Enhancing your publishing opportunities: Tips on how to conceptualise NVivo into your higher degree research study MAUREEN O’NEILL THE UNIVERSITY OF THE SUNSHINE COAST FACULTY OF SCIENCE, HEALTH, EDUCATION AND ENGINEERING MY STORY….MUM, TEACHER AND RESEARCHER FACT….17 SCHOOL-AGE HIGH PERFORMANCE ATHLETES ON THE AUSTRALIAN TEAM AT THE 2012 LONDON OLYMPIC GAMES(AOC, 2012) Where to Begin? The first step is to be aware of Five major ‘lifesaving’ tips : 1. There is no right answer 2. There is no right code 3. Ask yourself constantly “Is this a sort of”? In category /sub category 4. Merge nodes to extrapolate higher order themes 5. Design names of nodes initially outside the program- usual grammatical punctuation such as: ?, - / \ can not be used. Introduction Successful research using qualitative data relies on the rigour and thoroughness of the data analysis methods. Richards (2002) suggests that it is feasible to achieve: Transparency Rigour Rapidity and Reliability of qualitative data by being ‘assisted by software ‘tools’ in the ‘tool kit’ of NVivo How the NVivo picture was built in my study The first two stages and processes of how my project used NVivo™ to be outlined in this eSeminar are as follows: Stages of NVivo Processes involved in each stage Stage 1: Descriptive Project details and research design Sources Attributes Values Classifications Stage 2: Topic Finding the obvious topics Creating initial nodes Stage 1: Descriptive TO COMMENCE DESIGN AND DETAILS: QUALITATIVE, INTERPRETIVE STUDY DEFINITION: HIGH PERFORMANCE SCHOOL-AGE ATHLETES 3 GROUPS OF PARTICIPANTS: ATHLETES(19)-CURRENT AND FORMER, PARENTS(10) AND TEACHERS(10). INTEGRATED: THE USE OF OTHER SOFTWARE Concept maps and constructs were originally created for the ‘athlete’ participants follows: Sample of some of the 39 participant’s code spread sheet Code dimension/ prob/need Celia(15) Homework school/need * motivation Home/prob * inspiration individual/p * rob tiredness individual/p * rob exhaustion Individual/p * rob Zac(17) Kylie Lee Destiny Annette Jodie Phil(17) * * * * * * * * * * * From constructing these code sheets, the initial constructs commenced, seen as: Constructs Homework-weekends used to complete school work long hours dedicated to homework diminish amount of homework complete only essential non-completion of homework homework and subjects avoidance of homework Mental issue-Motivation relaxation physical issue-inspiration anxiety focus passion prioritis ation fatigue and recovery awareness bullying mindset tiredness rest exhaustion sleep heavy training schedule social issues-sacrifices-no social life compromise loss of school friends adult squad members sacrifices confidence inspiration dedicated practice struggle of the long training hours pressure to be social limit friends to training members decisions prejudices routines social media outlets self-identity Entering descriptive details for your project into NVivo Possible now to open program and go to the ‘Sources’ section The first process is to decide where the details of your project and transcripts of your interviews will be stored. In this project , ‘internals’ contained all the details pertaining to the project and the ‘externals’ contained the 39 interview transcripts. Internals Details kept for this project in this section of the program were: other software plus podcasts, radio broadcasts, concept spread sheets, video and audio clips. The screenshot seen as follows: 1-Subject A4 Notebook 1 0 0 30/ 09/ 2011 9:05 PM M 30/ 09/ 2011 9:05 PM M ABC radio interview 0 0 9/ 10/ 2011 7:55 PM M 9/ 10/ 2011 7:55 PM M ABC radio interview abstract M O'Neill BALANCING SPORT AND EDUCATION 0 0 15/ 11/ 2011 7:38 AM M 15/ 11/ 2011 7:38 AM M abstract of thesis 0 0 30/ 09/ 2011 9:07 PM M 30/ 09/ 2011 9:08 PM M Annette 0 0 25/ 09/ 2011 6:33 PM M 24/ 06/ 2012 10:02 AM M Belinda 0 0 14/ 09/ 2011 9:35 PM M 24/ 06/ 2012 10:02 AM M Bella 0 0 30/ 01/ 2012 12:59 PM M 1/ 03/ 2012 10:42 PM M Bob 0 0 21/ 09/ 2011 8:50 PM M 11/ 11/ 2011 12:36 PM M Cameron 0 0 25/ 09/ 2011 7:06 PM M 11/ 11/ 2011 12:36 PM M Candy 0 0 8/ 09/ 2011 8:48 PM M 11/ 11/ 2011 12:36 PM M Cate 0 0 27/ 08/ 2011 8:35 PM M 11/ 11/ 2011 12:36 PM M Cellia 0 0 13/ 08/ 2011 10:33 PM M 24/ 06/ 2012 10:02 AM M Chapter 4 Findings 0 0 8/ 10/ 2011 2:47 PM M 11/ 11/ 2011 12:41 PM M code spreadsheet athletes 0 0 8/ 10/ 2011 2:52 PM M 12/ 12/ 2011 12:01 PM M concept model 0 0 8/ 12/ 2011 1:50 PM M 8/ 12/ 2011 1:55 PM M Destiny 0 0 26/ 11/ 2011 2:27 PM M 24/ 06/ 2012 10:02 AM M Donna 0 0 13/ 08/ 2011 10:53 PM M 11/ 11/ 2011 1:27 PM M Endnote Literature Pastotal care 0 0 8/ 10/ 2011 3:16 PM