Charter For Excellence Edge Hill State School believes challenge leads to personal growth - it provides mo va on for posi ve change. Support helps to ensure successful adapta on to meet the challenge. Our teachers will challenge our students with high expecta ons while suppor ng them by developing meaningful rela onships and providing for individual learning needs. Our curriculum will challenge students with high expecta ons whilst suppor ng their intrinsic mo vaon to learn with differen ated learning. Our school will challenge students with high expecta ons for social and emo onal learning while providing them with whole child support. Our school leaders will challenge teachers to improve performance while suppor ng their professional growth. Our school will challenge students to become adaptable and flexible, contemporary learners by suppor ng them with a rich and diverse digital pedagogy. WELCOME A Message From The Principal Welcome to Edge Hill State School. I trust that your child will have an enjoyable me at our school. Our school team looks forward to working in partnership with you to enable your child to gain the maximum benefit from their primary educa on experience here. Edge Hill State School is accredited by the Department of Educa on, Training and Employment to offer interna onal students the opportunity to study in Cairns and we value the presence and parcipa on of students and families from around the world. We encourage our students to celebrate diversity, develop cri cal thinking and crea vity and to honour the values of responsibility for self and concern and respect for others. We aim to equip our students to be responsible global ci zens in a sustainable world today and into the future. The Edge Hill State School Community offers a safe, suppor ve and friendly environment for your child to strive and thrive. Many las ng rela onships have been built with past students and families from the interna onal student program. During your me with us we look forward to building a posi ve partnership. I extend a warm invita on to you to contact me to discuss any issues rela ng to your child’s learning. Together we can provide a quality educa on for your child that will build a desire for life long learning and ac ve, responsible ci zenship. Principal Paul Campbell Learners at Edge Hill : Respectful, Safe, Responsible IMPORTANT SCHOOL CONTACTS EDGE HILL STATE SCHOOL street address 254 Pease Street EDGE HILL QLD 4870 postal address PO Box 493H EDGE HILL QLD 4870 phone +617 4037 9555 fax +617 4032 1164 email [email protected] web Facebook h@ps:// Principal Mr Paul Campbell [email protected] 0417 744 387 Interna!onal Student Coordinators Ms Sue Wylie [email protected] Ms Danielle Henderson [email protected] Department of Educa on, Training and Employment CRICOS provider number 00608A SCHOOL MAP GENERAL INFORMATION Uniforms All students are required to wear the Edge Hill State School uniform. Our Dress Code has been developed in consulta on with Principal, Staff and Parents & Ci zens Associa on and is important in crea ng a sense of iden ty and pride for students and their families. Our uniform caters for all students in the school community and is considerate of gender and cultural and social sensi vi es. It meets occupa onal health and safety, an -discrimina on and equal opportunity legisla on and provides girls and boys equal access to the full range of school ac vi es. Uniforms are available from the School Shop at very affordable prices. SCHOOL SHOP Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 8.15am—9.30am Phone +617 4037 9512 Our School Shop also sells hats, swimming aGre, books, bags and sta onary requirements and any profits are returned to school funds. Hats Broad-brimmed hats are an essen al component of the uniform. The school's Sun Protec on Policy, endorsed by P & C, indicates that children must be wearing a hat during all outdoor lessons and play mes. If children are not wearing hats, the teacher on duty will require that they stay in the shade. Our school is a ‘Sun Smart’ school and the wearing of hats is also a occupa onal health and safety requirement. Shoes Our uniform includes shoes, joggers or fully enclosed sandals. This decision is also endorsed by our P & C as part of occupa onal health and safety requirements. Tuckshop The School Tuckshop operates daily to provide for our students. Tuckshop Convenors manage the tuckshop on behalf of the P & C. All helpers in the tuckshop are parent volunteers and any assistance you are able to provide would be appreciated. It is also a great way to meet new friends. A phone call to the convenor would ensure you are included on the roster. Current price lists and order bags are available from the tuckshop. Please note that first lunch must