Facebook page: Terms of Use Purpose

Terms of Use | Facebook page | International Office Heinrich Heine University Duesseldorf
International Office | Heinrich Heine University Duesseldorf
Facebook page: Terms of Use
This Facebook page is destined to build a network of present, future and former international
students at Heinrich Heine University Duesseldorf. It is meant to provide a platform for the exchange
of ideas, enable you to get and stay in touch with fellow students before, during and after your stay
and studies at HHU. This page and individual groups shall make it easier for you to find friends, keep
up to date on events and activities on and off campus and on all that the International Office has to
offer you.
Language: English (or German)
To make our exchange here on Facebook accessible and understandable for all, please post in English
(or German) only. In case you do not speak English or German, or if your question is too specific /
individual, please send us an email!
Voluntary participation – non-exclusive content
Please note that participating in our offers on Facebook and joining our groups is completely
voluntary. There is no obligation to become a member of the groups or to like/follow our page and
you will not be disadvantaged if you do not join Facebook and/or our page/groups! All information
crucial for your study stay and start as a student at HHU will also be freely available on our website
and/or will be distributed via email. This Facebook page is not intended to replace our official
websites but rather to provide a tool for social interaction.
Statement on security & privacy
Please note: We as the hosts of this page are ourselves users of the Facebook platform and as such –
apart from modifiable security and privacy settings - have no influence on how Facebook as the
provider of this platform uses and processes information which you publicly submit or share on our
page / in our groups.
Please be aware that any information you communicate via Facebook might be stored and/or
processed by the provider of the social network. Therefore, we will never ask for sensitive personal or
private information, or any other sensitive data such as your real name, address, phone number,
email address, passwords, bank details or the like. This kind of information should not be exchanged
via Facebook!
Please do not disclose any critical personal information in your questions/comments, especially no
identity-related or sensitive information (such as numbers of passports or similar). It must always be
assumed that this information might be seen and used by third parties, depending on the default
privacy settings and the technical security of the network service. It also depends on your individual
Terms of Use | Facebook page | International Office Heinrich Heine University Duesseldorf
privacy and security settings who will be able to see the information you post and share via Facebook.
If you have specific or individual questions, please send us an email: [email protected].
In any case, you are not allowed to publish information on other persons, no matter if Facebook user
or not. We ask you to please respect the privacy of others: Information about other persons, including
pictures/videos, may only be published if they consented to it. Please note that the publication of
information on or photos of others may even be illegal.
As we cannot guarantee security of communication via the Facebook network service, we will not
reply to private messages. If you have specific questions concerning your personal situation, please
send us an email or call us. For finding the right contact person, visit our website:
[www.hhu.de/internationales]. If you are not sure who is the right person to contact, please use this
address [Employees and contact details].
For using our services or participating in groups on this Facebook page you do not need to be
registered with your real name or disclose your real name in conversations and groups – also, we will
never ask you to tell us your real name via Facebook.
We kindly ask you to please adhere to our Netiquette. These community standards apply for all forms
of using our Facebook page, e.g. posting on our timeline, communication in our groups etc.
Imprint & disclaimer
International Office of Heinrich Heine University takes no responsibility for information contained on
external links published via this page.
The complete imprint and disclaimer is accessible here and applies for our complete Facebook page
and presence alike: Imprint of the HHU.