SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT Hosted by : 2 EXHIBITION MANUAL BOOK 3 GENERAL INFORMATION EVENT : INDONESIA SCM SUMMIT 2015 PRESENTED BY : SKK MIGAS HOST BY : BP & PETRONAS ORGANIZER : PT. GLOBAL CITRA KREASI ( GLOBAL EVENT MANAGEMENT ) Merpati Metro Building lantai 2 Jl. Halimun Raya no. 2A Jakarta 12980 - Indonesia DATE : 14 - 16 April 2015 VENUE : Pre Function & Assembly Hall 3 JAKARTA CONVENTION CENTER OPENING HOURS : 10 AM – 6 PM THE TEAM OF SCM SUMMIT EXHIBITION 2015 Latifah (Mrs) – Exhibition Coordinator Muhhamad Sapto Aji (Mr.) – Exhibition Manager Official PT. GLOBAL CITRA KREASI Mrs. Latifah– Exhibition Staff Mobile : +6287886345405 : +62 87886345405 : +62 8568889815 4 Dear Exhibitor, Kepada Peserta yang terhormat, Thank you for your participation in the upcoming SCM SUMMIT, 14 – 16 April 2015, Jakarta Convention Center, Jakarta, Indonesia Terima Kasih atas partisipasi anda dalam pameran SCM SUMMIT, 14 – 16 April 2015, Jakarta Convention Center, Jakarta, Indonesia The purpose of this Exhibitor’s Manual is to efficiently assist your company in preparing for your forthcoming participation in this exhibition. Buku panduan peserta ini di tujukan untuk membantu persiapan dari para peserta dalam pameran tersebut. You are advised to study this manual carefully and thoroughly to ensure that all relevant matters are processed smoothly and arranged properly. You should have a copy of all forms for your reference, so that queries can be clarified immediately should they arise. Kami sarankan untuk mempelajari buku panduan ini dengan teliti, agar proses persiapan pameran dapat berjalan secara lancar. Setiap peserta diharapkan memiliki salinan dari setiap form dari buku panduan agar dijadikan sebagai bukti untuk klarifikasi bila ada hal-hal yang tidak sesuai permintaan para peserta. Upon completion of the relevant forms, please return , via Email : [email protected] to the respective companies stipulated on the top right hand corner of the forms. We would be grateful if you could observe closely the deadlines for submission. We will endeavour to maintain rates and prices quoted for all items contained herein. However , there is a possibility that these may vary depending on the availability of material or labor before the opening of the Exhibition. Should you have any queries , please do not hesitate to contact us. We thank you for your support and cooperation , and we look forward to seeing you soon. The Organizer GLOBAL EVENT MANAGEMENT Setelah menyelesaikan form dari buku panduan, kami harapkan para peserta mengirimkan kepada kami via fax pada : [email protected] sebelum batas waktu yang ditetapkan. Kami tetap mempertahankan harga sesuai dengan yang tercantum dalam form buku panduan yang ada. Namun tetap ada kemungkinan perbedaan harga tergantung pada Ketersediaan material dan tenaga kerja pada saat sebelum Pameran dimulai. Apabila ada yang kurang jelas, silahkan untuk menghubungi kami Demikian surat pemberitahuan kami. Atas dukungan dan kerjasamanya, kami ucapkan Terima Kasih. Penyelenggara Pameran GLOBAL EVENT MANAGEMENT 5 1) Exhibitor Information BOOTH RATE OPEN SPACE AREA 3 x 3 (SPECIAL DESIGN) : The following are booth space rental rate: Pre Function : Rp. 12.000.000/booth/3 days Assembly Hall * Unit cost for 3 days Space Area Rental (JCC) by SKK Migas Facilities : Marking area per 9sqm Electrical : 1 MCB 2A – 1 phase 1 single electrical power outlet 2) Exhibitors Building Their Own Stands (Space Only) a) You may only appoint your own stand contractors with the exception of electrics. All supporting contractors required to guarantee that they will complete preparation on time and accept liability for any damage or garbage clearance. b) No exhibitor or agent may use the exhibition hall, ceiling, pipes, fixtures, floors or wall in any way (i.e. nailing. wiring or fixing of any exhibits to any existing structures is strictly prohibited). No exhibitor or his contractor may use any wall belonging to any other stand. c) No stand, exhibit, floorcovering or lighting