10C - Savannah Morning News, Friday, July 30,1993 * * * Comics Cathy Shoe see, ...HUM?? r* SOWN TH<b IS U)HV MK. WKIES. I I4M5 THINK ING CHILDREN. WVIW6 DOtfT I PERHAPS SWCOflE UlHO'S imiE flofte FOCUSED ON THE CAT DONUT OR DOM'T VOU SENATORS SURE ARE GIVING THE PRESIDENT HARP TIM£. CORPORATE rtfrENOfl CM ClflRlFV THE POINT F0K U S . . . IT IN BUSINESS. MOUSTACHE 1 LISTEN, IT 6 OURPUTYTO APVI5E W4P CONSENT WMATPOES THAT MEAN? THAI FOR LUWH OR P(ll(\ FOR. ^ LUNCH ? -« ^O^ Verne-I l uvje / is so woisey -/ UPSTAIRS(\ V^_—-x.f—• Garfleld MUCH 80TTER BUT i Guese voo IT WAS 50 6LIPPERV IT CrOT AWAV FROVW /Mfc ANP FUW ACROSS THE ROOM! KNEW THAT ALREAPV Blondie AW, I'M MAVING •raouw.6 wrrw WMAT5TH6 oanai PIA ^ PET TUttTLE M6 TRYIN6 TO CHASE CARS I CANT BREAK MIM OP A BAD MABIT THAT'9 WHAT 6TAFP IS PO WA5HIN HPW? Andy Capp sttoc rrotrC LAC>. HER LUNCH WOUR WILL SOON BE Heat hcl iff 6HTU.BEB4CK Word Game FRIDAY, July so, 1993 TODAY'S WORD --DILUTES (DILUTES: dye-LOOTS. Makes thinner or less concentrated by adding a liquid.) Average mark 28 words Time limit 40 minutes Can you find 46 or more words in DILUTES? The list will be published tomorrow. Broom Hilda OU WILL MY FEET M^T TME RONWAYf WMAT TIME ATTENDANT. WE ONLY 4PEAK A\RL\NE TARMAC. bedim beet betide bide bidet bite "HE LIKES TO JOIN IN THE CONVERSATION." Bv Philip Alder Bridge Annie NORTH 4K73 WA6HT NOT A &IT, "THOU6H TOO UONOi ITHOU6HT YOU WA6 1, H VOVLP tt, WHfN AHNIC? 1 5>W YOU TAtKlN' TO THAT W, ARIEL. HOt TO oapgR.we NSCP TH6 COUNTER 7-W.I3 v a t, + Q954 4J754 ZRRANV" WEST 4J854 VK8 4 10 7 3 2 • 983 EAST 4 A 109 6 2 *1074 4 K J8 6 46 SOUTH *Q V A QJ 9 6 3 4 A K Q 10 2 Vulnerable: Neither Dealer: South Sooth Fox Trot AAAAAAA! IAAAAAA.' WHAT'S I TOLD HIM HE HAS MIS FIRST CAV1TX 2V 3* 64 West Pass Pass Pass North 2 NT 44 Pass East Pass Pass Pass Opening lead: • 2 IM FUWED, MOTHER/ AAAAA/ Brenda Starr r?Tr€ POC QOLOflS^ LAP ORCHIP FAf?M? TCOK FRCM THE THE CXvlf VOUR HPP Af> JEALOUS THCT" PA^IL TO PECIPHEf?? OUf? WEPPtNG. WA3 THE FATHEPOF M/ -30KHE THOUGHT F KNEW ALVE rP LEAV/E MM Dick Tracy How to mislead your opponents YESTERDAYS WORD • BEDTIME edit deem teed embed deme teem emit demit tide debit diet tied debt dime item meet mete mite time RULES OF THE GAME: 1. Words must be four or more letters. 2. Words which acquire four letters by the addition of "s," such as "bats" or "dies," are not used. 3. Only one form of a verb is used. For example, «*ther "pose" or "posed," not both. 4. Proper nouns are not used. 5. Slang words are not used. Crossword Puzzle ACROSS 1 Monikers 6 Pitcher •10'"What's — for me?' 14 Friendless 15 Tops 16 Proboscis 17 Recorder button 18 Paper count 19 Parrot 20 Sea bird 21 Highest peak in Africa 24 City on the Moselle, to Pierre 26 Greasy of football 27 'Do unto — ..." 29 Palindromic title 31 Pairs 32 Gas or water end 33 Sanctuary seat 36 Yoko — 37 — rule (generally) 39 Gridiron scores, for short 40 — du Diabie 41 Crimson 42 Mist 44 Related 45 Certain believer 46 Police action 48 Man from Laos 50 Snouted beasts 52 California peak 54 Legume 57 Gaelic 58 Rocky crags 59 Snide looks 61 "A — Is Born" 62 N.C. college 63 Song syllables 64 Mr. Andersen 65 Fight officials 66 Bucket of song'' DOWN 1 Neck part - 2 Winglike 3 Oregon peak 4 Nav. off. Yesterday's Puzzle Solved: QOOQ nnn ana nnnn nnnn n nnn nnc nnnn BBQIDQ nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnnn nnnn rango noon 5 Searching one 6 US painter, Ralph 7 Alas! 8 Land grant, in India 9 Sent back 10 "If you re ever — ..." 11 Prickly pear 12 River in France 13 Mr T o f TV 22 Injections, for short 23 Comes close to 25 Legal matter 27 Aroma A friend, Peter Law, once said, 28 Air "You can fool Alder people some of 30 Lawyer: abbr. 32 Red planet the time, but you cannot fool Alder 33 Colorado high people all the time." But at the bridge spot table there is nothing more pleasur34 Yale students able than fooling an opponent with a well-timed false-card. Several books have been written on the subject. One of the best is "Clever Bridge Tricks" by Englishman Brian Senior. It has just been repubiished as a Faber & Faber paperback ($12.45. The Bridge World, 39 West 94th Street, New York, NY 10025-7124). The author deals with situations that occur with reasonable frequency. He keeps the text intelligible and he includes quizzes so you can check that you are getting the idea. This deal from the book features a play that is usually effective at the table. Against your contract of six clubs, West leads the diamond two. If the heart finesse is working, you have no problems But what if it is losing? South's opening bid was an Acol two-bid, strong and forcing for one round Two no-trump was the negative response. You could try to sneak a spade past East's ace. As you didn't use Blackwood, he might place you with a void. But whatever your plan, you must start by playing the diamond queen from the dummy at trick one Make it appear as if you have ace doubleton When East covers with the king, win with the ace, play a club to dummy's jack and take the heart finesse. West might well try to cash his partner's dif 1993 Tribune Media Services amond jack All Rights Reserved 07/30/93 35 Len 37 Whiie memory holds —" (Shakespeare) 38 Single lady 43 — roses (perfume) 44 Timetable abbr 45 Cafe patrons 46 Liable 47 Theater district 48 Mam artery 49 51 52 53 55 56 60 Lazy follower Orgs. Network Predicament A Gardner — example important time 07/30/93
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