Max Planck EU Regional Office Baden-Württemberg How to make good use of funding programmes for your own career development Tübingen/Freiburg, Jul 2011 Patrice Wegener, Dr. Christine Vogler 1 Max Planck EU Regional Office Baden-Württemberg Overview 1. The Network of Max Planck (EU) Research Offices 2. Overview: The funding landscape at a glance 3. Introducing Marie-Curie Fellowships and Grants 4. ERC Starting Independent Grant 5. Other Fellowships 6. Team simulation game: a Marie Curie Intra-European application 2 Max Planck EU Regional Office Baden-Württemberg 1. The Network of Max Planck (EU) Research Offices MP Office Brussels MP EU Regional Office Baden-Württemberg MP EU Regional Office Bayern MP EU Regional Office Niedersachsen MP EU Regional Office Berlin-Brandenburg MP EU Regional Office Bonn MP EU Regional Office Rheinland-Pfalz & Saarland MP EU Regional Office Rhein-Ruhr MP EU Regional Office Sachsen … and many more local MPI offices available for advice, assistance, etc. 3 Max Planck EU Regional Office Baden-Württemberg MPI Metals Research MPI Solid State Research MPI Biological Cybernetics MPI Developmental Biology MPI International Criminal Law MPI Immunobiology Friedrich-MiescherLaboratory Max Planck EU Regional Office Baden-Württemberg Furthering effective participation from Max Planck scientists in European Union funded research and related activities: information and expert advice on EU funding opportunities, programmes and policies comprehensive assistance with bid preparations backup during contract negotiation and project management help with cost calculation information about trans-national researcher mobility as well as ERC starting and ERC advanced grants advice on strategy or profile building (individual or group) individual advice for young scientists 5 Max Planck EU Regional Office Baden-Württemberg 6 Max Planck EU Regional Office Baden-Württemberg 2. Overview: The funding landscape at a glance The young researcher’s challenge - PhD: cross-road between research and professional career - The Post-doc between dependence, “quasi-independence”, and “early independence” - Building an early competitive profile for gaining a later tenure position - Learning the ‘Art of Grantsmanship’: difference that makes or brakes an application (“Good writing will not save bad ideas, but bad writing can kill good ones”, Jack Kraicer, HFSP ) - Overcoming access barriers to project funding and grants MPG PhD-Net and Lead-Net: opportunities to network, exchange experiences, organise training sessions or workshops (science, management, career/profile building) 7 Max Planck EU Regional Office Baden-Württemberg Defining the ‘young researcher’ phase No age restriction Post-Doc years Copyright: Patrice Wegener, 2011 PhD phase Post-Doc phase Young Post-Doc (0 - ~ 3 y) Senior young Post-Doc (< 10 y) Marie Curie ‘young researcher’ definition FET Young Explorer Projects International profile building Early independence 8 Max Planck EU Regional Office Baden-Württemberg 3. Introducing Marie-Curie Fellowships and Grants I. Marie Curie: Basics II. Marie Curie Fellowships and Grants III. Marie Curie Initial Training Networks IV. Marie Curie IAPP 9 Max Planck EU Regional Office Baden-Württemberg 3.I. Marie Curie: Basics (1) Marie Curie features • “Training-through-research under supervision” (research project and integrated personal career development plan) • Marie Curie actions open to all areas of scientific research (bottom up) • Most actions (fellowships and grants) open to any career development phase • Experience criterion instead of age limit • Transnational mobility (Europe, overseas) • Individual fellowship/grant based • Straightforward application process, costs calculated automatically • Good opportunity for PhD and first years’ Post-Docs to gain initial experience • Opportunity for host institutions: ‘brain gain’, skilled staff 10 Max Planck EU Regional Office Baden-Württemberg 3.I. Marie Curie: Basics (2) Marie Curie definitions: Who is eligible? • ‘Early stage’ researcher: < 4 years of active research experience (e.g. researchers