M 11/ 11/ 2011 1:29 PM M Endnote Literature for NVivo 0 0 9/ 10/ 2011 8:01 PM M 11/ 11/ 2011 1:29 PM M Endnote Literature on Methodology 0 0 9/ 10/ 2011 7:58 PM M 11/ 11/ 2011 1:29 PM M Endnote Literature on overseas schools 0 0 9/ 10/ 2011 8:03 PM M 11/ 11/ 2011 1:29 PM M Endnote Literature on Skill development 0 0 8/ 10/ 2011 3:21 PM M 11/ 11/ 2011 1:29 PM M Endnote Literature on sport schools throughout Asutralia 0 0 8/ 10/ 2011 3:22 PM M 11/ 11/ 2011 1:29 PM M Endnote literature on time constraints and management 0 0 8/ 10/ 2011 3:23 PM M 11/ 11/ 2011 1:29 PM M Endnote Literature on Wellbeing 0 0 8/ 10/ 2011 3:24 PM M 11/ 11/ 2011 1:29 PM M Endnote literature performatrive pedagogy 0 0 15/ 11/ 2011 7:22 AM M 15/ 11/ 2011 7:25 AM M Endnote Literature Review Defintions 0 0 8/ 10/ 2011 3:14 PM M 11/ 11/ 2011 1:29 PM M An example of other software audio transcript: directly uploaded using this software (these were notes taken during each interview and had ‘bookmarks’ connected to them) It is possible to use ‘adobe flash player’ and the audio can be heard by clicking on each code Radio interview: ABC interview Balancing sport & study - Maureen O'Neill 04 October 2011 , 5:16 PM by Jessica Hinchliffe If you're young and an athlete how do you fit in school? Do you do it from home, do you attend sometimes and not others? A PhD Student from Sunshine Coast University, Maureen O'Neill is looking into the demands placed on students who hit the books but also achieve in the sporting field. Why has she chosen such a topic? Mary-Lou spoke to Maureen to find out why. http://www.blogs.abc.net.au/files/drive--phd---maureen-oneill---air.mp3 Examples of other software and ethics letters contained in internals: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txG5a70LnYY Jessica Fox; school-age kayak/slalom Australian champion Author, Year Title Endnote # My group: School models: {"Olympic Diver Tom Daley moves schools to escape bullying", 2009 #390;Aboriginal Affairs, 2010 #608;Aboriginal Affairs New South Wales, 2001 #555;Adair, 1997 #634;Aicinena, 2006 #216;Athlete Career and Education, 2009 #9;Australian Education International, 2010 #556;Australian Government, 2011 #651;Australian Institute of Sport, 1996 #589;Australian Institute of Sport, 2010 #521;Australian Institute of Sport, 2011 #641;Australian Rugby League, 2010 #557;Australian Sports Commission, 2007 #650;Australian Sports Commission, 2009 #389;Australian Sports Commission, 2010 #496;Australian Sports Commission, 2010 #552;Australian Sports Commission, 2010 #590;Australian Sports Commission, 2010 #592;Australian Sports Commission, 2010 #593} 9 November 2012 Barbara Palmer Manager, Office of Research Tel: Fax: +61 7 5459 4727 Email: [email protected] +61 7 5459 4574 Mrs Maureen O’Neill Dr Bill Allen Ms Angela Calder Faculty of Science, Health and Education Dear Maureen, Bill and Angela Expedited ethics approval for amended research project: High performance athletes at school: A study of conflicting demands (S/11/347) This letter is to confirm that on 9 November 2012, the Chairperson of the Human Research Ethics Committee of the University of the Sunshine Coast granted expedited ethics approval for an amendment to the project, High performance athletes at school: A study of conflicting demands (S/11/347). Use of colour codes It is helpful to designate a colour to each item listed in your internals which will be consistent throughout all items in the project (this selection will be outlined more in stage three: running queries) For this project the colour codes were: Green: Athletes Pink: Teachers Red: Parents Blue: Endnote literature Orange: Subgroup of athletes ( Female) Yellow: Main three higher order themes Memos: ‘Annotations’- keep your ideas and reflections from all interviews Annette 1 1 16/12/2011 8:57 AM M ASA220911...... Notes from interview 17 year old kayaker international competitor. Annette is doing VPR (completing the OP over 3 years ) Participant: Annette is a 17 yrs. kayaker attending a government school to complete her OP (VPR) Demographics: Annette (Female) is 17 years , government school, individual sport Background: Annette has made an option to complete the OP over VPR to combine both sport and education. She completes at least 20 hours of training per week. She mentioned in the interview: problem emotional support sacrifices especially in the form of a social life need flexibility of schooling individually based plan for athletes 3/01/2012 8:28 PM Externals: For this project: stored the 39 interviews and links as seen allow connections between participants Jo 1 1 13/ 08/ 2011 