Here is Your FREE instruction manual on How-To-Make-Money-With-Facebook. Many of the contents here may seem obvious now that I am pointing them out, and yet there will inevitably be some tricks and tips here that you've seen or heard of before. So enjoy MAKING-MONEY-FROM-FACEBOOK.COM the FUN way! Mike Berry ;-) WARNING; These applications can become addictive and I would NOT recommend you spend all of your time here as they should NOT be your main source of income! (in my opinion) Table of Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Your Profile... How To make it attractive What Personal information should you give? Creating Facebook Groups Creating Facebook Events How to design appealing 'status' messages How to Make Money from your 'status' messages How to Make your URL link immediately hyperlinkable How to avoid the Facebook Virus Facebook Photos and Upload Secrets Using Virtual Assistants The Secret & Very Effective ½ second Trick How to create your memorable Profile Link How to Make your facebook Group stand out. How to Make Money from How to take advantage of RSS feeds How to shorten your links Your Facebook Profile Firstly; ensure your profile is friendly and not too-salesy. Put a nice profile pic on, people like to see friendly faces not obscure illustrations etc (unless that's a sample of your business). Personally I change my profile pic almost daily, but that's just vanity! (imagine admitting that I have more than 365 pics of myself!) Put your main external website or blog URL link on there for all to see. Personal Information I would NOT recommend that you give too much information here (eg. cell-phone number, home address etc). You don't even need to complete the details regarding 'marital status' or Date Of Birth etc. WARNING; There are a number of things that you should NOT do (in my opinion) This information is in the FULL instruction manual which you can see here; http://FACEBOOK-MONEY-MAKING.COM Facebook Friends This does grow exponentially... I have already reached the facebook maximum of 5,000 friends and I have a huge waiting list of would-be 'new friend requests'. So I now only accept new friends with over 300 mutual friends... bizarrely I often have no idea who these people are, and yet if they respond to one of my messages, or I write on their wall, LOTS of their followers will want to know who I am! How to find new friends This information is in the FULL instruction manual which you can see here; http://FACEBOOK-MONEY-MAKING.COM Here's how I found my first 1000 friends This information is in the FULL instruction manual which you can see here; http://FACEBOOK-MONEY-MAKING.COM WARNING have some 'interesting' rules that are easy (in my opinion) to break, and therefore I have had my facebook account 'disabled' four times now. I have listed some warnings here to ensure you know what they are, and how to avoid the same thing happening to you. I have also mentioned what to do, if you have been 'disabled' by facebook. This information is in the FULL instruction manual which you can see here; http://FACEBOOK-MONEY-MAKING.COM Create your own Facebook Group When you have attracted 100+ friends, why not start a Facebook Group (and you can emulate this on myspace too). Make it relevant to your topic that you are trying to promote/sell at your main website. Then simply 'invite your existing friends' to join, Create Your Own Event Then create your first Facebook Event… and do the same (invite your friends). It will take about ten minutes to tweak the Event template to make it uniquely yours. start another Group and another Event; then another and another, and just keep on going… What you will be doing in effect is splintering your friends’ base into targeted lists of potential buyers for your products. GROUPS & EVENTS Secret Discovery I discovered how to Make Money & How To Mailshot all of your friends, on a specific topic, all at once!! How cool is that!? I've never heard ANYONE ever mention that before!! NOTE: This information is in the FULL instruction manual which you can see here; http://FACEBOOK-MONEY-MAKING.COM DynamicMike BONUS Tip On facebook especially, this can be very powerful as your status message is immediately broadcast to all of your friends. Most people miss this opportunity by updating with a status update like; 'when is it going to stop raining?' a) that's negative (people tend to be attracted to POSITIVE messages) b) it's boring c) it's missing the MASSIVE opportunity to add a URL link to your webpage that can SELL something to earn you money! DynamicMike BONUS Tip 2 I always end my “status” with a smiley face ;-) As I discovered that the facebook default adds a full-stop on the end of your status updates, and of course, if the last ‘word’ you use is a URL, then your link won’t work with a full-stop attached to it. So always add something after the URL in order to allow the hyperlink to work (of