San Felipe Catholic Church

San Felipe
Catholic Church
Our Mission | Nuestra Misión
Come, grow with us in Faith, Hope and Love. We, the parishioners of San Felipe Parish, celebrate
the Eucharist by welcoming and serving everyone. Sharing our talents, nourishing, learning and
initiating the Paschal Mystery of Christ experience to others.
Ven, crece con nosotros en Fe, Esperanza y Amor. Nosotros los feligreses de la parroquia de San
Felipe, celebramos la Eucaristía acogiendo y sirviendo a todos. Compartiendo nuestros talentos,
fomentando y aprendiendo e iniciando a otros en la experiencia del Misterio Pascual de Cristo.
606 E. Aria Blvd. | Wendover, UT 84083 | Phone: 435-406-9610 | Fax: 435-665-0185 | Website:
Office Hours
Monday - Thursday
9:00am to 5:00pm
(sin cerrar al medio dia)
Pastor: Oscar Hernández
Office Manager: Francisca Bañuelos
Office Assistant: Adriana Esparza
Webmaster & Bulletin: Nancy Rodriguez
Religious Education Coordinator:
Ana Aboite 801-518-1099
(Please call between 9:00 -11:00 am and 1:00-3:00 pm)
RCIA Directors:
Mike Katsonis (English)
Daniel Carrillo (Spanish)
Music Ministry:
Mateo Salazar & Adriana Esparza
Maintenance: Joaquin Rosales
Mass Schedule
Weekly: 6:00 pm
Monday and Tuesday
Saturday: 5:30 pm
Sunday: 10:00 am
Sunday: 12:00 & 6:00 pm
Saturday: 5:00 to 5:30 pm
Sunday: 11:30 am & 5:30 pm
Blessed Sacrament Adoration
Thursday: 6:00 am– 6:00 pm
June 14, 2015| 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Saint Romuald
Feast Day: June 18
The story and history of Saint Romuald. In
976, Sergius, a nobleman of Ravenna, quarrelled with a relative about an estate, and
slew him in a duel. His son Romuald, horrified at his father's crime, entered the Benedictine monastery at Classe, to do a forty
days’ penance for him. This penance ended
in his own vocation to religion. After three
years at Classe, Romuald went to live as a
hermit near Venice, where he was joined by
Peter Urseolus, Duke of Venice, and together
they led a most austere life in the midst of
assaults from the evil spirits. St. Romuald
founded many monasteries, the chief of
which was that at Camaldoli, a wild desert
place, where he built a church, which he
surrounded with a number of separate cells
for the solitaries who lived under his rule.
His disciples were hence called Camaldolese.
He is said to have seen here a vision of a
mystic ladder, and his white-clothed monks
ascending by it to heaven. Among his first
disciples were Sts. Adalbert and Boniface,
apostles of Russia, and Sts. John and Benedict of Poland, martyrs for the faith. He was
an intimate friend of the Emperor St. Henry,
and was reverenced and consulted by many
great men of his time. He once passed seven
years in solitude and complete silence.
In his youth St. Romuald was much troubled
by temptations of the flesh. To escape them
he had recourse to hunting, and in the woods
first conceived his love for solitude. His
father's sin, as we have seen, first prompted
him to undertake a forty days' penance in the
monastery, which he forthwith made his
home. Some bad example of his fellow
monks induced him to leave them and adopt
the solitary mode of life. The penance of
Urseolus, who had obtained his power
wrongfully, brought him his first disciple;
the temptations of the devil compelled him to
his severe life; and finally the persecutions of
others were the occasion of his settlement at
Camaldoli, and the foundation of his Order.
He died, as he had foretold twenty years
before, alone, in his monastery of Val Castro, on the 19th of June, 1027.
2 † San Felipe Catholic Church
Mostaza. ¿Qué te trae esta palabra a la
mente? Probablemente una salsa espesa,
amarilla, condimentada y envasada. En el
Evangelio de hoy Jesús se refiere a otra
clase de mostaza. Esta mostaza negra no
se cultivaba en tiempos de Jesús sino que
era considerada una maleza. Igual que
todas las variedades de mostaza, la planta
de mostaza negra sale de una pequeñísima semilla que no tiene más de dos milímetros de diámetro. Sin embargo, si se
dan las condiciones necesarias, puede
crecer hasta una altura de nueve pies;
ciertamente tan grande como para que los
pájaros se posen y hagan sus nidos.
Mustard. What does the word bring to your
mind? Probably a thick, yellow, spicy sauce
in a jar. In today’s Gospel Jesus talks about
another kind of mustard. This black mustard
plant was not cultivated in Jesus’ time and
was considered a weed. Like all varieties of
mustard, the black mustard plant grows from
a very tiny seed, no bigger than two millimeters in diameter. Yet, given the right conditions, it can grow up to nine feet tall—
certainly tall enough for birds to perch and
nest in.
