Ryde East Public School 12 Twin Road, North Ryde, N.S.W. 2113 Tel: 9878 3681 9888 5620 Fax: 9878 6029 Email: [email protected] Website address: www.rydeeast-p.schools.nsw.edu.au NEWSLETTER 21st APRIL 2015 TERM 2 WEEK 1 A copy of this newsletter is available on the School’s website PRINCIPAL’S REPORT Welcome back. The weather may be wild but the classes are settled and students are well rested after their holiday break. This morning we formed our 19th class with Ms Monique Olgers joining us again as the teacher on the new Year 1 class. Ms Olgers’ class will be known as 1M, Mrs Small’s straight Year 2 class will be called 2S and Miss Mitchell’s class will now be 2M. It was sad to hear the Leadership Camp for our captains and prefects was postponed due to the weather and negotiations with the venue is currently taking place for the two day camp to be held in the middle to the end of May. On Thursday the students will be participating in the yearly ANZAC Day Service in our school hall at 11.35am. Again we are fortunate to have one of our former parents, Mr Mick Leayr, an active member of the Australian Armed Forces, speaking at this very special service. All students in the SRC are encouraged to bring flowers to lay with the school wreath at our flagpole near the centenary ANZAC garden. Parents are welcome to join us to commemorate 100 years since the landing at Gallipoli. In the afternoon our Stage 2 and 3 classes will have the privilege of hearing a local Ryde author, Mrs Kim Phillips, speak about her new book, “The Spirit of Gallipoli A Centenary of ANZACS”. On Saturday our captains and prefects along with other students have been invited to join the ANZAC Day March at North Ryde RSL. We meet at North Ryde Oval on the Cressy Road side at 6.30am to then assemble behind the school banner and march to the rose garden at the North Ryde RSL Club. It is a moving ceremony and with this year’s special significance we would like to see as many families joining us. This Sunday students involved in the school music program will be participating in a music camp here at school. This camp helps prepare the students for our Music Festival on the last Sunday in May. It also provides students opportunities to fine tune their skills in a series of tutorials provided throughout the day. In the holidays four of our classrooms (KI, KW, KJ and 4T) had their walls painted and Ms Olgers new class received brand new furniture. Our science room was relocated to the computer lab and the technology from the lab is being relocated around the school. New Horizons Aged Care facility which is across the road from our school asked me to pass on their sincere thanks for the cakes donated to them after the election day cake stall. They appreciated us thinking of them as we have a lovely relationship with the residents as our students visit them each Wednesday afternoon. Jane Imer Principal Dates for Your Diary Tu21/4 Tu21/4 Th23/4 F24/4 F24/4 Su26/4 W29/4 W29/4 Students Return for Term 2 Student Banking resumes ANZAC Day Assembly Gold Card Assembly Winter PSSA Sport begins Band Camp 5D and 1F visit to New Horizons P&C Meeting SPORT REPORT Round 1 for our Winter PSSA season begins this Friday, 24th April. Those students who have not returned their permission note and behaviour contract need to do as soon as possible. Draws for PSSA are yet to be finalised, however they will be available on the Ryde PSSA website in the resources section shortly. The draws can be accessed at www.pssa.net.au/Ryde. Please note there are central venues for Winter PSSA sport, Soccer and Netball at Meadowbank Park, Tag at Morrison Bay and AFL at ELS Hall. Notes have been given out for Gym and Environmental group and need to be returned by tomorrow so that these groups, as well as home sport groups, can be organised before they begin on Friday. If we do not get enough students participating in these programs we may not be able to run them. Sport Co-ordinator Ms R Flammia P&C NEWS I truly hope everyone thoroughly enjoyed school holidays and that you spent the last 2 weeks enjoying the break with bellies full of hot cross buns and chocolate eggs and are now ready to return to school refreshed. I know my little kindy girl has been counting down the days till school starts back! We have a busy few weeks ahead of us with our Mothers’ Day stall fast approaching and next week we have