undertaking a doctoral degree) at the moment of recruitment • ‘Experienced’ researcher: with at least 4 years of active research experience or a doctoral degree (but: ‘very experienced’ researcher with >10 years) • ‘Nationality’: there are no more restrictions anymore. Single exception: Marie Curie International Outgoing Fellowship (IOF), which is open to Nationals from EU member or associated states AND to nationals of third countries which have resided in Europe for at least 5 years prior to application deadline. • Marie Curie mobility rule: (a) transnational mobility, (b) max. 1 out of the last 3 years in the host country at the moment of proposal submission or selection (host institution action) 11 Max Planck EU Regional Office Baden-Württemberg 3. Introducing Marie-Curie Fellowships and Grants I. Marie Curie: Basics II. Marie Curie Fellowships and Grants, COFUND III. Marie Curie Initial Training Networks IV. Marie Curie IAPP 12 Max Planck EU Regional Office Baden-Württemberg 3.II. Marie Curie Fellowships (IEF) 13 Max Planck EU Regional Office Baden-Württemberg 3.II. Marie Curie Fellowships (IEF) Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship (Deadline: 11 Aug 2011) Providing experienced researchers with additional and/or complementary research competences to each/reinforce a position of professional maturity/independence Transnational mobility within Europe (EU or Associated states) Researchers of any nationality, max. of 12 months residence during last three years in country of host institution Duration: 1 - 2 years in total at European host institution Candidate applies together with European host institution Salary (living & mobility allowance), research & travel costs, overhead 14 Max Planck EU Regional Office Baden-Württemberg 3.II. Marie Curie Fellowships (COFUND) Marie Curie COFUND Fellowships (Deadline: various) Regional, national or international postdoc programmes co-funded between institutions in Member or Associated states and the EU Marie Curie Actions Transnational mobility required Specific eligibility criteria depending on programme Example 1: Basque Foundation for Science (ikerbasque): permanent contract positions at a Basque research institution for senior PhD holders (completed before 2007) with a solid track record Application Deadline: September 30 ( ) Example 2: ETH Zurich Postdoctoral Fellowship Program: 1-2 year fellowships for young postdocs (PhD not longer than two years ago) Application deadline: March 1 and September 1 ( ) 15 Max Planck EU Regional Office Baden-Württemberg 3.II. Marie Curie Fellowships (COFUND) Marie Curie COFUND (Deadline: various) List of programmes: Kowi: CORDIS: EURAXESS: 16 Max Planck EU Regional Office Baden-Württemberg 3.II. Marie Curie Fellowships (IOF) 17 Max Planck EU Regional Office Baden-Württemberg 3.II. Marie Curie Fellowships (IOF) Marie Curie International Outgoing Fellowship (Deadline: 11 Aug 2011) Reinforcing the international dimension in career of European researchers Transnational mobility from Europe to a third country (e.g. USA, China, Ghana, etc.) Nationals from EU Member or Associated state, and from third country if residence during last five years in Europe Duration: 2 - 3 years in total, of which 1 - 2 years in third country followed by mandatory return phase at European host institution Candidate applies together with third country and European host institution Salary (living & mobility allowance), research & travel costs, overhead 18 Max Planck EU Regional Office Baden-Württemberg 3.II. Marie Curie Fellowships (IIF) 19 Max Planck EU Regional Office Baden-Württemberg 3.II. Marie Curie Fellowships (IIF) Marie Curie Incoming International Fellowship (Deadline: 11 Aug 2011) Attracting top-class researchers currently active in third country, mutual benefit Transnational mobility from third country (e.g. USA, China, Ghana, etc.) to Europe Researchers of any nationality, max of 12 months residence during last three years in country of host institution Duration: 1 - 2 years incoming phase, possible additional 1 year return phase at third country host