The Evangelist The Episcopal Church of St. Mark the Evangelist HOLY, HOLY, HOLY WEEK When you wake up on Easter, April 5, my prayer is that you will know in a new and altered way not who you are but whose you are. And that a long awaited ‘Alleluia’ will burst forth from your lips, before your eyes see the light of Easter morn! After 40 days and 40 nights of Lent, we have moved from the darkness of the wilderness towards the light that Easter promises, as we have faithfully examined our lives before God, through our prayers, reading the Bible and our anonymously donated Lenten booklet, attending Monday Beach Morning Prayer at 8:30 a.m. and the Tuesday Lenten series, reading Zealot, and quiet listening before God that the season of Lent allows and requires. Lent prepares us to walk into Holy Week fully prepared to be able to look into the mirror and know beyond a shadow of a doubt who we have left behind and whose we have become. Holy Week begins with Palm Sunday on March 29, then we gather for Maundy Thursday on April 2, for the Institution of the Holy Eucharist and the Stripping of the Altar, with the culmination of Holy Week on Good Friday, April 3, as we reflect upon the Stations of the Cross, ending with the crucifixion of Jesus on the hard wood of the cross. Each service during Holy Week feeds upon the other, and with our presence and participation, only then can we fully live what Christ walked 2000 years ago in the greatest love story, making the angels in heaven hear authentic joy resonate from our Easter ‘Alleluias!’ In the beginning of the first century, believers gathered in people’s homes for a dinner party, and this is how Church was born into the world, similar to our SOUL gatherings. The first century Church was really a covered-dish supper, where all of the people gathered and brought a contribution to the meal. After they visited with one another and enjoyed their feast, they would come together and end the meal with the Holy Eucharist, which was the memory of what Jesus commanded at The Last Supper with his disciples. Like the early Christians, we too come together weekly to share this sacred meal of bread and wine, which would give them and gives us the strength and courage to live life with Christ in the coming week. This is why I tell you when I see you that you were missed Sunday in church, because it genuinely makes me sad when I don’t see you in church. As your minister, my greatest wish for each of you is that you will make the effort to come and be fed with his sacred meal that has been feeding Christians for 2000 years. Holy Week is your time to prepare yourselves for Easter, and as you participate in each service, Easter will have a power that neither you nor I will be able to verbalize but we will know that Christ is upon us. The re-telling of the Last Supper and the fulfillment of the teachings of Christ is now called Maundy Thursday. Maundy Thursday is when we celebrate the Institution of the Last Supper. Maundy in Latin means mandatorium, which translates, the Great Commandment. March 2015 At his Last Supper, Jesus left his disciples with this great commandment, which remains the summary of all of his teachings and the reason that he is ultimately willing to allow himself to be crucified so that we can be saved from our sins. Love one another as I have loved you. (John 13:34) Sounds simple, right? Remember and be grateful like I am that Jesus is the God of Second Chances and third and… this is the heart of Holy Week and the message that there is no Christianity, no Church, no Community of Jesus unless we make the time and are willing to give of ourselves, by loving and forgiving our spouses, partners, children, friends, colleagues, and strangers like Jesus was willing to forgive us when he gave his life for us. Love one another. Forgive one another. Lay blame down before it breaks you into pieces and leaves you alone and bitter. Who cares in the end who was right? Lay it down. When we choose not to live as Jesus taught, we have decided for whatever reason to take ourselves out of the greatest love story ever told and lived. When Easter comes, it is God’s promise that God’s love will never be killed, but will resurrect and never die. When life looks the darkest and most bleak, God saves this Easter love for you, so that the connection that we share with Jesus, with his disciples, with the people of our Holy City, Jerusalem, with St. Mark’s parishioners and School members, who are struggling that Christianity is where we learn whose we are in this world. You are loved and forgiven by Christ. Let your words tell people that you believe this great news! Have a Holy, Holy, Holy week. The Reverend Eliza R. Ragsdale Assistant to the Rector [email protected] MARCH BIRTHDAYS: Aris Amitirigala Lauren Amitirigala Ileana Bardisa Rick Bauer, Sr. Haley Bauer Ricky Bauer Evie Breckenridge Craig Breckenridge Allie Breton Ted Carpenter Susan Carpenter Patrick Carroll Nick Chu Neville Clarke Rita Collister Joe Cooper Pat Cooper Maria Denison Andrew Fox Carol Fox Elsada Frazier Kristin Gundlach Allie Hall Ritchie Hamm Lindsey Heyworth Jean King Diane LaVault Christy Lambertus Warren Leong James Long Autumn Martin Meghan McCormick Jessica Moody Landon Rausch Kathy Rodgers Cate Ruiz AP Smith Drew Sobczak Paul Spada Nicole Troop Monica Weick Dane Williams Helena Ylagan PALM CROSSES ST. MARK’S BOOK CLUB LENTEN SERIES and SOUP SUPPER