Rosário Durão Education Doctor of Philosophy in Translation Studies (US equivalent degree) Universidade Aberta, Lisbon, Portugal (Open University, Lisbon, Portugal) (Jun. 2008). Dissertation: Tradução Científica e Técnica: Proposta para a Formação de Tradutores Pluricompetentes Especializados na Produção de Documentação Científica e Técnica do Inglês para o Português [Technical and Scientific Translation: Proposal for the Education of Multicompetent Translators Specialized in Producing Scientific and Technical Documentation from English into European Portuguese]. Universidade Aberta (Open University, Lisbon), 2007. Available at Master of Arts in Anglo-American Studies University of Lisbon, Faculty of Letters, Lisbon, Portugal (May 1996). Thesis: O gótico como estratégia de subversão feminista radical em Zofloya: Or, The Moor, de Charlotte Dacre [The Gothic as radical feminist subversion strategy in Charlotte Dacre’s Zofloya: Or, The Moor] First-Certificate in Modern Languages and Literatures. Concentration: English and Portuguese Studies University of Lisbon, Faculty of Letters, Lisbon, Portugal (Jul. 1990). Certification Protecting Human Research Participants training course National Institutes of Health (NIH) Office of Extramural Research. Certification Number: 389600 (2010, Feb. 10). Research history Coordinator: Humanizing Tech/nology research project (2014, May−to date). Director: Visualizing STEM Research Synergy Cluster of the Humanizing Tech/nology research project (2013, Aug.−to date). Co-director: Humanizing Tech/nology research project (2013, Aug.−2014, May). Research scholar: Iowa State University, Department of English, Ames, IA, US (2009−2010). Employment history Assistant professor: Department of Communication, Liberal Arts, and Social Sciences, NMT, Socorro, NM (Jul. 2012−to date). Postdoctoral researcher: University of Lisbon, Center for Comparative Studies, Lisbon, Portugal (Oct. 2008−Jul. 2012). Rosário Durão curriculum vitae Tutor: Universidade Aberta, Lisbon, Portugal (Oct. 2007−Jun. 2008) Assistant professor: Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias, Lisbon, Portugal (Oct. 1997−Sep. 2002 and Oct. 1996−Sep. 1997) Instructor: Instituto Superior de Educação e Ciência, Lisbon, Portugal (Oct. 1996−Jan. 1999) Instructor: Escola Superior de Hotelaria e Turismo do Estoril, Estoril, Portugal (Oct. 1996−Jul. 1997) Replacement secondary school teacher: Escola Secundária de D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, (1995−1996); Escola Secundária de Telheiras, Lisbon, Portugal (1992−1993) Full-time secondary school teacher: Escola Secundária de Dona Filipa de Lencastre, Lisbon, Portugal (1994−1995); Escola Técnica de Profissionais de Bailado da Companhia Nacional de Bailado, Lisbon, Portugal (1990−1991); Externato Apolo, Lisbon, Portugal (1989−1990); Escola Secundária de Dona Luísa de Gusmão, Lisbon, Portugal (1988−1989). Freelance translator (1987−2002) Foreign Languages Correspondent: Construções Metalomecânicas Mague, SA (1979−1987) Clerk: A+P (1979) Articles and book chapters in press and under review Journal articles (refereed) “Visualizing science and technology across cultures: Results of a pilot study.” Information Design Journal. Co-authored paper: Rosário Durão, Marta P. Pinto, Kristina Henneke, & Karen M. Balch. [in press] Conference proceedings “Building Strategic Partnerships: Experiential Learning and the Technical and Scientific Communication Curriculum,” CPTSC 2013 Proceedings. Co-authored article: Elisabeth Kramer-Simpson, Rosário Durão, & Steve Simpson. [forthcoming] Publications Book chapters 2015 “Writers Among Engineers and Scientists.” In Undergraduate Writing Majors: Nineteen Program Profiles, edited by Jim Nugent, Greg Giberson, & Lori Ostergaard (Boulder, CO: Utah State University Press): 106-118. Co-authored article: Julie Dyke Ford, Julianne Newmark, & Rosário Durão. 