Daily Announcements Thursday, May 7, 2015 1. 2. Our Lady Lions captured a piece of the League Championship Tuesday evening by bea ng Foothill! Our So ball Team secured 1st place in League. Congratula ons players and coaches. Both of our Varsity Baseball and So ball programs will be headed to playoffs next week! Stay tuned for game me and loca on informa on! Congratula ons are in order for the Mira Monte JV swim team. Both boys and girls placed third at yesterday’s League championship. In addi on to our great placing, Lions swimmers earned eight individual medals and two relay medals. Among them, Ruth Ramos earned three medals and Crystal De La Cruz earned four. Way to go Lions REGULAR SCHEDULE Period 0 7:25 - 8:18 1 8:24 - 9:21 3. A en on Eco– Green club members, we will have a mee ng today in room 1603. See you there! 2 (Flag Salute/Bulletin) 9:27 - 10:26 4. How does a lion stop a video? A: He presses the paws bu on. It’s me to pause and consider staying for A er School Tutoring TODAY! A terrific teacher tutor from math, Ms. Cheerful Church, and a savvy computer technician, want to help you! Get your snack and head over to the Lion Library; your journey to college has already begun. Be there or be square! 3 10:32 - 11:29 4 (Lunch) 11:29 - 12:06 5. Lion Athletes! Have you go en your physical for next year yet? This Friday we will have a doctor on campus doing physicals for only $5! This physical will clear you for all sports next year! Come pick up a packet in the ASB office today! See you Friday! 5 12:12 - 1:09 6. Seniors! If you were accepted to a university, junior college, or voca onal school, we want to celebrate YOU! Join your fellow seniors on Friday, May 8th in the amphitheater at lunch for the Mira Monte High School College Signing. 6 1:15 - 2:12 7. All girls basketball players: there will be a short mee ng today in the gym the first 5 minutes of lunch. Get there ASAP! 7 2:18 - 3:14 8. A en on Interact members, please report to room 1102 TOMORROW during lunch. That’s right, this week’s mee ng will be on Thursday. See you there. 9. Mira Monte High School encourages students to take “pride” in their a re as it relates to the school se ng. Students should dress in a manner that takes into considera on the educa onal environment, safety, health and welfare of self and others. Students please follow the dress code. Counseling Announcements: Seniors did you a end Laurelglen Elementary school? They are offering two 500 dollar scholarships come by the career center for more informa on. A en on all ac ve CSF Seniors: It is me to decide where we will go for our celebratory CSF Senior Luncheon. If you have been an ac ve CSF member please plan on mee ng in the Career Center TODAY during lunch. See you there. A en on all students: Are you looking for a fun working experience this summer? If so, you may seek to volunteer as an intern through the Children First Campaign. Their goal is to provide summer interns the chance to use communica ons skill, crea ve thinking, and organiza onal skills to design and implement projects in local neighborhoods to improve the lives of children. You will also be given opportuni es to tour Occidental College, visit the Ge y museum, and the Santa Monica Pier. See Mrs. Gonsalves ASAP for more informa on. The deadline to apply is May 22nd, and space is limited. A en on all students: Are you interested in pursuing a career in the medical field? If so, UC Davis will be hos ng a pre‐medical and pre‐health professions Na onal Conference on October 10th‐11th. The conference will feature over 350 workshops led by the deans of top medical schools. Topics include financing your medical educa on, summer opportuni es, looking inside the admission process, and much more. The cost to a end is 95 dollars and includes everything you will need. See your counselor for more informa on. Student Athletes interested in a scholarship? Come to the career center for more informa on. A en on all students: If you have suffered the loss of a loved one in the recent past, Op mal Hospice will be holding a camp for you to connect with others who can relate to what you are going through. Camp will be held at Gergen’s Ranch across from Hart Park from August 2nd‐7th. Please see Mrs. Gonsalves if you are interested in a ending. A en on all students: Are you looking for something produc ve to do over the summer? Children First is seeking talented and driven high school students to par cipate in its Summer Youth Leadership Program. The Internship offers students an opportunity to gain valuable community service experience, work side by side with community leaders, and gain a network of professional contacts. Mee ngs are held every Thursday a ernoon. Please see your counselor for more informa on. Deadline to apply is May 9th Students, are you Interested in taking college classes at NYU over the summer? Now you CAN! Visit your counselor for informa on regarding NYU Precollege – a 6‐week summer program in New York where you can earn college credits and experience college life. Scholarships are available! A en on gradua ng seniors! Are you entering the workforce a er high school? If so, see Mr. Rodriguez today about job opportuni es at the United States Postal Service which include part and full‐ me posi ons, insurance, and re rement plans. Did you get accepted into college? If so, get a shout‐out in the Bakersfield Californian! See Mrs. Sorena for informa on on how to submit your entry. A en on all students. Are you interested in pursuing a career in Natural Sciences, Mathema cs, and/or Engineering? If so, CSUB is hos ng their annual REVS‐UP summer program that starts July 13th through August 6, 2015. Students will have the opportunity to conduct hands‐on research in the areas of Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Engineering, Geology, Mathema cs, and Physics. All research projects will take place in the CSUB laboratories. Please see our counselor for more informa on. A en on all Juniors: CSUB Enterprise College will be offering Economics over the summer. The three week program runs from June 15th‐July 2nd. Students with a GPA of 3.0 or higher may enroll and receive both college and high school credit. The registra on fee is 150 dollars, but par al financial assistance may be provided. Please see Mrs. Gonsalves ASAP for an applica on. College Bound Juniors: Now is the me to sign‐up for the SAT!! You will want to take the SAT a minimum of two mes, once in the spring of your junior year, and in the fall of your senior year. See Mr. Rodriguez in the Career Center to sign up and receive a fee waiver. Do not delay in making this very important step towards your future. 5. The SAT word of the day is SUBSTANTIATE. Substan ate is defined as to verify, confirm, or provide suppor ng evidence. Weekly Events Monday: May 4th, 2015 No Athletic Events Tuesday: May 5th, 2015 JV/Varsity Baseball & Softball vs. Foothill FS Baseball & Softball @ Foothill JV Track @ South Wednesday: May 6th, 2015 JV Swim @ League Meet- Garces High Thursday: May 7th, 2015 Track SEYL Championships Friday: May 8th, 2015 No Athletic Events Saturday: May 9th, 2015 Varsity Swim @ League Meet- BC
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