course; always add http:// at beginning too in order to make it immediately clickable) Facebook Virus & Password Warning Almost everyday I receive a facebook email message from one of my friends that I can immediately spot as a hoax... chances are it wasn't my facebook friend that actually sent it, but a spammer using their account. Here's how it works The spammers either send a bulk facebook email message out to about twenty people at a time (the message will usually come from one of your facebook friends who doesn't know it's being sent), and the content of the message will have a URL link. Generally the 'subject line' will say something like 'I saw this video of you' – which of course gets your attention... often the English spelling or grammar is TERRIBLE! WARNING – DON'T CLICK THE LINK Usually the link looks quite bizarre, so that should be sounding another alarm bell in your head. What happens next is; It appears that your server has had a hiccup and you've been logged out of facebook, so you're back at the main facebook login page. LOOK UP If you have a look at the browser bar, you'll notice that the URL does NOT say YOU'RE GIVING THE SPAMMERS YOUR LOGIN INFORMATION If you login to facebook (apparently), but the URL doesn't say then you're actually sending your login information to the spammers! This warning is also relevant for any other sites, especially those such as; or your Online Bank HOW OFTEN DO YOU CHANGE YOUR PASSWORD? I have hosted a number of “Make Money from the Internet” seminars, and throughout all of 2008, I played a little game... when my attendees went to register, I asked for some simple information within a survey; “you don't have to complete this survey, but your answers will help me to ensure that I cover the topics relevant to you;” Name? Email? URL? How many visitors do you attract currently to your webpage? Does your website actually sell automatically? Password? 100% of new attendees ALWAYS gave me their password!! (of course those that previously attended my courses got wise to this, as I always had fun during my presentation and would tell them all what I had done). I already had their email address! And now I have their most-used password too. How often do you use the same password? We are logging in to SO MANY different websites these days, that it is obvious we're going to use a regular password that's easy for us to remember... and we'll keep using the same password! So; now that I have your email address AND password... what's the chances that I can go to; or or or and find that YOU have an account there?... and I have the login info! If you, like me have money sitting in paypal or eBay, then that could disappear overnight... all because you inadvertently gave your password away (and that was to attend my event... and what did I offer in return? NOTHING!) I simply added 'password' as one of my (voluntary, not mandatory) fields for my seminars registrants, and 100% of new attendees always gave me the information! My Recommendation As I told all of my seminar attendees... I recommend that you have at least three passwords. Ebay now own paypal, so those two at least, should be different! And of course facebook and online bank accounts should also be different. Note; you could simply add a different number to the end of your password eg. Password1, Password2 etc Facebook Photos Firstly remember, people are watching! So only use photos that won't embarrass you, especially if you're trying to portray a serious, professional image. Before uploading any photos, to your profile or to an album Be aware, that in the smallprint of your contract (yes you checked the box when creating your account to say you agree to their Terms & Conditions), you have given FACEBOOK the ownership & copyright rights to your photos! This knowledge may upset a few professional photographers, but that's just how it is! RESIZE & WATERMARK What I now do (ok, it took me a lonnnng time to work this out) is I resize and watermark all of my pics before uploading. a) the max size that your friends can see on facebook is 640x480 b) the larger sized pics take longer to upload anyway. c) anyone can right-click and 'save as' to copy your uploaded pics Remember, even the tiny compact digital cameras now have multi-pixel capacity, which means that the size of the images are usually over 1mb in memory space... which takes longer to upload and produces images much larger than facebook allow them to be seen anyway. The rest of this information including FREE Software and How to create a VIDEO, including taking images from a Powerpoint presentation is in the FULL instruction manual here; http://FACEBOOK-MONEY-MAKING.COM Getting Noticed To, you should be aiming to 'get noticed'. I Use a Virtual Assistant (VA) “Why do a ONE-DOLLAR an hour job, when you're worth FIVE-DOLLARS an hour!” - dynamicmike Why & How To Find YOUR Virtual Assistant This information