2004 “Construction Sites: The Male, Masculinity, and Kindred Selves.” In Culture and Power: Music, Media and Visual Arts, edited by Fernando Galván Ruela, Julio Cañero Serrano and José Santiago Fernández Vázquez (Alcalá de Henares: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Alcalá de Henares): 49–58. Journal articles (refereed) “Visualizing the data visualization network: The DVMap project.” European Scientific Journal, September 2014, Special issue edition, Vol. 1: 232−241, 2014. Co-authored paper: Rosário Durão, Tie Wei, Kristina Henneke, Karen M. Balch, Maxwell Hill, & Rachel Rayl. Available at 2 Rosário Durão curriculum vitae “The design of online complaint forms: a comparison of American and Portuguese examples.” Information Design Journal, 19(2), 2011: 120−139. “Primeiro Relatório de Um Inquérito a Fornecedores de Serviços de Tradução Científica e Técnica de Inglês para Português Europeu” [First Report on a Survey to English to European Portuguese Scientific and Technical Translation Service Providers]. Confluências – Revista de Tradução Científica e Técnica: A Tradução Científica e Técnica em Língua Portuguesa no Mundo, 3, 2005: 29−61. Journal articles (non-refereed) “A more complete experience: Revisiting digital production at connexions.” connexions • international professional communication journal, 2(1): 3−4, 2014. Co-authored paper: Rosário Durão, and Kyle Mattson. Available at “International professional communication: An overview.” connexions • international professional communication journal, 1(1): 1−24, 2013. Available at “Traduzir do inglês (1): Chest Pain” [Translating from English (1): Chest Pain]. O Língua: Revista Digital sobre Tradução, 2, 2003. Available at http://cvc.instituto- “New Orleans e o Cinema” [New Orleans and/in Film]. Revista de Humanidades e Tecnologias – Dossier Línguas e Culturas, 6/7/8, 2001/2001: 215−220. Available at Conference proceedings “Communicating science and technology visually.” ISDOC '14, pp. 165-165, 2014, Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems and Design of Communication. doi:10.1145/2618168.2618195 “Perspectives on design of communication.” Panel members: Carlos J. Costa, Daniel Bofill, Joaquim Baptista, Marco Neves, Rosário Durão. ISDOC '14, pp. 177-177, 2014, Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems and Design of Communication. doi: 10.1145/2618168.2618199. “Global Visions: Promoting Excellence in the Education of Professional Communicators and Translators.” ipcc, pp.1−7, 2009, 2009 IEEE International Professional Communication Conference. “O Ensino da Tradução e o Desafio Europeu” [Teaching Translation and the European Challenge]. Actas do 2º Colóquio Internacional Anual da Lusofonia, SLP – Norte. Lusofonia: Diversidades Culturais, Sociedade da Língua Portuguesa – Norte, Bragança, 2003. Book reviews Book review: Technical Translation: Usability Strategies for Translating Technical Documentation, Jody Byrne. The Interpreter and Translator Trainer (ITT): Volume 3, Number 1, 2009: Special Issue. Training for Doctoral Research (St. Jerome Publishing): 177−180. Book review: Science in Translation: Movements of Knowledge through Cultures and Time by Scott L. Montgomery. Discursos – Série Estudos de Tradução, 2, 2002: 153−155. Interviews “Os nossos associados: Entrevista a Rosário Durão” [“Our members: An interview with Rosário Durão”] APCOMTEC newsletter (APCOMTEC - Portuguese Association of Technical Communication), 2014. Available at 3 Rosário Durão curriculum vitae Presentations Keynote addresses “Visualizing science and technology across cultures: Results of a pilot study.” 2nd Annual International Interdisciplinary Conference AIIC 2014, by invitation of Dejan Marolov. AIIC 2014, 8−12 Jul., 2014, Ponta Delgada, Azores (2014, Jul. 8). “Keynote address: Communicating science and technology visually.” International Conference on Information Systems and Design of Communication, by invitation of the conference chairs, Carlos Costa and Manuela Aparício. SIGDOC 2014, May 16−17, 2014, Lisbon, Portugal (2014, May 16). ACM 978-14503-2713-8/14/05. Presentations at professional meetings as a result of peer-reviewed proposals “Visualizing the data visualization network: The DVMap project.” 2nd Annual International Interdisciplinary Conference, AIIC 2014, 8−12 Jul., Azores, Portugal, Vol. I, 232−241 (2014, Jul. 11). doi: 10.13140/2.1.1427.3929. “Data Visualization Across Cultures.” Presentation for the Data Visualization in a STEM-Focused Institution panel at the 17th Annual Association of Teachers of Technical Writing Conference (2014, Mar. 19). Available at (pp. 7−25) “Visualizing science and technology across cultures.” Presentation for Panel 1: International Professional Communication at the Partnerships for Professionalism Pre-Conference co-sponsored by the STC Academic SIG and CPTSC, Cincinnati, OH (2013, Oct. 11). Slides available at Panel video available at “For people out there: Creating a user manual for the national radio astronomy observatory and elsewhere.” Panel: “Building strategic partnerships: Experiential learning and the technical and scientific communication curriculum.” 