White Sail Poster 2015

White Sail Cruiser Challenge 2015
Briefing Session Wednesday 8th April, 1800hrs in the Club - All Welcome
First evening sail - Wednesday 15th April – Meet in the club at 1800hrs or
contact as below.
Attend as often as you like throughout the season
Yachts take part with skipper and core crew (experienced crew can be
arranged with notice)
Guest crew welcomed of any age / ability- giving access to cruising yacht
Enabling skippers to sail their yachts in company in a relaxed way.
White sails only to be used (mainsail and genoa)
Drinks and supper available in the club after - optional
If conditions do not allow us to go out on the water we still meet in the Club
and do shore based
FREE – no charge to join in
If you would like to take part in the White Sail Cruiser Challenge as a guest crew member call Adam Rice on 07789 547938 or skipper with boat call Terry Knapp on 07977 255815