scripture readings for the week of the trinity

Monday may have been a little dreary outside with
the weather, but at St. Louis Cathedral spirits were
certainly high. The ordination of Bishop Fernand
Cherie was a spectacular celebration. We are very
blessed that Bishop Ferd returns home to serve as
auxiliary bishop. I look forward to his first visit to
Immaculate Conception and pray that it is soon.
At the time of writing this note, it is predicted to be a
beautiful day Saturday for our Annual Crawfish
Cook-off. I can’t believe how many people have
asked me if I’ve ever eaten crawfish before. Come
on people, I grew up in Metairie. I am definitely
looking forward to a wonderful day. I also want to
acknowledge the members of the IC Pops, who work
so hard to support our school. They are a great
I am very much looking forward to our first Holy
Week together and entering into the great mysteries
of our faith in the wondrous liturgies. I pray that our
celebrations renew and refresh us as disciples of
Jesus Christ as we are sent forth to proclaim the
Risen Lord.
Love, Fr. Jimmy
This weekend we participate in the proclamation of
the passion and death of Jesus according to the
Gospel of Mark. We are witnesses to Jesus’
undeterred obedience to the Father which comes at
great sacrifice. An important part of Christian
stewardship is the willingness to make sacrifices that
reveal our own embrace of Jesus’ cross. Over the
next three days of this most Holy Week, reflect on
this question: As good stewards of our life in Christ,
what concrete sacrifices are we willing to make to
witness God’s love to the world?
Catholics between the ages of 18 and 59 are obliged
to fast on Good Friday. In addition, all Catholics 14
years old and older must abstain from meat. Fasting
allows a person to eat one full meal. Two smaller
meals may be taken, that do not equal to one full
meal. If possible, the fast on Good Friday is
continued until the Easter Vigil (on Holy Saturday
night) as the “paschal fast” to honor the suffering and
death of the Lord Jesus, and to prepare ourselves to
share more fully and to celebrate more readily his
March 29, 2015
April 2, Holy Thursday 7:00 p.m.
Mass of the Lord’s Supper (Bilingual)
Misa bilingüe de la última cena
April 3, Good Friday
3:00 p.m. Celebration of the Lord’s Passion
5:00 p.m. Pasión del Señor (Español)
6:30 p.m. Way of the Cross Procession (Bilingual)
Vía Cruces Procesión (bilingüe)
April 4, Holy Saturday
8:00 p.m. Easter Vigil Mass (Bilingual)
Misa bilingüe de Vigilia Pascual
April 5, Easter Sunday
8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m.
Mass of the Risen Christ (English)
Misa del Domingo de Pascua
There will be no 6:00 p.m. Mass.
Christians around the world are united in a special
way during Lent, Holy Week, and Easter. Our hearts,
minds and prayers are also especially aware of the
Holy Land. As a pontifical collection requested by
the Holy Father, the annual Good Friday collection
offers a direct link for parishioners to be witnesses of
peace and to help protect the Holy Places. When you
donate on Good Friday, you are doing your part to
help support Christians who are a minority in the
Holy Land. Please help support our brothers and
sisters in the Holy Land by giving to the special
Good Friday Collection on April 3.
Universal: That people may learn to respect creation
and care for it as a gift of God.
Evangelization: That persecuted Christians may feel
the consoling presence of the Risen Lord and the
solidarity of all the Church.
The last Westbank Deanery Reconciliation service
will be held on Wednesday, April 1 at 7:00 p.m. at
Our Lady of Prompt Succor in Westwego.
Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord
El día tuvimos un día oscuro, pero en la Catedral de
San Luis los espíritus estuvieron brillantes.
ordenación del Obispo Fernand Cherie fue una
celebración espectacular. Estamos muy bendecidos
que el Obispo Ferd quien vuelve a casa para servir
como obispo auxiliar. Espero mucho su primera
visita a Inmaculada Concepción y rezo que sea
Al tiempo de escribir esta nota, se predice un día
sábado brillante para nuestro Campeonato de
Cocinero de Crawfish. No puedo creer la cantidad
de gente que me preguntaron que, si he comido
Gente, yo soy de Metairie.
Definidamente estoy esperando un día espectacular.
También quiero reconocer los IC Pops, quienes
trabajan muy fuerte para apoyar nuestra escuela. Son
una bendición tremenda.
Estoy esperando con alegría nuestra primera Semana
Santa juntos y entremos en los misterios grandes de
nuestra fe en las liturgias. Rezo que nuestras
celebraciones nos renueven y nos refresquen como
discípulos de Jesucristo estamos mandados a
proclamar al Resucitado.
los lugares santos. Cuando usted hace una donación
el viernes santo, usted está haciendo su parte para
ayudar a los cristianos que son una minoría en la
Tierra Santa. Por favor, ayude a nuestros hermanos
y hermanas en la Tierra Santa dándole a la colección
especial de Viernes Santo el 3 de abril.