2013 Annual CPTSC Conference, Cincinnati, OH (2013, Oct. 11). “Relating to dissatisfied customers: Comparing the verbal-visual features of online complaint forms of North American and Portuguese companies.” ABC 75th Annual Convention, Chicago, IL (2010, Oct. 28). “Global visions: Promoting excellence in the education of professional communicators and translators.” IPCC 2009 – International Professional Communication Conference, Jul. 19−22, Honolulu, HI (2009, Jul. 21). “O ensino da tradução e o desafio europeu” [Translator teaching and the european challenge]. 2.º Colóquio Internacional Anual da Lusofonia, SLP – Norte. Lusofonia: Diversidades Culturais, Bragança, Portugal (2003, Nov. 8). “Translators: Bridging the gap between ‘The Two Cultures’.” Translation (Studies): A Crossroads of Disciplines, Lisbon, Portugal (2002, Nov. 14). “Da diversidade à especificidade: Um modelo para a formação de tradutores” [From diversity to specificity: A model for training translators]. I Congresso Ibérico sobre Tradução: O Ensino/Aprendizagem da Tradução, Lisbon, Portugal (2001, Nov. 28). 4 Rosário Durão curriculum vitae “Construction sites: The male, masculinity, and kindred selves.” Seventh Seminar on Culture and Power: (Mis)representations, Alcalá, Spain (2001, Oct. 4). Other speaking engagements “Perspectives on Design of Communication” panel with Carlos J. Costa, Daniel Bofill, Joaquim Baptista, Marco Neves. International Conference on Information Systems and Design of Communication (ISDOC 2014), Lisbon, Portugal, by invitation of the conference chairs, Carlos Costa and Manuela Aparício (2014, May 17). doi:10.1145/2618168.2618199. Transcript available at “Data visualization workshop” for professors at New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology (NMT). Humanizing Tech/nology research project. NMT (2013, Nov. 6). Available at “Editors’ forum: Conversations with editors in the field” (participation in the forum representing connexions journal). 2013 Annual CPTSC Conference, Cincinnati, OH (2013, Oct. 11). “From visual communication to data visualization.” NMT, by invitation of Julie Dyke Ford (2013, Oct. 30). “Writing and creating visual displays for global audiences.” NMT, by invitation of Maggie Griffin-Taylor (2012, Dec. 5). “International professional communication: How I got to it. Why I believe in it.” NMT, by invitation of Elisabeth Kramer-Simpson (2012, Nov. 20). “connexions • international professional communication journal: The new NMT journal.” NMT (2012, Oct. 30). “Communication: The human factor.” University of Lisbon, Center for Comparative Studies, by invitation of Alcinda Pinheiro de Sousa (2012, May 24). “World-people-ready: Designing online information today.” NMT, Department of Communication, Liberal Arts, and Social Sciences (2012, Feb. 20). “Professional communication and information design.” University of Lisbon, Faculty of Letters, by invitation of Manuela Carvalho (2011, Nov. 30−Dec. 7). “Professional communication and information design, today.” University of Aveiro, Department of Languages and Cultures, Aveiro, Portugal, by invitation of the Portuguese Association for Technical Communication, APCOMTEC (2011, May 31). “Professional communication and information design.” University of Lisbon, Faculty of Letters, by invitation of Manuela Carvalho (2011, May 2−4). “Designing information for online users. Numbers. Profiles. Techniques.” University of Lisbon, Center for Comparative Studies, and Center for English Studies of the University of Lisbon (2011, Mar. 3). “International perspectives on visual information design in professional communication.” Iowa State University, Department of English (2010, Oct. 18). Postdoctoral research project presentations. INTERFACES: Encontros e Debates (INTERFACES: Encounters and Debates) project (May 19, 2010), and Modern Differences research group (2010, May 22). “Information design: A functional interaction.” University of Lisbon, Faculty of Letters (2009, Sep. 29). Guided students from two Visual Culture classes in the Communication Sciences undergraduate program 5 Rosário Durão curriculum vitae to develop posters announcing two talks. University of Lisbon, Faculty of Letters, by invitation of the course instructor, Alcinda Pinheiro de Sousa (2009, Sep. 16−29). “The translator as author/communicator.” Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Lisbon, Portugal, by invitation of Maria Zulmira Castanheira (2009, Jan. 22). “Translation as a communication act.” University of Lisbon, Faculty of Letters, by invitation of Margarita Correia (2008, Nov. 27). “New Orleans e o cinema” [New Orleans and/in film]. Ciclo de Conferências Interculturalidades: Comunicação, Globalidade e Diversidade (2001, May). “A metáfora gótica n’O Segundo Sexo” [The gothic metaphor in The Second Sex]. O Segundo Sexo, de Simone de Beauvoir – O Estado das Coisas, Lisbon, Portugal (1999, May 4). Contracts and grants Postdoctoral research fellowship, Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, Lisbon, Portugal. Grant funded (2008, Oct.−2012, Jul.). Grant to participate in the Seventh Seminar on Culture and Power: (Mis)representations, Universidad de Alcalá, Madrid, Spain. Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, Lisbon, Portugal. Grant funded (2001). Teaching Courses Department of Communication, Liberal Arts, and Social Sciences, NMT, Socorro, NM (Fall 2012−to date) Graduate courses TC 589 International Professional Communication (Spring 2013, Fall 2014) TC 561 Data Visualization (Fall 2013, Spring 2015) Undergraduate courses TC 491 International Crisis and Humanitarian Aid Communication (directed study) (Fall 2013) TC 491 Web Management (directed study) (Summer 2013) TC 491 Professional Communication Project Experience (directed study) (Spring 2013) TC 411 Persuasive Communication (Fall 2012) TC 389 Advanced Visual Communication: Data Visualization (Fall 2013, Spring 2015) TC 389 International Professional Communication (Spring 2013, Fall 2014) TC 351 Web Design (Spring 2013, Spring 2014) ENGL 341 Technical Writing (Fall 2012, Spring 2013, Fall 2013, Spring 2014, Fall 2014) TC 211 Media Studies (Spring 2014) TC 151 Visual Communication (Fall 2012, Spring 2014, Fall 2014, Spring 2015) Center for Comparative Studies, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal Intensive Course in Information Design Intensive (May 18−Jun. 8, 2009) Universidade Aberta, Lisbon, Portugal Writing and Communication Techniques, I and II (Oct. 2007−Jun. 2008) 6 Rosário Durão curriculum vitae Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias, Lisbon, Portugal English and Anglophone Cultures I (2001−2002); English Language I, II (1999−2000, 2001−2002); English to Portuguese Translation, I, II, III and IV (1998−2002); English for Specific Purposes (1997−2002); English Language and Culture I, II (1996−1997, 1996−1999) Instituto Superior de Educação e Ciência, Lisbon, Portugal English Language, II, III (Oct. 1996−Jan. 1999) Escola Superior de Hotelaria e Turismo do Estoril, Estoril, Portugal English Language, III, IV (Oct. 1996−Jul. 1997) Program development Department of Communication, Liberal Arts, and Social Sciences, NMT, Socorro, NM (Fall 2012−to date) Graduate courses TC 589/TC 389 International Professional Communication TC 561 Data Visualization/TC 389 Advanced Visual Communication: Data Visualization Undergraduate courses TC 491 International Crisis and Humanitarian Aid Communication (directed study) TC 491 Website Management (directed study) TC 491 Professional Communication Project Experience (directed study) TC 411 Persuasive Communication TC 351 Web Design ENGL 341 Technical Writing TC 211 Media Studies TC 151 Visual Communication Center for Comparative Studies, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal (Oct. 2008−Jul. 2012) Certificate program in Professional Communication (Jun.−Sep. 2009) Intensive course in Information Design (May−Jun. 2009) Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias, Lisbon, Portugal (Oct. 1997−Sep. 2002 and Oct. 1996−Sep. 1997) Developed certificate programs in audiovisual translation, scientific and technical translation, biomedical and biopharmaceutical translation. Developed courses in North-American culture, North-American literature, Women’s writing, Gender, sex and family, Writing the Revolution (1790–1825), Elizabethan drama, Media, culture and society, The gothic, History of the United States, Literary culture and scientific culture, The comic, Culture and popular music, and Minority writing for the Modern Languages and Literatures: Portuguese and English studies program. Developed English I and II courses for the Geography and Regional Development program. 