institution (ICPC) Candidate applies together with European (and - i/a - third country) host institution Salary (living & mobility allowance), research & travel costs, overhead 20 Max Planck EU Regional Office Baden-Württemberg 3.II. Marie Curie Fellowships (CIG) 21 Max Planck EU Regional Office Baden-Württemberg 3.II. Marie Curie Fellowships (CIG) Marie Curie Career Integration Grant (Deadline: 6 Sep 2011) Aims to improve the researchers’ prospects to establish themselves in a stable position in an EU MS or AC following a period of mobility Until 2010: European Reintegration into research career in Europe after MC IEF of 18+ months; Int’l Reintegration into research career in Europe after 3+years mobility Transcontinental OR transnational mobility within Europe (EU or Associated states) Researchers of any nationality, max. of 12 months residence during last three years in country of host institution Duration: 2 - 4 years Candidate applies together with European host institution Annual flat rate contribution to research costs (25,000 € p.a.) 22 Max Planck EU Regional Office Baden-Württemberg 3.II. Marie Curie Fellowships (IRSES) 23 Max Planck EU Regional Office Baden-Württemberg 3.II. Marie Curie Fellowships: Finances (1) 24 Max Planck EU Regional Office Baden-Württemberg 3.II. Marie Curie Fellowships: Finances (2) Source: People Work programme 2011, p. 66 25 Max Planck EU Regional Office Baden-Württemberg 3.II. Marie Curie Fellowships: Application 26 Max Planck EU Regional Office Baden-Württemberg 3.II. Marie Curie Fellowships: Evaluation Evaluation within 9 Panels: 9 panels: Chemistry CHE, Social and Human Sciences SOC, Economic Sciences ECO, Information science and Engineering ENG, Environment and Geosciences ENV, Life Sciences LIF, Mathematics MAT, Physics PHY, multidisciplinary ‘career restart’ panel Evaluation criteria and scoring (Overall threshold: 70% ) Weighting (%) Threshold S&T quality (science, innov., timeliness, host & supervisor) 25 3 (of 5) Training (clarity & quality, relevance, host expertise) 15 3 (of 5) Researcher (experience, ‘potential’, match w/ project) 25 4 (of 5) Implementation (feasibility / work plan, infrastructure) 15 N/A (of 5) Impact (science & career development, benefit for ‘Europe’) 20 3.5 (of 5) Max Planck EU Regional Office Baden-Württemberg 3.II. Marie Curie Fellowships: Timeline Marie Curie IEF Life Cycle Deadline 11 Aug 2011 Project start 1 Apr 2012 Interim report Proposal preparation Project life (24 months) Periodic report and final report Evaluation of reports Jul-Aug 2011 Evaluation Sep-Nov 2011 Project end 31 Mar 2014 Final EU payment Max Planck EU Regional Office Baden-Württemberg 3. Introducing Marie-Curie Fellowships and Grants I. Marie Curie: Basics II. Marie Curie Fellowships and Grants III. Marie Curie Initial Training Networks IV. Marie Curie IAPP 29 Max Planck EU Regional Office Baden-Württemberg 3.III. Marie Curie Initial Training Networks (1) 30 Max Planck EU Regional Office Baden-Württemberg 3.III. Marie Curie Initial Training Networks (2) Research Job Vacancies: 31 Max Planck EU Regional Office Baden-Württemberg 3. Introducing Marie-Curie Fellowships and Grants I. Marie Curie: Basics II. Marie Curie Fellowships and Grants III. Marie Curie Initial Training Networks IV. Marie Curie IAPP 32 Max Planck EU Regional Office Baden-Württemberg 3.IV. Marie Curie Industry-Academia Pathways (IAPP) 33 Max Planck EU Regional Office Baden-Württemberg Annex: Marie Curie online (I) General Information: 34 Max Planck EU Regional Office Baden-Württemberg Annex: Marie Curie online (II) ¾ (general info) ¾ (application documents & online application tool EPSS) 35 Max Planck EU Regional Office Baden-Württemberg 4. ERC Starting Independent Grant I. ERC StG: Basics II. ERC StG: How to apply III. ERC StG: Evaluation process 36 Max Planck EU Regional Office Baden-Württemberg 4.I. ERC StG: Basics (1) between 2 and 12 • Separate streams: „Starters“ (2 - 7 y), „Consolidators“ (7 - 12 y) 37 Max Planck EU Regional Office Baden-Württemberg 4.I. ERC StG: Basics (2) 38 Max Planck EU Regional Office Baden-Württemberg 