Programa de Menores No Acompañados:
miércoles, 1 de abril 7:00-9:00 p.m. en la Iglesia
Inmaculada Concepción. Ofrecemos representación
jurídica completa y gratuita para Menores no
acompañados procedentes de Centro América, que han
sido reunificados con familiares/o patrocinadores en el
área de Nueva Orleans. Actualmente estamos
programando orientaciones jurídicas para las familias
de los Menores No Acompañados que ingresaron a
Estados Unidos sin un padre o tutor y se reunificaron
por el gobierno con la familia/o patrocinadores en el
área de Nueva Orleans. Si desea inscribirse para asistir
a estas sesiones de orientación gratuitas y programar
una consulta futura, por favor llame a nuestro número
principal en: (504) 457-3462 y presione el #3 para
dejar su nombre completo, número de teléfono, y/o
dirección de correo electrónico.
Con Cariño, Padre Jimmy
Este fin de semana nosotros participamos en la
proclamación y muerte de Jesús de acuerdo al
Evangelio de San Marcos. Nosotros somos testigos
de la perseverante obediencia de Jesús al Padre, la
cual le lleva al gran sacrificio. Una parte importante
de la corresponsabilidad cristiana es la disposición
para hacer sacrificios que revelen nuestro abrazo a la
cruz de Jesús. Los próximos tres días de esta Semana
Santa, reflexione en esta pregunta: como buenos
corresponsables de nuestra vida en Cristo, ¿qué
sacrificios concretos estamos dispuestos a hacer para
dar al mundo testimonio del amor de Dios?
Los cristianos de todo el mundo están Unidos de
una manera especial durante la Cuaresma, semana
Santa y Pascua. Nuestros corazones, mentes y
oraciones también están conscientes especialmente
de la Tierra Santa. Como una colección Pontificia
solicitada por el Santo Padre, la colecta anual del
Viernes Santo ofrece un enlace directo para que los
feligreses sean testigos de la paz y ayudar a proteger
HORA SANTA en Inmaculada Concepción
El Grupo de Oración Jesús Con Nosotros de la
Renovación Carismática de Inmaculada Concepción
te invita a que te unas a nosotros todos los segundos
miércoles del mes a una Hora Santa para alabar y
bendecir al Señor en agradecimiento por todos los
beneficios recibidos. Te esperamos el miércoles, 8 de
abril a las 7:30 p.m. en la Capilla de la Escuela
Superior, Ave. D. Para más información favor llama
al (504)858-6725 o al 535-0450.
Gracias a todos que apoyaron la Colección de
Cuaresma inversa. Por su generosidad, el San Vicente
de Paúl asistió 2,711 personas con los alimentos en
2014 y continuará sirviendo a los necesitados en el
futuro. “Cuanto lo hicisteis a uno de estos, el más
pequeño de mis hermanos, lo hicieron por mí. " Mt.
25: 40
Abril 18, 2015
A llevarse a cabo en la capilla
De Inmaculada Concepción
537 Avenue D, Marrero, LA 70072
Para más información llamar
Al teléfono 504-444-6035
Gratis • Habrá venta de almuerzo
Armchair Mystic (book by Fr. Mark Thibodeaux,
S.J.): “Jumpstart your prayer life” by joining Deacon
Dan Dorsey as he leads a discussion on Fr. Mark
Thibodeaux’s classic book on prayer. Armchair
Mystic begins with the necessary details of time and
place to pray, then presents the maturation of the
prayer life in four stages: Talking at God, Talking to
God, Listening to God and Being with God.
Wednesday, April 8, 15, 22, 29, May 6, 13, 2015,
7:00-9:00 p.m. Cost: $50.00 (adjustments can be
Rejoice! Jesus is Risen! A Morning of Prayer and
Reflection: The Easter Celebration is the feast of
feasts, the greatest joy and gladness of all Christians.
This Joyful Easter Morning invites us to spend some
time in prayer, reflection and thanksgiving. We are
invited to listen to Jesus’ words of peace, joy and
encouragement and to take seriously Jesus’ invitation
“Go….I am with you always, until the end of time.”
(Mt. 28:20) Presented by Sr. Gloria Murillo, STJ,
Wednesday, April 15, 2015, 9:00 – 11:30 a.m.
Cost: $25.00 (adjustments can be made) Both
programs will be held at the Archdiocesan
Spirituality Center, 2501 Maine Avenue, Metairie.
Register on the web for either program: or call (504) 861-3254.
