NEWSLETTER Week 9 Term 1 1 April 2015 TERM 2 DATES Thursday 2 April Easter Raffle Draw Tuesday 21 April Students Return to School Last Day of Term 1 Friday 3 July Last Day Term 2 Dear Parents/Guardians Well done to Mrs Doggett’s Year 5 class who ran a very informative and entertaining assembly last week based on the parts of the body. It was wonderful to see so many students receiving Certificates of Academic Achievement as well. Easter Raffle I had the pleasure yesterday of drawing the raffle prizes and it was fantastic to see the response given by the community for this fundraiser. There were approximately 150 prizes wrapped which is a direct result of the many eggs that were donated. Thank you to everyone who either bought tickets or donated the eggs. Prize winners will be announced on Thursday after lunch. Once again thank you to the ladies who organised and/or wrapped the egg prizes. ANZAC - Student Activities The students have been very actively involved in activities around the 100th Centenary of the landing at Gallipoli. Well done to all students involved. The work produced has been of an exceptional standard. Even though this has been a short term, it has been a very busy one and I know everyone will enjoy the break. Enjoy your holidays and I look forward to everyone returning refreshed on Tuesday 21st April. Thank you Deborah Bloor Principal Healthy Eating Plates We were very fortunate to have plates promoting healthy eating donated to the school by the Australian Institute of Sport. Miss Pitts will be giving each Kindergarten child a plate next term and incorporating a healthy eating program in her class. Thank you to Mrs Jessica Cumby who sourced the plates for us. 100% Attendance Certificates were given out this week to students who have achieved 100% attendance this term. There were 123 students from Pre-primary to Year 6 who achieved this, which is 28%. This is fantastic, as improving students attendance is a major focus for the school. EASTER RAFFLE Thank you to all the parents, carers, students and teachers who helped make this years Easter Raffle a huge success. We were able to put over 100 prizes together from the amazing array of goodies donated. We wish you all a very Safe, Fun & Happy Easter and Holidays! Your P&C Quarry Adventure Park Sat 4th April 2015 10am - 2pm Pebble Beach Blvd Meadow Springs Monster BBQ * Jumping Castle *Face Painting Easter Egg Hunt Contact Peter Lamb (w) 9581 5858 (m) 0414 474 121 All funds raised will go towards the fight against kids’ cancer. Riverside Primary School, Phone: 9534 0300, Fax: 9534 9120, Principal: Deborah Bloor P&C President: Mrs Vivienne Cantem Riverside Education Support Centre, Phone: 9534 0328 Certificate Winners School Assembly 27 March 2015 Academic Achievement Shelby B Oliver C Katherine N Alyssa G Thomas D Holly M Ryan N Jaxson G Lucas B Amy L Torin B Lucy F Tessa M Chad B Angus G Kye T Zavier H Sharntie W Honour Certificates Courtney R Joshua C Ashley H Shayla W Sports Certificates Harrison M Levi P Leevie W Arianna W Chelsea C Ayden R Destiny A Fresh Fruit Award Room 3, Year 4 ANZAC - Student Work Display Classes from Kindergarten to Year 6 at Riverside Primary School have contributed an amazing display of student work for the annual ANZAC exhibition at the Mandurah Community Museum. Some student work will also be on display at the Mandurah City Library. Mandurah Poppies Project These are some of the poppies which the students from Riverside Primary School made for the Mandurah Poppies Project for the Mandurah War Memorial. Dental News Over the school holidays Greenfields Dental Therapy Centre will be closed Good Friday (3/4/15), Easter Monday & Tuesday (6/4/15 & 7/4/15), Friday (10/4/15), Monday (13/4/15) & Tuesday (14/4/15). If you require emergency treatment Easter Monday please contact OHCWA 9325 3452. Emergencies any other day contact Meadow Springs Dental Therapy Centre 9584 2478. The exhibition will run from Thursday 2nd April until Wednesday 29th April. Parents, the holidays would be a great opportunity to visit these venues to view your child’s work and to discuss with him or her the significance of ANZAC Day. The Community Museum is near the old Mandurah Bridge and the Library is on Pinjarra Road. School Watch School Watch is a partnership between the WA Police and the Department of Education aimed at protecting our schools from vandalism, theft and damage. If you live near a school and see or hear suspicious behaviour, immediately contact School Watch Security or the Police. School Watch Security on 1800 177 777 or Police on 131 444 Your assistance in keeping our school safe is appreciated. The School will be holding an ANZAC Day Service on Friday 24th April at 9am. As part of this special assembly, we are asking parents to help identify students within the school who have had a close relative serve in a war or conflict situation for Australia. These students will be able to lay a wreath during the service. Would any students intending to lay a wreath please return the slip below to Mrs Wozniuk in the library by Thursday 2nd April? Could parents please ensure that their children are wearing full school uniform for this special occasion? All parents are invited to attend the ANZAC Day Service. ________________________________ _____ Name of Student Room ________________________________________ Name of Relative ________________________________________ Students who are members of Scouts, Guides and other service clubs, may wear their uniforms on the day. They will be seated at the front of the Assembly. To reserve a seat, would they also please return the slip below to Mrs Wozniuk in the library by Thursday 2nd April? Relationship to Student __________________________ _________________________________ _______ Rank Name of Student Room __________________________ ___________________________________________ War Service Service Organisation
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