Thursday 26 March 2015 Well Done Coolum & Thank You from Linda Morse I am delighted to tell you that together we have raised over $4000 for the Leukaemia Foundation. Last week’s parade was epic and it was a “once in a lifetime experience”. Thank you all for your donations and your support. I see the Blood Bank Van is down at the Bowls Club this Thursday and Friday – if you wish to donate blood call 131 495. I regularly give plasma at Maroochydore and know the benefits to the whole community but particularly cancer patients – you too can be brave! (Linda Morse) Long Service Leave I will be on Long Service Leave next week. Linda Morse will be acting Principal for the week. (Pat Cavanagh) One or Two days a week doesn’t seem much but…… Every Day Counts Last month our Daily attendance was 94.4 %. Unfortunately this month we have gone down slightly to 94% daily attendance. So far this year – 111 students have an attendance rate of less than 85%: 77 students 85% to 90%: 180 students 90% to 95% and 667 students 95% to 100%. As our aim for 2015 is 96% daily attendance, we ask that parents send their children to school every day that they are physically able. You can also help us by: - Contacting the school to notify us of the reason for absence. This can be done by phone, note but preferably via email – [email protected] or by registering absences on the school website – Does your child have a chance at being successful in their adult life? (Chris Chant) Prep Parent Reading Session On Tuesday 31 March Prep parents are invited to attend an information session about the reading process, how children learn, how we teach and what you can do to help. The session will begin promptly at 2pm and be held in the staffroom. Please jot your name down on the notice on your classroom door OR call the office to say you are attending. (Linda Morse) News from 5H/W Last week all of Year 5 went down to Currimundi Recreation Camp for a three day camp. We did lots of activities - vertical climbing, building catapults, pool games, fishing, beach games, body boarding and alpine rescue. (Jakob) Here are some of the things that we enjoyed on camp. • I enjoyed most of the activities, and had a lot of fun. (Juilian) • I liked camp because we had new experiences and challenges. (Trea) • The first night we played games. They were: The Golden Child and Pirates and Officers. We had room inspections in the mornings. (Alisha) • My favourite activity was Alpine Rescue, because you had to work as a team and it was very hard. (Chelsea) • Currimundi Camp was awesome. I loved camp. (Charlie P) • I loved camp. Our teachers are the best for taking us, so we should be very thankful. (Olivia) • The best thing on camp was the catapults and the worst was fishing and yabby pumping. (Kai) • I loved the cabins and that we were away from the boys. (Bronte) • When we had done our activities, we would line up at the hall for some delicious food. Dessert was the best! (Brooklyn) • My favourite activity was stand up body boarding. I thought I was going to fail, but I did it! The teachers saw me and put their thumbs up for doing a good job. (Tyler) Year 5 students enjoying activities at camp Students born in New Zealand or who have New Zealand Parents I would like to have a group of children who were born in New Zealand or have parents that were born in New Zealand sing the New Zealand national anthem in Maori and English. It would be for our ANZAC Parade on Friday 24 April. We need to start practicing this term. If you are interested could you please collect a form to fill in from the office or Mrs Sullavan. (Alexis Sullavan) Student Council News Next Monday and Tuesday we are holding our annual Discos. On Monday night it is PREP’s 5.00 to 6.30pm and Yr 5 & 6 - 7.00 to 8.30 pm. On Tuesday night it is Yr 1 & Yr 2 – 5.00 to 6.30 pm and Yr 3 & Yr 4 – 7.00 to 8.30 pm. On Thursday 2 April it is Board Shorts and Free Dress day (not Crazy Hair) gold coin donation welcome. We look forward to some fun activities as we celebrate the end of Term One. (Student Council) Hat Parade The annual Hat Parade for our PREP and Year One students will be held on Thursday 2 April commencing at 9.30am in the Hall. This is always an exciting way to finish the Term for our youngest students. (Linda Morse) Sports Update We are currently in a very busy cycle in the sporting world with lots of events going on. Students are able to access information on the sporting notice board located in the covered area near the tuckshop. PE Lessons Year 1 & 2 are working on developing ball skills, specifically focusing on throwing for distance using tennis balls. To assist the students we use the chant of • Make a “T” • Flex your muscle • Take a step • Throw We are also working on catching and we include larger balls. Year 3 & 4 have been engaged in a Soccer (football) unit. We