Th e Cou nci l a ppr ec i ates y our coopera tion i n tu rn i ng off a ll c ell ph on es du ri n g th e meeti ng! CITY OF CHICO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA April 21, 2015 CLOSED SESSION – 6:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL MEETING – 6:30 P.M. CITY COUNCIL Andrew Coolidge Reanette Fillmer Tami Ritter Ann Schwab Randall Stone Sean Morgan, Vice Mayor Mark Sorensen, Mayor COPIES OF THIS AGENDA PACKET AVAILABLE FOR REVIEW IN THE: CITY CLERK’S OFFICE 411 Main Street Chico, CA 95928 OR ON THE WEB AT: Posted on: 4/15/15 Posting Location: 421 Main St. Prior to: 6:00 p.m. Note: Pursuant to Government Code 54957.5 – Effective 7/1/08: Documents produced and distributed less than 72 hours prior to or during an open session of a regular meeting to a majority of the legislative body regarding any item on the agenda will be made available for public inspection at the meeting and at the City Clerk’s office at the Municipal Center located at 411 Main St. from 8 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. CITY STAFF Mark Orme City Manager Vincent C. Ewing City Attorney Deborah R. Presson City Clerk Chris Constantin Assistant City Manager CITY STAFF Mike Dunbaugh Interim Chief of Police Shane Lauderdale Fire Chief Ruben Martinez Public Works Director Mark Wolfe Community Development Dir. Frank Fields Administrative Services Dir. April 21, 2015 Agenda Page 2 of 7 ADJOURNED REGULAR CHICO CITY COUNCIL MEETING – April 21, 2015 Chico Municipal Center, Council Chamber, 421 Main Street 1.1. ADJOURNED REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING - 6:30 p.m. 1.2. Call to Order - 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber, 421 Main Street 1.3. Invocation – Pastor Jim Peck, New Vision United Church of Christ 1.4. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag 1.5. Roll Call 1.6. Closed Session Announcement 1.7. Presentation – KLEAN (Kids Leading Everyone Against Nicotine) 1.8. Proclamation – Computers for Classrooms 2 CONSENT AGENDA 2.1. ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHICO REZONING OF PROPERTY IDENTIFIED AS ASSESSOR’S PARCEL NOS. 005-450-042, -039, -018, AND -032 FROM R3 (MEDIUM-HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL TO RMU (RESIDENTIAL MIXED USE (SIERRA NEVADA BREWERY) – Final reading and adoption Adopt - An ordinance to rezone four small parcels along the west side of Franklin Street from R3 (Medium-High Density Residential) to RMU (Residential Mixed Use). In conjunction with the proposed rezone, the Council unanimously approved a General Plan amendment for the same properties to change the General Plan designation from Medium-High Density Residential to Residential Mixed Use. The Community Development Director recommends adoption of the ordinance by reading of its title only. 2.2. ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHICO AMENDING TABLE 4-6 OF TITLE 19 OF THE CHICO MUNICIPAL CODE TO ALLOW DRIVE-IN AND DRIVE-THROUGH SALES IN THE DOWNTOWN SOUTH DISTRICT, SUBJECT TO USE PERMIT APPROVAL (RZ 14-02) – Final reading and adoption Adopt - An ordinance that would modify Title 19 of the Chico Municipal Code to allow drive-in and drivethrough sales in the Downtown South zoning district, subject to use permit approval and only where certain design criteria are met. The project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15303 (New Construction of Small Structures). The Planning Commission and Community Development Director recommend adoption of the ordinance by reading of its title only. 2.3. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHICO, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING 5.40 OF THE CHICO MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO ALARM SYSTEMS – Final reading and adoption Adopt – An ordinance amending Chico Municipal Code ("CMC") § 5.40 relating to Alarm Systems. The ordinance will encourage security alarm users and security alarm monitoring companies to maintain the operational reliability and the proper use of alarm systems in order to reduce unnecessary police responses to false alarms and to require in-person or other independent verification before responding to emergency calls at premises where an automatic property and/or automatic burglary alarm system has a record of unreliability. The City Attorney recommends adoption of the ordinance by reading of its title only. April 21, 2015 Agenda Page 3 of 7 2.4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF 4/7/15 Approve – minutes from the City Council meeting held on 4/7/15. The City Clerk recommends approval. 2.5. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT 3. PUBLIC HEARINGS 3.1. PUBLIC HEARING AND INTRODUCTORY READING - ORDINANCES AMENDING TITLE 19 OF THE CHICO MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING THE REGULATION OF BUSINESSES SELLING ALCOHOL (CITY OF CHICO) A-ZON-19 Hearing - The City Council will conduct a public hearing to consider proposed amendments to Title 19 of the Chico Municipal Code regarding businesses which sell alcohol. The proposed amendments are exempt from environmental review pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3) (General Rule Exemption). (Report - Mark Wolfe, Community Development Director) Recommendation: The Internal Affairs Committee (2-1, Ritter dissenting) and the Community Development Director recommend that the City Council conduct a public hearing on the proposed amendments and introduce the following two ordinances by reading of their titles only: ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHICO AMENDING VARIOUS CHAPTERS OF TITLE 19 OF THE CHICO MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING THE REGULATION OF BUSINESSES SELLING ALCOHOL ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHICO ADDING CHAPTER 19.09 "DEEMED APPROVED ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE SALE REGULATIONS" TO TITLE 19 OF THE CHICO MUNICIPAL CODE 4. REGULAR AGENDA 4.1. WORKERS’ COMPENSATION REPORT The Administrative Services Director and York Insurance will present Council with information on the City’s Workers’ Compensation Program. 