Ryde East Public School 12 Twin Road, North Ryde, N.S.W. 2113 Tel: 9878 3681 9888 5620 Fax: 9878 6029 Email: [email protected] Website address: www.rydeeast-p.schools.nsw.edu.au NEWSLETTER 28th APRIL 2015 TERM 2 WEEK 2 A copy of this newsletter is available on the School’s website PRINCIPAL’S REPORT Thank you to the parents who joined us for our ANZAC Day service in our school hall last Thursday. Thank you to everyone who brought in flowers for the service. We were fortunate to have Warrant Officer Mick Leayr make a moving speech to our students. In the afternoon our Stage 2 and 3 students had the rare opportunity to hear Mrs Kim Phillips speak about the Gallipoli landing and the soldiers from Ryde who were involved in the conflict. Mrs Phillips is the author of a book ‘The Spirit of Gallipoli - A Centenary of ANZACs’ which is a detailed account of this historic event. Mr Phillip Ward very kindly donated this book to our school library and Mrs Phillips signed the book for us. Thank you to all the students and parents who joined the Captains and Prefects at the dawn service at North Ryde RSL on ANZAC Day. It was the largest march for many years as we were all commemorating the centenary of ANZAC. Sunday’s Music Camp was an awesome experience for our talented student musicians. Many thanks to our fabulous music committee who coordinated this event and to Mrs Small and Mr Ward for their help on the day. Next Tuesday 5th May 2015 we will be holding an Open Morning for parents of children who will be starting Kindergarten in 2016. This morning will see our Captains and Prefects speak to the parents and children about what our school has to offer. If you have a child starting school next year come and join us at 9.30am in our school hall. The dates for the activities we have planned for our next year’s Kindy students is on our website. The girls sport uniform is now shorts as we are phasing out the skirt. Bike pants and leggings are not school uniform and should not be worn as sport uniform or under skirts and culottes. We have a striking uniform and when everyone wears it correctly it looks amazing. The Annual School Report for 2014 is now available on the school website for your perusal. Next Wednesday is our Cross Country. It will begin after recess at 11.35am and should be completed by lunch time. The canteen is having a special treat for our students in the form of a Sausage Sizzle. All orders need to be in by 3.00pm on Monday 4th May. Tomorrow night the P&C will be holding a general meeting beginning at 7.30pm in our staff room. Everyone is welcome to attend. SCHOOL KISS AND RIDE/DROP OFF AND PICK UP AREAS A ‘Kiss and Ride Zone’ or ‘Drop-off and Pick-up’ area utilises existing ‘No Parking’ zones around schools. In these areas, drivers may stop to drop off or pick up children, however No Parking rules apply: Maximum stop time is 2 minutes Driver must remain in or within 3 metres of the vehicle Vehicle must not be left unattended Jane Imer Principal Dates for Your Diary W29/4 W29/4 F 1/5 Tu 5/5 W6/5 W6/5 W6/5 Th 7/5 F 8/5 F 8/5 5D and 1F visit to New Horizons P&C Meeting – 7.30pm Infants Assembly – 9.20am 1K performing Primary Assembly – 10.30am – 5D Kindergarten 2016 Open Morning Cross Country Carnival Canteen Pack Lunch Day Mothers’ Day Stall Mothers’ Day Stall Stewart House Day Last day for Book Club orders CROSS COUNTRY – Wednesday 6th May A reminder that our school Cross Country Carnival will take place next Wednesday 6th May at 11.35am for all students in K-6. Students will complete the following number of laps: Age Group Kindergarten, Year 1 and 7 years old from Year 2 8 and 9 years old 10 years old 11 years old 12 and 13 years old Number of Laps 1 2 2 3 3 All students will need to wear appropriate footwear and they can either choose to wear their school sports uniform or house colours. Please make sure your child has a water bottle and a hat on the day. Students are encouraged to bring a rug, towel or tarpaulin to sit on while they are not running. If your child requires any emergency asthma medication, please ensure that it is given to Mrs Anderson at the school office before school. Make sure your child’s name and class are clearly written on the medication. In the event of wet weather, the carnival will be postposed to Monday 11th May 2015. Parents are welcome to come along on the day to support the students and enjoy the carnival. Ms Sedevic and Ms Jenkins Cross Country Coordinators STEWART HOUSE DAY Friday 8th May To acknowledge Stewart House Day this year, the SRC will be sending home Stewart House Donation Drive envelopes this Thursday. For your chance to win a $4,000.00 family holiday, to a destination of your choice, just place a $2.00 coin in the envelope and return it to the school office by Friday 8th May. The winner of the competition will be announced on the 22nd May 2015. Your donation supports the 1,800 children who attend Stewart House at Curl Curl Beach each year from public schools across NSW and the ACT. Paul Johnson SRC Co-ordinator P&C NEWS Ryde East Music Festival Sunday 24th May 2015 8am – 5pm The Ryde East P&C Association is proud to once again be the host of the spectacular Ryde East Music Festival. In its 18th year, this most prestigious event on the annual music calendar provides primary school bands the opportunity to perform against their peers in a competitive forum. There are 4 performance