QUAIRADING ‘Q’ MUNITY NEWSLETTER th Thursday April 9 2015 P: 9645 0096 F: 9645 0098 E: [email protected] Website: www.quairading.crc.net.au OUT & ABOUT THANK YOU: The Quairading Volunteer Fire Brigade would like to thank the Golden Grain Cafe for their kind donation of dinner rolls for our recent casserole lunch with our neighbouring brigades. CRC FOOTY TIPPING: Winner for Round 1 was ‘Donation' with 8 correct, well done. Don’t forget Footy Tipping th needs to be at the CRC by 12 noon FRIDAY 10 for those that use a book. th PLAYGROUP: Term 2 starts Friday 24th April 9am to 10.30am. All welcome, please bring a piece of fruit to share, a hat and sunscreen. ANZAC DAY 100th YEAR COMMERATIVE SERVICE QUAIRADING: The Quairading Returned Services League th cordially invite you to the 100 Anniversary Service of the th ANZACS at the Gallipoli Landing on the 25 April, 1915. The Service will commence at 11.00 am at the War Memorial. Following the Service, you are invited to a Bring and Share luncheon to be held at the Quairading Club. WELCOME TO QDG SUNDOWNDER Thursday 30th April This is a community event with everyone welcome. Please RSVP to Cheryl 0427 679 383 BOGAN BINGO: 2nd May @ Shire Hall. 18+ event. Tables of 10 avail. Tickets from Carol Dall 0428181279 or at the door, $25/head. See adverts around town for more info. th QARRAS: May 28 (Thurs) will be a visit with Kardinya nd seniors. Mon June 22 will be a tour of the Perth Mint. All welcome to hear Chris Louden. A small plate of afternoon tea please. QUAIRADING LANDHOLDERS: Expression of Interest for free seedlings, fencing and pest control in 2016. Please contact Jen Green on 9645 1607 GARAGE SALE: Saturday 11 April at 6 Parker Street from 9am onwards. Q.A.R.R.A.S: Activity Monday April 13. Big Scrabble 2 pm Community Building. Please bring a plate of afternoon tea. KINGS PARK FASHIONS: Will be visiting Quairading on th Wednesday 15 April at the Community Building from 9.30am to 3.30pm. th CANCER COUNCIL – AUSTRALIA’S BIGGEST MORNING TEA WILL BE HELD IN THE QUAIRADING LESSER HALL ON THURSDAY 28th MAY COMMENCING AT 10am This year we will be highlighting MELANOMA CANCER Guest Speaker will be talking on this Cancer EVERYONE VERY WELCOME th SALE: 16 & 17 April 10am to 12pm CWA Rooms. Babies: all in one suits; Children: shorts, t-shirts, dresses, socks & hankees; Adults: shorts; t-shirts; mens shirts; windsheeters; sandles; Linen: sheets; towels; quilt covers; tablecloths EVERYTHING MUST GO, COME AND MAKE AN OFFER! WALKS IN THE NATURE RESERVE: The first walk for this year will be held on Wednesday 15th April starting at 10:00am from the Nature Reserve Car Park. Future walks will be held on Friday 15th May, Monday 15th June, Wednesday 15th July, Saturday 15th August and Tuesday 15th September. Everyone welcome. FIRST AID COURSE: St John Ambulance Quairading will be running a 1 day First Aid Course (pre-reading required), on Saturday 18th April. Please contact Deb Mills on 0429701747 for registration and enquires. st SING ALONG will be held on Tuesday 21 April commencing at 3pm in the CRC Music Room. All welcome to come and join in singing-songs we all enjoy. Enquiries Beryl Stacey 96451028 MEETINGS QUAIRADING VINTAGE CLUB: Next general meeting to be th held at Parker St premises on April 11 commencing at 10am. QUAIRADING AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY: April meeting will th be held on Monday 20 April @ CRC starting at 7pm. All welcome. POSITIONS VACANT POSITION VACANT – MEDICAL PRACTICE: Applications are called for the position of Part Time Relief Medical Receptionist for a 12 month term, with ability to move to permanent. Position description is now available from the Shire of Quairading Administration Centre. Initial commencement of .5 FTE (2.5 days per week). Written th Applications addressing the Selection Criteria close on 10 April, 2015. For all enquiries contact Practice Manager Debra Stacey on 9645 1210 or 0428 451 095. FULL TIME FARMHAND POSITION AVAILABLE: West Quairading. Enquiries Peter Simmonds 0428 416 011 [email protected]. POSITION VACANT - CASHIER / RECEPTIONIST: Council invites written Applications addressing the Selection Criteria for the position of Cashier / Receptionist. This is a Full Time Position within Council’s Administration Centre. Position Description is available from the Administration Centre