be ordered. Second lunch can be purchased at the tuckshop. A full range of food requirements is available and special requests can oJen be met by consul ng with the convenors. The tuckshop is working to provide the healthy foods listed in the Educa on Queensland Smart Choice Healthy Guidelines. Newsle-er A weekly newsle@er will also be available online This will help to keep you up-to-date with current school news and is sent home with the youngest children in the family. If you do not receive the newsle@er due to absence of your child etc, spare copies are available from the office. Electronic copies of our school newsle@er are available form our school website ( CURRICULUM & SERVICES Health & Physical Educa!on The Physical Education teacher takes class lessons weekly. School sports competition is held each Friday afternoon for years 6 and 7. Generally, team sports (softball, basketball, cricket, football, etc) are played during first, second and fourth terms of school and athletics during the third term. Children are required to bring a note from parents if they wish to be excluded from any sport. A small charge for transport, registration and hire of venues is required. Swimming Edge Hill State School is fortunate to have a pool in the school grounds. Lessons are conducted weekly in first and fourth term by the H.P.E. teacher and a qualified Aus-Swim Coach. Parents are fortunate in not having to meet transport charges. An invoice will be issued to help cover the costs incurred for coaching and maintenance. Swimming charges are $30 per year ($15 each for 1st and 4th terms) We are a Sun Smart School and it is mandatory to wear a ‘’rashi’ or sunsmart swim shirt or t-shirt at our swimming activities. Children must also wear caps when swimming. Caps are available from the School Shop. Children are required to bring a note from parents if they wish to be excluded from swimming lessons which are an important part of the curriculum. Music Tuition The school has a music teacher who takes class music lessons weekly. Instrumental music lessons (brass, woodwind and strings) and choir are available for children from Years 4 to 7. Should you be interested in having your child participate in these activities, please contact our music teacher. Students who participate in the instrumental music program are required to join a music ensemble. Public performances and competitions by the choir and music ensembles are an essential part of the school music program. Instrumental music levy $30 and hire of instruments $30 (if available) LOTE: (Languages other than English) Japanese is taught in Years 4, 5, 6 and 7. Chaplaincy Service This service provide students, staff and parents with support which may have a religious and/or spiritual component. Chaplains are an additional adult role model in schools. Whilst personally modeling and owning their own faith positions or belief, chaplains avoid any implications that any one religion, denomination or other set of beliefs is advantageous or superior to any other denomination, religion or belief. A school’s chaplaincy program complements other support services in the school such as those offered by the Guidance Officer. Parent consent will be required prior to a student participating in the program. The program is offered 2 days a week. Counselling While the school does not have a responsibility in this area, children's learning cannot be separated from other concerns in their lives. The school may be able to assist through the services of the Guidance Officer, family support officer or by recommending other outside agencies. STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES Every child at Edge Hill State School is supported and challenged to achieve their academic best. We have very clear guidelines to ensure that students who need extra support are given it in a sensi ve and mely manner. We understand how important your child’s educa on is to your family, which is why we make available English language support to all students a@ending through the EQI Interna onal Student Program. We also appreciate that se@ling, even temporarily, in another country presents its own unique challenges for both students and their carers. We encourage you to discuss any concerns you might have with any of our commi@ed team members. The following flowchart is an excerpt from the Edge Hill State School Student Support Services Referral Process framework and outlines the steps taken when a concern has been iden fied that may affect an interna onal students social and/or academic learning outcomes. INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS Language/ Academic concerns -refer to ESL Coordinator Fee Paying -refer to ESL Coordinator (ISP) Individual or small group (withdrawal) as appropriate