have covered dribbling, short passing, long passing and moving into space. This unit will pause for a few weeks while we prepare for our cross country event in Week 2 of Term 2. Year 5 &6 have completed a softball unit and are now moving into a fitness unit in preparation for our school cross country. Coolum Sport Our Rugby League team has been successful in winning the northern region of the Sunshine Coast Development Cup. We are now preparing to play against Mooloolaba State School on Wednesday 1 April on Wises Rd. We wish all the boys the very best. District Sport We have many students representing Coolum at a District level at the moment and we hope they enjoy the experience of playing their chosen sport at a higher level. We wish them all the best in their preparations. AFL – Tanner 6M, Cian 6S, Lachlan 5H Netball – Lucy 6G, Lucy 6M Rugby League – Jake 5H, Antonio 6G, Izaac 5H, Ruben 5M, Marlon 6W, Justin 6S, Harry 6N, Angus 6S, Mathew 6N and Deklan 6S. (Ben Moody) P&C News Congratulations to the following parents who have accepted the executive positions for the P&C Association for 2015/2016. President – Lisa Johnstone: V/Presidents – Kate Tomba and Shane Urban: Secretary Donna Miller and Treasurer Clare Bates-Pay. We wish you a successful year. (Denise French P&C Manager) Calendar Monday Week Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 9 23 March 24 March 25 March 26 March 10 30 March Disco Prep: 5pm6.30pm Disco Yr’s 5 & 6: 7pm-8.30pm 31 March PREP Parent Reading Session 2pm Disco Yr’s 1 & 2: 5pm-6.30pm Disco Yr’s 3 & 4: 7pm-8.30pm 7 April School Holidays 1 April 2 April Board Shorts/Free Dress Day Hat Parade Last Day of Term 1 8 April School Holidays 9 April School Holidays 10 April School Holidays 14 April School Holidays 21 April 15 April School Holidays 22 April 16 April School Holidays 23 April 28 April 29 April Regional Hockey 30 April Regional Football (soccer) 17 April School Holidays 24 April Saturday 25 April ANZAC DAY 1 May Regional Football (soccer) Coolum State School Cross Country 1 2 6 April School Holidays Easter Monday 13 April School Holidays 20 April 27 April Regional Basketball 27 March Year 6 Return from Camp 3 April School Holidays Good Friday Student of the Week Awards PREP Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Chelsea PRG, Skye PRH, Lara PRP, Archie PRS, Sophie PRE, Alex PRM Isabelle 1B, Hallee 1C, Luka 1S, Laila 1W, Bridie 1F, Rhianna 1H, Max 1T Chilli 2B, Sophie 2C, Jessica 2G, Charlotte 2A, Dusty 2M, Issiah 2T Jonah 3Q, Finn 3P, Benjamin 3J, Harlee 3B, Hazel 3S, Fletcher 3T Faith 4P, Lashaya 4M, Zavier 4R, Lauren 4B, Micah 4K, Aliyah 4S Jasmine 5M, Mattew 5H, Jhy 5W, Michael 5T, Bailey 5K Kennedy 6W, Joshua 6S, Bree 6G, Oskar 6M, Darcy 6N Specialist Awards PE – 1W & 3T Music – PRG & 4M Library – 1W Languages – 4B Inst Music – Nessa 4S Banking – Jake 4R Tuckshop – Mia 1S & Taj 3Q Community Notices Mathematics Night - A fun night of mathematical games and humour for parents and carers of students in years 5 - 9. The night is designed to give you an insight into the Mathematics curriculum and practical ideas to support your child’s mathematical thinking, reasoning and problem solving. Coolum State High School, 28 April from pm 5 to 7pm. Sausage sizzle starts at 5pm, presentation 5.30pm. Ph 5471 5333. I AM JACK – A powerful one-man show, which explores the often overlooked insidious taunting and teasing bullies inflict on their victims. Lake Kawana Community Centre, Tues 19 May 10am and 12.30pm.Ph 5413 1400 for details. Important School Info Remember to update your details by email or with the Office if you have – • • • a new phone moved house started a new job • changed your contact details School Contact Details Address Phone Fax Website Email Parades Tuckshop Tuckshop PO Box 374 School Road, Coolum Beach. 4573 5471 9300 5471 9307 [email protected] Senior – 8.40am Junior – 9.20am Wednesday to Friday QSchools App & Facebook Download the QSchools app (it’s free) for instant access to the school website or follow us on Facebook. Uniform Shop Hours The Uniform Shop is located at the P&C Room and opens every Tuesday, Wednesday Wednesday and Thursday between 2pm – 3:15pm. P&C Association Meetings are the last Wednesday of each month. Staff room at 7.30pm. All welcome. Outside School Hours Care 6.00am 6.00am to 8.30am and after school from 2.40pm to 6.00pm. Vacation Care 6.00am 6.00am to 6.00pm during school school holidays. Ph 5446 2026 or School Year 2015 Term 1 – Tuesday 27 January to Thursday 2 April Holidays – Friday 3 April to Sunday 19 April Term 2 – Monday 20 April to Friday 26 June Holidays – Saturday 27 June to Sunday 12 July Term 3 – Monday 13 July to Friday 18 September Holidays – Saturday 19 September to Monday 5 October Term 4 - Tuesday 6 October Friday 11 December
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