SACRED HEART OF JESUS CHURCH S a c 353 MAIN STREET, HIGHLAND FALLS, NEW YORK 10928 BLESSED SACRAMENT CHAPEL ROUTE 9W, FORT MONTGOMERY, NY 845-446-4609/ FAX 845-446-4610 WWW.SACREDHEART-HIGHLANDFALLS.ORG Rev. Joseph Tokarczyk , Administrator Mrs. Mary Ann Brigham—Religious Education Coordinator 845-446-2674 Mrs. Linda Cecchini—Parish Secretary Mrs. Helen Lindsey —Music Director SCHEDULE OF MASSES Sunday: 5:00 pm (Saturday), Highland Falls 8:00 am Fort Montgomery 9:30 am & 11:30 am, Highland Falls Holy Days: As announced Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday: 8:00am Wednesday: 5:00 pm; Saturday: 9:00 am First Friday of the Month: 9:00 am CONFESSIONS Saturday: 4:15 - 4:45 pm, Highland Falls DEVOTIONS Exposition of the Most Blessed Sacrament: after the First Friday Mass until 4 pm with Benediction and recitation of Litany & Novena to the Sacred Heart Our Lady of Fatima: First Saturday before Mass Rosary: May & October after daily Mass Liturgy of the Hours during Advent/Lent recited before daily Mass MASSES FOR THE WEEK Saturday, March 28 5:00 pm Louie Pelella Sun., Mar 29-Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord 8:00 am Parishioners of Sacred Heart 9:30 am Rita Donaldson Salvatore Capizzano 11:30 am Monday, March 30 8:00 am Gerard Graber Tuesday, March 31 8:00 am Health & Speedy Recovery Marilyn Ness Wednesday, April 1 5:00 pm Louie Pelella Thursday, April 2-Holy Thursday 7:00 pm No Intention Friday, April 3-Good Friday 3:00 pm No Intention Saturday, April 4-Holy Saturday-Easter Vigil 7:00 pm No Intention Sunday, April 5-Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord 8:00 am No Intention 9:30 am No Intention 11:30 am No Intention * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * ** * * * Dear Parishioner, Easter Greetings to you and all members of the Parish Family! May your heart sing with the joy of the Risen Lord on His Resurrection Feast. “This is the day that the Lord hath made, let us be glad and rejoice therein.” Try to take advantage of the opportunities of Holy Week. Receive most devoutly Our Blessed Lord in Holy Communion on the great days of the week, Holy Thursday and Good Friday, and surely on Easter Sunday, that your peace and joy may be as full as possible. Deepest thanks to you for your kindness and generosity at this time. May our Risen Christ and His lovely Mother bless you with the happiest Easter of your life. Sincerely, Fr. Joseph Tokarczyk and the Parish Staff ************************************** Holy Week services for the week will be as follows. A warm greeting is extended to all who have come to Sacred Heart this weekend to join together in this community of worship and praise to Almighty God. Ever grateful to our faithful parishioners who are here every weekend, we also welcome our neighbors and guests who visit us occasionally and want you to know that you are always welcome. The church is opened one half hour before daily weekday Mass. The ramp door of the church is open until 2 pm daily—except Sunday & holidays when it is closed after the last Mass. Looking for a Sunday Evening Mass? Sacred Heart, Monroe, 6 pm St. John, Goshen, 5 pm St. Columba, Chester, 6 pm St. Mary, Washingtonville, 6 pm Most Holy Trinity, West Point, 5:15 pm The Rectory office hours are Monday to Friday 9:30 to 2:00. (Lunch from 12:00 to 12:30) Holy Thursday of the Lord’s Supper April 2 7 pm Good Friday - The Passion of the Lord April 3 3 pm Stations of the Cross 7 pm The Easter Vigil in the Holy Night April 4 7 pm _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (no 5:00 Mass) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord April 5 Chapel - 8 am Church - 9:30 and 11:30 (There will be no daily Mass on Holy Thursday, Good Friday or Holy Saturday) Reconciliation Day Monday, March 30, 2015 3 - 9 pm WEEKLY COLLECTION March 22 - $2,967 Thank you for your continued support and generosity! We pray for the sick and homebound: Rose Baglivi, Macella Berdon, Joseph Boulay, Joan Brennan, Dick Cafarelli, George Callahan, Sharon Colleluore, Connie Cacioppo, Dorothy Crapanzano, Kevin Crill, Sr., Dan Cronin, Andrew Decourt, Julie DeWitt, Elizabeth Crapanzano DiPierro, Eileen Ford, Paul J. Fortino, Marcia Graber, Butch Hannigan, Darlene & Ed Koffer, Anne Lewis, Mary Livsey, Rose Livsey, David Love, Augustina Lusk, Trudy McCabe, Andy Marcinak, Walter Miller, Nestor Navalo, Moira O’Brien, Mae Salerius, Corinna Schmidt, Bob Scott, Richard Scott, Marge Servedio, Juan Sierra, Joan Squicciarini, Mary Kate Squicciarini, Donna Steinmetz, Antoinette Stillitano, (The individual or family members should be informed they are