SEABREEZE HIGH SCHOOL April 2015 CRAB CLAUSE A coopera ve effort of Seabreeze High School and the SHS PTSA Seabreeze Sandcrabs are held to high ethical standards in our pursuit of academic achievement. As a student of Seabreeze High School, I understand that academic dishonesty defeats the purpose of educa on. Chea ng, plagiarism, stealing, and lying are neither acceptable nor tolerated. Every task and accomplishment will be a true reflec on of my effort. One-on-One Professional Tutoring (Certified Specialists) ALL SUBJECTS ALL LEVELS also SAT/ACT prep 386-673-9437 617 S. Yonge Street Ormond Beach, Florida 32174 [email protected] %ODQFKH3DUNV 'LUHFWRU Gree ngs Sandcrabs This school year has progressed at a rapid pace and as we start the last grading period it is essen al to stay academically focused. It is an important me of year with standardized tes ng, end of course exams , Advanced Placement tes ng and the myriad of other requirements that are placed upon our students. We – parents, teachers and administrators - need to provide encouragement, direc on and support for our students as they start their journey into the ‘tes ng season’. And I’m sure this me of year brings much excitement and some anxiety to our fantas c senior class as well. The weeks a er spring break are filled with senior ac vi es as we prepare for their big day in the Ocean Center on May 31st! All families should have received a bulle n outlining important senior events (Prom, Grad Bash, Senior Awards, Honors Banquet, Baccalaureate,) with dates and mes. This calendar, prepared by Ac vi es Director Tonia Morgan, is an i nerary of all senior ac vi es scheduled to take place as we approach gradua on. The senior calendar of events is also posted on the website or can be obtained in the main and ac vi es offices. On a personal note, I want to offer my sincerest apprecia on to all the members of the Seabreeze Family for making my tenure as the principal of this wonderful school a memorable one. The past thirteen years serving as your educa onal leader has been the highlight of my professional career. There is no be er collec on of outstanding students, dedicated educators and suppor ve parents as you will find at Seabreeze High School. You have enriched my life. Once a Sandcrab – always a Sandcrab! Sincerely, Bob Wallace Principal Dear Mr. Robert “Bob” Wallace: In case you were wondering... YOU WILL BE MISSED. Thank you for all you have done for Seabreeze High School and the faculty, staff, and families that have come through the RED GATES. The tower of campus, gazing ever watchful over our Sandcrab Na on. The protector of the red gates, ghtening hinges against the wind shielding us from the lightning. The rudder in the rough sea, turning in the undercurrent guiding us to the horizon. The stone dropped into a river, rippling through me his lessons and kindness. The father to a Seabreeze family, giving grace, celebra ng glory. He is Mr. Bob Wallace. Mr. Wallace will officially complete his last day on April 30, 2015. It is our hope that he will con nue to be a guest of the Class of 2015 through their gradua on May 31st. If you would like to contact Mr. Wallace before his last official day, please note his address and phone number below: 2700 N. Oleander Ave Daytona Beach, FL 32118 386.258.4674 ext. 54646 [email protected] 2015-2016 Y earbook Information Important Informa on our Seabreeze Parents and Students should be aware of. 1.A en on 2015 Seniors, Yearbook distribu on will take place on Friday, May 1, 2015. Seniors must have all outstanding obliga ons paid before this date. If you have not already purchased a yearbook they can be purchased, that day, for $80.00 no personal checks will be accepted. Cash or money order only 2.Any students that preordered the 2015 Sandcrab yearbook, must show a valid school ID in order pick up their book 3.Underclassmen can begin picking up their yearbooks on Monday, May 4 in the auditorium concession stand, during lunch or a er school ONLY. The yearbook price will increase to $80 a er April 17, 2015. No checks will be accepted a er this date. All students must present school ID to pick up their yearbook 4.Any student that purchased senior cap & gown pictures. Should have received their order or they pick them up in Ms. Coy’s room 2-211. 5.For those 2015 seniors that did not get their cap & gown pictures taken at school can call MPG’s studio in Holly Hill to make an appointment. Please call the studio (386) 672-1090 to reserve your appointment. 6.MPG Portraits is the school’s official photography company for all 2016 graduates. Visit their web site at to see all of the great new looks for seniors. Call and confirm your session appointment with MPG Portraits at (386) 672-1090. MPG Portraits 1625 Ridgewood Avenue Holly Hill, FL 32117 7.MPG Portraits will begin mailing 2016 senior picture appointments in May. If you do not receive an appointment card in the mail by May 18th, please call MPG Portraits at (386) 672-1090. Your appointment can be changed to fit your schedule by calling the studio and changing your scheduled me. 8.Yearbooks can be purchased, for $65.00, during lunch in room 2-211 on Tuesday and Thursday. The yearbook price will increase to $80 a er April 17, 2015. Also, a er this date only cash or money orders will be accepted. NO CHECK OR CREDIT CARDS 9.Important Dates for 2015-16 School year: •Underclass pictures will take place in the auditorium during the month of September or October. Students will follow the schedule provided by their teacher. Order forms will be distributed to students in class. They will receive a proof with ordering informa on. •The Senior Panoramic picture for the class of 2016 will take place in October 21, 2015 at 7:45 am in the gym. •All seniors interested in becoming a Senior Spotlight in the yearbook must have a typed resume turned into Ms. Coy, room 2-211, no later than Monday, October 5, 2015 at 3:00 pm. •Remember those ads for the Senior Class of 2016. Ads go on sale in August. The deadline for senior ads is in October. All pictures and informa on must be turned in by this date. Do not turn in any irreplaceable pictures. •Club