categories ranging from Beginner, Intermediate, Senior Bands and Mixed Ensembles. This year’s festival will see just over 1000 children from 34 school bands performing. There will be 14 schools represented from all over the Northern Districts of Sydney from Castle Cove, to Birchgrove, Beecroft and Pymble Public schools. This year we also welcome North Ryde Public School to the competition for the very first time. Our own Ryde East Senior Band will be competing in the Intermediate Concert Band Section at 11:40am. Mark the date on your calendar as it is a fantastic event which is open to all families at Ryde East to attend and enjoy! At this time I would like to acknowledge Marlene Richardson and former P&C President Robin Butterfield who have done the most wonderful job of coordinating this highly valued event. The Ryde East Music Festival is our yearly major fundraising event. Aside from the band competition, there will be a BBQ stall, cake stall, fairy floss and goodies stall, as well as the famous satay stall. An event such as this is dependent upon many volunteers to assist on the day. As such, in today’s newsletter, I am calling for volunteers from the school community to assist on the day so that we may compile the roster which will ensure that this event runs smoothly on all fronts and is a success! If you would like to help out in any way, please don’t be shy and complete the attached helper request form and place in yellow P&C box by Friday 15th May. The roster will then be printed in the school newsletter the following Tuesday 19th of May. Remember, if you are unable to help on the actual day, why not consider cooking some cakes or slices for the cake stall. Our last cake stall on Election Day was an outstanding success raising well needed funds to assist our wonderful school. Your child does not have to be in the Ryde East Band Program for you to share in this Music Festival. This is an open invitation to all families of Ryde East to join in and be part of this magnificent musical event. P&C Meeting A reminder also that Wednesday night will be our second General Meeting for the year. At 7.30pm in the staff room, we will be discussing some exciting new things we are looking to implement in the school, so please come along if you can. Have a great week Genevieve Webb - P&C President CROSS COUNTRY SAUSAGE SIZZLE WEDNESDAY 6TH MAY 2015 The order form for our Cross Country Sausage Sizzle pack lunch for next Wednesday 6th May 2015 is attached to this newsletter. The canteen will also provide normal service on the day. Students will receive a hot beef, gluten free sausagesizzle on a fresh bread roll, an ice block and a choice of drink for only $6. All forms are to be returned to the yellow P&C box, in the school office, by 3.00pm on Monday 4th May 2015. Please ensure you fill in one order slip per child and include the correct money. Don’t forget our Winter Canteen Menu includes some new items - mini pies for recess and scrummy hot toasted sandwiches for lunch. This month it’s home-made hot country chicken and noodle soup every Monday. If you have any suggestions or would like to be part of the Canteen Committee please drop me an email. We would love some more ideas and help! Cheers Kelly and Lisa [email protected] MOTHERS’ DAY STALL 6th – 7th MAY 2015 Donations and Helpers Needed Helpers are still required for next week’s Mothers’ Day Stall. If you would like to help serve at the Mothers’ Day Stall, a form is included at the back of the newsletter. For those of you not familiar with our Mothers’ Day Stall, it is run over 2 days. The first session is set aside specifically for infants (K-2) to allow them to make their purchase during school time, class by class. All other sessions are open to all children (K-6). We usually need around 10 helpers for the infants session and then around 4-6 helpers for all other sessions. Thank you to all those people who have already donated items for the Mothers’ Day Stall. We are still looking for more items and have listed below some suggestions. Kitchen Related Items – tea towels, cake tins, utensils, pot holders etc. Frames Recipe books Coffee Mugs and Tea Cups Chocolates / Tea / Coffee Candles / candle holders etc. Toiletries e.g. soap, shower gels, hand and body cream etc. Gift donations may be inexpensive, however please be mindful to only donate unused, quality items which would be appropriate gifts for Mothers’ Day. Remember, your child or your friends child might just purchase the very gift which you donated! It would be appreciated if items can be left in the specially marked box in the school office. Thank you for your contributions which are always gratefully accepted. Note: Collections will continue through to Friday 1st May 2015. Suzanne Kimpton 0414 560 907 0404 096 153 Cindy Berghofer RYDE EAST MUSIC FESTIVAL Cake Stall 2015 Calling all bakers! The Ryde East Music Festival, to be held on Sunday 24th May, is fast approaching and we are calling on all the generous parents at the school to lovingly prepare goodies for the cake stall at the festival, which will be raising much needed funds for the Ryde East P&C Association. The cake stall at the State Election raised an amazing $2,800 thanks to the school community and we hope to do even better this time! This event is not just for students and families in the music program but for everyone involved in the school. You can bake, or