Non-Fee Paying (subject to eligibility) Advised support strategies and/or... Individual or small group (withdrawal) as appropriate Social/ Other circumstances Contact: -Principal -Deputy Principal -Guidance Officer -Interna onal Student Coordinator Contact Parent/Carer & TA support (in class or withdrawal) as appropriate EXPECTATIONS EQI International Student Code of Conduct Academic Performance •Students will work hard to achieve satisfactory academic results. •Students will attend school regularly and have a suitable written explanation for absences. Attendance Contact Details •Students who are away for 5 or more days in a row need to provide a doctor’s certificate or have their absence approved by the Principal. •Students will advise the International Student Coordinator of current contact details within seven days of any change. •Students will obey Australian laws and regulations at all times. Acceptable Behaviour •Students need to wear the correct school uniform at school. •Students will follow the Edge Hill State School Code of Behaviour Failure to follow the Code of Conduct may be a breach of Visa conditions (modified to apply to Primary School Students at EHSS) COMPLAINTS & APPEALS Flowchart – EQI Complaints and Appeals policy Parent has a concern or complaint Informal Discussion with School Principal Problem Resolved Problem not Resolved Within 20 working days Complaint in writing to School Principal Principal investigates and responds in writing Parent Happy Within 10 working days Parent not happy Parent writes to Director EQI Within 10 working days Director EQI investigates and responds in writing to parents Problem resolved Director- General Department of Education, Training and Employment PO Box 15050 City East Qld 4002 Within 5 working days Problem not resolved Parent writes to Director General Dept. of Education & Employment Within 5 working days Parent remain unsatisfied By email: [email protected] By letter: GPO Box 3314, Brisbane QLD 4001 In person: Level 17, 53 Albert Street, Brisbane QLD 4001 Parent writes to Queensland Ombudsman requesting Independent Review Within 5 working days LOCAL COMMUNITY DIRECTORY Emergency Services Police / Fire / Ambulance In the event of life-threatening or me sensi ve emergency 000 Cairns Police Crime Stoppers Hotline 4030 7000 1800 333 000 Medical Services Cairns Base Hospital The 24 Hour Medical Centre Cnr Florence & GraJon Street CAIRNS Dial-A-Doctor AJer Hours Home Visit Service CAIRNS Omega Health Medical Centre Shop 24, 161 Pease Street MANUNDA Interpre!ng Services Transla ng & Interpre ng Service: On-site Interpreter Booking Line: Email: Web Address: Transport Black & White Taxis Sun Bus Services John’s Bus Service Cairns - Kuranda Real Estate Agents LJ Hooker Cnr Pease & Woodward Street EDGE HILL The Professionals 120 Collins Avenue EDGE HILL Car Rentals Leisure Wheels Pty Ltd 314 Sheridan Street CAIRNS Cruising Car Rental 196a Sheridan Street CAIRNS U!li!es Telstra Home Phone Enquiries Faults Ergon Energy (Electricity) Elgas (LPG) 4226 0000 4052 1119 1300 030 030 4053 7900 13 14 50 1300 655 082-Phone 1300 654 151-Fax [email protected] s 13 10 08 4057 7411 0418 772 953 4053 1036 4037 9379 4051 8988 4041 4666 13 22 00 13 22 03 13 10 46 13 11 61 *this is not a comprehensive lis ng of all available services in the area. A larger directory is available at The website of the Cairns Regional Council is also a valuable source of informa on. LOCAL COMMUNITY DIRECTORY Church/ Religious Groups Mul!cultural Groups African Community 0417 552 054 Alliance Francaise 4057 9140 Indonesian Australian Assoc 4032 5245 Polish Community 4053 2208 Cook Island Community 4051 0929 Cairns & District Chinese Assoc 4032 3364 Croa an Club 4033 1710 East Timorese Assoc 0419 964 342 Germania Club 4045 2525 Hmong Community 4036 0027 Irish Community 0419 785 817 Italian Social Club 4054 4158 Japanese Community 0438 710 954 PNG Community 0418 765 293 Samoan Community 4041 7699 Serbian Cultural Centre 4053 2383 Wontok Assoc 4051 5544 Anglican Church of Australia 129A Lake Street CAIRNS Assembly of God 7/4 Plath Close CAIRNS Ba’Hai Community Buddhist Assoc Inc Cairns Bap st Church 138 Lake Street CAIRNS Cairns Full Gospel 245 Buchan Street CAIRNS Calvary Chris an Church 4051 1055 4041 0777 4055 6377 0418 640 140 4034 3014 4055 9232 0402 571 706 Services @ Edge Hill State School Centenary Lakes Chris an Community Church Woodward Street EDGE HILL 4032 4411 Church of Jesus Christ of La@er Day Saints Woodward Street EDGE HILL 4032 4861 Islamic Society of Cairns 4041 3572 Jehovah’s Witness 4053 1291 22 Wilkinson Street MANUNDA Lutheran Church 4051 6386 472 Severin Street PARAMATTA PARK Presbyterian Church 87 Sheridan Street CAIRNS 4051 2238 Rigsum Gonpo Tibetan Buddhist Centre 25 Kiernan