our 2nd General Meeting for the year which is scheduled to be held on Wednesday 29th April at 7.30pm in the school staff room. It would be really wonderful to see you there as we will be discussing some exciting things that will benefit the kids and make our lives easier! If you have any agenda items that you would like to discuss please email them to our secretary Lina Diaz at [email protected] Look out for news in next week’s newsletter as we will be discussing the spectacular Ryde East Music Festival and as this is one of our major fundraising events we will be asking for helpers to make this day a success. Cheers and hope to see you soon!! Genevieve Webb – P&C President MOTHERS’ DAY STALL 6th – 7th MAY 2015 Donations and Helpers Needed If you would like to help serve at the Mothers’ Day Stall, a form is included at the back of the newsletter. For those of you not familiar with our Mothers’ Day Stall, it is run over 2 days. The first session is set aside specifically for infants (K-2) to allow them to make their purchase during school time, class by class. All other sessions are open to all children (K-6). We usually need around 10 helpers for the infants session and then around 4-6 helpers for all other sessions. Thank you to all those people who have already donated items for the Mothers’ Day Stall. We are still looking for more items and have listed below some suggestions. Kitchen Related Items – tea towels, cake tins, utensils, pot holders etc. Frames Recipe books Coffee Mugs and Tea Cups Chocolates / Tea / Coffee Candles / candle holders etc. Toiletries e.g. soap, shower gels, hand and body cream etc. Gift donations may be inexpensive, however please be mindful to only donate unused, quality items which would be appropriate gifts for Mothers’ Day. Remember, your child or your friends child might just purchase the very gift which you donated! It would be appreciated if items can be left in the specially marked box in the school office. Thank you as your contributions are always gratefully accepted. Note: Collections will continue through to Friday 1st May 2015. Suzanne Kimpton 0414 560 907 Cindy Berghofer 0404 096 153 COMMITTEE MEETING - YEAR 6 PARENTS/CARERS I am looking for volunteers to help co-ordinate the end of year farewell for Year 6. The first item on the agenda is to put together a group of dedicated parents who will help plan the event scheduled for December 2015 and be part of the committee. Our first meeting will be on Tuesday 28th April 2015 at North Ryde RSL. We will meet in the foyer at 7.00pm to make it easier for members to sign in nonmembers. If you can't make it and would still like to help feel free to call me on 0439539178. Belinda Rossi - Year 6 Farewell Co-Ordinator RYDE EAST SCHOOL CANTEEN NEW WINTER MENU LAUNCH Welcome back everyone! Hope you didn’t eat too many Easter Eggs. The Canteen will open from Wednesday 22nd April 2015. The new Winter Canteen Menu has been sent home today. Please refer to it this term, as there have been a few updates. New additions to our menu include home-made soup on Mondays starting next Monday 27th April 2015 with a favourite, Country Chicken Noodle so don’t forget to put your order in. We also have a new fried rice as well as a range of Piranha Gluten Free Chips. We are launching a new pasta range for winter to give the students some more warm lunch options such as penne bolognaise and macaroni and cheese! Favourites which have returned are hot popcorn, meatball subs as well as sushi on Wednesdays. We also offer a new free range chicken nuggets and our chicken patties are 100% gluten free. If you can spare just a few hours and would like to bring a friend or meet new parents please drop us an email to [email protected] If you have any suggestions or would like to be part of the Canteen Committee please drop me an email. We would love to hear your ideas! [email protected] Cheers Kelly and Lisa P&C MUSIC PROGRAM NEWS Welcome back to all our fabulous music students! I hope you have had a relaxing break as we are in for a very busy term! Lessons began today, as did Training Band, and will continue on Thursday. Senior Band will be rehearsing as normal on Thursday morning. AWESOME APRIL MUSIC ANTICS THIS WEEKEND! We are kick-starting the term with our day of awesome music antics. If there is any last minute interest, it’s not too late, we can squeeze a couple