pictures will take place in either November or December. See club sponsor for details. •Any 2016 senior that would like a baby picture in the yearbook please bring a picture to Ms. Coy, in 2-211 as soon as possible, spots fill up quickly and are on a first come first serve basis. Write your name in pencil on the back of the picture & do not turn in any irreplaceable pictures. WHERE TO GO AND WHO TO CALL Our Clerical Staff can be the first place to start when you need informa on. School Phone: 386-258-4674 Mrs. Jeane e Oberst- Principal secretary, ext. 54614 Mrs. Cindy Dean, Main office, ext. 54600 Ms. Megan Jackson- Guidance, ext. 54606 Mrs. Teresa Pehr- Registrar, ext. 54642 Mrs. Marta Goodner-Discipline/Busses, ext. 54628 Mrs. Pam Vance- A endance, ext. 54630 Ms. Sheila Labar, School Nurse- ext. 54898 Our Athle c Director is: Coach Steve Gold [email protected] ext. 54652 Our Assistant Athle c Director is: Coach Kerry Kramer [email protected] ext. 54677 WHERE TO GO AND WHO TO CALL Thanks to the efforts of the proprietor of the Exxon Mobil sta on at 1520 North US 1, Seabreeze High School has been awarded a $500 ExxonMobil Educa onal Alliance grant to be used for general educa on purposes. Funded by the Exxon Mobile Corpora on, the ExxonMobile Educa onal Alliance program is designed to provide Mobile retailers like store #318802 with an opportunity to invest in the future of their community through educa onal grants to neighborhood schools. We would like to thank our Exxon Mobil community partner for taking the me to nominate and secure this grant for Seabreeze High School. Have a ques ons about an ac vity or event? Contact our Ac vi es Director: Ms. Tonia Morgan ext. 54651 [email protected] And don’t forget to keep updated by using our interac ve Ac vi es Calendar on the home page of the website. PARENT PICK-UP AND DROP OFF In an effort to make the campus a safer more secure place for all, access to the North student parking lot will be limited to students with current parking permits and will not be u lized for dropping off/picking up students. Parents are to u lize the loop in front of the school to drop off and pick up students. For safety and to minimize usage parents are encouraged to pull as far forward into the loop as possible. VISITOR POLICY ANY PERSON REQUESTING PERMISSION TO ENTER CAMPUS MUST SIGN-IN WITH CAMPUS GATE SECURITY PERSONNEL UPON ARRIVAL. PLEASE UNDERSTAND OUR VISITOR POLICY IS TO ENSURE THE SAFETY AND SECURITY OF YOUR STUDENT AND OUR ENTIRE SEABREEZE STAFF. I.C.E. - IN CASE OF EMERGENCY In the event of an emergency, a parent informa on/mee ng area will be set up in the Cafeteria at Seabreeze High School and Mr. Wallace and/or Mrs. Gibbons will be available to meet with parents and give them informa on concerning the safety of their children. Should Seabreeze High School need to be evacuated the parent informa on/mee ng area will be located at Osceola Elementary, 100 Osceola Avenue, Ormond Beach, FL 32176. 386-258-4669 NHS STILL TUTORING FREE - Tutoring in the Media Center If you are in need of homework help or course assistance, please consider tutoring a er-school on Wednesday. Every early release Wednesday (except for the first Wednesday of each month) Na onal Honor Society members are available as volunteer tutors in most subject areas. Bring your ques ons and textbooks on Wednesdays! N AT I O N A L M E R I T Give Back Program Riptides Raw Bar & Grill will be donating 10% of Students, Faculty and Family checks back to the club, organization or sports team of choice. When you or your family dine at Riptides simply keep a copy of the check (not the credit card) the itemized check. CongratulaƟons to Juniors Ashton Goan – Noah Thompson and Nick Windham who have qualified for the NaƟonal Merit Scholarship Program. Of the 1.5 million entrants these three Sandcrabs are among the highest scoring parƟcipants naƟonwide who will be recognized next fall. Take that to a participating club, organization or Sports team Riptides will donate the amount of the check before taxes and not including discounts to the organization that you have chosen For example: You and your family come for lunch, your check is $40 make sure you get the itemized copy of the check, turn it in to the basketball team and riptides will give the team $4. We look forward to supporting all of your extracurricular activities T RYO U T FO R T E N N I S ! All 8th grade males coming to Seabreeze next year, think about joining the boys tennis team. Experience is preferred but new comers are welcome to come out and compete. If you haven’t played tennis before try it out over the summer at your local tennis club (Oceanside C.C., Fl. Tennis Center, Trails Racquet Club, Nova Rec., Ormond Racquet Club) all have group as well as individual lessons available. Seabreeze High school has enjoyed tremendous success in tennis with State Championship teams, as well as singles and doubles champions, and par cipants. In fact, Seabreeze boys team members have qualified for the State tournament 14 years out of the last 32 years! Come and join us con nue our great success. EUROPEAN TRIP OPPORTUNITY A group of students will be experiencing the language, food, and cultures of Spain and France together in June of 2016! There will be an informa onal session about the trip on Thursday, April 16 at 6:30pm in the Large Conference Room (7-105) to provide details to prospec ve travelers and their parents. As long as you (your student) are either in the Superintendent’s Diploma of Dis nc on program, taking AP classes, or in Spanish 3 or higher, you are eligible to join Mr. Weinrich and Señora Feliciano for this memorable trip of a life me. Don’t miss out on the memories! BAND CAMP NEWS Come see what the Band is all about at our SPECTRUM Concert on Saturday, May 9th at 7pm in the auditorium. This is a free concert and is open to the public, however, a dona on will be accepted during the concert. May 28th, 2014 @ 7pm is our ice cream social. All incoming band, orchestra, and auxiliary members are urged to a end. All paperwork, music, and important informa on will be available on this night. Alumni: Please contact