7 Rosário Durão curriculum vitae Professional development “iPad workshops,” NMT (Sep. 16−17, 2013). “Both sides of the equation: Learning and teaching – A workshop focused on best practices for engaging STEM students in their learning,” NMT (Aug. 15−16, Sep. 20, 2013). “Fall 2013 new student advisor program,” NMT (May 20−24, 2013). “Formação de Tutores em E-learning” [“E-learning tutor training”], Universidade Aberta, Lisbon, Portugal (Sep. −Oct., 2007). “Tradução e Internet – A Tradução de Conteúdos para a Internet” [“Translation and the Internet – Translating Content for the Internet”], Universidade Aberta, Lisbon, Portugal (20−24 Sep., 2004). “Curso de Capacitação Pedagógica para o Ensino Superior” [“Higher Education Teacher Training Course”], Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias, Lisbon, Portugal (Nov. 20−24, 2000). Service Departmental Organized a videoconference by Kit Brown-Hoekstra, STC President, on Nov. 18, 2014, for the International Professional Communication class at NMT. Conference title: “5 Things You Need to Know about Global-Ready Content.” Coordinator: Humanizing Tech/nology research project (2014, May−to date). Search committee member: Social Science search committee (2014, Sep.−2015, Jan.). Director: Visualizing STEM Research Synergy Cluster of the Humanizing Tech/nology research project (2013, Aug.−to date). Co-director: Humanizing Tech/nology research project (2013, Aug.−2014, May). Student advisor: Technical Communication students (2013, May−to date). Organized a talk by Bernadette Longo, from the New Jersey Institute of Technology, on April 29, 2013. Title of the talk: “Trust” (2013, Apr.) Oversaw TC 589, TC 389 – International Professional Communication students’ preparation and production of a manual for the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (2013, Spring). Advising walk-in students (2012−to date). Oversaw students’ design of the new Department of Communication, Liberal Arts, and Social Sciences website (2012, Fall−2013, Fall). Oversaw TC411 – Persuasive Communication students’ 1) design of Animal Shelter posters, 2) production of the TC@Tech – STC Trinitite student facebook page (2012, Spring). Invited Barbara Bonnekessen to speak to the TC 411 class, on Oct. 10, 2012. Title of the talk: “From technisch to ‘mechanical’: Of words and their meanings, and Europe in the 1930s–40s” (2012). Institutional Member of the Nominating Committee (2014−2016). 8 Rosário Durão curriculum vitae Member of the ADA (American Disability Act) committee (2014−2016). High Priestess Champion, NMT Miniatures Club (2014). “Data visualization clinic” for professors at the NMT (Coordinator; Conducted together with Abigail Smoake, a TC 389 Advanced Visual Communication: Data Visualization student). Humanizing Tech/nology research project (2013, Nov. 20). Member of the Computer on Campus Committee (2012−2014). Professional Co-editor: connexions • international professional communication journal, peer-reviewed e-journal housed at the Department of Communication, Liberal Arts, and Social Sciences, at NMT and the Dept. of Writing, at the University of Central Arkansas (2014, Oct.−to date). Review manager: Proposals for the 2013 and 2014 annual conferences of the Council for Programs in Technical and Scientific Communication (2013, 2014). Editor: connexions • international professional communication journal (2012−2014, Oct.). Member-at-large: Council for Programs in Technical and Scientific Communication Executive Committee (2012−2014). Reviewer: Proposals for the 6th International Conference of the Iberian Association of Translation and Interpreting Studies (AIETI) (2012, Sep.). Consultant: Design of the research center’s newsletter. University of Lisbon, Center for Comparative Studies, Lisbon, Portugal (2012, Jun.). Organizer: Karen Schriver’s talk “Hot Topics in Information Design: Nurturing Your Expertise.” University of Lisbon, Center for Comparative Studies, Lisbon, Portugal (2009, Jun. 25). Reviewer: Panace@: Boletín de Medicina y Traducción, Spain (2004−to date). Editor: Confluências – Revista de Tradução Científica e Técnica, peer-reviewed e- journal. Lisbon, Portugal (2003−2006). Current professional affiliations American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA) Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Associação Portuguesa para a Comunicação Técnica (APCOMTEC) Association for Business Communication (ABC) Association of Teachers of Technical Writing (ATTW) Council for Programs in Technical and Scientific Communication (CPTSC) Society for Social Studies of Science (4s) Albuquerque, NM, March 18, 2015 9
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