HOSTS Our annual series is well on its way, and there’s time for you to join us! We enjoy a light supper of soup, salad and bread. Come and judge the soups from various St. Mark’s Episcopal Church ministries. Experts will share their thoughts on different topics with us to provide fascinating discussions. This year our topic is “Who Is Jesus?” Our Lenten series brochure is available in the church and on our church website. Here’s a list of our guest speakers: March 10 The Reverend Geoffrey St. John Hoare Rector of All Saints Church in Atlanta, Georgia Soup Chefs: Episcopal Church Women March 17 Monsignor Vincent Kelly Catholic Archdiocese of Miami, Florida Soup Chefs: Choir March 24 The Reverend Fawn Mikel Christ Methodist Church in Fort Lauderdale, Florida Soup Chefs: 9:15 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Parishioners On Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m., during our Lenten Series, each volunteering team will have Soup Chef competition in our School Dining Hall. We thank all volunteers for supporting this event’s success! SUNDAY HOLY EUCHARISTS On Tuesday, March 24, join dedicated volunteers who will gather to make Palm Sunday crosses in the Vestry Room from 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Lunch will be provided. 8:00 a.m. - Rite I 9:15 a.m. - Rite II - Family Service 10:00 a.m. - Sunday School/Adult Ed. 11:00 a.m. - Rite II Church and School Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday March 26, 2015 Our Book Club will be discussing Zealot by Reza Aslan. We will gather at the home of Dianne Garvin, PhD., from 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Please RSVP to Dr. Garvin at: 954-258-1834 or 954-561-3046. The 2014-15 schedule and book list can be found in the June-July 2014 Evangelist issues, on our website at, or by calling Mother Liza at 954-563-5155 for additional information. HOLY WEEK BEACH MORNING PRAYER Mother Liza Ragsdale will lead the Holy Week Beach Morning Prayer Service on Monday, March 23 at 8:30 a.m., barefooted, on the beach, at Lauderdale-By-The Sea’s pier, at Commercial Boulevard and A1A. Please come and allow your toes to feel the warm sand as our prayers are lifted up to God, supported by the rhythm of the ocean’s waves. Please call Mother Liza Ragsdale with any questions: 954-563-5155. If you are hungry, some of those who come to worship will then eat breakfast at the Anglin’s Café on the pier, which is owned by a former St. Mark’s Episcopal School family. SPONSOR BUTTERFLIES or EASTER FLOWERS! Your donations towards the cost of the butterflies, which provide a meaningful symbol of resurrection and new life, will be honored in the Easter bulletin. Please fill out an order form and place it in the offering basket or send to the church office. Forms will be available in the back of the church. The deadline to sponsor butterflies is Wednesday, March 25, and the deadline for Easter flowers is Friday, March 27. Spring Forward VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Sunday, March 8 Remember to set your clocks ahead 1 hour, before bed on Saturday. This event has been rescheduled due to the death and burial services scheduled for Mr. Gary Rotella (March 14). 7:00 a.m.–Noon SATURDAY, MARCH 21 DROP OFF YOUR TREASURES Thursdays, Fridays, and Sundays contact Dafney to arrange your drop-off 954-334-0101 ST. MARK’S GIRL SCOUTS EPISCOPAL CHURCH AND SCHOOL 1750 East Oakland Park Boulevard @ Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33334 St. Mark’s Episcopal School Performance March 19, 20, and 21 at 7:00 p.m. Matinee performance on March 21 at 2:00 p.m. St. Mark’s Gymnasium VIP Reception Thursday, March 19 @ 6:00 p.m.–7:00 p.m. $50 per person includes ticket, or $20 reserved seating. All other performances $25 preferred seating @ $20 for general reserved seating. Tickets may be purchase through St. Mark’s website at Troop 10709 participated in the 10th Annual Mall Madness at Coral Square Mall in Coral Springs on February 28th – March 1st. They had loads of fun shopping, dancing, doing crafts, and eating at this Girl Scout only, lock-in at the mall. Participants included Logan Clark, Reese Clark, Maaya O’Flaherty, Romina Ricettie, and Katherine Vanoff (pictured above). Special thanks to girl scout moms, Gemma O’Flaherty and Kate Vanoff, for participating in the event and helping the girls get “decked out” for the fun. MOVED? CHANGED CONTACT NUMBER? CHANGED EMAIL ADDRESS? We want to hear from you. Please contact Dafney Cadet-Guillet at 954-334-0101 [email protected] to have your information updated in our church database. EASTER BAPTISM April 5 Holy week begins on Sunday, March 29, with two services at 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. We will celebrate Palm Sunday and Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem as Hosanna! Donkey rides will be available. Butterflies will be entombed before the service in the sanctuary. BEACH MORNING PRAYER A1A and Commercial Boulevard Pier – March 23 l 8:30 a.m. PALM SUNDAY SERVICES – March 29 8:00 a.m. l Holy Eucharist, Rite I 9:00 a.m. l Donkey Rides and Butterfly Entombment 10:00 a.m. l Blessing of Palms, Holy Eucharist, Rite II MAUNDY THURSDAY EUCHARIST – April 2 8:05 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. GOOD FRIDAY – April 3 12:00 Noon – 3:00 p.m. l Stations of the Cross EASTER During Lent, we began Ash Wednesday as adults reaffirming