is in the FULL instruction manual which you can see here; http://FACEBOOK-MONEY-MAKING.COM Passwords Obviously, the control of passwords becomes even more obvious when you have other people accessing your accounts... I have NEVER given ANYONE my paypal password – EVER. The half-second tip You will receive 'event invites' from your friends. There are three response options (you could also choose to simply 'delete'), these are; YES, NO, MAYBE For all events that I am happy to be associated with (most of them), I click 'maybe' – this takes less than HALF-A-SECOND per invite. This gets YOUR face onto their event wall, for all of THEIR friends to see (and in turn, many of their friends will seek to 'befriend' YOU). If they are switched on, they will have read this report and they will know How-To-MakeMoney-With-Facebook, so you'll be receiving regular emails from now on! smiles Get Your Own Memorable Profile Link (it's free) Once you have your facebook profile the way you want it... simply type into your browser; and hit 'enter' you'll be given the chance to create your own free easily-memorable '' URL link. You can also use this for; etc, so be creative! It's SO much easier telling people to type; and this takes them directly to my profile. Same with my groups etc... imagine how easy it is for me to tell them to go to; etc Myspace With more traffic (visitors) per day than Google, Yahoo, MSN put together, it makes sense for you to create a FREE myspace profile. I have covered How to Make Money from myspace too in the FULL instruction manual which you can see here; http://FACEBOOK-MONEY-MAKING.COM Twitter What is Twitter? It is the second most powerful social media channel (after Facebook with whom it works hand in glove) for promoting your expertise online. See the little box under ‘What are you doing?’ That enables you to post messages of maximum 140 characters up to eight times per day. Doesn’t sound like much but (as with your profile) do not be fooled; its power is astonishing and if you use every day to promote your groups and events, you will soon become famous all over the Web; the spiders will love you for it and keep your websites in the top spots. NOTE: regularly include your URL within your 140 characters… Always put in the http:// so that it becomes a clickable hyperlink. DynamicMike BONUS Tip On facebook, I always end my “status” with a smiley face ;-) As I discovered that the facebook default adds a full-stop on the end of your status updates, and of course, if the last ‘word’ you use is a URL, then your link won’t work with a full-stop attached to it. Working Clever Another thing I have done, is use the RSS feed of my Facebook status update to automatically update Twitter, and that in turn automatically updates my Myspace profile every day. So I only make one change (update) per day, and automatically all the other sources with lots of visitors are updated for me!! Don’t Sell It is fine to add a URL occasionally (say once per week) if you are updating your status daily (as I do), but don’t become a blatant salesman, or people will simply stop following you… keep it interesting! Tweets & Retweets Twitter has found another set of 'groupies' who totally believe in 'following' closely and there are now many associated 'applications' – personally I don't yet see why I should invest my time... but my opinion may change on this subject. I'm open to the possibility... Shorten that URL link Of course, sometimes the link you want to send is far too long. Many of my links are actually more than 100 characters long, which doesn't leave many to elaborate and attract people to click on your link! (facebook and Twitter both have a limit on number of characters allowed – similar to a sms message). The URL shorten facility that I use most often is; the system is very easy to use, and you can even create 'special' (memorable) links eg. The other reason for shortening the link is so that nobody can spot an affiliate link and choose to TYPE the main website URL, leaving off your affiliate ID (thus you lose the introduction commission). There are many other places to get a shortened URL link. Here's one that I found today; What's in the FULL instruction manual? http://FACEBOOK-MONEY-MAKING.COM • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • The Personal Information You Shouldn't Give Out How to Find Your First 1,000 Facebook Friends Facebook Warnings – How to Avoid Having Your Account Disabled How to Mailshot ALL of Your Facebook Friends At Once! How to Keep on Making Money Long After Your Events Have Passed Recommended FREE Photo-editing software & What Features to Use How to Create Videos from your Powerpoint Presentations How to Create Videos that Make You Money How to find a Virtual Assistant and what your VA will do for you How to Make Money from http://FACEBOOK-MONEY-MAKING.COM
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