4.I. ERC StG: Basics (3) Success rates 2007 - 2011 1st Call: ERC-2007-StG (2007) - Budget: 335m € 8,794 559 (6%) 299 projects (3.4%) 2nd Call: ERC-2009-StG (2008/09) - Budget: 325m € 2,503 457 (18%) 243 projects (9.7%) 3rd Call: ERC-2010-StG (2009/10) - Budget: 528m € 2,873 780 (27%) 427 projects (15%) 4th Call: ERC-2011-StG (2010/11) - Budget: 661m € 4,080 950 (23%) ~500 projects (12%) 39 Max Planck EU Regional Office Baden-Württemberg 4.I. ERC StG: Basics (4) Profile of average successful applicant in 2007/08 • Applicants: 9,167, Grantees: 299 (3.3%), out of which MPS: 9 (4xLS, 5xPE) • 76% male / 24% female grantees • 33 - 38 years old (range: 28 - 44 years, Ø 35,6 years) • 5 - 8 years postdoctoral experience (Ø 6,4) • ~7% mobility Profile of average successful applicant in 2008/09 • Applicants: 2,503, Grantees: 256 (10%), out of which MPS: 6 (3xLS, 1xPE, 2xSH) • 77% male / 23% female grantees • 34 - 39 years old (range: 31 - 45 years, Ø 36 years) • 5 - 9 years postdoctoral experience (Ø 7,2) • ~8% mobility Profile of calls in 2009/10 + 2010/11 Two distinct streams: „Starters“ (2-6y / 2-7y) and „Consolidators“ (6-10y / 7-12y) ERC project budget: 950 k € (Humanities) - 1.35 m € (Sciences) 40 Max Planck EU Regional Office Baden-Württemberg 4. ERC Starting Independent Grant I. ERC StG: Basics II. ERC StG: How to apply III. ERC StG: Evaluation process 41 Max Planck EU Regional Office Baden-Württemberg 4.II. ERC StG: How to apply (1) About the expected 2012 StG Call • Application: single stage, but two consecutive steps • Publication of call: 20 July 2011, budget: ~730m € • Three deadlines according to scientific domains: - Physical Sciences & Engineering: 12 Oct 2011 - Life Sciences: 09 Nov 2011 - Social Sciences and Humanities: 24 Nov 2011 • Evaluation (including interviews at step 2) may take ~ 7-8 months. 42 Max Planck EU Regional Office Baden-Württemberg 4.II. ERC StG: How to apply (2) Application involves 3 components • Administrative forms (“Part A” in Electronic Proposal Submission System – EPSS) • Research proposal (“Part B” – one stage, two steps, upload as PDF to EPSS) • Supporting documents (addendum to “Part B”, upload as PDF to EPSS) Official web pages • ERC StG Application documents and EPSS: • Official ERC Homepage: 43 Max Planck EU Regional Office Baden-Württemberg 4.II. ERC StG: How to apply (3) • Golden rule: major ideas & points clearly detectable … “help” the evaluators! • Evaluation criteria and procedure … slip into the evaluator’s role • Clear and concise presentation (e.g. Form A1 abstract and “extended synopsis”) • Self-evaluation: focused and realistic, 1:1 conclusions of track record, get feedback What distinguishes you from other applicants • Leadership potential: in charge of projects, groups, tasks, publications etc.? Prizes? Funding ID? International scientific collaborations and experiences, stays abroad etc.? First experience with scientific independence? • Part B – Scientific Proposal (“Wow-effect”): - Ground braking nature of the research – original and courageous, but feasible - Comprehensible and appropriate methodology, potential impact - Realistic cost management: (EU finances 100% of) personnel, consumables, equipment, travel - High gain/High-risk assessment: thinking out-of-the-box • Start early, get help & feedback from experienced colleagues and EU office 44 Max Planck EU Regional Office Baden-Württemberg 4. ERC Starting Independent Grant I. ERC StG: Basics II. ERC StG: How to apply III. ERC StG: Evaluation process 45 Max Planck EU Regional Office Baden-Württemberg 4.III. ERC StG: Evaluation process (1) • 25 thematic peer review evaluation panels (PSE: 10; SSH: 6; LS: 9) • Each panel consists of one panel chair and 10-12 panel members + remote experts • Single stage, but two-steps evaluation • Step 2 includes evaluation interview in Brussels • Evaluation: remote, panel meetings, panel chair meetings • Submission: one proposal and/or one grant at a time • Resubmission in ERC-2012-StG: only if above threshold in ERC-2011-StG step 1 evaluation (≥ 2 per criterion) 46 Max Planck EU Regional