A Romance Novel For Dudes Ross Patterson AtNightSheCries_1P_3.indd 3 4/7/15 11:27 AM 65 Bleecker Street New York, NY 10012 Copyright © 2015 by Ross Patterson All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever. For information address Regan Arts Subsidiary Rights Department, 65 Bleecker Street, New York, NY 10012. First Regan Arts hardcover edition, June 2015 Library of Congress Control Number: 2014955548 ISBN 978-1-941393-49-9 Interior design and background illustrations by Daniel Lagin Jacket design by Richard Ljoenes Jacket art and interior illustrations by Tim McDonagh Printed in the United States of America 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 AtNightSheCries_1P_3.indd 4 4/7/15 11:27 AM For Emma, Forever Ago. Wait, that’s the title of a fucking Bon Iver album. For Nikki, my waitress at the Daytona Beach Hooters who I had sex with and never called back. I knew shit was going down when you drew a heart instead of dotting the i in your name on my receipt. In case I left you with child, this book is for you. Also, if you want to fake my signature on it and give it to him or her like it came from me, feel free. I won’t say shit. AtNightSheCries_1P_3.indd 5 4/7/15 11:27 AM Contents About Me, St. James St. James xi Chapter One MON DAY, A PR IL 3 0, 1849 —COLOM A , C A L I FOR N I A: T H E DAY T H AT I B EC A M E R IC H 1 Chapter Two B E I NG R IC H M A K E S YOU A B E T T E R PE R S ON 5 Chapter Three I T ’ S H A R D TO G E T T H E S M E L L OF S E X OF F 15 Chapter Four E V E RY M A N N E E DS A DY NA M I T E MON TAG E TO F E E L A L I V E 27 vii AtNightSheCries_1P_3.indd 7 4/7/15 11:27 AM C ontents Chapter Five T H E W IL D W E S T WA S R A D, B EC AUS E YOU COUL D J US T K IL L PEOPL E 43 Chapter Six T I M E TO TA K E A S H I T I N M Y OW N H A N DS . I T H I N K T H AT S E N T E NC E I S W RONG. 61 Chapter Seven T H E S T R E NG T H OF A M A N C A N ON LY B E M E A S U R E D BY HOW M UC H H E C A N L I F T 79 Chapter Eight DE AT H I S A H E AV Y T H I NG . . . E S PEC I A L LY W H E N T H E COR PS E W E IG H S OV E R E IG H T H U N DR E D POU N DS 99 Chapter Nine T H E R E A R E L AW S NOW ? W H AT T H E F UC K ? 111 Chapter Ten W H E N YOU’R E R IC H , I T ’ S OK AY TO M U R DE R PEOPL E 127 Chapter Eleven A N I RON IC NA M E FOR A C H A P T E R W H E N YOU LO S E A L L YOU R MON E Y 141 Chapter Twelve W H E N ON E DOOR CLOS E S , A NOT H E R PE R S ON I S PROBA B LY F UC K I NG B E H I N D I T 159 viii AtNightSheCries_1P_3.indd 8 4/7/15 11:27 AM C ontents Chapter Thirteen A F T E R S I X Y E A R S , I A M F I NA L LY R E A DY TO L E AV E C H I NA 173 Chapter Fourteen DRUG S A R E F UC K I NG AW E S OM E , A N D E V E RYON E WA N T S T H E M 191 Chapter Fifteen I T TA K E S A BOU T ON E HOU R U N T IL I A M R IC H AGA I N 205 Chapter Sixteen PEOPL E A R E S TA RT I NG TO H AT E T H E C H I N E S E . I G E T I T. 219 Chapter Seventeen T I M E TO K IL L E V E RYON E I N S IG H T . . . R E L A X, T H E Y DE S E RV E I T 235 ix AtNightSheCries_1P_3.indd 9 4/7/15 11:27 AM About Me, St. James St. James June 9, 2015. McSorley’s Old Ale House. New York, NY A s I sit at an aged wooden table at the back of Manhattan’s oldest bar, a man walks in and demands a Michelob Ultra. The bartender shakes his head and replies, “We only have two types of beer here, light and dark. We also never had to serve women until a court order in 1970.” The guy looks at him incredulously and says, “I am a man.” “Not if you’re ordering a fucking Michelob Ultra!” I shake my head and laugh to myself as the man walks out. It’s only fitting that I’m doing this here. Hello, I’m Saint James Street James. I hate road abbreviations, so I spell out my last name. At some point in your life you’ve seen me partying all over the world, gracing the covers of many famous sport-fishing and leisure magazines over the years—along with my xi AtNightSheCries_1P_3.indd 11 4/7/15 11:27 AM A B OU T M E , S T. JA M E S S T. JA M E S twenty-six-page spread in the infamous July 1973 issue of Playgirl that’s been banned, except in Luxembourg. You may think you already know everything about me, but you don’t. The one secret I’ve been harboring for most of my adult life is . . . that I’m 186 years old. That’s not a misprint, I’m 1-8-6, holmes. Yeah, I put an L in “homes” so you would understand how serious I am. I was rich enough to almost triple my life expectancy, while permanently maintaining the looks of a thirty-five-year-old man still in his prime. Oh, and I also beat AIDS. Twice. You can do that shit when you’re rich, and I am really fucking rich. The only other way to beat AIDS is if you win the Olympics. Go ask Magic Johnson or Greg Louganis if you don’t believe me. Why am I telling you this? After living 186 years on this planet, I’ve become bored—and unless a scientist invents a new place to put a hole in a woman, I’ve done everything else there is to do in this life. I’m also tired of seeing what the male