Business Intelligence as a Tool for The Success of Business Operations Dr. Sunnie Chung Amlak Alturki What is Business Intelligence? is the set of techniques and tools for the transformation of raw data into meaningful and useful information for business analysis purposes. Aggregate Data Database, Data Mart, Data Warehouse, ETL Tools, Integration Tools Present Data Reporting Tools, Dashboards, Static Reports, Mobile Reporting, OLAP Cubes Enrich Data Add Context to Create Information, Descriptive Statistics, Benchmarks, Variance to Plan or LY Inform a Decision Decisions are Fact-based and Data-driven Benefits of Business Intelligence • Improve Management Processes planning, controlling, measuring and/or changing resulting in increased revenues and reduced costs • Improve Operational Processes fraud detection, order processing, purchasing.. resulting in increased revenues and reduced costs • Predict the Future For example Amazon tries to predict other items a customer may want to purchase based on what’s in their shopping cart and the purchasing behaviors of other customers. Business Intelligence for Continental Airlines “Worst to First” In the early 1990s, when there were ten major U.S. airlines, Continental ranked tenth in industry performance! Reasons: “IT Weaknesses” Late arrivals, poor baggage handling, low customer satisfaction, and inaccurate flight booking …etc Worst to First Through real time BI, employees gained quick access to key insights about business and customers Integration of: • Revenue • Customer Relationship Management • Flight Operations • Crew Operations and Payroll • Security and Fraud Worst to First Revenue: Objective: maximizing revenue given a finite set of resources. Results: quickly & accurately record revenue, and estimate revenues from any flight. Customer Relationship Management: Objectives: Increase revenues, profits, and improve customer service Results: customer segmentation, customer loyalty, customer acquisition, channel optimization, and campaign management. Worst to First Flight Operations: Objective: getting people to their destinations safely, on time, efficiently, and with their luggage results: flight management dashboard. Crew Operations and Payroll: Objective: handling crew information in a more organized and efficient way. Results: better management of: crew pay, crew scheduling, crew performance, crew efficiency. Security and Fraud: Objective: supporting airline security efforts results: identify reservations that are not in fare or contract compliance, and profile suspicious booking and ticketing transactions. End
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