10:37 AM M Attributes: These are characteristics or properties of a source item or node which assist in analysing the data Values: Each attribute has a set value of : • • • • male, female, not applicable and unassigned e.g. ‘gender’ had the value attached Case classification: Imported demographics of participants already created outside of program. Code School model and Sport State Individual(I)/Team( Age Pseudo Competition status Gender 18 Tiana International F T) TWA060911 Non-government I In-school scholarship AIS Qld SVA250811 Government T 18+ Sue VPR NTID F National In school excellence Qld KEA050811 Government I 18+ Kylie International F T 18+ Bob International M I 19 Teila Age range F Qld BAA160811 Government Qld, NZ & USA TCA160911 Non-government Catholic National NSW LBA160911 Non-government Catholic NSW I 18+ Lee International F When imported into the project resembles the following: Case Age Schooling model Sport Type age assessment groups type gender Nodes\\people \\Annette 16 years old government Individual 15 to18 years formative Nodes\\people \\Belinda 17 years old specific pathway Individual 15 to18 years Nodes\\people \\Bob 18+ years old government Team Nodes\\people \\Bella 18+ years old government Nodes\\people \\Cameron 18+ years old government Schooling options particip ants school status female VPR over 3 years athletes at school formative female 2 years full load athletes at school 18 + years old summative male 2 years full load athletes left school Unassigned 18+ years old Unassigned female Unassigned teacher Unassigned Individual 18 + years old summative male athletes left school 2 years full load Stage 2:Topic ABSTRACTION: OF OBVIOUS TOPICS FROM THE TRANSCRIPTS COMMENCES. GROUPING: OF RELATED CONCEPTS KNOWN AS ‘NODES’ BEGINS. CODING STRIPES AND HIGHLIGHTS: CERTAIN PHRASES AND SENTENCES PARAGRAPHS AND OBVIOUS TOPICS To assist with initial nodes try using concept maps. The one seen below was the designed for the athletes’ group(Chapter 5) where the data being analysed was illustrating their ‘voice’ – their perspective of the needs and demands of combining dual endeavours. Before coding transcripts to nodes it is necessary to create node classification for each of the participants. In this project 39 node classifications were created linking the nodes to each ‘people classification’. Below is a sample of the 39 ‘people’ nodes are seen Name Zac Will Tom Tiana Tia Telia Tammy Sun Sue Shelly Phil Pete Ned Mike Melinda Mary Mark Linda Lee Leanne Kylie Kerry Jodie Jo Jenny Glen Donna Destiny Celia Sources 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 References 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Created On 16/12/2011 8:57AM 16/12/2011 8:57 AM 16/12/2011 8:57 AM 16/12/2011 8:57 AM 16/12/2011 8:57 AM 16/12/2011 8:57 AM 16/12/2011 8:57 AM 16/12/2011 8:57 AM 16/12/2011 8:57 AM 16/12/2011 8:57 AM 16/12/2011 8:57 AM 16/12/2011 8:57 AM 16/12/2011 8:57 AM 16/12/2011 8:57 AM 16/12/2011 8:57 AM 16/12/2011 8:57 AM 16/12/2011 8:57 AM 16/12/2011 8:57 AM 16/12/2011 8:57 AM 16/12/2011 8:57 AM 16/12/2011 8:57 AM 16/12/2011 8:57 AM 16/12/2011 8:57 AM 16/12/2011 8:57 AM 16/12/2011 8:57 AM 16/12/2011 8:57 AM 16/12/2011 8:57 AM 16/12/2011 8:57 AM 16/12/2011 8:57 AM Created By M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M Nodes Transcripts(tip: turn on coding stripes) Preview for next eSeminar Stage 3: Analytic Merging nodes into hierarchies Data sets Models and relationships Using Queries Running Queries Matrix coding queries Cross case queries analysis Stage 4: Drawing conclusions Verification Developing theories Contact email: [email protected] References: Australian Olympic Committee. (2012). Australian Olympic team:Olympic sports. Retrieved September 15, 2012 ,from http:://www.london2012oly,pics.com.au/sports. Edhlund, B. (2011). NVivo essentials. Sweden: Form & Kunskap AB. O’Neill, M. (2012) High performance school-age athletes: A study of conflicting demands, Unpublished doctoral dissertation, The University of the Sunshine Coast. Maroochydore. Queensland. Richards, L. (2002). Rigorous, rapid, reliable and qualitative? Computing in qualitative method. The American Journal of Health ?Behavior, 26(6), 425-436 Sinkovics, R., & Alfoldi, E. (2012). Facilitating the interaction between theory and data in qualitative research using CAQDAS, In G. Symon and C. Cassel (eds.) Qualitative organizational research: Core methods and current challenges, London: Sage publications, 109-113.Retrieved , March, 20, 2012, from http://www.manchester.ac.uk/escholar/uk-ac-man-scw:159596
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