Jarrod Koskoski if you are able to play with the orchestra and band for gradua on, May 31st 2014 at the Ocean Center @ 4:30 pm j [email protected] All Alumni are encouraged to a end an a erschool rehearsal on May 26th from 3pm to about 4:30pm to get ready for gradua on. Band Camp takes place August 10th – 14th. Freshman and Rookies will meet Wednesday, August 5th – 7th 9am to 3pm each day with the Band Officers to learn the basics before the full Band meets August 10th -14th (Monday-Friday 8:30 to 6pm with an hour for lunch at noon). The Band B-B-Q will be on Saturday August 14th. Get complete informa on on May 28th at the Ice Cream Social. Band Officers need to report on Monday August 3rd through Friday August 7th at 9am each day. INCOMING FRESHMAN AND ROOKIE PARENTS: Get all the info, paperwork, marching schedule and music for next year at our Annual Parent/Student Mee ng and Ice Cream Social set for Wednesday, May 28th. The mee ng begins at 7pm in the cafeteria. Percussion will have to contact Cliff Benoit for more info at 258-4674 ext. 54690, email: [email protected]. Summer dates will be coming up soon. Color Guard audi ons are on May 13th – 15th star ng at 4pm in the Dance room. SEABREEZE P.T.S.A. SPECIAL PAC/SIT MEETING If you have any ques ons about our PTSA, would like to serve on a commi ee, or volunteer for a single event please Contact: [email protected]. These mee ngs are open to all Seabreeze parents, students or faculty. More info on Monday, May 04, 2015 will be our last PAC/SIT mee ng of the year. Call 258-4674 ext. 54614, Jeane e Oberst for ques ons. Monday, May 4, 2015 – 6pm Media Center Nomina ons are being accepted for the following officer posi ons for the 2015-2016 school year: President Vice President Treasurer Secretary If you would like to run for one of above offices, recommenda ons may be submi ed to the chair of the Nomina ng Commi ee, Jeanne Denslow, at [email protected] Following, PTSA will be having their last mee ng for this school year. Please stay and join us. If you are a PTSA member, you will be vo ng in the PTSA Board for 2015-2016 school year 6($%5((=(+,*+6&+22/'DWHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB376$0(0%(56+,3 12/($1'(5$9( Fhecks payable to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ou may bring to Orientation, mail it or drop it by the Main office. PTSA Thanks Local Businesses 2015 Teacher of the Year dona ons: Bath & Body Works Babies R Us Lenny’s Pizza Bed Bath & Beyond Buffington’s Restaurant & Pub BJ’s Restaurant Bass Pro Shop NASCAR Dunkin’ Doughnuts Coffees Preppy Beach Bou que Costa Sunglasses Morgan Brothers Beaver Bar Longhorn Steakhouse YOUR AD HERE 1/8 of page- $25 or $75 for 4 issues. Great for personal ads, thank you notes or congratula ons! Great other deals on sizes! View a newsle er size and price list for adver sing on the PTSA page of the website. NEW SEABREEZE S WEBSTORE OPEN FOR BUSINESS! CONVENIENT, FAST AND SECURE. 1/2 page $100 per issue 1/4 page $50 per issue 1/8 page $ 25 per issue To keep things easy, just start a NEW account: don’t worry about the old webstore account. Don’t forget to add a student to your account. Pay lab fees, club dues, order merchandise and much more! Check it out at next to the HOME bu on NOTE: A convenience fee will be applied per each transac on. HOMEWORK/MAKE UP WORK REQUEST In order to request make up work due to a lengthy absence of 3 or more days, the most direct and expedient method is to contact your student’s teachers directly by email. Teachers’ email addresses can be located on the Seabreeze High website at under the heading of CONTACT. If you are unable to make contact by this method, you may call the Guidance Office at 386-2584674 ext. 54606. Please allow two (2) business days for the work to be collected from the teachers. You may want to call the Guidance Office to be sure the work has been collected before you make a trip to pick it up at the Guidance secretary’s desk. For further assistance, please contact your student’s counselor. Counselors’ extensions are located on the Seabreeze website under GUIDANCE COUNSELOR PAGE. You can also call ext. 54606 and the guidance secretary will connect you to the appropriate counselor. Jeane e Oberst @ 258-4674, ext. 54614 or [email protected] or visit the website. “THE AMERICAN DREAM” - MR & MISS SEABREEZE 2015-2016 Wednesday, March 18, 2015 marked the annual Mr. & Miss Seabreeze pageant. This year’s theme was “The American Dream” with a Brooklyn Bridge, Statue of Liberty and New York City Skyline Set. Our contestants were all stars and made a great show with 14 of Seabreeze finest juniors compe ng for the coveted tles. Congratula ons to Lucas Boatner and Sara Tomarelli, the winners of Mr. & Miss Seabreeze for 2015-2016. Lucas performed a fun Flowlight “Poi” rou ne with all of the house lights down to the music of Bas lle “Pompeii” Lucas plans on a ending Florida Gulf Coast University and earn a Bachelors degree in Accoun ng and Business Management. Sara wowed the crowd with her beau ful voice singing “Time to Say Goodbye”. Sara hopes to a end a Music Conservatory and earn her Bachelors in Vocal Performance with a concentra on in classical music. The male finalist were: First runner-up, Landon Wilson, second runner-up: Zachary Unson. The female finalists were; first runner-up: Audrey Silcox, second runner-up: Hannah Lemke. Also, voted only by their fellow contestants, Zachary Unson and Audrey Silcox were awarded Mr. & Miss Congeniality. The show ranged in talents from singing. Dancing, Stand up Comedy, Mar al Arts, Flowlight Poi, Original Poems to playing various instruments. Mr. & Miss Seabreeze is produced by DECA, an organiza on of fashion and marke ng students, and this year’s producers were Mrs. Jeane e Oberst and Mrs. Marybeth Boyle with student producers Chris na Bridgeman and Ashley Croteau. Ashley Croteau was also stage manager, Victor Dubbeld took on capturing everything on video and Jacob Meadows created the Visual effects with ligh ng. Mr. Cli on Benoit directed the technical produc on from the booth. Mr. Grimard and his construc on classes brought the stage to life with their amazing