How to Fill Out a Family Group Record You can use a Family Group Record to (1) record information for your own family records, (2) request ordinances in temples of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for deceased members of your immediate family, and (3) organize your information before using TempfeReady" to request ordinances . If your stake does not yet have TempleReady, you can use this form to submit names for temple ordinances . Page 15 of A Member's Guide to Temple and Family History Work tells where to send it . If you already have a Family Group Record for a family, you do not need to copy the information from the earlier version. Notice that some of the spaces for recording information now appear in a different order than previous versions of this form . For more information about Family Group Records, see your ward family history consultant, and read A Member's Guide to Temple and Family History Work, which is available from Church distribution centers. Names " Write given names and last names in the appropriate spaces . Whatever you write will be used as the person's name in the temple . Avoid quotation marks, brackets, and terms that are not names. If a person was known by a nickname or by more than one name, write or between the names. Dates " Write complete dates if known. " Calculate unknown dates if possible . For example, a person who was two years old in 1860 was born in 1858 . " Approximate the year if necessary by adding about. " If you do not know the birth date, approximate it or write the christening date or the date of another event. " If you are sure of the death but do not know the date, write D or dead (for people born within the last 1 10 years) . Places Write names of places in order from smallest to largest geographical divisions, separated by commas . For example: town, county, state, country. If a town or county is not known, indicate it with a comma or add the word county. If you don't know the place of an event, write of and the family's place of residence. Children " List the children in birth order . " Write M or F for each child's sex. " Mark a direct ancestor with an X if you wish . " List the name of the child's spouse if you know it . To have the couple sealed, list them as husband and wife on another family group record. Who will provide the proxies " Mark option 1 if you will provide proxies for the baptisms, endowments, and sealings . " Mark option 2 if you want the temple to provide all proxies. Andre Husband Givenname(s) Born (day month year _ 6Mor1 Christens aco Place Family Group Record Last name If typing, setspacing at1112 Jackson or Dock Luck, Madison, North Carolina,USA ' Dec 1928 End°wed Sealed to parents Place Died Place abtl932 Buried Place Wife's father Given names) life's other Given names) Children Flat Rock, Herideroon, N. Carolina James Newton Mellnda Jesee Andrew Place _ Born (day month year) Mar 5 Games) Born(dayolnth ear) b C istened~ DRAKE D Place End°wed Sealed to parents Deceased Temple 31 End29 O See "Other marriages" Mar1972 june 1972 Sealed to 2J p ny l 1976 Sealed s ,~y In se 19,521 Provo Provo OG WA mar~iagee~ Baptized Endowed Sealed to spouse DRAKE Last name f Fletcher, Henderoon, N . Carolina o 5 artariburg, 5 artanburg, 5 . Carolina Last Charles Henry name Williams Place Columbus, l'olk, N . Carolina 5Nov1961 1908 Plane Temple Sealed to parents Hariet Jane or Lulu Spouse Given name(s) Married DRAKE ~ame Last name Place Born (day mon 5e t1886 Christened Died Place e or Mollie Nebo, , N . Carolina See Other marriages" done done Baptized Baptized Place Spouse Given name(s) Married 3 Sex Given names) Place LDS ordinance dates Deceased _Deceased Place J Deceased 0 0 o 5t. Charles, Aoheville, Durncombe, N. Car. ase Died Flat Rock, Henderoon, N . Carolina 28 Jul 19 Maxwell or Corn Given ns s) Louioa Jane nema Place ed 1899 Henderoon County, N . Carolina ''t 1 dJan 1880 Sealed to spouse LDS ordinance dates Last name °Other marriages" See Temple Mc Min n Maxwell Last name laden name List eaoh child (whether living or dead) in order of birth . 1 Sex Given names) LDSordinance dates Place Christened 3 lot O Baptized Place Fletcher, Herideroon, N . Garohna Henderson Count N . Carolina Married ar Piece Hendersonville, Henderson, N . Carolina td 1878 'Gnd'sfather Last Givenivenname(s) or K e name DRAKE Hezekiah Husband's mother Maiden Jane Given name(s) name Maiden McMinn Em il name names) Born (day1mrn`Jthyear) Placa Herideroon County, N . Carolina 2J ied20 Buried Page DRAKE Place Endowed Sealed to parents Sealed to spouse Your name Select only one of the following options . Theoption you select apples to all nameson this form. Option 1-Family File Send all A tlanta names to my family file at the Temple . Option 2-Temple File Send all names to any temple, and assign proxies for all approved ordinances . 