shall extend beyond the exact dimensions specified in the exhibitors 'space contract. e.g. fascia boards may not project into the aisle nor can furniture or plants be placed in the aisles. It is not permitted to bridge gangways in any way with stand fitting, nor to place exhibits or floorcoverings in the aisles. the exhibitors must lay floor covering over the whole area of the stand, taped down on all edges. d) All exhibitors, contractors or agents are responsible for the dismantling and removal, by stated deadlines, of any stands he has constructed. e) All exhibitors with special stand design or who will upgrade stands, please be aware that their appointed contractor must tidy up the back wall of stands with white paint / coverings. The company logo is permitted to be place only on one side in stand area, unless the company logo is located in the center area of the exhibitor’s booth. 6 REGISTRATION 1. Please advises of your Exhibition Coordinator 2. Exhibitors Entitlement: a. All Exhibitors are entitled for a certain number of free “ID CARD” as indicated below: 9 Sq. m booth space for 3 persons 3) Build – Up And Dismantling Periods a) Build – up I. Exhibitors building their own stand may start construction at 08.00 am on 13 April 2015 II. All stands to be completed in every respect including move in materials by 11pm on 13 April 2015 III. The height of the booth display shall not exceed 5 meters 3. Working Pass for your Booth Contractor workers: To secure booth contractor’s Working Pass, you or your contractor should inform us the number of workers required during setting-up and dismantling period at least 1 (one) weeks before the move in/move-out working schedule. Workers without a pass are not allowed to enter the premises. You may contact Global Event Management (Exhibition Coordinator) for further information IV. All contractors are obliged to use PPE (Personnel Protective Equipment) during the activity of booth move-in, build-up, dismantling and move-out V. Booth cleaning is not included as part of your package if you are not using/official contractor’s b) Dismantling / Pembongkaran All exhibits, display materials hand carry can be removed from the exhibition area by 4.00 pm – 5.00 pm on 16 April 2015. All exhibits, display materials heavy and stands must be removed from the exhibition area by 5pm – 11 pm on 16 April 2015. Rent will be charged on late removals. 7 4) Working Exhibits / Noise The organizer reserves the right to determine the acceptable sound level and extent of demonstrations of working exhibits in the event of complaints from other exhibitors. The organizer reserves the right to terminate any working exhibit deemed to be dangerous or unsuitable for any reason. 5) Operating of Machinery or Exhibits a) Moving machinery must be fitted with safety devices and these safety devices may only be removed when the machines are not in operation and not connected to the source of power. b) No motors, engines, contrivance or power-driven machinery may be used without adequate protection against fire risk. c) No moving machinery may be operated within 0.5m of the gangway. d) Any fumes or exhaust deemed by the organizer to be excessive must be extracted or deducted away from other exhibitors and visitors. 7) Power SupplyAnd Lighting (form 13) 220 volts single phase, 50 cycles; 380 volts three phase, 50 cycles.All electrical work must be carried out by official contractor. Because of the occasional power fluctuations sensitive equipment needs a voltage regulator. Exhibitors requiring electrical power for stand building purposes are requested to submit form before 6 April 2015. Power supply orders made on site (from 13 April 2015 onwards) will be charged 50% extra, supply will be given the night before the opening of the exhibition (14 April 2015). 8) Air-Conditioning Air conditioning will operate in the hall during the open period of the show only. No air conditioning will be provided during preparation or dismantling periods. 