The Mass of Chrism, which is celebrated once a year
at St. Louis Cathedral, is one of the most solemn and
significant liturgies of our Church. During the Mass,
Archbishop Aymond will bless the oil of
catechumens, the oil of the sick, and the oil of
chrism. He will also acknowledge the ministry of
priests and invite them to renew their commitment of
service and to receive the prayers and support of the
March 29, 2015
people. The Mass of Chrism gathers the faithful of
the diocese at their mother church with their shepherd
to prepare for celebrations of Christ in all our
churches throughout the year. Everyone is invited to
attend the annual Chrism Mass on Tuesday, March
31 at 10:00 a.m. at St. Louis Cathedral.
From the Administrative Committee of the
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
Upon learning of the death of 21 Coptic Christians at
the hands of ISIL terrorists, Pope Francis called their
murder a “testimony which cries out to be heard.” On
behalf of America’s Catholic Bishops, we pause to
listen and invite people of all faiths to join us in
prayer for those facing the stark reality of religious
persecution in the Middle East and elsewhere. The
testimony of those 21 brave and courageous martyrs
does not stand alone as thousands of families Christian and other religions - find themselves fleeing
from horrific violence.
We urge all people of goodwill to work toward
protections of the marginalized and persecuted. In
union with the local Churches and the Holy See, we
call upon our nation to: work with the international
community to intervene and protect the rights of
religious minorities and civilians within the
framework of international and humanitarian law;
address political and economic exclusion that are
exploited by extremists; and increase humanitarian
and development assistance.
Lent is a season to meditate upon the Cross and unite
ourselves even more closely with Christ’s suffering.
Let us use this season to unite with our suffering
brothers and sisters and pray for them and with them
in a special way. With hope, let us pray for the day
when we can all share in the joy and lasting peace of
Christ’s resurrection.
Thanks to all who supported the Lenten Reverse
Collection. Though your generosity, the St. Vincent
de Paul Society assisted 2711 people with food in
2014 and will continue to serve those in need in the
future. “Whatever you did for one of these, the least
of my brethren, you did for me.” Mt. 25: 40
Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord
Saturday, March 28th
4:00 p.m.
Marvin J. Reed
Wilson Mollere
Merlin Gomez
Mrs. Salvatrice Montagnino
Ralph Landry & Euline Burregi
Martha Blanchard
Sunday, March 29
8:00 a.m.
Garland B. Kliebert
Mary D. Genusa
10:00 a.m.
Vance Boudreaux, Sr.
Margie Thomassie Barrios
Joseph T. Simon, Jr. – 2nd Anniversary of Death
12:00 Noon
Por todos los feligreses
6:00 p.m.
Monday, March 30th
6:00 p.m.
Tuesday, March 31st
6:00 p.m.
Rose Marie Rinks
Wednesday, April 1st
6:00 p.m.
Thursday, April 2nd HOLY THURSDAY
7:00 p.m.
VIGIL LIGHT: This week the vigil light at the
Blessed Sacrament is in loving memory of Vance
Boudreaux, Sr.
VIGIL LIGHT: This week the vigil light at the St.
Joseph statue is in loving memory of Deacon Rodolfo
J. Martinez from his wife, Suyapa, Ben and Rodolfo.
VIGIL LIGHT: This week the vigil light at the
Blessed Mother Statue is in memory of
The Parish Office will be closed on the following
Holy Days: Good Friday, April 3 and Easter
Monday, April 6. The Rectory will reopen Tuesday,
April 7 at 9:00 a.m.
What’s Up in the Parish
Sanctuary Cleaning Committee:
March 28 -- Mary Aguilar, Lorena Andrade, Maribel
Andrade, Miriam Blandino, Mireya López, Suyapa
Martinez, Marlene Saucier, Peggy Simmons
April 4 -- Elsie Acosta, Diane Barrilleaux, Charlene
Blanchard, Doris DiMarco, Velma Stauter
The next RCIA formation meeting will be on
Monday, March 30 at 7:00 p.m. in the Parish
There will be NO Parish School of Religion
Classes this week.
Collection Report
Sunday, March 22, 2015 First Collection
Envelopes ...…………………………....... $4,218.00
Loose ………………………….…...…..... $2,664.49
Total First Collection ....……………..….. $6,882.49
Thank you for your generosity!
The Beginning Experience Weekend on April 10-12,
2015 is a wonderful healing for those suffering the
loss of a spouse either through death or
separation/divorce. Those who have made this
weekend attest to the new hope they have received
and the powerful safe and loving environment they
found in this experience. Under the sponsorship of
the Archdioceses of New Orleans Family Life
Apostolate this international program has helped
thousands navigate the road through grief. Call Toni
(985)789-8666 or Rose (504) 455-8920 for more
at Immaculate Conception Church
Good Friday, April 3
Holy Saturday, April 4
Easter Sunday, April 5
Monday – Friday, April 6 – 10
Saturday, April 11
Sunday, April 12
2:00 p.m.
5:00 p.m.
5:00 p.m.
5:00 p.m.
5:00 p.m.
5:00 p.m.
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Benediction,
Rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet and Homily