simply buy and donate - we are most grateful for any donations. We will be sending a cake tray home with your child on Monday 18th May and it would be great if you could return this tray, full of goodies, to the staff room on Saturday 23rd May, or directly to the cake stall on the morning of Sunday 24th May. From our experience, we know what sells really well – suggested goodies include: Cupcakes – all flavours Brownies, slices Bar loafs – buttercake, sultana, lemon/orange Banana bread Biscuits Coconut ice, fudge, toffee Scones We are in the planning stages – if you would like to help, please contact Siobhan on 0414 669475 or [email protected] MEETING TONIGHT 7.00pm NRRSL YEAR 6 PARENTS/CARERS I am looking for volunteers to help co-ordinate the end of year farewell for Year 6. The first item on the agenda is to put together a group of dedicated parents who will help plan the event scheduled for December 2015 and be part of the committee. Tonight is our first meeting at North Ryde RSL. We will meet in the foyer at 7.00pm to make it easier for members to sign in non-members. If you can't make it and would still like to help feel free to call me on 0439 539 178. Belinda Rossi Year 6 Farewell Co-Ordinator YEAR 6 FUNDRAISING CHOCOLATE BOXES - Year 5/6 PARENTS Thank you to those parents and children who have sold chocolates and have returned their money. Due to popular demand I have ordered extra Variety Packs and these are available in Mrs. Wilson's office. If you are unable to sell your chocolates please return unsold chocolates to the front office. Please remember when you return your money to write your child's name and class onto the envelope and place in the yellow P&C box located in the office. I have had one envelope returned with money but no name. If you are that person please let me know. Thanks again. Belinda Rossi Year 6 Farewell Co-Ordinator 0439 539 178 BOOK CLUB Issue 3 catalogues were distributed to teachers yesterday. If you wish to order, please place in the P&C box by Friday 8th May. There are spare catalogues in the wall pocket in the office foyer if you wish to browse other age groups. In addition to our traditional form of payment to the P&C box, Scholastic has also provided a new way of ordering online. If you wish to order and pay by credit card, using their LOOP (Linked Online Ordering & Payment) system, please go to www.scholastic.com.au/LOOP. If using this method, there is no need to fill in an order form and bring to school, as your order comes directly labelled with your child and class to the school. The choice is yours. A couple of back orders and late orders were distributed yesterday to teachers from Issue 2. Please check with your teacher or the office if Issue 2 orders have not been received. Thank you to all the families that ordered from Issue 2. With total sales of $1,800, I look forward to ordering more books and teaching resources for our school. Caroline Millar ph. 0432 145 122 or email [email protected] Music Needed Festival Helpers The Ryde East Music Festival is to be held on Sunday 24th May. We need many helpers to make this day successful and there are various positions that need filling. Hall Setup – Responsible for carrying and setting up music equipment/tables/chairs in the school hall. This is on the afternoon of Saturday 23rd May. Driveway Attendant – Responsible for allowing authorised vehicles onto the school premises. Practice Room Supervisor – Responsible for overseeing band practice rooms when band is in the hall performing (need 4-5 supervisors every session). Hall/Room Pack Up – Responsible for packing away music equipment/tables/chairs Barbeque – Responsible for selling/preparation/ cooking of barbeque food. Asian Food – Responsible for preparation/cooking of Satay Skewers and rice. Cake Stall – Responsible for packaging and selling cakes. No children on the Cake stall please. Band Fundraising – Responsible for selling lollies and popcorn. Programs – Year 5 & 6 students to be responsible for handing out programs. Please take the time to complete the attached helper request form and place in the P&C box by Friday 15th May. The roster will then be printed in the school newsletter on Tuesday 19th May. If you are unable to help on the actual day, why not consider cooking some cakes or slices for the Cake Stall. Remember – all proceeds made go towards improving our school! Suzanne Kimpton P&C Fundraising SCHOOL BANKING School Banking had an amazing Term 1 - 55 children opened new bank accounts!! Ryde East Public School benefits from the activity of our school bankers by receiving commission on accounts opened and on deposits made throughout the year. In addition to this, our children directly benefit by learning the value of saving on a regular basis. In Term 1 our school earned $667.61 in commission, which will go toward our P&C Fund for purchasing valuable resources for the children and our school. Term 2 reward items have been released! If your child has collected 10 tokens they can now select from the Planet Handball, the ET DVD and the new Term 2 items - the Intergalactic Rocket and the Invisible Ink Martian Pens. Please note they must collect the tokens from their own banking activities there is no token pooling or sharing. Commonwealth Bank also keep a running total of token balances – so if your child has lost any tokens or you are not sure of their balance - just pop a note