Office Baden-Württemberg 4.III. ERC StG: Evaluation process (2) Evaluation Criteria 1. Potential of Principal Investigator step1 step2 B1 mark A* - Quality of research output/track-record: 2. Quality of the Research project B1 - Ground-breaking nature of the research: - Potential impact - Methodology - High-gain/High-risk balance B2 A* (+ Interview) * New: a) Step 1 scoring: ‚A‘, ‚B‘, or ‚C‘ (‚A‘ is needed to pass to step 2) b) Step 2 scoring: ‚A‘ or ‚B‘ (‚A‘ is needed for eventual funding) Note: A = sufficient quality for step 2 or for funding; B = high quality; C = insufficient quality Old (ERC-2011-StG and earlier): min. of 2 P. and above budgetary cut-off 47 Max Planck EU Regional Office Baden-Württemberg 4.III. ERC StG: Evaluation process (3) 48 Max Planck EU Regional Office Baden-Württemberg 5. Other Fellowships I. EMBO II. HFSP III. DFG IV. Humboldt Foundation V. Others 49 Max Planck EU Regional Office Baden-Württemberg 5.I. EMBO Long-Term Fellowships WHAT is funded: 12 – 24 months fellowships in molecular biology Selection criteria: 1. Previous scientific achievements of the applicant 2. Novelty and biological significance of proposed research 3. Appropriateness of the host laboratory for the proposed research and for the training of the applicant. WHO can apply: PhD at start of the fellowship (no longer than 2 years ago) at least one first author publication move between countries – laboratory of origin OR receiving institution OR applicant nationality must be from EMBC member state HOW MUCH funding: depending on country; in Germany 34 904 € / year plus travel allowance WHEN to apply: 2 deadlines per year: 15 August, 15 February Selection process: online submission of proposal, interview success rate 12 – 15% Ö 50 Max Planck EU Regional Office Baden-Württemberg 5. Other Fellowships I. EMBO II. HFSP III. DFG IV. Humboldt Foundation V. Others 51 Max Planck EU Regional Office Baden-Württemberg 5.II. Human Frontier Science Program Postdoctoral Fellowships (1) WHAT is funded: Innovative basic research into complex biological systems Emphasis on novel approaches and interdisciplinarity, training in a new field 3 year fellowships (last year can be used to return to home country) Long-Term Fellowships for candidates with a PhD in a biological science for a project in a different field of life sciences Cross-Disciplinary Fellowships are open to applicants with a Ph.D. from outside the life sciences e.g. in physics, chemistry, mathematics, engineering or computer sciences WHO can apply: candidates from HFSP supporting countries, no longer than 12 months in host country PhD at start of the fellowship (not longer than 3 years ago) at least one first author publication 52 Max Planck EU Regional Office Baden-Württemberg 5.II. Human Frontier Science Program Postdoctoral Fellowships (2) HOW MUCH funding: depending on country, in Germany approx. 42 000 € / year plus annual travel and research allowance WHEN to apply: password registration: 25 August 2011 submission of application: 8 September 2011 success rate approx. 10% Ö Career Development Award: for former HFSP fellows upon return to their home country; 3 years of support for starting their first independent laboratory 53 Max Planck EU Regional Office Baden-Württemberg 5. Other Fellowships I. EMBO II. HFSP III. DFG IV. Humboldt Foundation V. Others 54 Max Planck EU Regional Office Baden-Württemberg 5.III. DFG (1) - Research Fellowships WHAT is funded: 3 – 24 months fellowships for project abroad WHO can apply: young German researchers international researchers who have been working in Germany for at least 3 years and state that they wish to continue to pursue their research in Germany in the future PhD at start of the fellowship peer reviewed publications HOW MUCH funding: 1 365 € / month (depending on age) plus additional allowance according to country, travel costs WHEN to apply: year round Possibility to apply for return fellowship after the stay abroad success rate approx. 