work crea ng the Brooklyn Bridge and ligh ng up the New York City Skyline. A great evening was had by all that a ended this annual Seabreeze High School func on. ACCESS GRADES AND ATTENDANCE 24/7 WITH GRADEBOOK Note: GRADEBOOK for parents and students is now available as a link under the parents sec on of our website. Seabreeze High School parents and students are now able to access student assignments, grades and a endance on a daily basis. The Gradebook is an electronic, web-based program that allows parents to keep tabs on their student’s a endance, assignments and staying on track to pass his/her courses. Student and parent logons and passwords were distributed at the beginning of the school year. Please contact Mr. Temple at 258-4674 x54624 or call 255-6475 ext. 20000 if you need addi onal informa on or support. ADD EMAIL TO YOUR CONTACT INFO In addi on to home phone, address and cell phone, we are asking for a current email address. This will allow you to get no fica ons by email as well as by phone. We feel this type of contact can provide an added level of security to the communica on from our staff to you. Please click on the link tled “EMAIL US” on the top of our homepage Please include all student names, alpha codes in your household that will be associated with this email. TRADEWINDS 2015 Seabreeze High School’s Annual Tradewinds Art Show on Wednesday, May 6, 2015. Seabreeze High School has had an annual exhibit of student work for over fiŌy years. It will be held in the Seabreeze gymnasium, from 8am unƟl 1pm. The enƟre school and many members of the community aƩend and look forward to this incredible display of student talent. The show is juried and we are honored to have Mr. James Harper, a local gallery owner, as the judge again this year. The two visual arts instructors are Lisa Botkin and John Richmond. Educational and Career Planning for Juniors Igloo Air – Jim Silvernail / Richard Williamson – banner renewal Junior Year Behrens Air – Kevin Behrens Monitor your data through Pinnacle website - banner renewal Carrot Property – Scott Singler – banner renewal Empire Computing and Learn about post high school opportunities. Consulting –David Campos— New banner Pay attention to the announcements and check the website daily Vanacore– new banner The Vernon Carey Foundation– new banner Explore career choices using the Choices Planner which has the following tools; basic skills, work values, Interest Profiler, Occupational Information, sample resumes, college and scholarship searches. The website is Begin a file to keep records of your career and college research. Use the and EPEP system for career and college information and planning tools. The website is High School Students: Bright Futures Eligibility and SUS Admissions Requirements Status Attend meetings with college representatives on campus. Meet individually with your counselor to discuss career and academic plans. Take appropriate tests: Scholastic Aptitude Tests (SAT I and/or SAT II) American College Tests (ACT), College Placement Tests (CPT) or the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB). June through August is an excellent time to visit prospective colleges and gather application materials. Student Athletes: NCAA website for eligibility information FROM THE NURSES DESK Dear Parent or Guardian, The last day of school is June 3rd, which is fast approaching. Please be sure to pick up your child’s medica on from the clinic by the end of the school day on June 6th. This includes prescrip on and non-prescrip on medica on as well as nebulizer and any equipment you may have brought in for medical procedures. An adult must pick up these items, as we cannot send them home with the students. If the medica on is not picked up by the end of the school day on June 6th, the medica on will be disposed of on June 3rd according to Volusia County School Board administra on of medica on guidelines. Please use web site h p:// (Parent/ Student Health services) to access the new medica on forms and or procedure forms for next school year. Medica on forms, procedure forms, and emergency care plans must be renewed by the parent, at or before the beginning of each school year in order for your child to receive medica on or procedures during school hours. Students carrying their own epi-pen, inhaler or diabe c supplies, are also required to have medica on forms on file. If you have any ques ons please contact your child’s school clinic staff. Have a wonderful, safe and healthy summer. I look forward to seeing you next year! Seabreeze Baseball gives a BIG SHOUT OUT! The Seabreeze following people Baseball Booster Club for their support of Igloo Air- banner sponsor Richard Williamson- banner sponsor Behrens Air- banner sponsor Carrot Property- banner sponsor Empire Compu ng and Consul ng- banner Vanacore Homes- banner sponsor The Vernon Carey Founda on- banner sponsor Buzzy Porter/Realty Pros Barbara Spellman Dawn & Jerry Marla Rita Daniels Greg Wynn Financial Services -Galin Wynn Crist William & Eileen Edwards Poppa & Sammy Ragsdale Joey & Katherine Richardson Dental Crea ons Halifax/Premier Appliance John Banks The Beaureguards Ray Barshay/Rivergrille Larry and Kay Ford G+W Welbourn Plumbing Acquaro and Wakeman Chiroprac c Eagle Bay Apartments Yvonne and Mike Lovelady Ed and Lynne McGarity Giles Electric would like to thank the the Seabreeze Baseball teams. Cress Smith Kurt and Jennifer Fisher Robert and Gwen Addis Sam Williams Maria Miranda Larry and Dara Kelly Emma and Bob Addis The Edward Family Alison Ehlke Rod’s Carpet Kurt & Jennifer Fisher Ted & Cindy McGarity Halifax Plumbing Fact-O-Bake Alicia Parlin Orfinger Family Von Aire Daytona Toyota Jim Sco Paul and Kay Garcia John and Carrie Richardson Ellen Milad Dennis and Marion Huselid Dura Sanko Dennis and Katherine Casey A + W Construc on Jason DeLorenzo Class of 2015 Senior Sec on S E N I O R O B L I G AT I O N S S E N I O R C E L E B R AT I O N SENIORS OBLIGATIONS - h p://www.seabreezehigh. org /students-tab/Grad-Senior/index.htm Obliga ons are listed alphabe cally by your Alpha Code. Only seniors who have obliga ons will be listed on the report. Seniors