more students in but you only have till Wednesday to pay – please send Belinda Duncan an email ASAP if your child has had a change of mind. For those attending, the most important things to remember are: It’s on Sunday 26th April – arrive at 8:45am ready to start at 9.00am. You will be sorted into your groups and whisked away for your first round of workshops starting promptly at 9.00am. Don’t forget to bring your drink bottle, a piece of fruit to share and, most importantly, don’t forget your music and your instrument (or drumsticks)! There’ll be games, instrumental tutorials and band or group rehearsals, lunch is provided – yummy pizza, and then it’s time to show off to your family and friends at the concert, which will be held in the hall at 2:30pm. It should be a great day, we’re looking forward to seeing you all there, and hearing the fantastic results of all your hard work, at the concert. RYDE EAST MUSIC FESTIVAL - SUNDAY 24th MAY Make sure Sunday 24th May is in your diaries. The Senior Band will be competing in the festival, which is a huge event at Ryde East, attracting hundreds of students from other Sydney schools and their families. The Music Program committee also has a fundraising stall at the festival, which will hopefully include a raffle. So any prizes, donations or suggestions that you may be able to come up with are most welcome. STRING ENSEMBLE String Ensemble will be commencing next week, Week 2 – Tuesday 28 April at 8:25am, in the band room. MUSIC DATES for your Diaries st Tue 21 April – Lessons and Training Band commence! th Sun 26 April – Awesome April Music Antics workshops and concert th Sun 24 May – Senior Band - Ryde East Music Festival Week 8 – Training Band – Gold Card Performance Week 8 – Senior Band, Wahroonga Music Festival, Sunday 14 June CONTACT PARENTS Coordinator: Belinda Duncan - 0417 489 269 [email protected] Secretary: Band Manager: Lisa Mach – [email protected] Instrument Manager: Akhila Nagarajan – [email protected] Treasurer: Nerradene Wolken – [email protected] Flute Contact: Lee-Anne Bamde – [email protected] Clarinet/Sax Contact: Lina Diaz – [email protected] Brass Contact: Sue James – [email protected] Guitar Contact: Sharon Sagnella – [email protected] Percussion Contact: Kim Bunny – [email protected] Violin Contact: Bronwyn Stacey – [email protected] TENNIS COURTS FOR HIRE The school tennis courts are available for hire out of school hours for a nominal fee of $20.00 per hour for each court. Contact Margie Simpson on 0407 280 864 RYDE EAST OSHC NEWS Ryde East OSHC has its own website which can be accessed at any time. The website is www.rydeeastoshc.com.au UNIFORM SHOP NEWS - (New Uniforms only) The Uniform Shop is open every Tuesday morning from 8.45am – 9.45am or order online and have it delivered to your child’s classroom. www.youruniformshop.com.au Sara Rich – 0426 824 972 ♥♥♥ Pre-Loved Uniforms ♥♥♥ Opening times - Tuesday mornings from 8:45 - 9:30am. Pre-loved uniforms are available from the canteen window alongside the New Uniform Shop. Payment is by CASH only and notes of smaller denominations are appreciated. Donations for Pre-Loved can be dropped at the shop window on any Tuesday morning - please note that we can only accept standard issue school uniforms. Please do not leave your donations at the school Office. For any queries, please contact Vicky Moore on 0426 287 575 or Simone Haslehurst on 0414 965 225 COMMUNITY NEWS MOTHERS’ DAY STALL If you can assist at this year’s Mothers’ Day Stall, please complete the following and return to the P&C Box in the office by Wednesday 29th April. Name: __________________________________________________________________________ Email Address: __________________________________________________________________ Contact Number: _________________________ Mobile: ________________________________ Students Name: _______________________________________ Class: ____________________ Please circle which session(s) you can help at Session 1: Wed 6th May 1:30pm – 3:15pm (infants Session) 10 helpers needed Session 2: Wed 6th May 3:pm – 3:45pm (after school) 6 helpers needed Session 3: Thur 7th May 8:20am – 9.20am (before school) 4 helpers needed Session 4: Thur 7th May 2:45pm – 3:45pm (after school) 4 helpers needed Thank you! Suzanne Kimpton 0414 560 907 Cindy Berghofer 0404 096 153
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