Jesús dice que el reino de Dios es como
el árbol de mostaza, que comienza al
sembrar la semilla más pequeñita en la
tierra. El sol y la lluvia ponen su parte, y
la planta brota ¡y llega a crecer tanto como un árbol! Lo mismo sucede con nuestro discipulado y nuestra corresponsabilidad cristiana. Si comenzamos a confiar
en Dios, aunque sea de una manera muy
pequeña, nos llevará a un mayor compromiso en el discipulado. Nosotros alimentamos nuestra espiritualidad mediante la
oración, los sacramentos, el estudio de la
Biblia y las clases de adultos, todo lo cual
nos lleva a una fe más fuerte. A la misma
vez eso nos ayuda a vivir con menos temor y egoísmo.
La manera de usar nuestro tiempo libre,
nuestras habilidades y destrezas, y nuestros recursos financieros cambiará drásticamente. Éstos son los frutos de nuestro
discipulado los cuales debemos compartir
con los demás. Una y otra vez las personas que sabemos han hecho un compromiso de ser más fieles a su discipulado
nos dicen que se vuelven más generosas y
responsables con todo lo que Dios les ha
dado. Mientras más dan más quieren dar.
Han encontrado que cuando uno no se
deja aprisionar por sus propios bienes ni
se amarra a sí mismo las bendiciones no
faltan. Esto no quiere decir que se les
resuelvan todos los problemas ni que se
vuelvan ricos de pronto, pero sí se adquiere un sentido más profundo de la presencia de Dios y una verdadera paz del
Jesus says that the reign of God is like the
mustard plant. It starts with the tiniest of
seeds in the ground. Sun and rain do their
work and a large plant shoots up, almost as
big as a tree! So it is with our discipleship
and our stewardship. If we start in even the
smallest way to trust in God, that leads to
more commitment in our discipleship. We
nurture our spiritual growth through prayer,
the sacraments, Bible study, and adult classes, which leads to a stronger faith. That in
turn helps us to live less fearfully and selfishly.
The use of our spare time, personal skills
and abilities, and financial resources takes
on a different meaning. These are the fruits
of our discipleship to share with others.
Time and time again, those among us who
have made their commitment to a more
faithful discipleship tell us they become
more generous stewards of what God has
given them. The more they give the more
they want to give. They have found that
when you cease to holding on tightly to
yourself and your possessions, more blessings come your way—not solutions to all
problems or sudden riches, but a much deeper sense of God’s presence and true peace of
Copyright © 2011, World Library Publications. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2011, World Library Publications. All rights reserved.
Development Drive (DDD)
1. Todos los Jueves Exposición
del Santísimo, 6 am - 6 pm
2. Lunes 15 de Junio a las
4:00pm: Celebración de Confirmaciones
3. Todavía se aceptan contribuciones para el DDD toda
4. Estudio Bíblica: Junio 22 &
24 a las 7:00 pm
5. Registraciones para confirmaciones los Lunes y Martes en
la oficina. Donativo de $10.
1. Every Thursday, 6:00 am 6:00 pm, Exposition of The
Blessed Sacrament
2. Monday, June 15 at 4:00 pm:
Confirmation Celebration
3. DDD contributions are still
being accepted
4. Bible Study: June 22 & 24 at
7:00 pm
5. Registration for confirmations
will be on Mondays and Tuesdays in the office. Donation
of $10.
June 14, 2015
Gracias por apoyar a su parroquia.
La joven que desee celebrar sus Quince Años
en nuestra parroquia, debe haber recibido el
Sacramento de la Confirmación, o estar
asistiendo al Programa de Educación Religiosa. Reservar con tiempo en la oficina
parroquial la fecha de su celebración y asistir
al curso de preparación para Quinceañeras.
Si desea celebrar su matrimonio, debe comenzar el proceso con seis meses de anticipación. Llame a la oficina parroquial para
más información.
Intenciones del Papa Francisco para el mes
de Junio
Oremos por:
La Corresponsabilidad Vivida Ahora
Living Stewardship Now
Si no has hecho un compromiso de corresponsabilidad cristiana en tu vida, ¿por qué no
empezar ahora mismo? Comienza poco a poco, pero haz tu compromiso y persevera. Dedícales a otras personas parte de tu tiempo libre.
Ofrece tus habilidades a tu parroquia o a una
obra caritativa. Dale dinero a tu parroquia
regularmente y haz donaciones a las causas
buenas de tu predilección.
If you are not committed to a stewardship way
of life, why not start right now? Begin small,
but make your commitments and persevere
with them. Give some of your free time to
other people. Offer your skills to your parish
or a charity. Give money to your parish regularly, and make donations to good causes you
La política.
Para que la responsabilidad política sea vivida a todos los niveles
como una forma elevada de caridad.
Por la Evangelización
Los pobres en América Latina.
Para que, ante las desigualdades
sociales, los cristianos de América
Latina den testimonio de amor a
los pobres y contribuyan a una
sociedad más fraterna.
June 14, 2015 † 3