DAY ONE – 6th May 2015 08.20 08.50 08.55 Registration and refreshments Welcome from the IIR Telecoms Team Chairman’s opening remarks Luca Schiavoni, Senior Analyst, Regulation, Ovum Investigating the best approach to regulatory changes 09.00 Uncovering recent regulatory developments in the European Commission Vesa Tevärä, Head of Unit, European Commission 09.30 Investigating the impact of regulatory changes for the wholesale market Laurent Pouillieute, Head of LTE Roaming, Orange 10.00 Quick fire case studies: How 2 operators have coped with the changing regulatory framework and looking into the future Emmanuel Forest, Executive Vice-President, European and Institutional Affairs, Bouygues Group Kim Juchem, VP Commercial Roaming, Deutsche Telekom 10.30 Panel discussion: What impacts have the new regulatory requirements caused? Moderator: Luca Schiavoni, Senior Analyst, Regulation, Ovum Jack Hamande, Chairman of the Council, BIPT Thomas Moe, VP and Head of Roaming, Teliasonera Brian Potterill, Director of Competition Policy, Ofcom Mike Millar, Regulatory Expert, iMVNOx 11.10 Networking coffee break Profiting from increasing customer data usage 12.00 Monetising data roaming growth James Carter, Head of Roaming, EE 12.20 Using the phone like at home – roaming in a data centric world Harald Krohg, Senior Vice President Global Traffic, Telenor Group 12.40 Case study: Investigating marketing activities to wake up silent roamers Bence Tüske, Senior Product Manager, Magyar Telekom Plc 13.00 NEW in 2015! Extended Networking Lunch With Tables Hosted By Leading Roaming Operators Maintaining customer loyalty 14.30 Considering the recent regulatory changes within the retail market Magnus Svensson, Head of Roaming and Interconnect, Telenor Sweden 14.50 SIM901 as a Multi-Local data-only roaming solution for Embedded Connectivity Jacques Bonifay, CEO, Transatel LTE challenges 15.10 What are the LTE roaming roll-out challenges and how to guarantee quality Ann Heyse, Product Manager Roaming Services, Keynote SIGOS 15.30 Afternoon refreshments and networking 16.00 Speaker hosted roundtable sessions. Delegates can choose one of the round tables Future visions of roaming Emeka Obiodu, Senior Manager, Strategy, GSMA LTE Roaming and the transition to a datacentric market Juan Carlos Iniesta Corbacho, Business Development Europe, Telefónica Where next with the roaming regulation Luca Schiavoni, Senior Analyst, Regulation, Ovum 17.00 17.15 Chairman’s closing remarks and end of day one Networking drinks reception DAY TWO – 7th May 2015 08.30 08.55 Registration and refreshments Chairman’s opening remarks Frankie Spagnolo, Founder and Chief Ambassador, IMVNOx LTE: Considering the future of LTE roaming 09.00 Keynote: Imagining the all IP LTE world Jack Hamande, Chairman of the Council, BIPT 09.25 IPX as a Cloud for New Service Raphael Glatt, Head of Signalling, BICS 10.50 BT perspective on the future of LTE roaming Shephen Sherry, Head of Messaging and (G)IPX Portfolio Development, BT 10.15 Morning refreshments and networking 11.00 Experiences from Telenor Norway: the building of efficient LTE roaming rollout processes and achieved results Jan-Helge Kvilstad, Service Manager, International Services, Telenor Norway AS 11.20 Case study: An execution of LTE roaming Malgorzata Gradzka, International Roaming Commercial Manager, P4 Patryk Kaniszewski, International Roaming Junior Specialist, P4 Maintaining quality of service 11.40 Panel discussion: Investigating maintaining the quality of service in roaming from operators around the globe Moderator: Frankie Spagnolo, Founder and Chief Ambassador, IMVNOx Florian Leeder, Head of Business Unit Roaming, Keynote SIGOS Francois Verzele, Director Wholesale, Mobistar Roberto Casini, VP Sales DACH-I, UROS 12.20 Investigating the development of VoLTE and the impact it will have on customer experience whilst roaming Maria Palamara, Global Roaming Marketing Manager, Verizon Wireless 12.40 Lunch and networking Competitors for roaming 13.40 Panel discussion: Maintaining competition with multiple opponents Moderator: Frankie Spagnolo, Founder and Chief Ambassador, IMVNOx Kim Juchem, VP Commercial Roaming, Deutsche Telekom Darius Maikstenas, CEO, Wider Communications Anna Bulochka, Head of Roaming Commerce, Megafon Nabil Baccouche, VP/International Roaming & Mobile Services, Etisalat 14.20 Creating a profitable relationship with MVNO’s Nicola Bleasby, Head of Wholesale Business Models, International Mobile Wholesale, Deutsche Telekom 14.40 Partnering in the competitive environment Malgorzata Gradzka, International Roaming Commercial Manager, P4 Kamel Allani, Business Development Director – Roaming, Telecom North America Inc 15.00 Wholesale roaming meets mobile users. Why and how wholesale needs to adapt to a rapidly changing retail environment Dominique Rousseau, CEO, Vodafone Roaming Services 15.20 Can operators benefit from encouraging or allowing the use of LBO’s: Darius Maikstenas, CEO, Wider Communications 15.40 15.50 Chairman’s closing remarks Close of conference
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