RIVERTON PRIMARY CAMPUS th 5 May 2015 http://rivertonprimary.wa.edu.au/ PHONE 9457 2644 A Message from the Principals The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is an annual assessment for all students in Years 3 and 5. It tests the types of skills that are essential for every child to progress through school and life, in reading, writing, spelling, grammar and punctuation, and numeracy. The assessments are undertaken nationwide, testing will take place next week. The in term swimming program concluded last week. Well done to all the students who participated and thank you to all the teachers for their efforts in supporting this essential program and helping to minimise any disruption. The certificates will be sent home shortly. Whilst the timetable returns to the more usual routines and classes, there will still be some disruptions to the days this term with various excursions, sporting fixtures and other events. With swimming over for the year, the school will resume its assemblies each Friday morning. The first assembly for the term will be the Junior Assembly (PP – Yr 4) on Friday this week, starting at 9.00am. I look forward to seeing a lot of parents and families at the event to celebrate with those students who have gained merit awards. For the first four weeks of this term Mr Paul Grundy is on Long Service Leave. He will return in week five of this term. While he is away Mrs Sharon Albers – Smith will continue to ensure the smooth running of the school. Mrs Teresa O’Connell will be in the Deputy role during this time. Each Wednesday Mr Wong will relieve Mrs Stanbridge in the Deputy role. Please do not hesitate to contact the school if we can help in any way. Sharon Albers-Smith – Relieving Principal Vicki Sturgeon – Principal Education Support Centre Kindy Enrolments for 2016 IMPORTANT SCHOOL DATES Tuesday 5th May P&C Meeting 7.00pm staff room Wednesday 6th May Kodomo no hi colouring comp due Bulb orders due Friday 8th May School Assembly P/P – Yr 3 Uniform Shop open Monday 11th May Uniform shop open 2.30 – 3.15pm Tuesday 12th May NAPLAN Yrs 3 & 5 commences The school is now taking applications for enrolments for Kindergarten students in 2016. Children born between st th 1 July 2011 and 30 June 2012 are eligible for Kindy. th Applications close on Friday 24 July. Please be mindful that the school holidays commence th th on Monday 6 July and conclude on Friday 17 July. Applications for enrolment forms are available from the school office. A copy of the birth certificate, passports if not born in Australia and proof of address; lease / purchase agreement and utility account are required on application. Japanese News “Kodomo no hi” means Children’s Day and is celebrated in Japan on May 5. Families fly fish kites and put samurai dolls on display to wish that their children grow up healthy, strong and brave. Students in Year 3 and 4 will be discussing this festival in class next week. The whole school is invited to enter a Children’s Day Colouring-in Contest. Entries need to be submitted to Sensei by Wednesday May 6 for judging. Prizes are vouchers to spend at the canteen. Ganbatte! (Try your best!) Sensei FUNDRAISING Office Hours Mother’s Day Raffle The Admin office will be open on Tuesday mornings from 8.30am and not 8.00am. Thank you Sports News Active Little Aussies Term 2 “Our goal is to try and educate and motivate as many kids as we can on the importance of being active and getting them in healthy habits early through a fun and interactive way”. Who: Each program is delivered by an accredited coach with a working with children check. When: Every Monday of Term 2 from the finish of school (3.00) – 4:00pm. Starts Week 3 and runs for 8 weeks. Where: The Riverton School oval. The coach will pick the children up from their classrooms and take them out to the oval. Sport: Fundamental Sports Skills (throwing, catching, kicking, hitting and locomotion). The sessions will include a variety of sports and games that help to develop these skills. Age groups: Kindy – Year 3. Price: $80 ($10 per session).This must be paid before the first session. For more information and to enrol, visit our website: www.activelittleaussies.com.au Don’t forget to return raffle tickets and money to the front office by this Friday for your chance to win the beautiful skincare basket! Tickets are available in the front office and also will be available on Friday morning. Entertainment Books Support Riverton Primary and pre order your Entertainment Books now at http://www.entbook.com.au/833t84 Books are $65.00 each and 20% of each book sold goes back to the P&C. Any queries phone Natalie McAuliffe 0451940701. For those who have ordered the entertainment books, they will be delivered next week. Thank you for your support. UNIFORMS Opening Hours Friday 8th May 08:30 – 9:15am th Monday 11 May 2:30pm – 3:15pm WINTER JACKETS ARE NOW IN STOCK Denise Powell – Uniform Coordinator Rhys Brooks – Physical Education Specialist Community News Fundraiser - Bulbs Orders must be returned to the office by tomorrow, Wednesday th 6 May. Thank you everyone for your support to this charitable course. Orders will be delivered to your child’s classroom once they arrive. Enquires to Dawn Wallis (Gardener) 0416101087. Parent Group News P&C Meeting Tuesday 5th May at 7pm in the staff room Look forward to seeing you later - come and get involved in your child's school! Everyone welcome Football - Girls Riverton Junior Football Club - Join this girls only team made up from girls from your local Football th District. The 10 week season starts on the 7 of June will be played on Sundays with some Friday nights. Training at Riverton Reserve Thursday 4.30 to 5.30pm. Register your interest www.rivoroos.com.au or phone 0450398315 Camp Autism Hollywood Quiz Night th When: Saturday 16 May, 6.00pm (doors open) Where: Beckenham Community Centre, Streatham St, Beckenham. Tickets: $15 each or $120 for table of 8 Info: www.trybooking.com/121352 All proceeds go to Camp Autism WA Inc Secondary School Specialist Programs South Fremantle Senior High School is offering the following programs for year 5 & 6 students. Music, Baseball and Marine Studies nd Applications close Friday 22 May. For full details visit www.southfremantleshs.wa.edu.au
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