30% Ö 55 Max Planck EU Regional Office Baden-Württemberg 5.III. DFG (2) - NIH/DFG Research Career Transition Awards Program WHAT is funded: 2 phases: 1) 2-3 years at one of the NIH institutes in the USA (fellowship provided by NIH, travel allowance by DFG) 2) 2-3 years at a research institution in Germany (position funded by DFG + 30 000€ project costs) WHO can apply: German nationals PhD no longer than 4 years ago At NIH for < 24 months WHEN to apply: Deadlines: 31 March and 30 September contact with NIH must be made first: Ö Ö 56 Max Planck EU Regional Office Baden-Württemberg 5. Other Fellowships I. EMBO II. HFSP III. DFG IV. Humboldt Foundation V. Others 57 Max Planck EU Regional Office Baden-Württemberg 5.IV. Alexander von Humboldt Foundation – AvH (1) WHAT is funded: 6 – 24 months fellowships for all disciplines WHO can apply: PhD at start of the fellowship (no longer than 4 years ago) peer reviewed publications Feodor Lynen Fellowship: applicant must be German or have lived in Germany for > 5 years host must be a former Humboldt fellow HOW MUCH funding: basic allowance of 1 365 € / month (depending on age) plus additional allowance according to family status, country (eg. 806 € / month in UK) etc. WHEN to apply: year round, selection meetings in February, June and October Possibility to apply for return fellowship success rate approx. 30% Ö 58 Max Planck EU Regional Office Baden-Württemberg 5.IV. Alexander von Humboldt Foundation – AvH (2) Humboldt Fellowship: foreign researchers coming to Germany no longer than 6 months in Germany (exception: PhD in Germany, completed no longer than 6 months ago at time of application) HOW MUCH funding: 2 250 € / month including mobility allowance plus 800 € / month research allowance WHEN to apply: year round, selection meetings in March, July and November Possibility to apply for return fellowship after the stay in Germany success rate approx. 30% Ö 59 Max Planck EU Regional Office Baden-Württemberg 5. Other Fellowships I. EMBO II. HFSP III. DFG IV. Humboldt Foundation V. Others 60 Max Planck EU Regional Office Baden-Württemberg 5.V. Others - DAAD Postdoc Fellowship WHAT is funded: 3 – 24 months fellowships for all disciplines WHO can apply: German nationals PhD with at least magna cum laude at start of the fellowship (no longer than 4 years ago) HOW MUCH funding: 1 365 € / month (depending on age) plus additional allowance according to country and family status WHEN to apply: 3 deadlines per year: 15 November, 15 March, 15 June Fellowship database for German researchers wishing to go abroad: Ö Fellowship database for foreign researchers wishing to come to Germany: Ö 61 Max Planck EU Regional Office Baden-Württemberg 5. Statistics - Success rates in 2011 Number of submitted proposals 2010 Increase compared to 2009 Proposals recommended to be funded Preliminary success rate 2,858 19 % 504 17.8% 738 23 % 143 19.4% 1,175 12 % 137 11.7% HFSP 900 approx. 25% 85 11% EMBO‐LTF 950 approx. 40% 120 12,6% Marie Curie IEF Marie Curie IOF Marie Curie IIF Large increase in submitted proposals throughout all programmes! 62 Max Planck EU Regional Office Baden-Württemberg 6. Team simulation game: a Marie Curie Intra-European application I. Introduction II. Group work (70 min) III. Discussion & evaluation (15 min) IV. Looking into an Evaluation Summary Report (ESR) 63 Max Planck EU Regional Office Baden-Württemberg 6. Team simulation game: a Marie Curie Intra-European application I. Introduction ¾ Hands-on simulation of a proposal (downscaled version) ¾ Learning to organise and master the complexity of a MC proposal (research & training), and to efficiently rely on a supportive network (research supervisor, grant office etc.) ¾ The group is to choose a science topic and then to draft a proposal outline based on a short version of the proposal template (brainstorming style) ¾ Number of participants: max. 10 persons. Time: 70 min. ¾ Organise yourself along the proposal requirements: form ‚sub‘-teams or name persons in charge of certain aspects of the proposal ¾ Results to be very briefly presented by group, followed by discussion & evaluation ¾ Documents & infrastructure: Call fiche, Work programme, Guide for Applicants, EPSS, ‚EU office help desk‘ 64 Max Planck EU Regional Office Baden-Württemberg 6. Team simulation game: a Marie Curie Intra-European application I. Introduction - The parameters ¾ MC IEF, 24 months (full time) ¾ Applicant: young foreign postdoc, resident in Germany & MPI work contract since 1.1.2011 ¾ MC Host institution: MPI for Biological Cybernetics or Developmental Biology or Immunobiology and Epigenetics, MC supervisor depending on topic & Dept. ¾ Fellowship: a) work contract (‚Living‘ and ‚mobility allowance‘); b) contribution to research & travel; c) contribution to overhead of host institution. 