Mary, Star of the Sea Catholic Church 7669 Girard Ave., La Jolla, California 92037 Oil on Canvas by Brazilian Artist Joanita Cavalcanti Mass Schedule Pastor Fr. James E. Rafferty Saturday – For Sunday Obligation 5:00 PM (English) Deacon ………………………...Jimmy F. Vargas, OFS 6:30 PM (Spanish) Parish Office…………………..……… (858) 454-2631 Fax (858) 454-5968 Sunday ……………….…...7:30, 9:00, 10:30, 12 Noon 5:30 (Contemporary) Website…………………… Weekday ……………….….8:00 AM Monday - Friday Email…………………[email protected] Holy Day Liturgy ……….…..(Vigil) 6:00 PM (English) Parish Office Hours….…… 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM (M-F) Holy Day …………....8:00 and 11 AM, 6:30 (Spanish) Catechetical Ministry…………...…….(858) 551-8359 Lissa Hutcheson, DCM ([email protected]) Holy Hour …………….1st & 3rd Sundays at 1:15 PM Ministerio Hispano ……………..........(858) 459-7381 Sacraments Martín Magaña, DCM ([email protected]) Marriages – 9 Months Preparation. Call Parish Office Youth Ministry……………….………...(858) 412-3752 Baptisms …………Call Parish Office (858) 551-8359 Rite of Reconciliation: Saturday – 3:30-4:30 PM or by appointment Bob Schrimpf………[email protected] School…... Stella Maris Academy…….(858) 454-2461 Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 5, 2015 My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness. - 2 Corinthians 12:9 FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST Mark’s Gospel account today is built on a double astonishment or amazement: the neighbors and family of Jesus are astonished that he taught in the synagogue with wisdom and worked powerful signs. Jesus, in turn, is amazed that they have no faith in him because they know his origins, not because of any fault with his teaching or ministry. As with many of Mark’s passages, we get a rather intimate glimpse here of the human part of Jesus’ two‑fold nature. To reinforce his point, Mark tells of Jesus’ return to his native place, and further points out that he is in the midst of his own family members there. From the very people he expected the most, Jesus received the least. In the day of the Gospel’s writing, Mark was attempting to illustrate a lesson to the house of Israel: the God of the covenant expected the greatest faith from the house of Israel, but often received the least. This is a good source for reflection on our part, we who are Jesus’ followers today. For the wisdom of Christ to continue and for our lives to be seen as signs of his power, he must expect and be able to find great faith among us. Will he? Can he? Does he? Or is he, once again, amazed by its absence? July 5, 2015 TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION In the sixteenth century, the Council of Trent, which was otherwise devoted to liturgical uniformity, was very tolerant of age‑old marriage customs. The Council singled out “praiseworthy” customs and hoped they would be retained. The Second Vatican Council likewise asked for a careful evaluation of customs, admitting that not everything about wedding practice is “praiseworthy.” In our revised liturgy, all of the prayers consistently stress the equality of the partners. Some familiar customs do not match this insight. Often, the groom remains hidden in a sacristy while the bride, accompanied only by her father, enters with her attendants. This is hardly equality, especially if it appears that her father is “giving her away” to her husband. This is a familiar enough scene, but increasingly couples are called to a different practice. Symbols and signs carry and communicate meaning. The challenge for couples today is to match the meaning to the symbol, and for the couple to be authentic in all they do and say on the day of their wedding. Having bride and groom both take part fully and equally in the entrance procession is exactly the kind of “praiseworthy” practice we’ve been looking for! —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. WAITING Our Lord prefers to wait for the sinner for years rather than keep the sinner waiting one instant. —St. Peter Julian Eymard SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Monday: St. Maria Goretti Thursday: St. Augustine Zhao