in with their bank book and we will find out their balance for you. Remember when ordering reward items it can sometimes take up to 2 weeks for your child’s order to arrive. Please be patient and if they have not received their reward item after 3 weeks, pop a note in with their banking and we will follow it up for you. School Banking continues every Tuesday throughout Term 2. If you have any additional questions you can contact us via email at [email protected] or phone/text Dianna Rich on 0410 669 227 or by including a note in your child’s bank book. P&C MUSIC PROGRAM NEWS Awesome Music Day! What a brilliant day we had last Sunday at the Awesome April Music Antics. The workshops were awesome, the food was awesome, the games were awesome and the concert performances were ABSOLUTELY AWESOME! Even the rain didn’t stop us. Congratulations to all the students, not only for the fabulous concert – you are all achieving so highly at this early time of year – but also for your wonderful behaviour. I am looking forward to the Music Variety Night at the end of the year already. Many thanks to our wonderful music committee and to all the parent helpers who worked behind the scenes: setting up, manning the registration tables, moving equipment and preparing and serving the food. Without your support these kinds of events cannot go ahead. Special thanks must go to Liz Wilkinson, our highly coordinated Special Events Coordinator, who organized and planned all the food and rosters. Thanks to Mrs Imer and Mrs Small for their support and for giving up part of their weekend to ensure the smooth running of the day, and also to Phillip Ward for pitching in everywhere! Finally, special thanks to our wonderful tutors who inspire and guide our students, we are so lucky to have such a great group of tutors at our school. Wanted: Helpers for our REMF Band Stall! The Ryde East Music Festival (REMF) is on Sunday 24 May and we need helpers to run our band stall. The band stall is our contribution to the music festival and is a great fundraiser for the music program. If you can contribute an hour or two on the band stall please contact our band manager, Lisa Mach – details below. If you have children in Years 5 and 6, they too can assist on the stall and always have a lot of fun playing ‘shop’ (under an adult’s supervision), or assisting to sell raffle tickets. See the roster in today’s newsletter for times. Music Practice Rewards Don’t forget to keep up those regular practices and get your reward card signed. Week 3 and Week 7 assemblies are when prizes are awarded. For the next Week 3 rewards you will need to have your signed card in by Wednesday 6th May. Please put completed cards WITH YOUR NAME AND INSTRUMENT in the special box in the school office foyer. Spare cards can be found in the music drawer in the office foyer. Music Dates for your Diaries Week 3 Music Practice cards awards assembly Week 5 Sun 24th May – Senior Band, Ryde East Music Festival Week 8 Training Band – Gold Card Performance Week 8 Sunday 14 June – Senior Band, Wahroonga Music Festival Contact Parents Coordinator: Belinda Duncan - 0417 489 269, [email protected] Secretary: Band Manager: Lisa Mach – [email protected] Instrument Manager: Akhila Nagarajan – [email protected] Treasurer: Nerradene Wolken – [email protected] Music Practice Club Coordinator: Leanne Smith – [email protected] TENNIS COURTS FOR HIRE The school tennis courts are available for hire out of school hours for a nominal fee of $20.00 per hour for each court. Contact Margie Simpson on 0407 280 864 RYDE EAST OSHC NEWS Ryde East OSHC has its own website which can be accessed at any time. The website is www.rydeeastoshc.com.au UNIFORM SHOP NEWS - (New Uniforms only) The Uniform Shop is open every Tuesday morning from 8.45am – 9.45am or order online and have it delivered to your child’s classroom. www.youruniformshop.com.au Sara Rich – 0426 824 972 ♥♥♥ Pre-Loved Uniforms ♥♥♥ Opening times - Tuesday mornings from 8:45 - 9:30am. Pre-loved uniforms are available from the canteen window alongside the New Uniform Shop. Payment is by CASH only and notes of smaller denominations are appreciated. Donations for Pre-Loved can be dropped at the shop window on any Tuesday morning - please note that we can only accept standard issue school uniforms. Please do not leave your donations at the school Office. For any queries, please contact Vicky Moore on 0426 287 575 or Simone Haslehurst on 0414 965 225 MOTHERS’ DAY STALL If you can assist at this year’s Mothers’ Day Stall, please complete the following and return to the P&C Box in the office by Wednesday 29th April. Name: __________________________________________________________________________ Email Address: __________________________________________________________________ Contact Number: _________________________ Mobile: ________________________________ Students Name: _______________________________________ Class: ____________________ Please circle which session(s) you can help at Session 1: Wed 6th May 1:30pm – 3:15pm (infants Session) 10 helpers needed Session 2: Wed 6th May 3:pm – 3:45pm (after school) 6 helpers needed Session 3: Thur 7th May 8:20am – 9.20am (before school) 4 helpers needed Session 4: Thur 7th May 2:45pm – 3:45pm (after school) 4 helpers needed Thank you! Suzanne Kimpton 0414 560 907 Cindy Berghofer 0404 096 153
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