the vows made at our baptism. The Alleluias of Easter are the perfect time to publically sponsor your child or a family member in this life affirming sacrament of being marked as Christ’s own forever, with the living waters of Baptism. Please schedule a meeting with Mother Liza Ragsdale if you would like to sponsor someone in baptism, by calling Mrs. Dafney Cadet-Guillet, 954-334-0101. Festival Eucharist – April 5 8:00 a.m. l Choral Eucharist, Rite I (choir, brass, and timpani) 9:15 a.m. l Family Eucharist, Rite II, followed by Butterfly Release 11:00 a.m. l Choral Eucharist, Rite II (choir, brass, and timpani) 25th Annual Walk for the Animals A huge THANK YOU for all of your help in supporting our church and school’s first annual Walk for the Animals. It was a wet (very wet) morning, but our students still came and participated. I am blown away by our team’s fundraising…. We raised a total of $885 for the Humane Society of Broward!!! We blew our original goal of $300 out of the water. Next year, we’re going to set our goal even higher. Our students who were involved are very excited about what we accomplished. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for allowing me to organize this pack and represent St. Mark’s in our community. We could not have accomplished this without you! Ms. Kelly Bray Third Grade Teacher TRUE FUND IS IN-REACH AND OUTREACH MINISTRY The third Sunday of each month we collect two offerings; the first is our pledge offering which is what we have pledged to give back to God from our bounty. The second collection is to support our TRUE FUND in-reach / outreach ministry. The TRUE FUND was first established to assist any parishioner who was in need of financial assistance with their various living expenses, when life’s surprises made life financially challenging. If you are a parishioner and are in need of financial assistance, we encourage you to apply for assistance from the TRUE FUND. We have forms in the office, which you would need to come in and complete and all assistance requested are kept confidential. The TRUE FUND also provides financial assistance to people in the Fort Lauderdale area who are financially challenged and are seeking short-term assistance with electric or water bills, or rent. Mr. Frank Neingel oversees the TRUE FUND application process with the approval of our Rector and Head of School, Father Bob Trache. Mr. Kelly Harris 954-334-0128 is the staff person who assists with this in-reach/ outreach ministry. Please give generously to the third Sunday TRUE FUND offering remembering that there by the grace of God go I, or you, or a family member. The Reverend Eliza R. Ragsdale Assistant to the Rector [email protected] “There is a time to weep…and a time to heal.” The Book of Ecclesiastes Friday, March 6, 2015 Dear St. Mark’s Episcopal Church and School Community: It is with a heavy heart that we write to inform you that our beloved Principal, Dr. Kitty Rotella, suffered a tremendous loss Wednesday night when her husband, Mr. Gary Rotella died suddenly. These difficult days in life are exactly the time when our cherished Community of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church and School prove to those in need, how we persevere when our hearts are broken. We are strengthened by our St. Mark’s Episcopal Community and the bonds of faith that we hold sacred. We hold dear the promise of eternal life that those who live in the Lord never see each other for the last time. Dr. Rotella arrived home from her busy day at St. Mark’s Episcopal School to find an ambulance in their driveway. Her husband was not feeling well and was immediately taken to Holy Cross Hospital, where Mr. Gary Rotella died peacefully, surrounded by Dr. Rotella, their family, and closest friends. Mr. Gary Rotella’s Wake will be held on Friday, the 13th of March, from 3:00 – 8:00 P.M., at Baird-Case Funeral Home located at 4343 North Federal Highway, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33308. His Funeral Mass will be conducted at Saint John the Baptist Roman Catholic Church located at 4595 Bayview Drive, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33308, on Saturday, the 14th of March, 2015, at ten o’clock in the morning. Dr. Rotella will host a reception following the Mass at Coral Ridge Country Club, from Noon-2:00 PM. In lieu of flowers, memorials in memory of Mr. Gary Rotella may be given to: The Boys and Girls Club of Broward County, 877 NW 61st Street, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33309 (954) 537-1010 or St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital, 501 St. Jude Place, Memphis, TN 38105. The greatest gift that we can give to Dr. Rotella, as she grieves this loss, is to hold her in our daily prayers and to continue to live as faithful people. Hasidic Wisdom teaches us that the only true prerequisite to prayer is a broken heart. As we move forward, let us provide friendship and kindness to Dr. Rotella, as she navigates her life from henceforth. Dr. Rotella loves St. Mark’s Episcopal School with all of her heart, and her continued support, of our church’s growth and ministries, is another window into her soul, which is truly filled with God’s love for all children and people. Faithfully, The Reverend Robert G. Trache Rector and Head of School The Reverend Eliza R. Ragsdale Assistant to the Rector
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