Rong and Companions Saturday: St. Benedict Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — They shall know that a prophet has been among them (Ezekiel 2:2-5). Psalm — Our eyes are fixed on the Lord, pleading for his mercy (Psalm 123). Second Reading — I am content with weaknesses and hardships for the sake of Christ (2 Corinthians 12:7-10). Gospel — “Where did this man get all this? Is he not the carpenter, the son of Mary?” (Mark 6:1-6a). IDLENESS Idleness is the enemy of the soul. —St. Benedict Heavenly Father, help us to determine what “enough” is for our family and to joyfully and generously share the rest. AMEN. Weekly Average Expenses: $17,578.00 Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs Fri. Sat. Sun. 7-06 8:00 am 7-07 8:00 am 7-08 8:00 am 7-09 8:00 am 7-10 9:00 am 7-11 5:00 pm 6:30 pm 7-12 7:30 am 9:00 am 10:30 am Noon 5:30 pm Page Three Special Intention Regina Hickey Deacon Joseph Wood Richard McCormack Mary & Earl Roach Theresa Smolko Antonia Magaña Sister Sally Furay George & Benite Glow Deacon Joseph Wood Mary Star Parishioners Arthur O’Connell SI + + SI + + SI + + + SI + Mass Intentions To Schedule a Mass for a family, friend, or a special intention, call, or come by parish office. Offering is $10. Pray for the return of good health of: Sue Meader Paul Vincent Antonia Magaña Isabel Villa F. Orlando Eddy & Mary Lou Malphus Valeria Torres Frausto Wilson Moore Dorothy Delli Pizzi Frances Steber Cheryl West Mercedes de Fiero Ruth Mary Campbell Maurice Amelia Valdez Ashley Noel Stuart Mary Stevens Sara Rosental Prayer List is for those who are critically ill, going to, or recovering from surgery. The prayer list is completely new at the beginning of the month. The Gathering Youth Ministry Jr. Gathering The Gathering High School Youth Ministry meets every Monday evening from 7:30—9:00 p.m. in the The Gathering Hall. All high school aged teens welcomed. Jr. Gathering Jr. High Ministry meets every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month up at All Hallows Parish Hall from 7:00 –8:30 p.m. Come join the fun and brind a friend! Young Adult? We are always looking for volunteers to assist with our ministry. Please contact Bob Schrimpf our youth director [email protected] or call (858) 412-3753. Beach Dayz start every Tuesday starting June 30th from 5-9pm at the Shores. Look for us next to Tower 32. Surfing, volleyball, bon fire, S'mores, and more! Go to our website. Steubenville San Diego - July 24-26 Come spend a weekend on the Campus of USD for one of the most dynamic youth conferences in the US. Over 5,000 teens will gather to celebrate their faith. Captivating speakers, Award winning musicians, and you make it an unforgettable weekend. The Gathering will be bringing over 50 teens from our parish. Tickets are limited and the event is sold out so contact us today! For more information on all our events please check out our website at FB: GatheringMinistryLJ Instagram thegatheringLJ SO FINE ON KLINE WILL BE HAVING A RUMMAGE SALE SATURDAY, AUGUST 1ST FROM 8:00 A.M.– 5:00 P.M. Mary, Star of the Sea Church 7725 Girard Avenue La Jolla, CA 92037 The hall will be available for donations on July 29th – 30th such as Clothing, Furniture, Tools, Toys, Kitchenware, Linens, Sporting Goods, Crafts, Jewelry, Books, CD’s, Videos, Shoes, Plants, Yard Equipment. For more info. call Tresha Souza (858) 414-8281. Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Elementary Faith Formation Children Kindergarten thru 5th grade. Sunday mornings 10:15am—11:15am. We begin again September 27. Register Today! Young Teen Faith Formation 6th grade 11—13 years of age Wednesdays, 4:00pm—5:00pm September 30, 2015 Register Today! Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist for the Homebound We are in need of a Minister to the Homebound who is able to bring Eucharist either Saturday’s or Sunday’s. Please call Lissa to begin your ministry, to go to those who cannot come to us. Page Four INFANT BAPTISM The next Infant Baptism Class will be Monday, July 13th at 6:00 p.m. in the Pastoral Center. The Seminar is for parents and godparents. Baptisms in English are on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month at 1:15 PM. You must fill out a registration form for the Baptism. WE DO NOT DO PRIVATE BAPTISMS If you are not a parishioner of Mary, Star of the Sea and would like to baptize your child here, you must provide a letter from your local church giving you permission to baptize here at Mary, Star of the Sea. Confirmation 2015/16 Beginning September 2015 Adult Confirmation Classes meet the First Tuesday of the Month 6:30pm; Teens Level I (9th grade) meet the First Sunday of the Month (bi-monthly); Level II (10th grade) meet the Second Sunday of the Month. September 2015. For more information contact Lissa Hutcheson 858.551.8359 or go to our website Adult Faith Formation Bible Study Time! The Gospel of Mark Monday’s (except for the 2nd Monday of the Month) 2:00pm-3:30pm or 6:30pm-8:00pm All are welcome, drop in’s, regulars, come and join in the fun as we gather together in community. Bring your bible if you have one, if not borrow one of ours. Cost: your time. RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS What is the RCIA, the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults? It is an on-going developing process of initiation (through the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist) and renewal in the parish community. It is not a program but a process for the whole parish. It is an opportunity for those adults who want to be fully initiated into the Catholic Church to learn about the faith with and through the community. If you have not been baptized or if you have been baptized but have not received the Sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation, Contact Lissa Hutcheson 858.551.8359 or email [email protected] All Are Welcome!!! OUR LADY OF ZAPOPAN The pilgrim Lady of Zapopan from Jalisco Mexico will be visiting our parish on Thursday, July 9th. We will be welcoming her with a procession starting at 5:30 p.m. A special band and Aztec dancers will be part of this celebration. Mass will follow at 6:00 p.m. We will have visitation till 9:00 p.m. She will remain here till Saturday, July 11th after the 6:30 p.m. Spanish Mass. Invite your friends and family. NUESTRA SEÑORA DE ZAPOPAN La Virgen Peregrina de Zapopan de Jalisco México vendrá a visitar nuestra parroquia el Jueves 9 de Julio. Le daremos la bienvenida con una procesión a las 5:30 p.m. Una banda especial y danzantes Aztecas serán parte de la celebración. Continuamos con una Misa a las 6:00 p.m. Tendremos visitación hasta las 9:00 p.m. Ella permanecera hasta el sábado despúes de la Misa en español de 6:30 p.m. Inviten a todos sus amigos y familiares. Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time EUCHARISTIC ADORATION CHAPEL CAPILLA DE ADORACIÓN EUCARÍSTICA Mondays thru Friday 24 hours each day “ends at noon on Friday”. Please consider one hour a week with the Lord. [email protected] Mark Harvey: 619-886-3700 Lunes a viernes 24 horas cada día.”termina el viernes a medio día”. Por favor considere una hora por semana con el Señor. [email protected] Mark Harvey: 619-886-3700 Page Five ROSARY FOR THE UNBORN AND DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET The rosary is prayed during the week after the 8:00 a.m. Mass. BAUTISMO INFANTIL NUESTRA PROXIMA CLASE SERA EL 7 DE JULIO A LAS 6:00 P.M. EN PUNTO. Bautizos en Español son el 1er y 3er domingo de cada mes a las 2:30 PM. Aiden Eder Aguilar Sofía Cardona Oliver Nilsson Charles Nilsson Charlton Michael Santucci Brody Gianni Santucci Colton Bowie Burton Colbie Orange Bundonis Juliana Reyes Zoe Marie Zapata Aguilar Diannelley Cecilia Gutierrez Bravo Briebella Pablo Matías Owen Quincy Britton Thomas Howell Walsh NO HACEMOS BAUTIZOS PRIVADOS Si usted no es miembro registrado de María, Estrella del Mar y quisiera bautizar a su hijo/a, necesita presentar una carta de su parroquia local dando permiso para bautizar aquí en María, Estrella del Mar. Ya empezaron las inscripciones para nuestro programa de catequesis y continuaran hasta 29 de Agosto después de nuestra Misa de 6:30 p.m. en español. Por favor de traer la fe de bautizo de su hijo (a) para inscribirlos. Las Clases empiezan el 5 de