3-Ancestral File'" Send all names to the computerized Ancestral File for research purposes only, not for ordinances . am including the required pedigree chart . " Mark option 3 if you do not want to request ordinances but want to contribute to Ancestral Filer". (See "Contributing Information to Ancestral File" on the back of this sheet.) marriages' Baptized Address Phone (7041 Inez Drake Hiatt 7521 Greentree Dr 28201 Charlotte,, NC 555-13 0 Published by The C Date pre ared un e 1992 rchofJesusChdsio1Laller-deylonis " If you are sending your information to someone, write your name, address, and telephone number . in/11 Pf1Oiedi1g11 31827 Page Andrew Jackson Emily Husband Given name s Wife Given names) 4 Annie Elizabeth Fletcher Heriderson Given Born (day monthgear) Place Christened Place abtl9o Died 1 Jul 1960 name of Married Sex abt,1910 Given name(s) Christened Place Died, Place Spouse Given name(s) 6 Sex Place Given names) Lee Joseph ear) Feb 1900' Givenname(s) 7 Sex Given Aberrta 24 KAgr 1c)72 Alberta 115, 11 j ly 1282 WA Sealed to parents Sealed to Baptized Endowed Place space. on es performed now, write Do not Other Marriages DRAKE Fletcher, Henderson, N . Carolina B ptized not Submit d'onot Submit aled o parents c7o rl~ Submit coo V other spouse on another Family Place Baptized Place Endowed Spouse Given name(s) Ruth I 12 0 t 1930 Sealedto " Sources of information are not required for temple ordinances to .- be performed but should be recorded for your own records. List other marriages and sealings of the husband, wife, and children on this form. List any necessary explanati " For families with more than seven children, attach additional forms s. # 7 John and (2) 22 Mar 1958 Mary Ellen Roberto securely . " Page three should begin with child # 6 do not Submit names because widow and children have no given their permission. eight. Change the children's numbers on the extra forms. # 4 Annie and (2) 1923 John Smith Sources of Information Group Record. " If desired, write details here . Sources Last name Place Married See"Other marria es ® Christened this box. " To seal a person to a spouse other than the one on this family group record, write the person and the o~notp5uuebmit- Born(daymonthyear, Kansas City, , Missouri, U5A " If there are other marriages, mark See "Other marria es" name Place write BIC in the Sealed to Parents submit. afford, Ononda a, New York, USA BROWN Folly Loo An ales, Loo An ales, Calif., U5A John peter DRAKE Fletcher, Hender5on, N . Carolina, U5A Died " If a child was born in the covenant, " For ordinances that should not be name Other marriages write Child in the baptism and endowment spaces . See "Other marriages" nLast ame of ordinances will not be performed again. spouse child child , " Write the date and temple if known, or write Done so the " If a child died before age eight, Sealed to spouse Place Married Ordinance Information ® marriages" Endowed G1Seald d Place Died 1g90 pages used for this family group. Temple Baptized Hender5on County, N . Carolina Place Christened " Last name of " Write the page number and total 3 Last name Married Born (daymnnth Hendereon County, N . Carolina DRAKE Fletcher, Heridereon, N . Carolina Plabf Place May 1x95 DRAKE N . Carolina of Each side of a record is one page . Last name Born (day month year) 1892 Drake McMinn Hants, Newport, Nova 51 Canada Place Spouse Given name(s) 5 Maiden name List each child (whether living or dead) in order ~f birth Children Sex name 2 Contributing Information to Ancestral File Add further information on attached sheets as necessary. Personal knowledge Richard & Inez Hiatt Also certificates, obituaries, census and cemete of If you are using this form to contribute family information records to the Church's Ancestral File, send it to : Child #2 was from a letter dated Feb. 18 Ancestral File Submissions Family History Department Note : Please take every reasonable step to see that the rotor history files and reduce duplication of temple ordinance w on on this form is as accurate and complete as practical . This will help maintain the integrity of Church family Page Husband Given n Andrew Jackson Emil (s) ven names)) 8 Children Sex List each child (whether living or dead) amen(s) DieBdl, Maiden name in order of birth, Charlotte Grace of Fletcher Henderson Born (daymN~,1a501 d `J' Christened ame ed a5 a bab 1 name Place Place Place Drake McMinn DRAKE N. Carolina i _ Baptized Endowed of 3 Temple E] Sealed to parents I am 3 See marriages" 50 East North Temple Street Salt Lake City, UT 84150 C) 1997 by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints . All rights reserved. Printed the USA. English approval : 6/97 in
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