or can be downloaded from the Website: www.quairading.wa.gov.au Applications close at 5.00pm th on Wednesday 29 April 2015. QUAIRADING CRC MOVIE DAY AT THE CRC: To commemorate Anzac Day Centenary we are having 2 viewings of Water Diviner on th Thurs 16 April at 1pm and 6.30pm. To book your seat, please phone 9645 0096. Time: Cost: 1.00pm - 3.00pm $20.00 (which covers a delicious lunch for all three sessions) Book now by contacting the Quairading CRC (08) 9645 0096 or [email protected] GOPHER DRIVER SAFETY DAY: Not to be missed by all our th gopher drivers and family and friends. Thursday 7 May from 10am to 2pm, morning tea included. Bookings essential, please call in or phone the CRC on 96450096 or email [email protected] to register. LOST & FOUND FOUND: Engagement ring has been found but wedding ring still missing. Thank you. Marg Shenton 9645 1042. CREATIVE/ ARTISTIC KICKSTART FORUM: Kickstart Festival, your State, your say! During National Youth Week 2015, the CRC presents the th youth of Quairading with a live webinar. Friday 17 April from 3pm to 6pm. A sausage sizzle will be held after the broadcast. Please RSVP for catering purposes at the CRC or phone 9645 0096 or e: [email protected] . st QUAIRADING COMPUTER CLUB: Term 2 starts Tuesday 21 April from 12 noon to 2pm. Please note change of day. POPPIES FOR ANZAC DAY 2015: If you are looking for something to occupy your time, please consider knitting or crocheting poppies to be used at the War Memorial on Anzac Day 2015. Patterns are available at the CRC and poppies can also be dropped off here. BUSINESS AFTER HOURS: the Wheatbelt Business Network (WBN) with the CRC invites all businesses to Quairading Business After Hours st When: Tuesday 21 April 5.30pm – 7pm Where: Loose Stitches, 37 Heal St Cost: Complimentary (beer, wine & finger food) RSVP: Quairading CRC PH: 9645 0096 or E-mail [email protected]. Don’t miss this wonderful opportunity to network and learn from other businesses. BEL CANTO has commenced meeting 9.30am every Tuesday at the CRC music room. We welcome anyone to come and join us singing. nd FORKLIFT DRIVING COURSE: Wednesday 22 April 8.30am to 4.30pm in Quairading. Please register on 96450096 or call in to the CRC. QUAIRADING CREATIVE ARTS SOCIETY: Classes are held every Thursday at the CRC from 10.30am to 3pm. Enjoy company while working on your chosen craft. Q.D.H.S DATES TO REMEMBER TERM 2 Monday 20th April: School Development Day – Students do not attend this day Monday 24th April: ANZAC Assembly Monday 27th April: ANZAC Day Holiday th BEYOND GARDENS LIVE: Friday 24 April at the CRC. Broadcast live over the Westlink Channel at the CRC. Phone 96450096 or call in to book your seat. THE MYSTERY OF ADOLESENCE: To the brave parents of children entering into adolescence, you are invited as an honoured guest to The Mystery of Adolescence (A three session parenting workshop) The workshop will be conducted by Parenting WA expert Leah Adams and will cover: Your role as observer, advisor, negotiator and director Understanding adolescence development What’s worth reacting to? How to hold the difficult conversations. Where: Quairading Community Resource Centre th When: Session 1: 28 April 2015 th Session 2: 5 May 2015 th Session 3: 12 May 2015 CANTEEN - thanks to everyone who supported our Sausage Sizzle Day. We raised over $360 towards our new Quad. Don't forget Canteen will be open on the first day back at school on Tuesday 21st April. CHURCH NOTICES th UNITING CHURCH: Sunday April 12 10.30am Alan Carter th ST FAITH’S ANGLICAN CHURCH: Sunday 12 April 9.00am Readers Glenn & Janet CATHOLIC CHURCH: Saturday 11 Boyle th April 6pm. Reader L COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT OFFICER MAY CARPARK MARKETS: coincides with National Family Week, so bring your family and join in on some Bargain hunting, or maybe you need to de-clutter, plenty of time to get sorted. With other activities on the morning planned th it’s bound to be a great day, 16 May, Invite your mates. SPORTS NEWS th MIXED GOLF OPEN DAY: Sat 11 April, 2 person ambrose. Please bring nibbles to share. Names in by 12 noon please. 