9) Exhibit Heights And Weights Exhibitors should notify the organizer of any item of machinery over 3 meters high, or exceeding one ton in weight. 6) Dangerous Materials No naked lights and lamps or temporary gas or electrical fittings may be used in the exhibitions building without the prior permission of the organizer. Use of spray paint equipment within the halls is forbidden. 8 10) Additional Electricity NO. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. MCB Type 2A / 1 ph/ 4A / 1 ph/ Price of MCB Price of Usage 440 watt 880 watt Rp. 600.000 Rp. 675.000 6A / 1 ph/ 1320 watt 10A / 1 ph/ 2200 watt 16A / 1 ph/ 3520 watt 20A / 1 ph/ 4400 watt 25A / 1 ph/ 5500 watt 32A / 1 ph/ 7040 watt 10A / 3 ph/ 3800 watt 16A / 3 ph/ 6080 watt 20A / 3 ph/ 7600 watt 25A / 3 ph/ 9500 watt 30A / 3 ph/ 11400 watt 60A / 3 ph/ 22800 watt 100A/ 3 ph/ 38000 watt 125A/ 3 ph/ 47500 watt 200A/ 3 ph/ 76000 watt Rp. 725.000 Rp. 765.000 Rp 865.000 Rp. 865.000 Rp. 1.180.000 Rp. 1.180.000 Rp. 1.560.000 Rp. 1.560.000 Rp. 1.900.000 Rp. 1.900.000 Rp. 1.900.000 Rp. 3.800.000 Rp. 5.175.000 Rp. 6.750.000 Rp. 8.855.000 Rp. 1.200.000 Rp. 1.225.000 Rp. 1.265.000 Rp. 2.300.000 Rp. 3.105.000 Rp. 4.600.000 Rp. 5.700.000 Rp. 7.175.000 Rp. 4.255.000 Rp. 6.275.000 Rp. 7.775.000 Rp. 9.890.000 Rp. 11.625.000 Rp. 21.160.000 Rp. 39.100.000 Rp. 48.590.000 Rp. 77.300.000 TOTAL 1. Every electricity power order will be charged with the required MCB 2. All above prices are not include 10% VAT 3. Orders are valid when accompanied by FULL remittance to be sent and paid to organizer at Bank account as states : Bank Mandiri Cabang Ratu Plaza – Jakarta (Rp) Account No . 122-00-0592232-6 PT. GLOBAL CITRA KREASI 4. Orders without payment will not be executed and price are for the duration of the exhibition 5. All late orders after deadline will be subject to stock availability and 50% surcharge will be applicable for late order (5 April 2015) 10% Tax Grand Total 9 KINDLY RETURN TO : Tifa Company Name Stand No. Person in Charge Tel / Fax Signature : : +6287886345405 : _________________________________________________________ : _________________________________________________________ : _________________________________________________________ : _________________________________________________________ : _________________________________________________________ 10 11) Cancellation Of Exhibition Space In the event of the organizers agreeing to any request for release from the contact, the exhibitor will be liable for all, or part, of the cost stated in the contract in accordance with the following scale : Cancellation period Cancellation 30 days before the show Cancellation 20 days before the show Cancellation 10 days before the show Cancellation 5 days before the show Liability of Exhibitor 40 % of total stand cost 60 % of total stand cost 80 % of total stand cost 100% of total stand cost The scale of charges will apply only from the date the organizer receive written notice. In addition to this scale, the exhibitor will be liable for any specific costs incurred on his behalf by the organizers. These terms cannot be varied under any circumstances. 12) Payment For Space 13) Limitation Of Liability The organizer will not be held responsible for any restrictions or conditions which prevent the construction, erection, completion, alteration or dismantling of stands or the entry, siting or removal of exhibits, or for failure of any services or amenities provided by the hall landlords or order third parties. 