4.2. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE DIRECTION TO STAFF CONCERNING AN ALTERNATIVE TO AMORTIZATION OF CHICO SCRAP AT 878 EAST 20TH STREET Council discussion of possible course of action regarding the pending amortization of scrap/recycling activities at Chico Scrap pursuant to Chico Municipal Code. (Report – Mark Wolfe, AICP, Community Development Director) Recommendation: The City Attorney and Community Development Director recommend that the City Council consider staff’s report and provide direction as necessary. 4.3. LOT CLEARING AND WEED ABATEMENT PROGRAM FOR 2015 Adopt - a resolution which will: (1) require the abatement of weeds, rubbish, refuse and/or debris; (2) set a public hearing for 5/05/15; and (3) direct the City Clerk to mail notices of the public hearing to all owners of affected parcels. The lot clearing and weed abatement program is conducted each year under the provisions of the California Government Code. (Report – Raul Gonzalez, Code Enforcement Officer) (continued on next page) April 21, 2015 Agenda Page 4 of 7 Recommendation: The Code Enforcement Officer recommends adoption of the resolution: RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHICO DECLARING PUBLIC NUISANCE AND SETTING TIME FOR HEARING ON OBJECTIONS TO ABATEMENT AND ASSESSMENT OF COSTS RELATING TO THE ABATEMENT OF WEEDS, RUBBISH, REFUSE AND/OR DEBRIS 4.4. CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A LEASE-PURCHASE AGREEMENT WITH OSHKOSH CAPITAL FOR THE PURCHASE OF THREE (3) PUMPERS City of Chico Fire Engines have a typical life cycle of twenty years. Currently, three engines are in need of and due for replacement: 40-6263 1995 Freightliner Hi-Tech, 40-6264 1995 Freightliner Hi-Tech, and 40-5173 1991 Westates. After evaluating several manufacture’s and multiple specifications, Fire Department and Fleet Services staff have determined that Pierce (PUC) Velocity pumper best meets the current operational requirements of the Fire Department. The City will utilize the HGAC National Cooperative Purchasing Contract and is requesting lease-purchase approval to minimize fiscal impacts and continue the solvency of the Fleet Replacement Fund. (Report – Erik Gustafson, Fleet Manager) Recommendation: Staff recommends that Council adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHICO AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A LEASE-PURCHASE AGREEMENT WITH OSHKOSH CAPITAL FOR THE PURCHASE OF THREE (3) PIERCE VELOCITY PUC TYPE-1 PUMPERS 4.5. CONSIDERATION OF COUNCILMEMBER COOLIDGE’S REQUEST TO LEGALIZATION OF SAFE AND SANE FIREWORKS IN THE CITY OF CHICO DISCUSS THE At its 4/7/15 meeting, Council voted (4-2-1, Schwab and Stone dissenting, Ritter absent) to agendize Councilmember Coolidge’s request regarding a discussion to consider the legalization of State approved fireworks. Since that meeting, Councilmember Coolidge has provided additional information which has been included in the record, along with a draft ordinance. In addition, Fire Chief Lauderdale has provided information for Council’s consideration. 4.6. UPDATE REGARDING THE CHICO ART CENTER LEASE AGREEMENT At its meeting of 4/7/15, Council received public comments regarding the Chico Art Center‘s decision to not renew a sub-lease with Lindsay Brothers, Empire Coffee. Due to the impending sub-lease expiration date of May 1, 2015 and concerns raised during the meeting, Council is being provided with an update regarding the Chico Art Center Lease Agreement. (Report – Chris Constantin, Administrative Services Director) 4.7. ITEMS ADDED AFTER THE POSTING OF THE AGENDA 5. BUSINESS FROM THE FLOOR- Members of the public may address the Council at this time on any matter not already listed on the agenda, with comments being limited to three minutes. The Council cannot take any action at this meeting on requests made under this section of the agenda. 6. REPORTS AND COMMUNICATIONS - The following reports and communication items are provided for the Council’s information. No action can be taken on items under this section unless the Council agrees to include it on a subsequent agenda. 6.1. CITY MANAGER’S REPORT - Verbal Report, City Manager Orme April 21, 2015 Agenda Page 5 of 7 6.2. COUNCILMEMBER REQUESTS By emailed dated 4/14/15, Mayor Sorensen has requested Council consideration to agendize a discussion regarding possible amendments to AP&P 10-10, related to Closed Session Announcements and other housekeeping items. Pursuant to AP&P 10-10, a majority vote of Council is needed in order to agendize this item for discussion at a future meeting. If agendized, public comment will be taken at that meeting. 7. ADJOURNMENT - Adjourn to an adjourned regularly scheduled City Council meeting on Tuesday, May 5, 2015, for Closed Session at a time to be determined if needed, followed by a regular City Council meeting at 6:30 p.m. in the City Council Chamber. April 21, 2015 Agenda Page 6 of 7 CLOSED SESSION AGENDA Chico Municipal Center, Conference Room #2, 421 Main Street April 21, 2015 - Adjourned Regular City Council Meeting 1. CALL TO ORDER – 6:00 p.m. 1.1. Roll Call 1.2. Staff Present 2. CLOSED SESSION MATTERS 2.1. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – PENDING LITIGATION (Gov. Code §54956.9(d)(2)): Three cases. 3. ADJOURNMENT - Adjourn to the April 21, 2015 Adjourned Regular City Council meeting in the Council Chamber. April 21, 2015 Agenda Page 7 of 7
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