9 HOLE LADIES GOLF: If you are interested in playing 9 holes of golf on a Wednesday please phone Lyn Whyte on 9645 0170. QUAIRADING BOWLING CLUB: There will be a men’s th meeting on Thursday 9 April at 5.30pm on the day of the scroungers wind-up to make a decision on the new pennant st shirts and also to decide if white stay in 1 division and nd have two even sides or have two even 2 division sides. Think about it, you’ve got a month. QUAIRADING FOOTBALL CLUB: Bunnings Sausage Sizzle Sat th 11 April. If you are in Perth and close to Midland come and see the boys and support the QFC guaranteed to be the th best sausage in a bun in WA. Jumper Presentation Fri 17 April, 7pm @ the Lesser Hall. QFC first game is on Anzac Day against Federals with a short service @ 2pm before the A Grade game. Watch this space for details of our major raffle for this season. Details soon. QUAIRADING BOWLING CLUB: Mixed Fours Competition, sponsored by Quairading Agri-Service will be held on th Sunday 12 April at 1pm. Bring a plate of nibbles to share. Please enter your teams on the board or phone Marg Dall th 0428 451 096 or Dale Wilson 0427 982 302 by FRIDAY 10 . The Unified Club AGM will be held for all men and women th members on Wednesday 6 May at 7pm. th HOLIDAY SPORTS: Kids mark your calendar for 16 April 10am – 2pm. Nyoongar Wellbeing & Sports will be providing all the fun activities. Lunch provided, so please let Cheryl know if you can come along for catering purposes. 9845 0127. QUAIRADING LADIES HOCKEY CLUB: Training has commenced on Thursday nights at 6pm at the Oval. Come on down, meet the new coach and let’s go one better this season. Lightning Carnival to be held in Kellerberrin on Sat th 18 April at 11.30am. Super 66 has commenced, numbers available at the CRC- get in quick or miss out! QUAIRADING BADMINTON CLUB: Will be starting their st season 2015 on the 21 April with a 9am start. New members welcome. Bring a friend. Our AGM is held on the rd th 3 playing date which is the 5 of May. JUNIOR FOOTBALL: There is no training for Junior Football th over the holidays; we start back on Friday 24 April. Our rd next game is against Beverley on Sunday 3 May. The Quairading Football Club (Bulls) is currently collecting orders for their training shirts and shorts. These are not part of the Quairading Junior Football Club’s uniform and are not essential but if you would like to support the Bulls th please get your orders to Lisa Newick by 27 April. For further information on Junior Footy please contact Nikki on 96455002 or [email protected]. BELLES TRAINING - is on again this Friday night at 5:30pm. If you can't make it please call Deb or myself on 0400766269. Please bring your $ for registration. Others are welcome to come along and train with the Belles for some extra exercise. Kylie EXERCISE CLASSES - are having a rest over the two weeks of school holidays. We will start up again on the oval on Monday 20th April at 5:15pm. QUAIRADING CLUB: Club & Pub Golf day Saturday 18th April, 2 man ambrose hit off from 12 o'clock. Not a golfer that's OK it's all about having a laugh a few beers and a good time. Of course if you are a golfer there is plenty of beer and wine for prizes. and to finish it all off we'll put on a few snaggers at the end of the day while you recount all your great golf shots. HOTEL Our LADIES' NIGHT is going ahead this Saturday, 11th April, 2015. There will be no party plan for this day, but, if the night is well supported, I will throw that in later in the year, perhaps with another Ladies' Night. At 6pm in the dining room, you can have a special of grilled snapper, chips and salad for $12, then at 8.30, the Alpha Male Entertainment starts and goes until 11.30pm, with a special "show" in there somewhere. I also have a door prize that everyone is eligible to be entered in. Please remember this is an 18+ event. There are a lot of ladies in town that I haven't met yet, so I'd love the opportunity to do so on Saturday evening. Happy Hour and the meat raffle will happen as per usual on Fridays. 