Street CAIRNS 4053 2915 Salva on Army 68 Hoare Street MANUNDA 4051 2454 Seventh Day Adven st 4051 2026 302 Ga@on Street WESTCOURT Sikh Community 0410 662 459 St John’s Lake Street CAIRNS 4051 2342 St Monica’s 183 Abbo@ Street CAIRNS 4051 2838 Uni ng Church of Australia 327 Brown Street CAIRNS 4057 5271 Wesleyan Methodist Church 4053 4827 271 Ga@on Street WESTCOURT LOCAL COMMUNITY DIRECTORY Sport & Recrea!on Ac ve Health Club—Edge Hill 4053 8600 AFL—North’s 4053 4019 Backstreet Dance 4032 1384 Barron Valley Gymnas cs Club 4055 1711 Cairns Arts Society [email protected] Cairns FM 89.1 Community & Ethnic Radio 4053 6891 Cairns & District Soccer Associa on 4032 1005 Cairns Spinners, Weavers and Fibre CraJers 4057 6408 Cairns Rollersports Associa on 4053 3606 Cricket—North’s 0418 877 545 Fitness with Tony Grant @ Edge Hill State School 0402 114 754 FNQ Dance Academy 4051 4888 Freshwater Pony Club 0435 085 137 Girl Guides Queensland 3252 3061 Rugby League—Brothers 4053 2263 Rugby Union—Brothers 0415 224 586 Sharks Swim Club @ Edge Hill State School 0427 085 964 Scout Associa on of Australia 4051 3205 Tennis—Edge Hill 4053 1152 SAFETY IN THE TROPICS CYCLONES Cairns is located in a cyclone zone with the cyclone season being from November to April. If a significant cyclone threat emerges during the day, parents will be advised at short no ce through local radio sta ons. Adequate supervision will be provided un l students are collected. If a cyclone develops during the night, school closure will be decided by the Execu ve Director in consulta on with the police. Advice will be made available through local radio sta ons. ABC Local Radio Cairns 801 AM, 106.7 & 95.5 FM Zinc Cairns 102.7 FM Community 89.1 FM Bumma Bippera Media 98.7 FM COUNCIL EMERGENCY CONTACTS For informa on BEFORE a cyclone For informa on DURING a cyclone 4044 3044 4044 3377 For more informa on visit: DENGUE FEVER In recent years Cairns has experienced outbreaks of dengue fever, a serious mosquito-borne communicable disease causing the following symptoms: • • • • • • • • sudden fever and extreme redness intense headache (especially behind the eyes) muscle and joint pain loss of appe te vomi ng, diarrhoea, abdominal pain a metallic taste in the mouth red or macular (small, flat red spots) rash occurs in half of cases minor bleeding from nose and gums While dengue fever symptoms affect everyone differently, ranging from mild, even unno ced (oJen in children), to very severe and poten ally fatal, most people will experience a certain amount of discomfort and usually need to spend a few days res ng at home. This is important, not only for recovery but to reduce the risk of spreading the virus. In some circumstances complica ons from dengue can occur and cause death. It is important to Defend Against Dengue and reduce the risk of contrac ng and spreading the disease. The mosquitos that can give you dengue only live and breed around buildings and are ac ve during the day. Some simple steps can protect you, your family and community from dengue: *Empty containers in the yard that may contain water, including pot plant bases, palm fronds or tyres *Spray under furniture and in dark corners of the home with surface spray *Use personal insect repellent containing DEET or Picaridin during the day and wear long sleeved light coloured clothing. Cover your feet. *Keep fly screens in good repair and use mosquito zappers or coils in unscreened areas. For more informa on visit: A FINAL NOTE Our P & C Associa on welcomes you to our school. Parent involvement at all levels is ac vely encouraged and valued. The P & C meets as an execu ve group with school leaders. A published annual plan shares the P & C involvement in the school. P & C mee!ngs are held every third Wednesday of the month during school terms. contact: [email protected] The P & C has a voluntary levy, $90 per family or $50 per child which is used to reduce the pressure of fundraising for the school. This levy is not tax deductable. As an alterna ve, the P & C has a building Fund which is tax deductable. This voluntary levy is $110 per family or $60 per child. Our P & C believes it is very important to include families and community members at our school. A number of community events are sponsored each year by the P&C with this aim, including – Fete, Family Breakfast, Welcome Morning Teas for parents and students, ANZAC Day ceremony and Advancement Ceremony for Year 7. Parents who wish to be involved in the life of the school are encourage to join our Helping Hands group. contact: [email protected] let this adventure begin! we hope you enjoy your stay at Edge Hill State School The Department of Educa!on, Training and Employment CRICOS provider number 00608A
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