We also heard reports about the Women's
Retreat, fundraising to send youth to the National Gathering,
Interfaith Hospitality Network, Lydia's Closet, Hope's Table,
Feast of Justice, Rhawnhurst Turning Point, the new
collaboration of St. John's, Redemption, & St. Petri-Hope, and
other ministries.
Men's Group
Next Saturday, the Men's Group will visit Ryerss Museum &
Library in Burholme. We will leave Prince of Peace at 10 AM.
Ryerss Museum & Library has free parking and free
Bill Graham will be our tour guide.
Altar Flowers areGiven to the Glory of Good & in Honor of:
His Mother Joyce’s Birthday by William Strausser
Ruth Mecum’s Birthday by Sr. Katherine Homburg
Frank & Helen’s Anniversary by Helen Tobin
Bulletins areGiven to the Glory of Good & in Honor of:
His Mother Joyce’s Birthday by William Strausser
Frank & Helen’s Anniversary by Helen Tobin
~ Upcoming Activities at POP ~
Today - 3rdSunday of Easter
April 21 - Lawncrest Community Assoc. 7 PM at St. William's
April 22 - Council Meeting at 7 PM
April 25 - Men's Group, meet at 10 AM at POP
April 27 - Lutheran Day at the Capital (Harrisburg)
May 6 - Children of God Fun Night at 6 PM
May 10 - Mother's Day
May 17 - VBS Meeting at Pilgrim at 12 noon
May 30 - Welcome Home Dinner Event at 5:00 PM
Would You Like To Think About Something Warm?
Think Summer. Think July. Better Yet, Think-----Vacation Bible School: July 27-31, 2015
Who is Welcome at Prince of Peace?
If you are Asian, Latino, Black, or White ...
If you are male or female ...
If you are three days old, 30 years old,
or 103 years old...
If you've never stepped foot in a church;
or if you are Buddhist, Roman Catholic,
agnostic, or a long-time Lutheran...
If you are single, married, divorced,
separated, or partnered...
If you are straight, gay, lesbian, or bisexual...
If you are a Republican, Democrat, Independent,
Socialist, or not registered to vote...
If you have, or had, addictions, phobias,
abortions, or a criminal record...
If you own your home, rent, live with your
parents, or are homeless...
If you are fully-abled, disabled, or a person
of differing abilities...
Children of God Fun Night
"In Christ Jesus, You are all Children of God
through faith." (Galatians 3:26)
Children of God Fun Night is the 1st & 3rd Wednesday
of every month at 6 PM. Every Children of God Fun
Night includes dinner, worship, and activities for all
ages. We are striving to be disciples of Christ, not just
members of a congregation. We want to show people
the life-giving meaningful depth of discipleship.
English Classes every Monday & Wednesday at 10 AM.
We are working to start a second ESL class each week. Contact the church office at 215-342-3535 if you are interested.
Jesus taught us to "welcome the stranger" (Matthew 25:36), offering free English classes is one way we live this out.