5.30pm for happy hour, and 7.30pm for the meat raffle draw. There will be another live band on May 15th, but more about that later. See you down at the pub, sometime, where there are no strangers, just people you haven't met yet.........Annjo. FOR RENT BEAUTIFUL LARGE FAMILY HOME: close to school & shops Unemployed people with attitude need not apply. Ph: 0445888078 E: [email protected] CARPARK MARKETS DATES FOR 2015 IN QUAIRADING th th 16 May 18 July th st 19 September 21 November Enquiries to Jan 9646 6054 FOR SALE/FREE For Sale Notices - $5 for 2 weeks. Money must be paid upfront for advert to go in Newsletter. CRC Members - For Sale notices are free. PEA STRAW: $8 per bale. Can deliver to town – Quairading. Ph Trevor on 0427 466 225 or see the Postie. SHIRE NOTICES DRUM MUSTER: Shire of Quairading encourages local farmers to continue to support the drumMuster programme and deliver their rinsed drums to the Waste and Recycling Facility on Fridays. Bookings can be made through the Waste and Recycling Supervisor, George Jason, on 0487 451 097. More information can be found at ttp://www.quairading.wa.gov.au/waste-management.aspx PARKER HOUSE MEETING CHANGE OF DATE: Parker House Committee Meeting change of date, meeting will now be st held on Tuesday 21 April at 3.30pm th FREE: 13" Samsung computer screen and Microsoft key board. Call Di Wallwork AH 96451303. FOR SALE: 90cm free standing LaGermania gas oven $400 call Di Wallwork AH 96451303. PIG MANURE: 20kg bag &7, best quality, free delivery to Qdg. PH: 0438 412 866. NO CHARGE: Vacola Bottling Set, bucket and thermometer, 3 doz one litre jars, lids and clamps. First come, first serve. 9645 1194. FOR SALE – OUTDOOR SETTING: JARRAH – Octagon Table (150cm) and 4 Chairs, comes with a Lazy Susan. VGC $240. OFFICE CHAIR MAT – (ex Office Works) Deluxe Pile $60. OFFICE CHAIR – Black, Adjustable Swivel $30. STUDY DESK WITH DETACHABLE HUTCH – White with 3 Drawers VGC $50. TOUCH LAMPS – Various Designs $10 - $15ea. HEATERS – HOTPOINT, in EXCELLENT WORKING CONDITION $50ea. VACUUM CLEANER – NILFISK KING – in EXCELLENT working condition, complete with al l accessories and will include Turbo Nozzle as an added BONUS, $75. DINNER SET – 8 Piece Setting in VGC, $20 or can split, $10 per setting. EXTENDA CLOTHESLINE – Hills (5 lines) VGC $75. POGO STICK - NEW $25. DECK CHAIR – Kookaburra $12. TV/DVD CABINET – (Black) on casters with two enclosed cupboards $20. UMBRELLA STAND – NEW – Made by Segal 16KG $30. PEDESTAL FAN - Ring Grip (30cm) Assembled $10. BERTINI PRAM – IN IMMACULATE CONDITION – 4 Wheel. Has Many Accessories. A Top Pram $165. JERRY CANS x2, 20Ltrs $30ea.or sell both for $50. WHEEL TRIMS x 2, Still in box, Compass 15” $12. Also avail – salad bowls, vases, iron, photo frames etc. Enq. Christine 96466220. UNRESTRICTED BURNING commenced Tuesday 7 April 2015 please ensure you have standard Fire Prevention Measures (ie Water and Personnel) in place when burning. MCLENNAN STREET MAIN WATER PIPE McLENNAN STREET MAIN WATER PIPE: Further to last week’s Newsletter Item, the Water Corporation have now advised that works will commence in June, not April. Further information may be obtained by contacting the Water Corporation’s Project Manager, Mr Phil Murphy on 96224804 or [email protected] WHITE GOODS AND eWASTE VERGE COLLECTION: Will be th conducted on Tuesday 27 April 2015. Goods are to be placed on the verge during the weekend prior to the Collection. Fridges and Freezers are to be made safe by removing door locks or placing on the verge in a manner that children cannot enter them. Green Waste and Household Verge Collections will be held in May (date to be advised). SURGERY FLU CLINICS: We have received our supply of vaccine and will hold clinics twice weekly. Clinics are strictly for the purpose of the flu immunisation and all other medical concerns will require a separate appointment. Contact the surgery for an appointment or further information. PRESCRIPTIONS: All prescriptions issued without a consultation with the Doctor will incur a $5.00 fee payable at time of collection. This fee is applicable to everyone. For all enquiries, please contact the Practice Manager, Debra Stacey. QUAIRADING FOOTBALL CLUB RAFFLE $2.00 per ticket 1st PRIZE: West Coast Eagles Jumper personally signed with full career statistics (Unframed) by ANDREW EMBLEY Donated by Ultimate Promotions www.ultimatepromotions.net.au 2nd PRIZE: Food & Beverage Voucher @ My Place Bar & Grill, Pier Street, Perth to the value of $50.00. Donated by the Barnett Family. 3rd PRIZE: Food & Beverage Voucher @ The Gate Bar & Bistro, Beeliar Drive, Success to the value of $50.00. Donated by the Strom Family. Drawn by ‘EMBERS’ at the QUAIRADING FC on Friday 17 April ,2015. CRC FOOTY TIPPING LADDER RING 96450096 TO BOOK SEATS TO VIEW THIS PROGRAM AT THE QUAIRADING CRC
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