with outstanding obliga ons will not be allowed to pick up their yearbook and cap & gown during Senior Celebra on on May 1st. All obliga ons must be cleared. Don’t delay! Seniors will be given a final no ce of outstanding obliga ons at gradua on rehearsal on Thursday, March 28th. All obliga ons must be cleared for you to receive your diploma. Obliga ons for Ac vi es – see Ms. Morgan; Obliga ons for media or bookroom – see Mrs. Oberst (main office to pay). Friday, May 1st at 5pm seniors will return to campus (auditorium & Cafeteria) for an exci ng evening of food, music, entertainment & prizes! • First up is Herff Jones with the delivery of Cap & Gowns. Bring your school ID. If you need to purchase a cap/gown package the cost is $85. Cash, check or money order accepted. (Checks made payable to: Herff Jones, Inc.) • Also, there will be music, food, games, tons of prizes and more. Make this a night to remember…it’s one of your last opportuni es to do so with the Class of 2015! • We are asking for your help in fundraising cash, gi cer ficates and/or items to be given as door prizes during this special evening. Any items that would be helpful to college students are welcome, including the following: Portable Fans (for dorm rooms) Gi Cards (WalMart, Target, Staples) Towel Sets Twin Sheet Sets(extra long) Computer Side Drives Basket of Cleaning Supplies, Lap Desk Shower Totes with Toiletries Cork Boards, Gi Basket, theme of your choosing Eraser Boards Microwaves, Small Refrigerators Laundry Baskets Desktop Organizers Gi Cer ficate – Bed, Bath and Beyond Please deliver your dona on to the main office at school, marked “Senior Celebra on”. Or kindly mail/hand deliver your cash dona on (checks made payable to “Seabreeze High P.T.S.A., Senior Celebra on”). Thank you for helping us make this evening as special and memorable as possible for our 2015 gradua ng class. • In addi on, any parent wishing to help that evening, please email [email protected]. We want as many volunteers to help in the cafeteria and the courtyard as there are many sta ons for food, games, music, etc for the students. We will also need help with serving the food that evening. SENIOR MEETING - APRIL 17- IMPORTANT A mandatory Senior Assembly will be held during the school day on Friday, APRIL 17. Seniors will be released to the auditorium by announcement. If you can not a end, you must contact Assistant Principal, Kathy Gibbons in advance at 258-4674 ext. 54620. CAP AND GOWN DEADLINE! If you have not purchased your cap/gown/ tassel package, there’s s ll me to do so. See Ms. Morgan or purchase on May 1ST, cash only. Package cost is $85 (includes tax and $20 late fee). SAND DOLLAR AUCTION Will take place in the Seabreeze auditorium, following gradua on prac ce. There will be $1,000 worth of merchandise for you to bid on. Come check it out for yourself! GRADUATION 2015 Seabreeze High School will be gradua ng it’s 2015 Senior Class on Saturday, May 31, 2015. The ceremony will be held at the Ocean Center at NOON. Graduates must arrive no later than 10:45 am, dressed appropriately, wearing your cap and gown. Parking Passes are $5 per vehicle. Gradua on ckets are $3 per person (excludes graduates). Tickets will be available to purchase May 12-29th from the main office at Seabreeze High School. There is no limit on the number of ckets you may purchase. 2015 Senior Schedule of Events index.htmunder Students/Grad tab Dear Senior Parents, The graduation season is just a few short weeks away. One of the special graduation activities during the month of May is the Senior Celebration held on campus. Graduation caps and gowns as well as yearbooks are distributed at this event. This year it is scheduled to take place on Friday, May 1st at 5:00 p.m. The evening is hosted by Mr. Wallace and the Seabreeze High School administration. It includes food, music, yearbook signing and an advance showing of the senior video. An important component of this event is the door prizes that are awarded throughout the evening. The food, music, t-shirts and the door prizes are sponsored by the Student Government, the PTSA and generous donations from parents like you! We are desperately asking for your help with contributions of cash, gift certificates and/or items that would be helpful to college students. Previous years’ items have included the following: portable fans (for dorm rooms) power strips/ext. cords twin sheet sets (extra-long) basket of cleaning supplies cork boards microwaves laundry baskets (filled with det, etc.) gas cards I-pods/Chromebook/tablet/Ipad towel sets gift baskets of your choice computer flash drives lap desks dry erase boards dorm refrigerators desktop organizers fast food gift cards Wireless printers ****Any gift cards (Wal-Mart, Target, Office Depot, Staples, Bed Bath & Beyond) no $ is too small to give. We have many $5 gift cards donated and it insures all receive. An unused gift card, one of the most popular donations, might be found in your own kitchen drawer or wallet. Please check yours; you might be surprised! Please deliver your donation to the Seabreeze High School main office, marked “Senior Celebration”. Kindly mail your cash donation (checks made payable to Seabreeze High PTSA, Senior Celebration) to PTSA Senior Celebration, c/o Seabreeze High School, 2700 North Oleander Dr., Daytona Beach, FL 32118. Thank you for helping us make this evening as special and memorable as possible for our 2015 graduating class. Seabreeze High School PTSA/Senior Celebration: CLASS OF 2015 SCHOLARSHIP INFORMATION There are literally millions of scholarships and essay contests available to help college students pay for college and almost as many ways to try and find them. Internet searches, private search companies, college financial aid offices and parent’s employer’s are just a few of the ways that a student can access these millions of scholarship sources. The Seabreeze High School Scholarship Notebook is also one of the ways that our students can search for money for college. Throughout the year here in the Student Services office we keep a notebook filled with all of the scholarship and essay contest applica ons