14) Force Majeure The organizer is Not liable to the exhibitor by reason for any cancellation or part time opening of the exhibition, either as whole or in part, or for any nonperformance of their obligations under this contract or for any amendments or alterations to all or any the rules and regulations of the exhibition in each case to the extent that such occurrence is due to any circumstances not within their control. The payment schedule for space only, stand service or package stands is as follows : a) 30% as down payment upon confirmation of participation. b) Balance by dates specified on the contract. c) Exhibitors will not be allowed to occupy their space or stands if the payment terms specified on the contract are not followed. These terms cannot be varied under any circumstances 11 SET UP DAYS 13 APRIL 2015 06:00 am – 08:00 am 08:00 am – 11:00 pm 11:00 pm THE SCHEDULE Floor Marking by GLOBAL EVENT MANAGEMENT (Official Contractor) Booth Set Up by All Contractors All Contactor should finish their work for the first day set up 14 APRIL 2015 00:00 am – 05:00 pm 05:00 pm Official & Independent Contractor continue the set up process All booths must be completed EXHIBITION DAYS 14 APRIL 2015 09:00 am – 06:00 pm Exhibition Open for KKKS 15 APRIL 2015 09:00 am – 06:00 pm Exhibition Open for KKKS 16 APRIL 2015 09:00 am – 06:00 pm 08:00 pm – 09:00 pm DISMANTLING 16 APRIL 2015 05:00 pm – 11:00 pm Exhibition Open for Public Dismantling; all exhibits, display materials and stands must be removed from the exhibition area. 12 LAY OUT Assembly%3%:% Total%booth% %35%booth% JUMLAH'BOOTH':'54' buah' Coffee%Break% Area%untuk%400%pax% Coffee%Break% Area%untuk%600%pax% Mini%stage% 2.44%x%3.66% Walking%out%% services% Booth%:%No.%1=12%untuk%Pemerintahan%% Booth%No.13=19%untuk%K3S%:%6%booth%% (BP,%Petronas,%Eni,%Exxon,%Chevron,%%Inpex% gangway% +/=%8%meter% 13 FORM 1 INDEPENDENT STAND CONTRACTOR & NAME ON FASCIA BOARD Deadline: 5 April 2015 Company Name to be written on the fascia board (only for standard booth): FOR SPECIAL DESIGN BOOTH KINDLY FILLS IN BELOW: Name of Contractor Address Tel / Fax / Mobile Phone Person In Charge : _______________________________________________ : _______________________________________________ : _______________________________________________ : _______________________________________________ Kindly send us detail drawing, dimension, and illustration of stand design to below email. FOR EXHIBITORS WITH SHELL SCHEME PACKAGE KINDLY FILL IN BELOW: Shell Scheme Package includes: carpet, table, chairs and power supply with below specification: Booth area : 3m x 3m Floor Electricity Chair Table : : : : KINDLY RETURN TO: TIFA EMAI : [email protected] Company Name Stand No. Person in Charge Tel / Fax Signature : _________________________________________________________ : _________________________________________________________ : _________________________________________________________ : _________________________________________________________ : _________________________________________________________ Carpet 1 MCB 2A – 1 phase 1 single electrical power outlet 2 white folding chairs 1 unit 14 COMPANY DESCRIPTION FORM Deadline: 5 April 2015 Company Profile (Maximum 300 words) Please fill in with BLOCK LETTERS or TYPING ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Company Name : _________________________________________________________ Contact Person : _________________________________________________________ KINDLY SEND YOUR COMPANY LOGO AND RETURN THIS FORM TO: Designation : _________________________________________________________ Address TIFA EMAIL : [email protected] : _________________________________________________________ City : _________________________________________________________ Country : _________________________________________________________ Postal Code : _________________________________________________________ Tel / Fax : _________________________________________________________ Line of Business : _________________________________________________________ Email : _________________________________________________________ Website : _________________________________________________________ Company Name Stand No. Person in Charge Phone / Fax Signature Organized by Global Event Management @2015 : __________________________________________________________ : __________________________________________________________ : __________________________________________________________ : __________________________________________________________ : __________________________________________________________ 15
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