species has evolved into, so the moment I finish writing my memoirs about my life . . . I’m going to off myself. You read that correctly, I’m going to kill myself. This isn’t going to be a casual Paris Jackson “I ate a bunch of children’s chewy Tylenol” suicide attempt; I’m going to blow my fucking brains out. Before I do, I want you to know the real truth about me. That’s why I’m writing this book with nothing but a loaded handgun and a pile of freshly cut pure Bolivian cocaine next to my old classic Remington Rand typewriter that Hemingway gave me. He only used it once, as a urinal at a house party. After relieving himself, he shook twice and typed only one sentence on a piece of paper: “This typewriter smells like piss; get a new one, fuckface.” Classic Hemingway. xii AtNightSheCries_1P_3.indd 12 4/7/15 11:27 AM A B OU T M E , S T. JA M E S S T. JA M E S If all of this sounds too intense, then stop reading the rest of this shit right now. Seriously, put down your glasses without the prescription in them and close this book, because this kind of male hubris isn’t for you. I’m not going to apologize for being a real man, and I certainly don’t know when it became trendy to tell everyone that “you weren’t cool in high school.” Back in 1827 I was born in a time where men were actually men. We fucked whoever we wanted, whenever we wanted, we didn’t pull out, and the only “child support” that was given was if you put a blanket in the basket before you dropped your illegitimate baby off on a stranger’s front porch. We didn’t cook shit using Pam or butter, just a raw skillet, and maybe a little spit. We put our boxers on backward so we could take a shit without having to pull them down before we sat down in an outhouse. The following memoir is filled with the most important stories ever told in the history of the United States. It will end all stories about every other man ever told, so go fuck yourself, Buzz Aldrin. Enjoy my life. —Sincerely, St. James St. James xiii AtNightSheCries_1P_3.indd 13 4/7/15 11:27 AM AtNightSheCries_1P_3.indd 14 4/7/15 11:27 AM Chapter One Monday, April 30, 1849— Coloma, California: The Day That I Became Rich A tall, thirty-two-year-old man stares deep inside a filthy hellhole of a gold mine with a dimly lit lantern, trying to see through a cloud of dust. This man is me, but I refuse to give any further physical description of myself until I’m wealthy. Most great men usually do. What I can tell you is that I’m jammed between the tits of the great American gold rush of 1849, and shit is fucking real. This isn’t a goddamn hobby where you take your kid out panning for gold with a spaghetti strainer on Sundays hoping for the best. People have died doing this. Which is why I pay someone else to do it for me. Suddenly a dirty Chinaman in his forties emerges from the dark hole with three dead parrots clinging to his shirt. He’s smiling through cracked “dying of thirst” lips, but my eyes are fixated on his tiny, yellow hand. I don’t want him touching me, so I shine my lantern in his face and demand that he stop walking toward me. Dropping to his knees, he cries out, “You rich, boss. You rich!” 1 AtNightSheCries_1P_3.indd 1 4/7/15 11:27 AM AT N IGHT S HE CR IES , W HIL E HE R IDES HIS S TEED He opens his hand to reveal a small, brightly speckled rock covered in mud. I make him take off one of his wooden shoes and place the pebble inside it. Carefully, I remove the canteen from around my neck and wash the dirt away. It appears to be gold, but to be sure, I make him bite into it. Staring at the nugget nervously, he knows what he has to do. He closes his eyes, places the nugget into his mouth, and bites down hard. Instead of his rotting teeth breaking off instantly, they make a soft imprint. Holy. Fucking. Shit. It’s real hardcore American gold, and I’m fucking rich. I won’t bore you with the details of how I then made this Chinaman excavate and load 480 pounds of gold onto my wagon, drag it into town personally (because I didn’t want to tire out my horse), and melt it down into gold bars by hand while I stood behind him with a loaded shotgun pointed at his head. Come to think of it, that was probably only boring for me—he was probably scared shitless. On that note, congratulations, you’ve just read the best first chapter of any book ever written. Notice how I skipped over my childhood and all that bullshit? That’s because nothing cool happens in your life until you become rich, and up until the moment you just read about, I was a poor-ass farmer. My parents were decent people, but they were working-class citizens, whose only claim to fame was that former president Martin Van Buren once took a shit in our outhouse during a campaign visit to California. You sure as fuck didn’t pay fifteen bucks to read about that. Let’s just get to me being rich and fucking awesome. You’re welcome. 2 AtNightSheCries_1P_3.indd 2 4/7/15 11:27 AM
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