DRAFT AGENDA Working Group 1 Meeting - COST Targeted Network TA1201 “ENGENDERING STEM1 DISCIPLINES. STRUCTURAL CHANGE IN ACADEMIA: RECRUITMENT, RETENTION, PROMOTION AND LEADERSHIP OF WOMEN” Date 30th-31stMarch and 1st April 2015 Venue: Salão Nobre, Reitoria da Universidade de Lisboa Alameda da Universidade, CidadeUniversitária, 1649-004 Lisboa, Portugal Day 1 – Monday, 30thMarch Session open to the public 08:30 Registration Welcome ⎯ Action Chair, Inés Sánchez de Madariaga 09:00-09.30 ⎯ Vice‐Rector Rogério Gaspar, University of Lisbon, ⎯ President João Pardal Monteiro, Faculty of Architecture University of Lisbon ⎯ Coordinator Rita Almendra, CIAUD, Faculty of Architecture University of Lisbon Round table 1: Recruitment and leadership in technical universities: two sides of the same coin? Perspectives from rectors and decision makers. ⎯ University: Challenges and wastes,Helena Nazaré, Former Rector, University of Aveiro, President EUA, PT 9:30-11.30 ⎯ Women’s Leadership in Technical Universities,Gülsün Sağlamer, Former Rector, Technical University of Istanbul, TR ⎯ Gender Certification and other ”tricks‐of‐the‐trade” to improve gender balance – experience from Lund university, Tomas Brage, Head of Core Value Project, Director of Education and Professor of Physics at Lund University, SE 1 STEM – Acronym that stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. ⎯ Gender Equality at universities of science and technology in Europe,Manfred Horvat, Vienna Institute of Technology, CESAER Senior Advisor, AT Moderated by Inés Sánchez de Madariaga, Technical University of Madrid, former Director of Women and Science Unit, SP 11.30-12.00 Coffee Break Keynote Speech: What is specific of structural change and gender equality plans in technical 12:00-13.00 universities and fields? ⎯ Dagmar Simon, Head of Research Group, WZB, Berlin Social Science Centre, DE Followed by discussion with audience 13:00-14.00 Lunch break Round table 2: What do we know about women and structural change in engineering and other technical fields? State of the art ⎯ Institutional and political framework conditions – new public management, the entrepreneurial self and social discomfort,Brigitte Ratzer, Technical University of Vienna, AT ⎯ What do we know about women and structural change in engineering and other technical 14:00:15:30 fields? State of the art.Presentation of Projects, Svandis Benediktsdottir, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NO ⎯ Structural change and gender equality in engineering and other technical fields, a perspective from Morocco, Fatema Mosseddaq, InstitutAgronomique et Vétérinaire Hassan II, MO ⎯ Careers in engineering and technology research in Europe: Quo vadis gender equality?Anita Thaler, IFZ (Inter‐university research centre for technology work and culture) Graz Moderated by Caroline Belan‐Menagier, Ministry of Research and Education, FR 15:30-16:00 Coffee Break Round table 3: Strategies for attracting women into technical areas. Addressing the views 16:00-17:30 of young people and of early stage researchers. ⎯ Improving gender equality from the first stage of research careers: the need for structural changes in the PhD process, Carole Chapin, Eurodoc, FR ⎯ Good image? Bad image? – A gender perspective on young people’s perception on STEM, Jennifer Dahmen, University of Wuppertal, GE ⎯ Learning from first year students and withdrawers in engineering studies how to attract women into technical areas, AndreaWolffram, Leibniz University of Hannover, GE ⎯ Gender order in technical and IT higher education, Corvinus University of Budapest, HU 17:30 Moderated by Sofia Morgado, FA‐University of Lisbon, PT Closing Dinner at EntreCopos Please send confirmation to [email protected]/[email protected] DRAFT AGENDA MC Meeting and Working Group 1 Meeting - COST Targeted Network TA1201 Date 30th-31stMarch and 1st April 2015 Venue: Room 13, Building 5, Faculty of Architecture, Polo Universitário do Alto da Ajuda1349-055, Lisbon, Portugal Day 2 – Tuesday 31st March Working Group 1 Meeting – Participatory workshop towards Structural Changes 09.30 deliverables Moderated by Sofia Morgado, FA‐University of Lisbon, PT; Rapporteurs TASK A: Toolkits from the viewpoint of stereotypes. [According to MoU, pp 12‐14, D.2 Part 1 Scientific work plan methods and means] How to implement one specific measure among those proposed in the Structural Change Report. Rapporteurs: TBD Thought Provocative TASK B: Short/Sharp inputs from decision makers. Strategy and decisions to implement Session the Responsible Advocates Committee (RAC)Rapporteurs: TBD Collective thinking workshop in groups: ideas and statements TASK A:– Identifying and addressing stereotypes in different working environments with a focus in technical areas (participants should have as references: Structural Change 10.00 11.30 Report and Hanna’s Report, CZ) TASK B:– Implementing RAC – strategies and tools (e.g. crowd‐supporting platforms, document prepared by Inés Sanchez de Madariaga) Harvest of results and findings (A3 Papers with Tasks guidelines, very generic, participants, affiliation and nationalities, drawing material, post its) Tables and walls may be used to explore ideas Coffee - self-service in the room Presentation by rapporteurs and group members – around the room Debate Results and Findings A paper for each task, A and B, will be further developed by rapporteurs and participants as deliverables of the Action 13.00-14.00 Lunch break 14:00‐17:00 MC meeting 17.30 Closing by Chair and Hosts DRAFT AGENDA MC Meeting and Working Group 1 Meeting - COST Targeted Network TA1201 Date 30th-31stMarch and 1st April 2015 Venue: Office 6.2.4, Building 6, Faculty of Architecture, Polo Universitário do Alto da Ajuda1349-055, Lisbon, Portugal Day 3 – Wednesday 1st April 9.30 CG meeting 11.00-11.30 Coffee Break 11.30‐13.00 CG meeting (continuation) 13.00-14.00 Lunch break 14.00‐15.30 CG meeting (continuation)
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