Document 16167

AFFIRMATIVE ACTION This presenta6on will cover a variety of policies and procedures related to our district Affirma6ve Ac6on policies. All faculty and staff are required to complete this training annually. This training will count as 1 professional development hour for all cer6ficated staff. What are issues related to Affirma6ve Ac6on? Affirmative action policies seek to avoid and correct discrimination and bias related to
race, creed, color, national origin, ancestry, age, sex, affectation or sexual orientation,
marital status, socioeconomic status, familial status, liability for service in the Armed
Forces of the United States, atypical hereditary cellular or blood trait of any individual or
non-applicable disability.
The Board’s affirmative action program shall recognize and value the diversity of
persons and groups within society and promote the acceptance of persons of diverse
backgrounds regardless of race, creed, color, national origin, ancestry, age, marital status,
affectation or sexual orientation, gender, religion, disability, or socioeconomic status. The
affirmative action program will also promote equal educational opportunity and foster a
learning environment that is free from all forms of prejudice, discrimination, and
harassment based upon race, creed, color, national origin, ancestry, age, marital status,
affectation or sexual orientation, gender, religion, disability, or socioeconomic status in
the policies, programs, and practices of the Board of Education.
All employees of the District are required to uphold and enforce all rights and protections
afforded to staff, students, and the community as outlined in relevant Affirmative Action
Board Policies Related to Affirma6ve Ac6on These are summaries of District policies related to Affirma6ve Ac6on. These summaries are not intended to be subs6tuted for a close reading of the board-­‐approved policies. All faculty and staff members are required to read, understand, and implement all district policies. It is the responsibility of the staff member to seek clarifica6on regarding any policy if he or she is unclear of the district expecta6on. 1140 Affirmative Action Program
1523 Comprehensive Equity Plan
2260 Affirmative Action Program for
School and Classroom Practices (M)
2416 Programs for Pregnant Pupils
3281 Inappropriate Staff Conduct
3362 Sexual Harassment (M)- Staff
5750 Equal Educational Opportunity
5751 Sexual Harassment (M)Students
5752 Marital Status and Pregnancy
5755 Equity in Educational Programs
and Services (M)
1140 Affirma;ve Ac;on Program (NJAC 6A:7) Board of Education shall recognize and value diversity and will not discriminate against race,
creed, color, national origin, ancestry, age, marital status, affectation or sexual orientation, gender,
religion, disability, or socioeconomic status. BOE must annually assess the district’s needs for
achieving equality and equity in educational programs based on an analysis of performance data,
staffing, demographic and behavioral data, quality of program data, and stakeholder satisfaction.
BOE must appoint a Affirmative Action Officer and establish an Affirmative Action team. The
district will provide professional development training to all certificated and non-certificated staff
on a continuing basis to identify and resolve problems associated with pupil achievement gap or
other inequities arising from prejudice.
KEY ASPECTS: 1.  Regularly assess program for discriminatory prac;ces and remediate as necessary 2.  Appoint Affirma;ve Ac;on Officer (AAO) and establish a team 3.  Provide professional development to faculty and staff to iden;fy and resolve problems 1523 Comprehensive Equity Plan   The Board of Educa6on must adopt and implement a Comprehensive Equity Plan (CEP) every three years. This plan must indicate our district’s compliance with acceptable prac6ces in four areas: Board Responsibili6es, Staff Development, School and Classroom Prac6ces, and Employment/Contract Prac6ces.   The Superintendent must submit an annual assurance indica6ng that the district is in compliance with the CEP.   This plan is developed in conjunc6on with the District Equity CommiXee, which also serves as the Affirma6ve Ac6on Team. KEY ASPECT:   Adop;on of the Comprehensive Equity Plan 2260 Affirma;ve Ac;on Program for School and Ensuring equal and barrier-free
Classroom Prac;ces (M)   access
to all school and classroom
ACCESS   The Board of Education shall
provide equal and bias-free access
for all pupils to all school
facilities, courses, programs,
activities, and services, regardless
of race, creed, color, national
origin, ancestry, age, marital
status, affectation or sexual
orientation, gender, religion,
disability, or socioeconomic
status, by:  
Attaining minority representation
within each school that reflects
Utilizing an ELS measure to
identify and provide for ESL needs
Using bias-free multiple measures
for identifying special needs
Ensuring that a student is not
discriminated against because of a
medical condition. No student shall
be excluded from an educational
program because of a long-term
medical condition unless certified
by a physician as necessary.
2260 Affirma;ve Ac;on Program for School and Classroom Prac;ces (M) con;nued: CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION The Board of Education shall ensure
that the district's curriculum and
instruction are aligned to the State's
Core Curriculum Content Standards
and address the elimination of
discrimination by narrowing the
achievement gap, by providing equity
in educational programs and by
providing opportunities for pupils to
interact positively with others
regardless of race, creed, color,
national origin, ancestry, age, marital
status, affectation or sexual
orientation, gender, religion, disability,
or socioeconomic status, by:
Ensuring there are no differential requirements for
completion of course offerings or programs of study based
on protected groups
Ensuring courses shall not be offered separately based on
protected groups
Reducing or preventing the underrepresentation of minority,
female, and male pupils in all classes and programs
including gifted and talented, accelerated, and advanced
Ensuring that schools demonstrate the inclusion of a
multicultural curriculum in its instructional content,
materials and methods, and that pupils understand the basic
tenet of multiculturalism;
Ensuring that African American history, as well as the
history of other cultures, is infused into the curriculum and
taught as part of the history of the United States, pursuant to
N.J.S.A. 18A:35-1 and the New Jersey Core Curriculum
Content Standards;
Ensuring that instruction on the Holocaust and other acts of
genocide is included in the curriculum of all elementary and
secondary schools, as developmentally appropriate,
pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:35-28.
2260 Affirma;ve Ac;on Program for School and Classroom Prac;ces (M) con;nued: •  The Board of Education shall ensure all pupils have access to adequate and
appropriate counseling services.
•  The Board of Education shall ensure that the district's physical education
program and its athletic programs are equitable, co-educational, and do not
ASPECTS: KEY  All students must have equal access to facilities, courses, programs,
activities and services.
 The district’s curriculum and instruction must address the
achievement gap by providing equity in programming and providing
opportunities for students to interact positively with others.
 All students must have equal access to counseling services.
 Access to athletic and coeducational programs must be equitable.
2416 Programs for Pregnant Students •  No pupil, married or unmarried, who is otherwise eligible for enrollment in
this district will be denied an educational program because of pregnancy,
childbirth, pregnancy-related disabilities, or actual or potential parenthood.
5752 Marital Status and Pregnancy •  The Board of Education will not discriminate among pupils on the basis of
their marital status or parenthood. No pupil, male or female, who is married
or a parent shall be denied access to or benefit from any educational, cocurricular, or athletic program or activity on the basis of his/her marital status
or parenthood.
KEY ASPECTS: Faculty and staff members may not deny access to programming based upon marital status or pregnancy.