that are sent to us or made available to us here at Seabreeze. They include both local and na onal level scholarships. This data base is not intended to be all inclusive but is designed to make available the scholarships that our students typically have a chance to earn. This list will include many local ones which may not show up on the data bases of the na onal scholarship search engines. Most scholarships have specific criteria as to who can apply and the local ones are no different. There are some scholarships and essay contests that only Seabreeze students can apply for, others that are only for Ormond Beach or Daytona area students while others may be only for students from Volusia County. Many other scholarships may be available to any student in the country that meets par cular criteria. All else being equal, obviously the smaller the numbers of students who can apply for a par cular scholarship, the be er the odds of winning that scholarship become. While the applica on process can be difficult and me consuming, just comple ng the applica on doesn’t mean that the student will receive it. A student may apply for 20 scholarships and not receive any - just applying doesn’t guarantee anything. There is only one guarantee in the scholarship process – if you don’t apply for it you will not get it. Seabreeze Scholarship Notebook Procedures 1) The notebook is in Student Services, and has the original applica ons in it in the order that we receive them. This notebook is not to be removed from the office. Students my access it any day during lunch or break. Parents may make an appointment to access it during the day. 2) As you review the informa on and find an applica on you would like a copy of, fill out the scholarship request form and list the number of the scholarship on the form. A copy will be made of the applica on and then will be delivered to you. 3) Be aware of deadlines! This is the real world – late applica ons will not be accepted. You are responsible for knowing the deadlines and mee ng them. 4) Check the notebook regularly – new applica ons will be added as they come in – typically we add new ones weekly throughout year. 5) If you have ques ons about any of the applica onshow to fill them out, where to turn them in, what the expecta ons are, deadlines, a achments, etc., etc., make sure you ask Mr. Aus n, Mr. Richardson, or the Guidance Secretary – we are here to help. Scholarship informa on is available in the Guidance Office – Contact Guidance for more informa on – LINKS FOR SENIORS: • • • • W W W.CO L L EG E B OA R D.CO M W W W . A C T . O R G WWW.MILITARY.COM/ASVAB / Departments-Docs/Guidance/ scholarships/scholarships.htm BRIGHT FUTURES INFO HAS BEEN GIVEN OUT AT: A en on senior parents- many seniors s ll have not registered for the Bright Futures Scholarship. All Seniors who plan on a ending college should register for the Bright Futures Scholarship – this registra on should be done by May 1, 2014. Instruc ons for registering are on the Seabreeze High web page under Student – College Informa on – Bright Futures. Students who don’t register prior to gradua on will not receive the scholarship even if they meet the GPA, test score and volunteer hour requirement. If you have any ques ons regarding this please contact your students counselor. CLASS OF 2015 SPECIAL EVENTS AND CEREMONIES JR/SR PROM Saturday evening April 18, 2015 8:30 p.m. – Mid-night Daytona 500 Club Interna onal Speedway Infield Prom Sponsor, Leah Paul BACCALAUREATE A PTSA Sponsored Event Thursday, May 21, 2015 First United Methodist Church 336 Halifax Drive, Ormond Beach, FL 6:00 p.m. SENIOR AWARDS CEREMONY 6:00 p.m. Monday, May 18th Seabreeze Auditorium *A endance to the 2015 Senior Awards Ceremony is by invita on only. Invita ons will be mailed on Friday, May 4th. GRADUATION REHEARSAL MANDATORY Thursday May 28, 2015 7:30 a.m. Ocean Center Seniors come dressed for rehearsal as they would for a regular school day. Rehearsal is Mandatory! For any reason you can not a end, you must inform Assistant Principal, Kathy Gibbons in advance. DISTINGUISHED HONORS BANQUET Wednesday May 20, 2015 Daytona Beach Resort Daytona Beach Florida *By invita on only. Honor Graduates with a weighted 3.5 G.P.A or above. GRADUATION 2015 Seabreeze Class of 2015 Sunday May 31, 2015 12:00 p.m. Ocean Center Daytona Beach Florida *More details to follow regarding event parking and admission fees. GRAD IMAGES GRAD IMAGES Commencement Photos: All graduates and their parent/ guardian must pre-register online in order to receive commencement picture proofs. Completed and accurate informa on will ensure you receive your photo proofs online. Go to WWW.GRADIMAGES.COM and register today R E N T Y O U R G R A D U AT I O N FA C I L I T Y The City of Ormond Beach Department of Leisure Services is proud to announce that the Ormond Beach Senior Center and Performing Arts Center’s have banquet facili es available for rent. Both loca ons are ideal for weddings, par es, mee ngs, classes, social gatherings, fund raisers and much more. Let us help you make your event special. For more informa on or to schedule a tour, please call Stefan Sibley at 386-676-3379 or email at [email protected]. Wed Oct 15 – May 31 CAP & GOWN “Keeper” Pkg. $65/$85: $20 late fee for orders placed after 1/12/15. Contact Herff Jones @ 407-647-4373 or Cash, money order or check (make check payable to: Herff Jones). Cap, Gown & Tassel are required to participate in Senior Awards, Baccalaureate, and Commencement Exercise. Wed Oct 15May 31 Grad Images COMMENCEMENT PHOTOS: graduates will be photographed at the graduation ceremony. Visit, & click on Pre-Event Email Registration. Enter your email and up to 6 emails of loved ones who would like to view and order your photos. Order on line or call (800)261-2576. Aug -May YEARBOOK $55/$65/$80: Yearbooks are $55 if purchased by 12/18/14. Price increases to $65 starting January 2015 – April 17. Yearbook purchases April 20 – June 3, will be $80, cash only accepted. Dec/Jan FLORIDA BRIGHT FUTURES SCHOLARSHIPS: Seniors will begin registering in English classes in January. Tue Jan 6 Mar 19 GRAD BASH ($88): Universal