on the list. In the future ALL names will remain on the list for one month and then will be removed unless we hear otherwise. ) Prayer for Our Soldiers O God, almighty and most gracious, help keep our men and women safe while they are defending our freedom. Help them fight with valor, serve with honor, and come home when the fight is won. For those who should fall to any harm, O Lord, please watch over them so that they can return home to the families who love them. In the dark of night and the heat of battle, may our prayers—and your divine love—give them comfort and protection. This we pray, Amen. Outreach to the Homebound and Hospitalized If you know of someone within our parish community who is ill and cannot come to Mass, please call the rectory with their name and phone. Also, anyone anticipating surgery or stay in the hospital may request the sacrament of the anointing of the sick. Because of HIPAA regulations, hospitals do not notify us when a parishioner is admitted. Please call the rectory office so that Father may be notified. Market Day delivery will be Thursday, April 9 Order forms are at the doors of the church. Market Day is the food buying service that delivers quality frozen items to the school gym for the convenience of customers. The Thrift Shop is open Thursdays from 10:00 to 1:00. Come to browse and see the treasures you can find. There are party goods, books, cards, winter clothing, jewelry, etc. Life is fragile—Handle with Prayer Please consider attending the Holy Hour each third Thursday of the month from 2:30 to 3:30. The next Holy Hour will be Thursday, April 15. The Shepherd of the Highlands Prayer Group meets on the first Tuesday of each month at 2:00 pm in the church. The next meeting will be Tuesday, April 7. For more information, please contact Josephine Federico at –4529 or Dolly Van Zetta at –3221. The Sacred Heart Bible Study Group meets on Thursdays in the sacristy of the church from 7:15-8:45 pm. The subject will be “The Book of Isaiah” using the Little Rock Catholic Scripture Study series. Please contact Dorothea Wojciechowski at 446-3819 for more information. Baptismal Class…. For first time parents will be held on Monday, April 13 at 7 pm in the school. Please call the rectory if you are planning on attending. Holy Week Church Cleaning - will take place on Monday, March 30 at 10 am and 5 pm. Please call the rectory to volunteer. Homebound Parishioners - if you would like to receive the Sacrament of the Eucharist, Fr. Joe will be visiting the sick on Tuesday, March 31. Please call the rectory and leave your name and phone number, so you can be called to schedule a time. Altar Server Practice - Wednesday, April 1 at 6 pm. All who signed up to serve on Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday must come to this practice. Prayer Shawl Ministry A dedicated group of our Parishioners meets on the Second Tuesday of the month at 1:30 pm in the school’s music room. They make Prayer Shawls and Lap Blankets for our homebound and nursing home residents. It is truly an ecumenical group includes women from the United Methodist Church as well. The women who meet to crochet and knit for this ministry have distributed dozens of shawls and blankets to the elderly and the sick. Donations of acrylic yarn can be made at the Parish Office and will be greatly appreciated. If you are interested in joining this ministry or know of someone in need, please contact Elaine Dapra at 446-3163. If you are unable to attend meetings but would like to donate lap blankets and shawls, please call Elaine. 462 Palm Sunday & Easter Triduum We are in need of Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers and Altar Servers for Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday (Easter Vigil) and Easter Sunday. Palm Sunday - 2 Lectors, Eucharistic Minister, 4 Altar Servers. Holy Thursday - 2 Lectors, Eucharistic Minister, 4 Altar Servers Good Friday - 2 Lectors, Eucharistic Minister, 4 Altar Servers Easter Vigil - 2 Lector, Eucharistic Minister, 4Altar Servers Easter Sunday - 1 Lector, Eucharistic Minister, 3 Altar Servers for each Mass: 8, 9:30 & 11:30 Please call the rectory and leave your name, number and the service you would like to participate Cardinal’s Appeal We raised for In Pew Weekend the following: Saturday (5 pm) 7 donors Sunday (8 am) 5 donors (9:30 am) 5 donors (11:30 am) 12 donors Monday 1 donor Total $790 $1,440 $365 $2,230 $1,000 $4,825 Thank you for your support and generosity with your donations for In Pew weekend. Our goal this year is $39,000. To date, 56 parishioners have pledged $17,190. Your gift of $5, $15 