65 Max Planck EU Regional Office Baden-Württemberg 6. Team simulation game: a Marie Curie Intra-European application I. Introduction - The proposal structure - Part A - EPSS forms (1 person) Registration, forms, proposal submission - Part B - Project description B1 Research and technological quality (1-2 persons, 1 page) B2 Training (1-2 persons, 1 page) B3 Researcher (1-2 persons, 1 page) B4 Implementation, incl. work plan (1-2 persons, 1 page) B5 Impact (1-2 persons, 1 page) ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ Get organised in sub-teams, responsibilities, tasks Check documentation, formal requirements, eligibility Ensure constant intra-team collaboration and communication Keep an eye on overall consistency of proposal parts Short work presentations of group (1 min per B-section) 66 Max Planck EU Regional Office Baden-Württemberg 6. Team simulation game: a Marie Curie Intra-European application Call Fiche 67 Max Planck EU Regional Office Baden-Württemberg 6. Team simulation game: a Marie Curie Intra-European application II. Group work Enjoy … ! ¾ 68 Max Planck EU Regional Office Baden-Württemberg 6. Team simulation game: a Marie Curie Intra-European application III. Discussion and evaluation Evaluation within 9 Panels: - Chemistry CHE - Social and Human Sciences SOC - Economic Sciences ECO - Information science and Engineering ENG - Environment and Geosciences ENV - Life Sciences LIF - Mathematics MAT - Physics PHY - Multidisciplinary ‘career restart’ panel 69 Max Planck EU Regional Office Baden-Württemberg 6. Team simulation game: a Marie Curie Intra-European application III. Discussion and evaluation 70 Max Planck EU Regional Office Baden-Württemberg 6. Team simulation game: a Marie Curie Intra-European application IV. Looking into an Evaluation Summary Report (ESR) - I 71 Max Planck EU Regional Office Baden-Württemberg 6. Team simulation game: a Marie Curie Intra-European application IV. Looking into an Evaluation Summary Report (ESR) - II 72 Max Planck EU Regional Office Baden-Württemberg 6. Team simulation game: a Marie Curie Intra-European application IV. Looking into an Evaluation Summary Report (ESR) - III 73 Max Planck EU Regional Office Baden-Württemberg 6. Team simulation game: a Marie Curie Intra-European application IV. Looking into an Evaluation Summary Report (ESR) - IV 74 Max Planck EU Regional Office Baden-Württemberg 6. Team simulation game: a Marie Curie Intra-European application IV. Looking into an Evaluation Summary Report (ESR) - V 75 Max Planck EU Regional Office Baden-Württemberg 6. Team simulation game: a Marie Curie Intra-European application IV. Looking into an Evaluation Summary Report (ESR) - VI 76 Max Planck EU Regional Office Baden-Württemberg 6. Team simulation game: a Marie Curie Intra-European application IV. Looking into an Evaluation Summary Report (ESR) - VII 77 Max Planck EU Regional Office Baden-Württemberg 6. Team simulation game: a Marie Curie Intra-European application Marie Curie IEF Life Cycle Deadline 11 Aug 2011 Project start 1 Apr 2012 Interim report Proposal preparation Project life (24 months) Periodic report and final report Evaluation of reports Jul-Aug Evaluation Sep-Nov 2011 Project end 31 Mar 2014 Final EU payment Max Planck EU Regional Office Baden-Württemberg Thank you for your attention! Patrice Wegener, Dr Christine Vogler Max Planck EU Regional Office Baden-Württemberg Spemannstr. 41 72076 Tübingen 79
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