septiembre. Primera Comunión: 2 años Confirmación: 2 años Parish Registration Are you new to the area? Have you been attending Mass at Mary, Star, but never formally registered? Parish registration forms are in the vestibule, in the parish office, or on our website, Please bring it to the office or drop in the basket at Mass. Si tiene niños de 7 años o mayores y no han sido bautizados, puede inscribirlos en nuestro programa del RICA para niños. Es un progama de 2 años. Para más informes: llamar a Martín Magaña (858) 459-7381 Como una cortesía a otros, por favor recuerden de apagar su celular antes de entrar a la iglesia. Decimocuarto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Decimocuarto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 5 de Julio de 2015 Te basta mi gracia, porque mi poder se manifiesta en la debelidad - 2 Corintios 12:9 FE EN JESUCRISTO El incidente que nos cuenta san Marcos en el Evangelio de hoy se basa en un doble asombro: primero, los vecinos y parientes de Jesús se asombran de verlo enseñar en la sinagoga con tanta sabiduría, y de ver su poder para hacer milagros. Y Jesús, a su vez, se extraña de la incredulidad de aquella gente, que no pone su fe en él, no porque hallen alguna falta en su enseñanza o en su ministerio, sino porque conocen sus orígenes y su familia. Aquí, como en muchos otros incidentes de su Evangelio, Marcos nos deja ver un aspecto bastante íntimo de la parte humana de la doble naturaleza de Jesús. Para reforzar lo que quiere que veamos, Marcos nos cuenta cómo Jesús vuelve a su pueblo, y nos hace notar que está allí entre sus familiares. Y de la gente de quienes más esperaba es que menos recibe. En la época en que estaba escribiendo su Evangelio, san Marcos trataba de enseñar una lección muy importante para la casa de Israel, el Dios de la Alianza esperaba encontrar la fe más intensa en la casa de Israel, pero muchas veces allí fue donde menos la encontró. Y es bueno que reflexionemos sobre esto, nosotros que hoy día somos el Pueblo de Dios. Para que la Sabiduría de Cristo continúe en este mundo, y para que nuestras vidas sean signos de su poder, Jesús espera hallar, y tiene que hallar, una gran fe en nosotros. ¿La hallará? ¿O quedará, una vez más, pasmado de nuestra poca fe? Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS CELEBRACIONES Domingo: Decimocuarto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Lunes: Santa María Goretti Jueves: San Agustín Zhao Rong y compañeros Sábado: San Benito Page Six TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE Según la carta a los Hebreos 6:1-2 hay seis fundamentos de la fe cristiana. Entre ellos se encuentra la imposición de manos. El evangelista Marcos (6:5) nos relata que Jesús usaba la imposición de manos para sanar a los enfermos. La curación se realizaba mediante sus manos. Los hispanos normalmente somos táctiles, pues reconocemos la importancia de una caricia, de una mano apretando la nuestra, de una palmada en el hombro, y de otros toques de mano. Las manos tienen el poder o la facultad de transmitir sentimientos. En los Hechos de los Apóstoles 8:17 y 19:6 se nos relata que los fieles recibían el don del Espíritu Santo mediante la imposición de manos. Los apóstoles usaban la imposición de manos para transmitir el Espíritu a los bautizados y para consagrar nuevos líderes al servicio de las comunidades cristianas (obispos o presbíteros). Al momento del Bautismo y de la Confirmación recibimos una imposición de manos de parte del ministro. La imposición de manos que ha venido desde los apóstoles, y desde más atrás, nos relaciona a los cristianos que nos han precedido. Es un gesto de unidad. —Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. LA FORMA DE LAS COSAS No podemos sólo conformarnos con aquello que nos gusta. —San Francisco de Sales LA ESPERA Nuestro Señor prefiere esperar al pecador durante años que dejar al pecado esperando por un instante. —San Pedro Julián Eymund Que disfruten sus vacaciones del verano, pero recuerden que eso no quiere decir que tomamos vacaciones de Dios y asistir a Misa. Los esperamos ver pronto!
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