or $20 would go a long way in assisting with major charitable programs that the Archdiocese is involved with. Envelopes are at the doors of the church if your means allow you to make any donation. Religious Education . April and May April 11-Communion Retreat Day-9:30 am to 12:30 pm. April 29-Communion Rehearsal April 30-Confirmation Rehearsal 7:30 (Candidates/Sponsors) May 5-Confirmation at 5:30 pm May 6-Communion Rehearsal May 9-Communion at 9:30 am March 29-Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord Mark 11:1-10: Today we begin the liturgy with the blessing of the palms, hearing the Gospel of Jesus entering Jerusalem, being greeted enthusiastically by the people as they waved palms, a sign that they saw him as someone very special. We hear the events of Holy Week and the passion of Jesus: the Last Supper, Jesus in the Garden, Jesus’ suffering as he is beaten and crowned with thorns, Jesus carrying his cross, his death. Why do you think Jesus prayer in the garden, “not what I will but what you will”? Are You Registered? Have you recently moved here? If you plan to be a godparent for baptism or sponsor for Confirmation that is not celebrated in this parish and need to obtain a certificate as a Catholic in good standing, you should be an active, registered parishioner. Also, we can only provide year-end donation statements for tax purposes to registered parishioners. Call the rectory or fill out the form below and place in the collection basket. Name:_____________________________ P O Box _____________ Street Address_________________________ Fort Montgomery OR Highland Falls Phone: ______________________________ ______I do not receive envelopes. Please sign me up so I can receive them. Thank you. Wedding Invitations & Holiday Cards Hair in the Highlands 521 Main Street • Highland Falls 845-446-2965 Saundra Kelley, Stylist/Owner Closed Sunday & Monday Log Onto conveniently from your home or office. Online Catalog • Online Ordering • Online Proofing All Major Credit Cards Accepted FREE UPS GROUND SHIPPING! Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. Contact us today to get a free analysis to see if we can help Save you money with your monthly payments on your commercial property. Multi-Family, Retail, Office Building, Apartment and Condos. Can close in as little as 45 days! Four season customer service is our top priority. Call us today 215-586-1575 or 267-251-0341 3900 City Avenue, Suite 107 Philadelphia, PA 19131 Sacred Heart of Jesus is looking for more sponsors. Please patronize the businesses that advertise in your bulletin. They make your bulletins possible! If you are interested in advertising, please contact us at John Patrick Publishing Company for more information. 800-333-3166 462 Sacred Heart of Jesus, Highland Falls, NY (I) UPS John Patrick Publishing Company (800) 333-3166 • W 135 Main Street Highland Falls, NY 10928 446-2868 Licensed Directors Colin W. Campbell Richard J. Sullivan Thomas P. Sullivan Victor T. Holmes illiam F. Hogan Funeral Home 457 Main Street Highland Falls, NY (845) 446-2626 Bobbie Fallon Carousel of Homes BOSCH'S GARAGE & TOWING JK 's Country Deli Licensed Real Estate Broker 1176 Route 9W • Ft. Montgomery, NY 25 Main Street, Catering Is Our Specialty 446-4530 Highland Falls FAMILY OWNED BUSINESS Tel & Fax: 24 Hour Towing 446-4520 John & Jenny Kurisko, Proprietors 845-446-2238 • Full Auto Repair & Service • New York State Inspection 888 ROUTE 9W FORT MONTGOMERY, NY (845) 839-0043 Richie's George S. Papageorge DDS FAMILY DENTISTRY Little Place 70 Villa Parkway Highland Falls, NY 10928 ~ YOUR ~ Local Restaurant 845-446-7918 (845) 446-3500 Bob & Mary Livsey, Owners The Park Restaurant Good Food, Good Friends, Just A Good Place To Be! SERVING HOME COOKED BREAKFAST, LUNCH AND DINNER 451 Main St, Highland Falls 3 Blocks South of West Point (Thayer Gate) (845)446-8709 Sunday Show Your Bulletin For 10% Discount After Mass WARD & GARVEY INSURANCE & INVESTMENTS 270 Main Street, Highland Falls, NY 10928 Jack Garvey & Teresa Gibney Ph: 845-446-2895 • Fax: 845-446-3403 “New York’s Premier Catholic Visiting Nurse/Home Healthcare Agency” Compassionate Care in the privacy and comfort of your own home! Services include: Skilled Nursing • Home Health Aides Care Management Physical, Speech & Occupational Therapies Specialty Services include: Cardiac Care • Diabetes Care Care Transitions Maternal Child Services Wound & Ostomy Social Work • Pastoral Care 1-855-488-2149 462 Sacred Heart of Jesus, Highland Falls, NY (B) UPS John Patrick Publishing Company (800) 333-3166 •
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