Orlando. Bring payment to the Activities office or pay on-line. Cash or check accepted (checks payable to: Seabreeze H.S.). No refunds! Parent permission and activity liability/medical (notarized) release forms are necessary to attend. Pick up forms from Ms. Morgan in the Activities office or on line @ (senior graduation information page) Deadline: Thursday, March 19th. Mon Jan 12 Senior Parent & Financial Aid Night: Cafeteria from 5 – 7:30 pm: Outline: Cap/Gown -Final orders @ $65 (56PM); Parent Meeting (5:30-6PM) Financial Aid meeting – (6-7:30PM). Sat Jan 24 SAT: Thu Jan 29 2nd SENIOR ASSEMBLY: all seniors are required to attend. Senior Events calendar will be distributed. Sat Feb 7 ACT: Feb OBLIGATIONS: Obligations must be cleared for you to pick-up your cap & gown, yearbook, & diploma. Don’t delay! Stop by the activities office, main office, bookroom or media center for obligation information or check online SHS web • Senior Information page. Tue Mar 3 SENIOR CAP/GOWN PORTRAITS: cap/gown provided by MPG Studios. Photos taken from 9 – noon, auditorium lobby. Appointments are required. See Ms. Coy in 2-211 to schedule an appointment. Sat Mar 14 SAT: Thu Mar 19 GRAD BASH DEADLINE: $88 & permission forms due by end of day. No late payments accepted. Mon Apr 6 PROM TICKETS $40. Monday, Apr 6th through Friday, Apr 17, prom tickets will be sold from the ticket window bldg. 6-105. Check or cash accepted. *Prom guest forms available in Student Resources. Fri Apr 17 MANDATORY SENIOR ASSEMBLY: seniors will be called to the auditorium for their final class assembly. Fri Apr 17 NON-PARTICIPATION FORM: If you choose not to participate in the graduation ceremony, a signed NonParticipation form is required. The Non-Participation form is available from Data Processing (bldg. 3) NonParticipation forms are due to Mrs. Gibbons, in the Data Processing office, by Friday, 4/17. Sat Apr 18 JR/SR PROM: Daytona 500 Club, Daytona International Speedway • 8:30 pm – midnight. Formal attire required. Prom tickets go on sale beginning Monday, April 6, 2015. Prom guest permission forms (for a non-SHS student) can be picked up from Student Resources- Mrs. Goodner. (NOTE: No admittance to Prom beyond 10 pm) Fri Apr 24 GRAD BASH 2015: Arrive by 4:00 pm, dressed appropriately. Meet in the auditorium. Universal Orlando @ 4:30 pm. Approximate time of return - 3:30 am. (Bring spending $$). Sat May 2 SAT: MonFri May 4 -15 AP TESTING: schedules provided by AP Teachers and are also located on the on-line Activities Calendar. Fri May 1 Senior Celebration 5:00 PM *CAP/GOWN & YEARBOOK DISTRIBUTION plus food, entertainment, prizes & music: (Auditorium & Café). Cap/Gown packages will be available for purchase $85 as well as Yearbooks $80 (cash only). Plan to attend and bring your camera! Reminder - obligations must be cleared by crab break on 5/1/15 to pick up your cap/gown package and/or yearbook. *Mon May 18 SENIOR AWARDS & SCHOLARSHIP NIGHT: Seabreeze Auditorium 6:00 PM. Seniors receiving an award and/or scholarship(s) will be notified by special invitation. Invitations in the mail on May 4th. Senior recipients are to arrive by 5:00 pm, *wearing their cap & gown, and report to the cafeteria for check in. *Wed May 20 DISTINGUISHED HONORS BANQUET: Daytona Beach Resort 6:00 PM. Invitations will be mailed home to all Honor Graduates with a minimum cumulative weighted 3.5 G.P.A. & above. RSVP is required to Mrs. Oberst 2584674 ext. 54614 (Semi-formal banquet attire). Thu May 21 BACCALAUREATE: First United Methodist Church 6:00 PM –336 S. Halifax Ormond Beach. sponsored service. Seniors are to arrive by 5:15 pm *wearing cap & gown. *Thu May 28 Mandatory GRADUATION REHEARSAL: Report to the Ocean Center by 7:30 AM. Be prompt! Seniors come dressed in the same manner as if attending school. Seniors who do not attend rehearsal cannot participate in the graduation ceremony. Conflict? Contact: Assistant Principal, Mrs. Gibbons 258-4674 ext. 54620 Thu May 28 *SAND DOLLAR AUCTION: SHS Auditorium (9:30 am) following graduation rehearsal. merchandise to bid on! Don’t be late or you’ll miss out! *Sun May 31 GRADUATION CEREMONY: Daytona Beach Ocean Center ∙12 Noon. The graduation ceremony will begin promptly at 12:00 pm. Seniors are to report by 10:45 AM *wearing caps & gowns. Graduation Admission is $3.00 per person - Parking is $5.00. Tickets will be presold at Seabreeze-Main Office starting Tue. May 12th. It’s recommended you purchase tickets in advance. There is no limit to the number of graduation tickets you may purchase. Deadline to register Dec 29, 2014. See your guidance counselor to sign up or go to Deadline to register Jan 9, 2015. See your guidance counselor to sign up or go to Deadline to register Feb 13, 2015. See your guidance counselor to sign up or go to Departing SHS for Deadline to register April 6, 2015. See your guidance counselor to sign up or go to A PTSA $1,000 worth of SENIOR AWARDS, BACCALAUREATE, AND COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES Cap and gown are required. TASSEL is worn on the right side of cap. Young Ladies: Wear a cool, comfortable dress or skirt. Wear shoes with a medium size (height) heel or flats (no tennis shoes or flip flops permitted). Avoid wearing jewelry on the outside of the gown. Avoid bringing a purse or cell phone. SEABREEZE HIGH SCHOOL “PAY TO PARTICIPATE” FUNDRAISER CAMPAIGN &RQWLQXLQJLQVF KRRO\HDUDOO9ROXVLD&RXQW\VWXGHQWDWKOHWHV DUHUHTXL UHGWR³3$<723$57,&,3$7(´7KH6HDEUHH]H$WKOHWLF SURJUDP ZRXOGOLN HWR LQVXUHWKDWHDFKVWXGHQWZLOOKDYHWKHRSSRUWXQLW\WRSOD\ 7KDWLVWKHNLQG RIFRPPLWPHQW6HDEUHH]H+LJKLV IDPRXVIRUJLYLQJ (YHU\VWXGHQWGHVHUYHVDFKDQFHWREHDSDUWRIDWHDP 3OHDVHFRQVLGHU PDNLQJD GRQDWLRQWRKHOSRXUVWXGHQWDWKOHWHVZKRDUHLQQHHGRI DVVLVWDQFH <(6,ZDQWWRKHOS6HDEUHH]H+LJK6FKRRO$WKOHWLFV³3D\WR3DUWLFLSDWH´3URJUDP 3OHDVHFXWDWSHUIRUDWLRQDQGPDLOZLWK\RXUGRQDWLRQWR 6HDEUHH]H$WKOHWLF)XQG12OHDQGHU$YHQXH'D\WRQD%HDFK)ORULGD Enclosed is my TAX-DEDUCTIBLE donation for $ ____________ Please include a CHECK or MONEY ORDER payable to: 6HDEUHH]H+LJK6FKRROFR3D\WR3DUWLFLSDWH)XQG Name ____________________________________________________________ Address __________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip ____________________________________________________ Email ____________________________________________________________ Phone ____________________________________________________________ Your name and generous donation may be listed in future publications. Please indicate below your preference: ____ No do not include my information ____ Yes, include my information, but not amount ____ Include All I T ’ S T H AT T I M E O F Y E A R ! ! school clothes D school supplies D school sports physical..... MaƩ Nirschl, D.C. 53 North Old Kings Rd Ste C Ormond Beach, FL 32174 Phone: (386) 672-6565 Physicals $35 *with $5 being donated back to SHS AthleƟcs Same day Appointments Open M-F @ 9 am - 4 pm Good Luck & Have a Great Season! FA C T S . O R G FAC T S . org i s F l or i d a ’s offi ci a l on l i ne st u d e nt a d v i s i n g system ! Hi g h s ch ool st u d ent s, co l l e ge students, parents, and even counselors can use the ser vices provided on this we bsite to h el p p l a n a n d t ra ck ed u cat i on a l p ro gre ss i n Florida! is provided free by the Florida D ep a r t m ent of Ed u cat i on to h el p st u d e nt s m a ke i nfor m ed ch oi ces a b ou t t h ei r e d u cat i o n . Wi t h FAC TS . org , you ca n : • • • • • • • • • C reate & M a i nta i n a 4 Yea r C a reer Pl a n Eva l u ate h i g h s ch ool p rog res s S e e h i g h s c h o o l co u rs e s u m m a r y a n d g ra d e s L ea r n a b ou t h i g h er ed op p or t u n i t i es i n F l o ri d a A p p l y to col l ege on l i n e C h oos e t h e r i g ht m a jor Access college transcripts and grades Tra ck p rog res s towa rd s col l ege g ra d u at i o n D eter m i n e wh at m atters i n b a ch elo r ’s d e gre e com p l et i on • Evaluate your transcripts and find out where you stand for graduation, Bright Future scholarships, a n d col l ege a d m i s s i on s A d d i t i on a l q u est i on s , conta ct you r G u i d a n c e cou n s el or I Won't Hire People Who Use by Kyle Wiens | 8:02 AM July 20, 2012 Poor Grammar. Here's Why. Harvard Business Review If you think an apostrophe was one of the 12 disciples of Jesus, you will never work for me. If you think a semicolon is a regular colon with an iden ty crisis, I will not hire you. If you sca er commas into a sentence with all the discrimina on of a shotgun, you might make it to the foyer before we politely escort you from the building. Some might call my approach to grammar extreme, but I prefer Lynne Truss's more cuddly phraseology: I am a grammar "s ckler." And, like Truss — author of Eats, Shoots & Leaves — I have a "zero tolerance approach" to grammar mistakes that make people look stupid. Now, Truss and I disagree on what it means to have "zero tolerance." She thinks that people who mix up their itses "deserve to be struck by lightning, hacked up on the spot and buried in an unmarked grave," while I just think they deserve to be passed over for a job — even if they are otherwise qualified for the posi on. Everyone who applies for a posi on at either of my companies, iFixit or Dozuki, takes a mandatory grammar test. Extenua ng circumstances aside (dyslexia, English language learners, etc.), if job hopefuls can't dis nguish between "to" and "too," their applica ons go into the bin. Of course, we write for a living. is the world's largest online repair manual, and Dozuki helps companies write their own technical documenta on, like paperless work instruc ons and step-by-step user manuals. So, it makes sense that we've made a preemp ve strike against groan-worthy grammar errors. But grammar is relevant for all companies. Yes, language is constantly changing, but that doesn't make grammar unimportant. Good grammar is credibility, especially on the internet. In blog posts, on Facebook statuses, in e-mails, and on company websites, your words are all you have. They are a projec on of you in your physical absence. And, for be er or worse, people judge you if you can't tell the difference between their, there, and they're. Good grammar makes good business sense — and not just when it comes to hiring writers. Wri ng isn't in the official job descrip on of most people in our office. S ll, we give our grammar test to everybody, including our salespeople, our opera ons staff, and our programmers. On the face of it, my zero tolerance approach to grammar errors might seem a li le unfair. A er all, grammar has nothing to do with job performance, or crea vity, or intelligence, right? Wrong. If it takes someone more than 20 years to no ce how to properly use "it's," then that's not a learning curve I'm comfortable with. So, even in this hyper-compe ve market, I will pass on a great programmer who cannot write. Grammar signifies more than just a person's ability to remember high school English. I've found that people who make fewer mistakes on a grammar test also make fewer mistakes when they are doing something completely unrelated to wri ng — like stocking shelves or labeling parts. In the same vein, programmers who pay a en on to how they construct wri en language also tend to pay a lot more a en on to how they code. You see, at its core, code is prose. Great programmers are more than just code monkeys; according to Stanford programming legend Donald Knuth they are "essayists who work with tradi onal aesthe c and literary forms." The point: programming should be easily understood by real human beings — not just computers. And just like good wri ng and good grammar, when it comes to programming, the devil's in the details. In fact, when it comes to my whole business, details are everything. I hire people who care about those details. Applicants who don't think wri ng is important are likely to think lots of other (important) things also aren't important. And I guarantee that even if other companies aren't issuing grammar tests, they pay a en on to sloppy mistakes on résumés. A er all, sloppy is as sloppy does. That's why I grammar test people who walk in the door looking for a job. Grammar is my litmus test. All applicants say they're detail-oriented; I just make my employees prove it.
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