Office of the Registrar Official Audit Form 1740 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington DC 20036 202.663.5708/Fax 202.663.5615 [email protected]/ Directions: Complete this form and return to the Office of the Registrar in Nitze 301 no later than Friday, October 16, 2015; or Friday, September 18, for courses that end October 9; or Friday, November 6, for courses that start October 19. Reminder** Audits for limited courses will be registered after the close of Round 2 Bidding. Classes that exceed their enrollment limits (went to bid) may not be audited. Students may officially audit no more than two non-language classes and cannot be registered for or audit more than a total of six non-language classes per semester. For more information on auditing courses, please see The Red Book Academic Procedures Manual. Interactive Form: Please type IMPORTANT: Requests will not be processed for students with outstanding financial holds on their student accounts. Please monitor your ISIS self-service accounts for “Alerts” before submitting this request. This form certifies that the student will audit the course listed during the current semester. Date of Request ________________________ ISIS ID #(six-digit , ex: A1B2C3) or Date of Birth:___________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Last Name (during enrollment) First Middle ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone Email Course #: SA.______________ Course Name: _____________________________________________________________ This student has my permission to audit the above course during the following term: SPRING Semester: 20______ FALL Semester: 20______ The student must attend all classes and complete any additional requirements listed below: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Instructor Name: __________________________ ______________________________________________ Instructor Signature _______________ Date ______________________________________________ Student Signature ________________ Date Print Form
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