WORLD MEETING OF FAMILIES 2015 PHILADELPHIA PAPAL PILGRIMAGE TO PHILADELPHIA • REGISTRATION FORM • Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis. NOTE: A registration form is required for EACH person in your party. Payment in full is due with registration. DEADLINE: JUNE 1, 2015 Name _______________________________ Address ______________________________ City__________________________________ State____________Zip Code______________ Parish ________________________________ Phone (home)__________________________ (cell)_________________________________ Email ________________________________ Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy): ____/____/_______ Gender: ___M ____F PAPAL VISIT PILGRIMAGE to PHILADELPHIA Saturday, Sept. 26 - Sunday, Sept. 27, 2015 “What came to be through him was life, and this life was the light of the human race.” – John 1:4 BE ADVISED!! Pilgrims who have difficulties standing or sitting for long periods of time, or walking long distances without a break are hereby advised that there will be a considerable amount of these types of physical activities throughout this two-day pilgrimage; therefore it is highly recommended that each individual make an informed decision regarding his or her participation. Additionally, the World Meeting of Families event organizers are warning that due to the immense volume of pilgrims expected over this unprecedented weekend, attendees may be directed and required to use public transportation (regional rail, subway, etc.) into and out of downtown Philadelphia. Should this become necessary, an additional transportation surcharge will be added to the trip price. HOTEL RESERVATIONS - TRAVELING ALONE If you are traveling alone and do not wish to pay for a single occupancy room, but do not have companion(s) with whom you would prefer to stay, then your hotel room and roommates (of the same gender) will be assigned based on your occupancy preference. Single person room occupancy preference: _____Single $425 per person _____Double $315 per person _____Triple $295 per person HOTEL - TRAVELING WITH COMPANION(S) Room occupancy preference: _____Double $315 per person _____Triple $295 per person SPONSORED BY THE ARCHEPARCHY OF PITTSBURGH Name(s) of those with whom you wish to stay: 1)____________________________________ 2)____________________________________ see reverse for Participation Agreement and mailing address Byzantine Catholic Archeparchy of Pittsburgh " 66 Riverview Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15214 Phone: 412-231-4000 ext. 15 Web site: LOVE is Our Mission: The Family Fully Alive. Called together from all over the world in faithful celebration of the family — the sanctuary of love and life. PAPAL VISIT PILGRIMAGE SEPT. 26-27, 2015 PILGRIMAGE INCLUDES: •Luxury Round-trip Motorcoach Transportation •1 night Hotel lodging at Country Inn of Lancaster •One Breakfast (hotel) and One Dinner (Good ‘n’ Plenty) (All other meals on your own) •Performance of “Joseph” at Sight and Sound Theater •Additional Transport to Philadelphia for Papal Liturgy ITINERARY: Saturday, Sept. 26 — Pilgrimage Begins! Arrive early for the 8:00 a.m. continental breakfast at St. John Cathedral (Munhall, Pa.), then board our deluxe motorcoach to depart from St. John’s parking lot at 9:00 a.m. sharp. Rest stops and a brief lunch break (on your own) will be scheduled along the way to our first destination. We will arrive at The Country Inn of Lancaster, located in scenic and historic Lancaster, Pa., where we will check in upon arrival (approx. 3 p.m.). Our group then will re-board the bus at 3:45 to for dinner at the Good ‘n’ Plenty Restaurant to enjoy a wonderful Amish country family-style feast! Following dinner, we will attend the musical production “Joseph” at the famed Sight and Sound Millennium Theater in Lancaster. After the show, we will be transported back to our hotel for a good night’s sleep in anticipation of the long day ahead. Sunday, Sept. 27 — 6:00 a.m. breakfast at the hotel. We will depart the hotel early this morning to journey to Philadelphia, so have your bags inside your room door and ready for departure. The bus will drop us off at <location TBD> in Philadelphia, where we then will take public transportation to the site of the Papal liturgy. Following the liturgy, we will return to our motorcoach for our journey back to Pittsburgh. We will stop for dinner at a restaurant along the way (on your own), and also make several rest stops en route to Pittsburgh. REGISTRATION DEADLINE: JUNE 1, 2015! Please note: Reservations are limited and on a firstcome, first-served basis. We have secured a limited number of rooms for our pilgrimage based on bus capacity of 50. Once all spaces are filled, a waitng list will be started. Hard-copy Reservation Form and non-refundable payment in full are due at time of registration. No phone or e-mail reservations will be accepted. The bus and hotel already have been reserved, so if payment does not accompany your reservation form by the deadline, then it cannot be accepted. Please pay by check or money order. (Unfortunately, we cannot accept credit card as payment.) Package is non-refundable for any reason. Additional information and itinerary specifics will be sent upon receipt of your fully completed Reservation Form/Participation Agreement and payment in full. Each participant must submit a fully completed Reservation Form, signed Participation Agreement and payment in full by the JUNE 1, 2015 deadline to: Papal Visit Pilgrimage Attn: Fr. Andrew Deskevich 66 Riverview Ave. Pittsburgh, PA 15214 PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT I agree to release and hold harmless the Archeparchy of Pittsburgh and its employees or representatives from any liability associated with, or arising from my transportation to or from, or my participation in the event for the World Meeting of Families and Papal Events in Philadelphia, PA, September 26-27, 2015. I further understand that payment for this package is NON-REFUNDABLE for any reason. If Pope Francis is not able to be present as planned, the pilgrimage to Philadelphia will still proceed, and I will be expected to attend. I also understand that to secure my spot on this pilgrimage, a non-refundable payment in full is due with this registration by the stated deadline of JUNE 1, 2015. Signature_________________________________ Name (print)_______________________________ Date _____________________________________ Mail fully completed Reservation Form (on reverse), signed Participation Agreement and payment in full to: For questions regarding the pilgrimage, e-mail Father Andrew at [email protected] (Information ONLY; NO email reservations will be accepted.) Please NOTE again that this package is NONREFUNDABLE for any reason. There may be a number of circumstances beyond our control during this pilgrimage. If for some reason Pope Francis is not able to be present as planned, we will still make our pilgrimage, and no refunds will be given. Papal Visit Pilgrimage Attn: Fr. Andrew Deskevich 66 Riverview Ave. Pittsburgh, PA 15214 For office use only: Name __________________________________ Check # _________________ Date: ___________________ Amount: ________________ PRICING DETAILS: $425 per person single occupancy $315 per person, double occupancy " $295 per person, triple occupancy
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